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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas chuckled "Tristin likes using my chest as a pillow." He crossed his arms and leaned against one of the walls of the elevator. "Shall we be heading off?"


Tristin laughed. "Hold onto your entire existence!" Tristin pressed a button and they were jerked down for a split second before the pod crashed in a sidewalk with no crack. The door opened and Tristin walked out. "Not too bad, huh? Hugo!" Tristin whistled and a twelve foot panda thumped over cars and skidded a stop, kneeling down so Tristin could hop onto his shoulders.


Laura screamed when the elevator went down, and she stumbled out, dizzy.
"Uughh..." Laura stumbled around and crawled onto Hugo, curling up on his saddle. "Please go gentle this time..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas jumped onto Hugo and smiled "Good to see ya buddy!" He leaned back on the saddle "Alright let's go explore the town," he said getting ready in case Hugo speeds up.


"Some kind of organization that has seemed to be here since the beginning of humanity. At least that's what I got out of that speech." He went into the city seeing the officers "They seem to be everywhere. Guess I can't really help when there isn't any crime to fight."

"They kinda remind me of a book I read once. It was about a dystopian world where there was no crime but the police were corrupt, and if you said anything no one of high authority would believe you. I found the book quite interesting. I mean, I don't know if these GLASS officers are corrupt or anything but, you know." Katrina said, slight amusement in her voice. "There is one constant it the world though, crime will always find a way to exist, the same goes to justice, but no matter what there is nothing anyone can do to fully rid the world of crime. That doesn't mean we can't lessen it though, it's better to be mostly justice that mostly anarchy." Katrina said, reaching behind her to pat Misty on the head. "Anyways, where to now?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin whistled and Hugo ran forward at the speed of Panda. Hugo leapt through traffic and around everything's existence, zipping past GLASS officers. Hugo eventually kept running past nothing interesting until he stopped at a small lake in the middle of Lithium. Hugo then began trying to say something. "T...T...r....Trist....Tristin."


Tristin nodded. "What is it?" Tristin asked as Hugo grumbled and started drinking from the lake. "Alright, he's just overheated. Looks like we're taking a break here." Tristin slid off of Hugo and stretched. "So, did we decide on where we're going?"


Laura stepped away from the water and hid behind Thomas, shaking slightly. "Anywhere but here I guess. Can we just go and have fun somewhere else?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas thought about it "Why not the park. I heard they have snowcones there and we could probably find something to do there." He said trying to figure out something they could do.


"Ya want to get something to eat. I mean real food," he chuckled as he walked through the streets. He didn't really care if anyone saw his gun out "Anywhere in particular you would like to see."


Tristin nodded and walked to the park. "GLASS is also serving milkshakes and smoothies. That's great, isn't it?" Hugo decided to park himself at the stream and sleep. Tristin even turned on his little parking brake before she left. "I should install cupholders on Hugo. Probably the most important thing he's missing." Tristin took a long breath and stretched, feeling the actual nature of the park.


Laura clung onto Thomas and went with him.
"This sounds like fun. Heh...your leg is muscle." Laura tapped Thomas's leg and laughed. She then climbed onto his shoulders and whispered something shocking into his ears. "Did she ask you whether you two want to get naked and wrestle on the bed yet?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas turned red "N-Not yet. Maybe later......like in 5 years." He laughed nervously before walking into the park "I'm getting myself a rainbow snow cone. You two want one," he asked trying to forget Laura's question.


Laura nodded. "Oh well one time this really tall guy came over to the GLASS headquarters and they had a wrestling match with mom. Mom won, of course. Nobody's better than her at wrestling. I'll take a snow cone yeah." Laura laughed and hopped down, waiting for a snowcone.


Tristin nodded and bought a snow cone, looking at it.
"Huh, so it's just crushed ice put into a ball and drenched in fruit juice. That's interesting." Tristin then pulled the snow ball off of the cone and ate the paper cone before starting to lick on the ball. "It's great, really."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Standing in the park was MA50N, gazing over at the trio. Today however, he had altered his appearance. Only slighting, with shaggy blonde hair and a thin goatee. He didn't like all the GLASS officers around. GLASS was bad. MA50N knew atleast that much. Now, he was curious to know whether Tristin and Thomas were bad. Or perhaps that were just clueless?

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas bought three, holding in his laughter. "Aw, you already got one. Hang on," without warning he pressed the snow cone on Tristin's forehead. "Your a unicorn," he laughed before licking his own snowcone. He saw a blond man "Hey! That guy looks like shaggy from scooby doo!"

@JPax42 @HighFiveStereo
Shammy the Shamrock] [B][COLOR=#0000ff]Thomas thought about it "Why not the park. I heard they have snowcones there and we could probably find something to do there." He said trying to figure out something they could do.[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR][/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20513-jpax42/ said:

"Ya want to get something to eat. I mean real food," he chuckled as he walked through the streets. He didn't really care if anyone saw his gun out "Anywhere in particular you would like to see."

"No not really. Maybe if they have a weapon shop we can stop by there. I don't really have anything substantial. A pocket knife and a smoke bomb I think." She said furrowing her brow, a sign that she was thinking. "First we should get food though. Maybe even a bed. Maybe even someone in the bed, but that would be for later." She smiled at the thought of it. She wiped some sweat off her forehead and removed her sunglasses hanging them in the collar of her tank top. Her eyes shone in the light, a bright green, except only one was green, the other was a darker blue. "Aren't they cool?" She asked Jason pointing to her eyes. "At first I despised the different colors, but now they look pretty cool." She smiled childishly, skipping in front of Jason, giddy at the thought of a cold beer and real food. She turned around realizing she didn't know where she was going and fell beside Jason. Following his lead.

@Shammy the Shamrock

A man in a hood and a mask stepped up to MA50N. "Hey. Know where I can get 'nything here? This town's bad business. Might wanna step some business around here. Now, I need some fresh nosebleed powder right now, got that? Get that to me, and I'm going to show you magic." The man put up an injector with white powder and attached it to his mask. His voice suddenly distorted. "Glister...glister...Fairy DUST!" The man began laughing through his mask, his eyes glowing a horrendous shade of orange. Soon, his entire body began to glow, and everything began to slow in his vision. Veins appeared along his arms.


Tristin laughed.
"Hey remember the last song I sang? That had Shaggy in it! Although he sounded different." Tristin laughed and stepped forward to see a guy. "Wait...fairy dust...?" Tristin quickly hid Laura behind her, putting a hand to Laura's mouth.


"Oh look it's-MRRF!" Laura was shoved behind Tristin. Laura moved Tristin's hand from her mouth and frantically gasped for a second. "Rude!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @HighFiveStereo (Dr Starling's back...)
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Jason nodded as he went into a bar "Come on, I could use an actual drink." He used his gun to tip his hat up, revealing the dark brown eyes. "Mines are common, thought I do like em. He whistled to Bones who sat down near the entrance, her head on her paws.


Thomas titled his head "Who the hell is that? Whatever you're selling I don't want it," he backed up a little and took out his can in case the guy tried something.

@JPax42 @HighFiveStereo
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MA50N was extremely confused by this strange man. Nosebleed Powder? Fairy Dust? This man clearly needed to make a visit to an institution of sorts. Probably a mental hospital. The Android backed away slowly. "Sir? Are you in need of assistance?" MA50N quistioned. He didn't particularly trust the stranger. Crazy people were always so unpredictable. So, as a safety measure, MA50N's hand moved to his hip. Underneath the fake skin kid one of his two revolvers. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to use it.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

"You don't know the power...while I don't have the blood of the girl anymore...I still have this stuff...Twinkle...twinkle...FAIRY LIGHT!" The guy disappeared in a flash of light, his cackling heard for miles as he dashed away. The cocaine he ingested was left in a cloud floating around in front of MA50N's face.


Tristin stepped back and lifted Laura up, holding her tight.
"Thomas...we should get out of here. We should also let Katherine know..." Tristin pulled out a spinning dial. "Katherine told us to use this in case we had to go back. Should we?"


Tears were in Laura's eyes and she began crying. Sniffling like the child she was.
"H-He's SCARY! Shaggy AND CRACKY!" Laura buried her head into Tristin's chest and continued crying. No, wailing. Laura was incredibly loud, even when it came to crying. Laura started calming down when Tristin shook her a little bit, but was still scared.

@Shammy the Shamrock @HighFiveStereo
MA50N walked forward, towards the three. As he walked through the cloud of cocaine, quite a bit plastered itself to his face. Being a droid, he was unaffected. "Who was that?" MA50N asked when he got closer to Tristin and Thomas. The little girl's crying was quite annoying.

Thomas titled his head "Who the hell is that? Whatever you're selling I don't want it," he backed up a little and took out his can in case the guy tried something.

@JPax42 @HighFiveStereo
Katrina smiled, and walked into the bar. She then walked back out and took Misty out of the backpack, "Stay and play you two." Misty nodded and curled up next to Bones. "You know I never asked your dog's name." Katrina said catching up to Jason. She sat down next to him and waited for him to order before she did. "Like I said earlier we should stop by a weapon store or something to that affect, and a drug store, I need to restock on my supplies. Given you know this town I assume you can take me there?" She asked, calmed down now that she was sitting. "Hope it isn't much of a bother, but if I am to be your partner I do kinda need medical supplies, and don't worry I do have money." She said her eyes looking to her backpack.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Laura began to scream at MA50N. She grabbed the dial from Tristin's hand.


"Whoever you are, stop following us." Tristin pulled out her pistol and tightened her grip on Laura. The gun was high energy particles that moved nearly the speed of light. They fried technology and electronics so it wouldn't be wise for MA50N to mess with her.

@HighFiveStereo @Shammy the Shamrock
"You probably forgot, my dogs name is Bones. Thought she was male as first but soon learned when....other dogs got a little too happy around her." Jason shivered as he got himself a jack daniels "I don't wan anything to eat." He drank it and nodded "I'll take you to wherever you want, i'll be outside," he tipped his hat and went outside with Bones and Misty.


Thomas revealed the blade in the cane and pointed it right at MA5ON's forehead. "Better listen unless you want to be stabbed right through the head!" He glared as his eyes burned bright blue from behind his hair.

@JPax42 @HighFiveStereo
JPax42 said:
Anella held Ray. "So you're using them as a pillow now. Oh well, didn't have 'em when I was 10." Anella start making pancakes, all good and dandy. "Do you want the creamy on the top?" Anella winked suggestively at Ray, even though she wasn't sure if Ray understood jokes. Anella wondered if she should give up being a prostitute now that Ray was there. Anella then started remembering Owen. Her dad. Her dad told her she could've pancaked when she passed out on the street.


"I don't know." A smile grew across Tristin's face. "Hey, do you think this can do a barrel roll?" Tristin was basically tugging on Thomas at this point.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"It shouldn't even fly. That's what's scary. Either GLASS is corporation made by gods, or they're just really good bumblebee scientist." Igor grunted and pulled out a strange spinning device. He pointed it at the sky, since quite literally everybody outside in Lithium could see Trinity. A slow beeping was heard as Igor traced the altitude and height of the massive thing.



Laura was walking around the GLASS building in the GLASS jumpsuit.
"Alright so no more cape unless bad guys show up in which case I'll pretend to be a superhero." Laura giggled and hoped nobody shady would show up.

(Wake up in the morning and find notifI cations hue. Read them all, but I donly need a summary hue.)

"So how is it?" Sky asked Igor as he waited. For now Sky wondered if he could even do anything as a mercenary. GLASS was doing every hero/mercenaries job now. Heck police don't have a job to do. Is this really for the better? Meanwhile Jonathon was still meditating.

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MA50N's eyes moved from Tristin to her gun, then to Thomas' sword. "My head is mostly for cosmetically looks to appears more human. My vital electronics are found in my chest." MA50N pushed to blade down so it was pointing at his chest instead. The sharp edge slide right through the fake skin on his hand. MA50N turned to look at Tristin's gun once more. "There is no need for that. I am simply trying to understand what makes you both different."

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