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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Katherine and Laura
Katherine frowned and swam back a little bit. "Well, they say that water is good for the soul. If you change your mind that's alright." Katherine playfully splashed some water at Jonathon before turning back to Laura. "Okay, Laura, how are you finding it so far?" Laura smiled and splashed her arms in the water. "Aah it's fun!" Katherine smiled and sank into the water, holding Laura. Laura was about to scream but that was completely muffled by the water. Katherine pulled her to the surface and Laura was shaking even more now. "Mom that was scary and fun!" Laura hung from Katherine. Katherine just pointed to the water and stood up. Since she was tall, a lot of her top half was out of the water at this point and Laura was just holding onto her. "Okay, I'm gonna show you how to hold your breath in a minute." Katherine then turned to Thomas, Paige, and Tristin. "Hey, Laura's learning really fast."


Tristin shook water onto Thomas before swimming over to where Katherine was and just floating there.
"A few seconds of relaxing before Thomas jumps on me again." Tristin laughed and looked at Thomas with a look that said 'come at me.'

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Igor stared at the carrier. "We need way to get tracker up there. We not sure if they only stay with us or go somewhere else. If they do, that's a problem. Can you shoot target moving at 200 miles an hour 15000 feet in the air?"

Jonathan took the splashing as playful and would think for a bit. It had been awhile since he swam, but he supposes it couldn't be that bad. He would start swimming in the water even in his samurai garb. "I suppose I'll take you on that offer," he says smiling as he enters in the water. For now he would just start moving around the water getting his bearings.

Sky would listen to Igor's request and wonders if he could accomplish such a feat. "Could I? I suppose so with my rifle. First things first I'll have to get to higher ground. I'll be right back," he would get his equipment and head over to the entrance of TEST. For now he would wait for Igor to give him a tracker of some kind since his own technology probably wasn't fit for tracking.

Thomas sank into the water and swam over before jumping on Tristin. "She sure is, well I'm going to submerge Tristin if you need me." He laughed before pulling Trisin and him down into the water.


Jason shook his head "That's the one place I can't find. We need somewhere to sleep, the best place we probably got is the park. They have snow cones, trees and benches. If you got a better place I would love to hear it," he said walking towards the park.


Katherine smiled when Jonathon decided to join. "Alright that's great." Katherine let Laura swim on her own a little bit and saw that she could. Katherine then swam next to Jonathon and looked down at him. "Uh. You do know your jumpsuit is supposed to change on the occasion right? Like..." Katherine pointed down her own swimsuit. "I'm still wearing a jumpsuit, just it reformed. Just think hard enough about having fun, alright?" Katherine stayed lower in the water for a few seconds and started swimming around Jonathon like a shark.



Laura was swimming around when she finally made it to Paige.
"Hi Paige! I think I got it!" Laura held onto Paige, trying sort of not to sink. Laura's face was wet enough to tell she wasn't doing a very good job.


Tristin took a breath before being pulled under by Thomas.
'So we meet again you incredibly sexy fishy...' Tristin decided to start by rolling around with Thomas and poking him on the stomach. She knew that these play fights could last for a long time, but that's what made it fun for the most part. Tristin then sandwiched herself onto him, although not against a wall or anything. 'Sexy fish sandwich.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
Katherine smiled when Jonathon decided to join. "Alright that's great." Katherine let Laura swim on her own a little bit and saw that she could. Katherine then swam next to Jonathon and looked down at him. "Uh. You do know your jumpsuit is supposed to change on the occasion right? Like..." Katherine pointed down her own swimsuit. "I'm still wearing a jumpsuit, just it reformed. Just think hard enough about having fun, alright?" Katherine stayed lower in the water for a few seconds and started swimming around Jonathon like a shark.



Laura was swimming around when she finally made it to Paige.
"Hi Paige! I think I got it!" Laura held onto Paige, trying sort of not to sink. Laura's face was wet enough to tell she wasn't doing a very good job.


Tristin took a breath before being pulled under by Thomas.
'So we meet again you incredibly sexy fishy...' Tristin decided to start by rolling around with Thomas and poking him on the stomach. She knew that these play fights could last for a long time, but that's what made it fun for the most part. Tristin then sandwiched herself onto him, although not against a wall or anything. 'Sexy fish sandwich.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I see. Well it's just that I've worn my samurai garb for so long that I can't imagine wearing anything else." Jonathon then watches as Katherine basically swims around him like a shark. He then decides to go underwater and see how long he can meditate while holding his breathe. Challenge accepted.

Katherine swam in front of him and sank down under after taking a breath. She had the discipline to meditate, but she probably couldn't do it the best since she was actually having fun after a really long time. It probably was a little weird meditating face-to-face with Jonathon underwater, even being this close, but she probably got herself into an impromptu breath holding contest.

Thomas smiled as he spun in the water, holding his breath with one hand. 'Alright, let's go' he then pressed her against a wall. 'I lied!' He thought to himself as he wrapped his legs around her legs so she couldn't swim up.

Paige saw Laura and smiled "Having a hard time swimming?" She asked picking her up and gently dipping her into the water on her back. "Stay perfectly still."

JPax42 said:
Katherine swam in front of him and sank down under after taking a breath. She had the discipline to meditate, but she probably couldn't do it the best since she was actually having fun after a really long time. It probably was a little weird meditating face-to-face with Jonathon underwater, even being this close, but she probably got herself into an impromptu breath holding contest.

In the time he began to meditate while holding his breath... Jonathon would be at hard focus. It seemed like a while before he finally opened his eyes to see Katherine in front of him. The surprise sort of caught him off-guard as he started to immediately get up and would take short simple breathes. "Well... that surprised me surely."

Jason shook his head "That's the one place I can't find. We need somewhere to sleep, the best place we probably got is the park. They have snow cones, trees and benches. If you got a better place I would love to hear it," he said walking towards the park.

Katrina smiled, "That's the best place to be!" She ran in front of Jason, took off her backpack, and flopped down on a bench. "I mean it's better then nothing!" Her optimistic outlook definitely helping the current situation.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin stared at Thomas intently. She had to do something amazing. With that, her eyes began to glow and she shot a quick burst of heat into the water, making a small flash. 'Bing!' Tristin used this to pull herself further into the water and sandwich Thomas between her chest and the wall. 'What's the similarity between Thomas and a sandwich? Both taste good.' Tristin almost laughed at her own joke and kissed Thomas, still holding back the urge to laugh.


Laura began shaking and splashing but eventually managed to stay still.
"Aah okay I'm still...I can make this work..."

@Shaggy the Shamrock
(Now I can write Shaggy the Shamrock and you can still be tagged HUE)


Katherine stood up and wiped her hair out of her eyes before laughing slightly.
"Surprise! I tried to meditate with you too, then you got all shocked." Katherine got on her back and started floating. "Well, I'm happy you decided to join us. It's great." Katherine playfully started floating around Jonathon, splashing water lightly onto his face.

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JPax42 said:
Tristin stared at Thomas intently. She had to do something amazing. With that, her eyes began to glow and she shot a quick burst of heat into the water, making a small flash. 'Bing!' Tristin used this to pull herself further into the water and sandwich Thomas between her chest and the wall. 'What's the similarity between Thomas and a sandwich? Both taste good.' Tristin almost laughed at her own joke and kissed Thomas, still holding back the urge to laugh.


Laura began shaking and splashing but eventually managed to stay still.
"Aah okay I'm still...I can make this work..."

@Shaggy the Shamrock
(Now I can write Shaggy the Shamrock and you can still be tagged HUE)


Katherine stood up and wiped her hair out of her eyes before laughing slightly.
"Surprise! I tried to meditate with you too, then you got all shocked." Katherine got on her back and started floating. "Well, I'm happy you decided to join us. It's great." Katherine playfully started floating around Jonathon, splashing water lightly onto his face.

Jonathon had a bit of a laugh before regaining his composure. "Well if swimming helps the soul then I suppose I should be obliged to join," he then starts splashing water lightly at Katherine as well. He then starts swimming on his back and felt something strange about it.


Jonathon and his teammate had appeared near the factory where they have swim underwater in a cave system to get in through. "Well... looks like we made it. Let us go then," he then dives in and starts swimming through the underwater cave system with his teammate joining. It was cold... but nothing two recruits of Project Soldier can't handle. As they would make it Jonathon would notice that parts of the cave had markers. It seems that the terrorists also used this cave system as a means of entering their base which means... the end of this system would be guarded. The two would sneak in through as they kept hiding noticing a single guard with a rifle guarding a door. Using hand signals, Jonathon's teammate would get the drop on the soldier. Jonathon would then say to him, "Excellent work. Now then... let's go."

Flashback ends

Katherine was leaning over Jonathon with a worried look in her eyes. "Hey, are you alright? You seem to be zoning out an awful lot." Katherine sank back into the water and stayed in the water next to his Jonathon's head. "We can talk about it right now if you want, it's perfectly fine."

(Ignore that I was trying to tag you in a post, literally)
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Thomas kissed her, taking some of her air before pulling away. 'Alright so are we fighting or doing something romantic?....Maybe both' He thought to himself as he struggled against the wall.

Paige smiled as she slowly pushed Laura around like a log. "Having fun?" Paige asked before sinking down into the water and jumping from under her, lifting Laura above her head.


Tristin angrily pouted. 'Cheater! We don't share lungs!' Tristin couldn't really blame him and almost started laughing. She covered her mouth with a hand and just decided to do the rest of it slowly, still sandwiching him against the wall but just gently touching him along the head. Tristin also a ran a hand through his orange hair, which seemed to float in the water.


Laura exclaimed.
"Woah! You're strong! But it's my turn!" Laura laughed and slid down Paige, then lifted her into the air. She faltered slightly, but was strong enough to hold her. "See how much fun I was having a few minutes ago?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#404040]([/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20513-jpax42/ said:
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX I ship this hard (*^*))

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX Hmm. GLASS commander who spends her free time balancing books on her breasts and finds swivel chairs entertaining, but is professional in public is definitely the right choice for a disciplined samurai with deep thoughts and a strict code of honor and a knack for chivalry. Yup.)
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Jonathon would be out of his focus as he hears Katherine. "Oh well no I was just thinking about my earlier days in training. I used to be part of Project Soldier, a training program that would train the next generation of soldiers. Me and my teammate's first mission was to infiltrate a terrorist base, and we swam via underwater in a cave system. That was the last time I remember swimming. Quite the scene to remember swimming." He would think about the mission a bit more.


Jonathon and his teammate have snuck on through defeating soldier by soldier in a stealthy manner. Soon they would be above the leader as he looks to his teammate. He whispers to him and says, "Ok. On the count of three we strike. One...two...three-" Then the platform above them dropped and would be headed to the floor. Then they would be surrounded by soldiers. The leader stood up and said, "You thought you could get the drop on us? Big mistake." It seems Jonathon and his teammate were caught up in a trap and they hadn't known since. "The CCTV saw you two enter via the cave system. Always be on your guard as they say unfortunately you two won't get a chance to make up for that mistake." The soldiers raised their rifles and were prepared to fire.

Flashback Ends

(Hue shipping hue.)

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Thomas smiled as he wrapped his hands around her and kissed her on the forehead. The lines on his face appeared and slowly crawled down his chest, illuminating the water around him.

Paige smirked before struggling out of the girls grip and back into the water. "Strong for such a small girl. So you aren't having fun anymore," she said frowning and going stiff to float on the water.


Katherine thought about it for a second. "Huh, that's a pretty funny way to remember swimming." Katherine floated back onto the water. "I think I remembered the last time I went swimming. It was when I was on my way here in Lithium. This pool was so empty. And for some reason warmer. But, it's great we're all her." Katherine had floated so that her shoulders were basically against Jonathon's, and her head was touching his, but she wasn't aware of this.



Tristin's lines began to glow as well, sort of matching the light pulse that Thomas's did. The combination of colors swirled in the water, but Tristin noticed Thomas's lines and was quite surprised by it. She opened her mouth to say something but all that was let out were a few bubbles. She covered her mouth and held back laughter.
'You're shiny. Very shiny. And that's just not when you have the lines.' Tristin started tickling him on the sides, seeing if the lines would respond.


Laura splashed in the water a little bit.
"No, I am having fun. I just kind of learned today so I don't know how to have a lot of fun. I mean there's splashing and breath holding contests, right?" Laura scooped some water in her hands and threw some at Paige.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Uh, I don't know. Misty could use a thorough grooming, I can groom Bones to if you want."

She said, reaching into her backpack to reveal bathing and grooming supplies. "I've always wanted to go urban exploring, so if you want to to we could do that. Of course only after I'm done grooming her." She said looking at Misty who looked more than pissed at the prospect of getting groomed. "Oh don't be that way. Do I have to tie you down again?" Katrina asked, to which Misty replied by sitting down, still obviously mad.

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Katherine thought about it for a second. "Huh, that's a pretty funny way to remember swimming." Katherine floated back onto the water. "I think I remembered the last time I went swimming. It was when I was on my way here in Lithium. This pool was so empty. And for some reason warmer. But, it's great we're all her." Katherine had floated so that her shoulders were basically against Jonathon's, and her head was touching his, but she wasn't aware of this.



Tristin's lines began to glow as well, sort of matching the light pulse that Thomas's did. The combination of colors swirled in the water, but Tristin noticed Thomas's lines and was quite surprised by it. She opened her mouth to say something but all that was let out were a few bubbles. She covered her mouth and held back laughter.
'You're shiny. Very shiny. And that's just not when you have the lines.' Tristin started tickling him on the sides, seeing if the lines would respond.


Laura splashed in the water a little bit.
"No, I am having fun. I just kind of learned today so I don't know how to have a lot of fun. I mean there's splashing and breath holding contests, right?" Laura scooped some water in her hands and threw some at Paige.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Is that so? Well camaraderie helps build up a team," Jonathon would be aware of Katherine's head touching his, but he didn't mind that much. Still it was certainly a funny way to remember swimming.


Jonathon and his teammate were surrounded by soldiers and soon the soldiers pulled the trigger. Flashes of gunfire aimed at the two would fill the area, but Jonathon being the samurai he is wouldn't stay still to be shot. He unsheathed his sword, which was a different katana at the time, would do his best to slice through the bullets that flew. Of course he wasn't able to get all the bullets, but he sliced through most of them with one of them piercing through his leg. It caused him to kneel to the floor while his teammate took the chance to fire upon the soldiers killing most of them. The leader would retaliate with the remaining soldiers, but Jonathon wasn't finished yet. He would take his sword and would slice the leader in two as bullets struck his sides. His teammate would finish off the remaining soldiers, but as soon as he did that an alarm would ring.


Jonathon would be on his last legs as he would be on the floor. "Well... we did it... but seems this samurai has breathed his last... Go... you have a future ahead of you..." He coughed up blood and would be in pretty bad shape. His teammate however... would carry him on his back and would head out. "You said you wanted to be a samurai that could help promote peace right? Then... what are you doing lying on the floor? I don't have a future. I was made to be a tool of war nothing more... You have a future. I don't." The two would head on out and would escape through the cave system. As they left his teammate would walk slowly as explosions occurred at the base.


Flashback End
Thomas held back his laugh as the lines glowed bright light blue. He realized that she was also glowing and got curios. Thomas held his mouth as he started tickling back to see if he would get a reaction.

Paige smiled as she threw water at Laura, she then hit the water hard causing a small wave to come towards the little girl.


Katherine had probably floated closer to Jonathon, but again she didn't notice. "I think GLASS is more like a family instead of a team." Katherine scoffed and laughed a little. "But then again, maybe it's because GLASS is my family." Katherine smiled slightly and splashed some water on Jonathon. "What are we doing, lying around? We should have some fun." Katherine's splashing of water on Jonathon increased slightly.


Tristin let some air out before covering her mouth again, glowing brighter. Her eyes also began to glow and she almost started laughing again. Thomas looked amazing in lines, and Tristin couldn't help but notice that. She ran a hand up his stomach and chest, looking at the lines. For some reason, looking at the lines made hers glow as well.
'I wonder what we are.'


Laura held her arms out to block the water but floated away with some of it. She struggled to the surface and started laughing.
"My turn!" Laura pushed some water at Paige and lowered the gravity a little bit, causing the water to float slightly higher. When the water got to Paige, Laura released the gravity field, causing it to come crashing down. All this time she was giggling.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Katherine had probably floated closer to Jonathon, but again she didn't notice. "I think GLASS is more like a family instead of a team." Katherine scoffed and laughed a little. "But then again, maybe it's because GLASS is my family." Katherine smiled slightly and splashed some water on Jonathon. "What are we doing, lying around? We should have some fun." Katherine's splashing of water on Jonathon increased slightly.


Tristin let some air out before covering her mouth again, glowing brighter. Her eyes also began to glow and she almost started laughing again. Thomas looked amazing in lines, and Tristin couldn't help but notice that. She ran a hand up his stomach and chest, looking at the lines. For some reason, looking at the lines made hers glow as well.
'I wonder what we are.'


Laura held her arms out to block the water but floated away with some of it. She struggled to the surface and started laughing.
"My turn!" Laura pushed some water at Paige and lowered the gravity a little bit, causing the water to float slightly higher. When the water got to Paige, Laura released the gravity field, causing it to come crashing down. All this time she was giggling.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Jonathon would then smile for a bit. "I do have to agree," and would also splash water on Katherine as much as she had. It had been awhile since Jonathon had a team, but more than that it had been a while since he had a team that could be considered family. Of course as a Samurai it wasn't hard on him since he traveled across the world, but it had this special connection as the samurai of olden day did with their comrades.

Katherine playfully raised a hand to block the water, but got splashed by the most of it. For the first time, she had smiled and not looked professional. Katherine swam up to Jonathon and smacked the water, splashing some towards him. "I'm guessing this is the best water you've ever been in." Katherine started laughing and splashed more water on him.


(Kirsty: Brendan was never this fun. All he did was sit around typing on his computer and telling us to fist Azamel Penelope: AZAMEL! *breathing heavily* Kirsty: Who's..that? Igor: *knocks out Penelope* HI KIRSTIN. Kirstin: Igor? *OLD FRIENDSHIP INTENSIFIES*)
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JPax42 said:
Katherine playfully raised a hand to block the water, but got splashed by the most of it. For the first time, she had smiled and not looked professional. Katherine swam up to Jonathon and smacked the water, splashing some towards him. "I'm guessing this is the best water you've ever been in." Katherine started laughing and splashed more water on him.


(Kirsty: Brendan was never this fun. All he did was sit around typing on his computer and telling us to fist Azamel)
"Well if you think about it... it is some of the best water I've been in. There is one time I visited a holy spring, but that is for another time," he said as he would splash more water at her as well. There was a good laughter from him which wasn't too loud or too soft.

(Hibiki: Is that so? Not like Brendan could come back as a cyborg... right?)

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