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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

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  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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the ?minion? attacks the second bandit knocking him out. as the third charges him but is shot in the back by a glass solder. "thank you sir for helping me with the trespassers"

Laura raised an eyebrow at Pike before walking around the building. She walked through many hallways and turns. While the GLASS building was hard to navigate from the outside, the inside was nearly impossible for someone who didn't know it. Laura had finally reached a completely white door. "Okay, well, most people come to see this stuff. Do you want to see what's behind this door? It's something out of this world that mom won't let me touch. Some sort of...cell? I don't know."



Katherine was alone in her quarters aboard Trinity, being immature as hell because if she was so uptight in her room as well, it would drive her mad. She was spinning around in her swivel chair, balancing two books on her chest, and playing ping pong against the walls. All of that stopped when a phone call interrupted her. The books slid off her chest and slammed on her feet, the ping pong ball bounced against her forehead, and the chair fell over with Katherine on it. She groaned and pushed her red hair out of her face before answering the phone. However, her voice immediately changed professional, so it was impossible to tell she just...did whatever the hell she just did. "Is this Laura?"

@Crystal Cali
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Akira looks up as she hears a voice on the other end of the phone. "Uh... no. This is.... the driver of the van Laura was checking out," Akira cringes as the thought occurs to her that admitting that will probably get her called a pedophile again. "My name is Akira Chino, and my friend, Annie, and I are looking for someone who has gone missing. We... uh... saw your broadcast earlier today, and thought you might be able to help."

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine couldn't really do anything without making too much noise since she was lying on the floor with a swivel chair. She looked up and saw that a third book had ended up dangerously over a shelf, directly positioned against her stomach. She felt harder blows in her life, but you can't relate being punched to having an encyclopedia dropped on your stomach. "Oh, yes, I can definitely help. You mean, the pedophile van? Pedophiles are mostly harmless, at least you aren't murderers. Or child molesters. I guess this is the first call we've gotten to GLASS about a civilian case, so I'll just see how this turns out. I will be there in fifteen minutes. Bye." Katherine closed the phone and cursed herself for rushing the call. But, it's either that or...the book fell.

"OW! Hhhhnghh..." Katherine let out a sharp yelp when the encyclopedia fell on her stomach. She groaned and then rolled over, getting out of the chair. Best commander ever, right?

@Crystal Cali
Akira had a deadpan look on her face as she listened to the woman on the other end of the phone. She doesn't seem like she knows what she's talking about, but heck, maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a look inside this place anyway. While she was more concerned with exposing TEST and their, in Akira's opinion, unethical experiments, if GLASS wasn't the peaceful organization they claimed to be, she'd be digging up their secrets as well. Akira looks over to Annie a moment after the call ended, and says "The lady said she would come and talk to us. They might be able to help."

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
"Yes open it while I go over here" The Whisper said putting his french accent to use. He went over to a near by room called 'File Storage'. Key card, oh how would he do it. Simple enter it using the number print on the key-card of the scientist who he stole the purse from. After all William Pike was no simple purse snatcher. Once inside he went over to a filing cabinet. Bio hazards, businesses, building. That was it. The plans for this building. Taking them he waited by he door to see what the young child was up to. @JPax42

Laura's eyes widened. "Oh, um...none of those things work unless you get the thing in here. The plans are invisible ink. Anyways..." Laura opened the door and revealed a massive sea of red slime. "Sucker!" Laura's enhanced strength came in handy when she gave a terribly quick and hard shove to Pike's back, aiming to knock him into the giant sea of slime. If he fell in, then Laura would slam the door shut and lock it with a deadbolt. GLASS wasn't to be underestimated, and neither were their children.



After about five minutes of groaning, Katherine straightened herself and put the book back on the shelf.
"Alright, let's go." Katherine picked up a TEST portal gun and shot it into the wall. She then shot it at the GLASS building and stepped through, appearing next to Akira. "Hello Akira. It's Katherine." Katherine was professional, for the most part. Her GLASS jumpsuit was in line, no tears or anything. She did however have sleeves this time. And as she walked forward and moved a strand of hair out of her face-wait. '10 points lost. I'm at 98 when it comes to professional. Damnit! Whatever. It's a civilian case.' Katherine looked to the van, and then pulled out a tablet. "So, a missing person? Do you have a lead, image, name, significance, news article, and or social media? Potentially other relations work too."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
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Akira, first of all, was very impressed by the portal that Katherine walked out of. "Nice tech," she comments. Katherine's ranting about professionalism causes Akira to raise an eyebrow, but whatever. This lady was strange, but she was willing to help at least. "Yes, we do have some information. F.A.I.E. can bring that up for you," she says, pointing to the robot at her side.

F.A.I.E. brings up the post Akira had put out online earlier which had all the information about Annie's dad that they had been able to find out. "He left us a message earlier, and may be somewhere in this city," F.A.I.E. adds.

"Oh, right. He brought Ann a pie and ran off... or someone else did it for him. We don't know, we never saw the person who left us the pie."

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
"Idiot" he muttered back he said before hitting the door, and bouncing off it, landing behind her. He aimed to hit with his umbrellas electric shock. If it hit he would clamp shut the door. He wasn't one to be tested. If it hit or not he still dashed back a bit. The Whisper stood in a defensive manner. He was right, the kid had powers. @JPax42
('Italics and single quotes' were meant to be Katherine's thoughts lol)


"Another pie case, I see. Might you describe for me the flavor, texture, and exact carbon content of the pie? If you can get me that information I'll find your guy immediately. He might be in the GLASS databases, if you can get me an appearance or at least a lead. Now, there's a really quick question I have for you." Katherine's entire tone of voice changed, as if annoyed with something that happened a lot. "Did Laura walk off on you?"

@Crystal Cali


Laura turned in surprise.
"I regret walking off on Akira!" Laura stepped away from the door and closed it before pointing a GLASS tech plasma stun gun. She aimed a shot at Pike and fired. The bolt traveled four times the speed of a conventional bullet, but Laura was only able to hold her aim after shooting since the recoil was crazy. It knocked her back a few feet before she aimed the gun again.

The shoot grazed Pike's arm. It stung like hell but he couldn't show it. Appear strong then you. Standing up he walked towards her whistling and walking with his umbrella constantly hitting the floor. "This may sting alot". The Whisper said in a monotone voice. The cables flied out the end of the umbrella and a four thousands volts greet the child. Cruel yes. Necessary yes. @JPax42

Laura was about to pull the umbrella cables down with gravity when she got hit by the electricity. Enhanced strength and electricity never mix, as Laura's muscles managed to knock her across the room and slam her back against the wall with a sickening crack. Laura's left arm was fractured at the wrist when she fell to the ground and let out a sharp scream before falling unconscious.


Katherine heard the scream and her eyes widened. "That's my daughter..." Katherine shot the portals again and appeared next to Pike. She didn't care who or what she was against, she was straight up pissed. Katherine already had a conventional gun out and she unloaded five shots at Pike's stomach at near point blank range. To make matters worse (for Pike, at least), she had far more strength than her daughter, and she used it to grab Pike's arm and use the base of her hand to attempt to break it.

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey
Ann frowned when Katherine had left "Probably should give her the picture. Probably would help a lot," she sat down and waited for Katherine to come back.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali @SirGrey

Thomas lied back and looked up at Tristin "What can do a barrel roll?" He shook the water out of his hair and messed with his cane.


Ray tilted her head "I don't like cream. I prefer syrup all over my pancakes," she said just watching her make the pancakes, as if to take notes. 'You know how awful that sounded righ-' '*Smacked by newspaper*' Ray pulled out a bracelet, necklace and ring "I got you these while I was out."

Akira nods to the question "Yes she-" before Akira could finish, she heard the screams, and Katherine was jumping through a portal. Akira acted quickly, grabbing onto F.A.I.E.'s arm, and rushing towards the portal. "Ann, stay with the van!" she yells as she jumps through the portal after Katherine. When she lands on the other side of the portal, Akira would stand back and look around the area to try to find Laura and see if she could get the kid out of danger.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey
Pike was about to run when he was shot. He just ducked in time. "Enhanced agility-Gahhhhh" he muttered as his arm broke. The image had broken. When that breaks you have to go for the worse plan. Pike pressed the slime cell door, and pressed it as he went inside. He hoped it would hold. Now he had to deal with the smile. "Frying pans and fires" he mutter as he held his arm. @JPax42

"I mean this entire thing. That would be cool." Tristin pushed her hair out of her face before walking outside. The jumpsuit shattered again and reformed into what it was supposed to be. "What do you think people are-woah..." Tristin hastily pointed to a monitor. There was a video trailed on the slime room. Laura was knocked out on the wall, Katherine was fighting a masked guy, and another woman was going for Laura. "Thomas...portal to your left."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Laura's vision was completely blurry from the four thousand volt taser. There were burn marks all over her abdomen, even the jumpsuit couldn't absorb all of the electricity. Combined with her small frame, this also caused her to fracture her left wrist, and she was crying in pain.


Katherine was about to shoot Pike through the head when the sound of her daughter's crying got to her. She closed the slime door and ran to Laura, turning her over. Akira seemed to be there too, but Katherine had to take her to the medical bay.
"I'm sorry about your guy. There was an intruder, and then this happened." Katherine blinked and stroked Laura's head gently while lifting her up, taking extra care to not hurt her arm any more. "Medical bay is downstairs and uh...where's Ann? Did you leave her alone?" Katherine had suddenly gone professional again, even while carrying an injured child.

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey


Anella poured syrup all over the pancakes and looked at the jewelry.
"I don't normally wear these but I can make them work." Anella put them on and turned to Ray, her head slightly tilted down and smiling. These moves all came from being a prostitute, and Anella had grown to enjoy doing these things to everyone.

@Shammy the Shamrock

(holy crap. Four character post. Now all I needed was an Igor, Hugo, and Tiffany post and we'd be all set.)
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Akira blinks. "Yeah... she's by the van," suddenly realizing that that might have been a bad idea, she says, "I'll go back for her," she turns to walk back through the portal, assuming it was still there.

Pike had a choice. Remain in the cell for now, worry if there was a way for Katherine to get him. Or swim and pray. He tried to get up, his arm said no. Pike moaned with pain sitting back down by the cell door. He would wait for now. Wait and pray. His mind had one thought that drowned the others out. 'How do I get... killed a child...I need to... Killed a child.... No I didn't...killed a child....I'm not a... Killed a child... I would I didn't mean to'. "Have mercy" Pike muttered. @JPax42
Thomas ran up and stared at the monitor "What did we miss?" He saw the portal "Guessing this is what she used to get down there. What should we do?"


Ann was sitting by the van when she saw a lady bug go by. "Hello! Have you seen this man," the bug kept walking as Ann frowned. "O-ok thanks anyway."

@Crystal Cali

Ray smiled "You look lovely." The moment Ray saw the pancakes she snatched them "Food!" She removed her mask and took a bite before putting it back on for air. She repeated this process while she ate.


Katherine nodded, since the portal was still open. She gently lay Laura onto a bed and began bandaging her arm. "Shh...Laura...it's fine...you just broke your wrist, it'll heal in a week or so. Just look at me, I know it hurts." Katherine then heard what Laura had to say. "It's fine. William Pike..."


Laura stopped sniffling and began crying about Pike. "T-There was a m-masked burglar. H-he electrocuted me with his umbrella! I-I couldn't shoot him...too quick..." Laura was crying, as if Katherine would be disappointed that she couldn't stop a fully grown adult burglar.

(Closed for interaction)


Tristin walked through the portal and opened the slime door after hearing a voice. Tristin saw that there was a man inside and she simply crouched down at the end of the slime and stared at the mask.
"Hold on, is it Mr. Pike?" Tristin stepped forward slightly. She wasn't reaching for any weapons of the sort. "Why did you do that?!" Tristin's amber eyes glowed dimly in the darkness of the slime room, the nearby slime was illuminated a shade of orange by her glare.

@SirGrey @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella felt slightly disheartened by how Ray had to use a mask to breathe.
"Ray...are you sure you're alright living like that? I mean, a mask is old schooled, there are better ways to help your body get air nowadays. Maybe we can take you to TEST, and they can see what they can do about you?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Pike looked up. He tried to push Tristin away put he was in not state to stop her. He tried to get up and go but that wasn't well either. Pike's arm clicked some more. It wasn't pleasant. "I-I didn't know it would do that I didn't know what she is" Pike said in a low mutter. "I didn't mean to I didn't mean to" Pike said his voice showing emotion for once as he tried to convince either Tristin or himself. He then saw the slime. "Be careful" he said pointing. @JPax42
"Never trust any other tech. I made it and so I wear it," she said while continuing to eat. "This also stops me from biting faces off so there's that." Ray ripped the mask and smiled showing the razor sharp teeth before putting it back on and taking a deep breath.


Ann looked up "I'm fine! Just talking to see if the ladybug knew anything." She got up and lifted her hands "Can you carry me," she asked not wanting to move around.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas jumped through "Tristin don't try anything. The man is clearly hurt," he walked up to the man but went silent. "At least yell or whatever your going to do at him when he's better."

@JPax42 @SirGrey
Akira gives Ann a sad smile, then reaches down to pick her up. "They had a bit of an emergency in there, so it's going to be a while until they can help us. We have some time to kill. What do you wanna do?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin laughed at the slime. "It's not poisonous or anything. Do you need help getting out? I mean, I know you did something bad and you feel bad about it but I think you learned your lesson." Tristin pointed to Pike's arm and then looked around in the slime. "There is a way to get out ten feet from here." Tristin stuck her entire arm into the slime and pointed down. "Clearly you're hurt, so I can take you there if you want. I can't just leave you in here, the slime has 'zero nutritional value' according to Katherine." Tristin didn't smile at anyone and simply held out her arm. She wasn't seriously thinking about letting a criminal escape, but she would need an order from Katherine first.


Katherine's annoyed voice rang out through the slime room.
"Tristin, just let him go. I don't care about arresting him right now, I think he's done enough to himself." She turned off the transmission and turned back to Laura, resting her arm over her daughter. "You did the right thing, Laura. You're going to make a great superhero some day." Katherine kissed her daughter on the forehead before laying down next to her, letting her lie on top of her. "Just sleep for now. We'll deal with him later."

(Closed for interaction, moother n dooter time)


"Well, that was convenient. Oh, and don't get any of the slime in your mouth, it tastes like...Fruity Fru Fru gum by Doctor Starling." Tristin laughed and turned to Thomas, mouthing the words 'What do you want to do right now?'

@SirGrey @Shammy the Shamrock

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