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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ann wrapped her arms around Akira's neck "Can we get breakfast! I'm hungry, snow cones aren't filling," she said rubbing her stomach and kicking her feet.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas shrugged 'First back through portal then we'll talk.' He mouthed before walking over to the portal and going insidem wiping any goo he had off.

@JPax42 @SirGrey
Pike said nothing. He forced himself through the exit. The smiled helped with arm surprisingly. He held onto the plans tight after all they were the only victory he had. Well sort of. As he exited the passage he feel to the floor, coughing up the slime. Pike went to his phone calling up the contacts. Now he had a dark shudder at his own thoughts. GLASS has a weakness, the leader has a weakness, she can be hurt she can bleed worse then any injury can do. Still he only told them about the plans. He is morally grey but not morally bankrupt. Looking around Pike tried to find out where he was. @JPax42
Akira smiles. She was starting to feel a bit hungry herself after all that. "Alright then," she says, then shifts her arms so she was holding Ann with her right arm, and opening the sliding door of the van with her left. She would place Ann inside the van while asking F.A.I.E. to find the nearest place to eat. F.A.I.E. finds a couple, and Akira chooses the one that seems most kid-friendly before closing the van door, and walking around to the driver's seat. Once everyone was inside the van, Akira drives off.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Katrina woke up to the smell of burnt, something, "What did you do?" She asked groggily, her messy hair blocking one of her eyes. She turned to see cooked bird. "Hey, thanks man." She said, obviously very loopy. She looked over at Misty and soon the calico cat walked over cheerfully and dug into the bird, shoving pieces near Katrina's hand."So, where to now?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Ann kicked her feet then got bored "I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doom doom, doom doom do DOOM, DOOOM doom do-doom, DOOM do-doom doom doooom, doom doom dooom, do-do-DOOOM!" She sang those same lyrics until they got to there destination.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas lifted Pike up to his feet "Tristin, what should we do with him? I could throw him out the window if we must." He chuckled dangling the man by his shirt.

@JPax42 @SirGrey

"Morning sleeping beauty." He ate one of the squirrels he had caught and whistled for Bones who ate another he had gotten. "Ready to head to the city," he asked dusting his clothes off. Bones ate her food slowly before jumping up and running around the area in excitement.


Tristin let out a sigh and waved to Pike. (@SirGrey) (@Shammy the Shamrock Pike got away xD )

Tristin went outside looking at the van. With her coordination, she flung a business card for Katherine and herself through the back door. (@Crystal Cali)

She then used the portals to go back to Thomas, a look of sadness on her face. "I feel terrible for Katherine. She has to run two children. GLASS and Laura, and one of them is made of flesh and bone. Maybe we should offer to babysit her? Of course, that means we can't like...do this all the time." Tristin was about to kiss Thomas when an officer interrupted. "The Trinity is lacking a captain at the moment, and we are about to refuel." "But we're flying...?" "Exactly, we're refueling in the air." "Oh, alright. Thomas...can you fly this thing?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine portalled back to her quarters with Laura. She then lay spread-eagled on the bed, letting Laura sleep.


"Mmm...dreamy creamy..." Laura rested her head against Katherine. While she was dreaming, she thought about her inherent fear about umbrellas. She was always scared by umbrellas because of a traumatizing experience as a kid. An umbrella closed over her head and she couldn't breathe. However, she was still sound asleep, using Katherine as a pillow.

(another very very awkward 'Open for interaction')
Akira chuckles, a little nostalgic about the Invaider Zim reference. "Hey, I thought that Invader Zim was cancelled before you were even born. Where did you hear that song?" she says, chuckling. "Geez, I watched that when I was your age. And that was forever ago." She didn't notice the business card fly through the door, but she'd find it soon enough.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas shrugged "I can probably fly. I had to learn to drive a car at age 6......Papa really wanted to have a driver for when he was drunk." He chuckled "We could probably babysit the child, it will at least give us something to do."


Ray finished her food and dusted herself off "Thanks for the food." She got up and started walking towards the door "I'll be back later," she pressed her forehead to Anella's and walked out the door.

Ann thought about it "My dad owned the show on DVD. He wasn't really careful of what we watch. He let me watch Halloween every Halloween." Her dad never really cared what Ann learned about besides sex and would let her watch whatever she wanted at her own risk, as long as it wasn't porn.

@Crystal Cali
Pike paid his taxi driver before he went back home. He couldn't go to hospital. He would have to bear it until morning. William Pike closed his door, locking it, before going to his view and chair. He pulled out the painkillers and booze. He chugged them both. He sat in his chair, debating his own morality. William Pike is an evil man. William Pike will go to hell. William Pike will die alone. He has long been okay with that, after all that was all waiting for him. Today he saw how it hurt others, perhaps he was okay with it. He wasn't sure how he would deal with it. "Lets no deal with it" he mutters before drinking. (Open for interaction)
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Akira raises an eyebrow as she pulls up in front of the restaurant. Her opinion of Ann's father was not improving the more Ann apoke about him, but she'd keep that quiet. It's not like she thought kids should be completely sheltered, but the more Akira found out about Ann's father, the more it seemed like he didn't care that much for his girl. Of course, she wasn't going to say that to Ann. "Well, here we are," she says, hopping out of the van, and walking over to let Ann out the sliding door. It was then Akira saw the business card on the floor of her van. She picks it up and looks at it. "How did they get this in here, I wonder." Akira shrugs. "Oh well, at least now we can contact them when we need to." Akira puts the card in a folder on the table by her laptop.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin smiled. "I'll co pilot." The officer pointed to Thomas and Tristin with no expression through his helmet. "You two are cute. Now get in the cockpit." Tristin laughed and walked to the cockpit.

The cockpit inside was massive. Multiple chairs and floating panels seemed like it was pushed to the future. It had at least ten thousand different dials for each function, and had enough data to spend hours reading. Tristin immediately hopped into the copilot seat, much to the discontent of the current copilot.
"Sorry, fueling." Tristin pointed to what looked like an airliner with a fuel beam. Correction, there were three fueling planes to fill up Trinity. THREE. Tristin just stared with her mouth open. "I need to learn how to fly this...the only thing I can fly is Panda..."


@Shammy the Shamrock
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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Her dad never really cared what Ann learned about besides sex and would let her watch whatever she wanted at her own risk, as long as it wasn't porn.

(Kirstin: I tried my best... Igor: WHAT I DO FOR CHILDHOOD FRIEND KIRSTIN IS TEACH HER EX'S DAUGHTER ABOUT SEX! Katherine: Kirstin used to babysit me. I was always a good child. Brendan: You had Laura at thirteen I cannot get any more messed up than this. Ringmaster: *continues licking lips* Tristin: Mom? Ringmaster: Hue. Tristin: *looks to Thomas and eye twitches like Ringmaster* WHEN WE HAVE CHILDREN WE ARE GOING TO LET THEM DO EVERYTHING!!!! Jay: All of you! Get the hell out of here! Or I will summon D- Dr. Starling: *starts blowing up everything with fairy powers* Katherine: Fuck me!)
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@Crystal Cali[/URL]

Thomas lifted Pike up to his feet "Tristin, what should we do with him? I could throw him out the window if we must." He chuckled dangling the man by his shirt.

@JPax42 @SirGrey

"Morning sleeping beauty." He ate one of the squirrels he had caught and whistled for Bones who ate another he had gotten. "Ready to head to the city," he asked dusting his clothes off. Bones ate her food slowly before jumping up and running around the area in excitement.

"Aww, no need to flatter me." She said as she fixed her hair and put on her sunglasses. She then ate her share and got out of her sleeping bag, folding it and putting it away. Soon she did the same to the other bag. She was soon done, and she signaled to Misty who was playing with Bones. The cat stopped and climbed into a pouch on the large backpack, ready to set off towards the city. "Let's go. If you're ready."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann jumped out the van and ran inside "Come on! Come on!" Something like a blur spun around Akira before leaving a card down on the floor. It had the words 'Ask me anything~Threat' On the back it said 'Don't show Ann please.'

@Crystal Cali

Thomas ran into the cockpit and sat in the copilot seat. "Hmm, I can't drive anything besides a circus car. Probably shouldn't touch anything." He looked up to see the planes "How much fuel does this thing need! What happens if it falls into the city," he asked to no one in particular.


Jason smirked as he put his rifle over his shoulder and started walking "Ya, I'm ready. Come on, we're burning daylight," he gestured her to follow as he went in the direction of the city.

Akira flinches as the blur spins around her, then she picks up the card and reads it. A scowl forms on her face, and she looks to F.A.I.E. who was just now getting out of the van. "You didn't happen to get an image of whatever that fast moving thing was that ran by here just now, did you?"

F.A.I.E. shakes her head.

"Well, great, this is just getting more and more confusing," Akira mumbles as she shoves the card in her pocket. She'd have to look at that later, probably after Ann had gone to sleep. Akira smiles at Ann and walks to the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming," she laughs.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin felt the stability of the carrier. "Well, it says here every time it refuels it can fly for a week. Better not touch that red flashing light that says Autopilot." Tristin laughed for a second, until the stupid officer walked up and pressed the button, turning off the autopilot. The entire carrier shifted slightly to the left and Tristin grabbed a controller so it would stop. "Phew! How high are we-shit..." The height monitor read the carrier was flying at 200 miles an hour and was only 5,000 feet above Lithium. "Thomas you better learn how to fly this thing this does NOT respond like a Panda!"


The slight change in direction from the carrier sent a thirty mile an hour wind gust through all of Lithium, blowing cars forwards during traffic. The wind was a hot wind, and if it was any stronger and lasted any longer, there would be a storm. That didn't happen, thankfully, but this could easily be noted as the carrier shifting in the slightest.

@Crystal Cali @Jillybear265 @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Come on, we're burning daylight

(Kirsty: *continues burning through Sanfield buildings with heat vision* THAT STATEMENT IS TRASH)
Ann saw the cars fly and held onto Akira's leg "SHARKNADO!" She yelled burring her head into Akira's leg and shaking at the giant gust of wind.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas gulped as he grabbed the controls and tried to stabilize the carrier. "What kind of idiots entrust two teens with something that could take out a whole city if it fell out of the sky!" He said through clenched teeth as he was beginning to panic.

Pike sat in his chair as the wind whistle by his windows. He sighed a bottle in his hands. He decide to look over the plans. "Lets see shall we" he said opening the folder. @JPax42

Tristin turned on the autopilot again. "You know what I think fueling has to wait."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine woke up to the sound of the carrier shifting. Laura was still dozing off on her chest. Katherine put her head down and held onto Laura.
"What kind of idiots entrust two teens with something that could take out a whole city if it fell out of the sky?"

Thomas gave a sigh of relief "Seriously! You are all probably could do a lot better! Why children! I mean it's like trusting a chimp with being a police officer." He glared back at the officers before leaning back in the seat.

The Plans

The plans were a blank blue print paper. Under UV light they would reveal the base structure and room sequence. The whole changing rooms mechanic wouldn't be revealed, so it would look like an ordinary building. The basement wasn't revealed either so it wasn't a helpful plan unless Pike needed to know where a certain rivet was.



Tristin looked at the fuel meters. "Now we just gotta wait for Katherine. Pike hurt Laura's arm, so she probably cares about that more. I think we should end up learning how to fly something eventually, we can't get around by panda and car." Tristin laughed and leaned back on the chair, resting her hands over her stomach.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Shammy the Shamrock] [B][COLOR=#8000ff]Ann jumped out the van and ran inside "Come on! Come on!" [/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#0000b3]Something like a blur spun around Akira before leaving a card down on the floor. It had the words 'Ask me anything~Threat' On the back it said 'Don't show Ann please.'[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34231-crystal-cali/ said:
@Crystal Cali[/URL]

Thomas ran into the cockpit and sat in the copilot seat. "Hmm, I can't drive anything besides a circus car. Probably shouldn't touch anything." He looked up to see the planes "How much fuel does this thing need! What happens if it falls into the city," he asked to no one in particular.


Jason smirked as he put his rifle over his shoulder and started walking "Ya, I'm ready. Come on, we're burning daylight," he gestured her to follow as he went in the direction of the city.

Katrina and Jason walked along quietly. Until soon Misty started to meow. "I think she's getting hot. How long do you think until we get there?" Katrina said as she took out a water bottle and poured out some water into a bowl. Misty jumped out of the pocket in Katrina's backpack and as Katrina set down the bowl Misty started lapping at the water. She began to pour another bowl for Bones and soon poured outhe two cups, handing one to Jason. "It seems like a storm. I'm not sure though, they tell me it was just a close call." She says, looking at the animals, hinting that THEY were the ones telling her.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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