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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin refused to be shoved in. She got an almost 90 degree standing position parallel to the water. "Nope!" Tristin grabbed Thomas and pulled him into the pool with her, swimming to the bottom with him and surfacing again.


Anella pointed to the side room.
"You must've taken a hell of a beating! Are you alright?" Anella lead her to the laundry room and started finding clothes for her.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ray shrugged "Happens when the voices start to fight....I don't like when they fight. The bullet holes are from when the scientist tried resisting me," she sat down in the room. "Am I crazy to you?"

Thomas surfaced "DAMN IT! I wanted to at least jump in after you." He couldn't help but laugh and go stiff in the water, floating on the surface. He floated over and flicked his finger at Tristin's nose "Boop!" He bumped into her as he just acted like a board in the pool.


Anella nodded. "Crazy is the Ray I always knew. So, about that GLASS. What do you think about them being here?" Anella never cared enough about the first GLASS, but this seemed important.


Tristin flinched at the flick and laughed before putting her arms over Thomas. The GLASS jumpsuit completely reformed into a swimsuit, which was convenient. Tristin sank into the water and kissed Thomas on the chest, looking up at him.
"We're in a pool...on a plane!" Tristin decided the one thing she had to do was swim under Thomas and pull him underwater, turning him to face herself. 'So we're here again, but no sandwich or drowning!' Tristin put a hand over her mouth, trying to hold back laughter.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas smiled as he grabbed her hand and took a bow. He started dancing in the water, it was slow and clumsy but he enjoyed himself. 'I know it's stupid but it's fun,' he thought to himself twirling over her, when he got face to face he kissed her and floated on his feet.

Ray frowned "Idiots. Believing they could change a city. Perfect isn't always the best and it seems like they don't see it. Blinded by what they could do instead seeing what could happen when they do it." It didn't seem like much but her eyes showed the little girl before snapping back to the psycho.


Tristin turned upside down with him and kissed him gently on the mouth before mirroring dancing movements. It was indeed slow and clumsy, but Tristin at least managed to make a part of it work since a lot of time she spent was in the water. 'Classy, yet different!' She began spinning around him before sinking slightly into the water. After dancing, she decided to start tickling him.


"Didn't you hear that GLASS has been around forever? Like, quite literally since like 882 maybe. Maybe they aren't here for the cities, have you thought of that?" Anella began doing the laundry, washing stuff. She then turned to Ray, looking her up and down. "Wow, you've...definitely grown since we last met. You're still my short stack." Anella winked and held her arms open for Ray.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky waits at the hideout as he expects a call from Igor. He takes this time to reflect upon GLASS and wonders if this is a good thing. In all honesty safety is wonderful... but at what cost? How much are the citizens of Lithium willing to pay just to be safe?

"That woman talked to me about killing... when her own soldiers vaporized gangs and such. Isn't that what heroes and mercenaries have been doing this entire time here?" For now he waits for Igor.

@JPax42 (Igor tyme)
Thomas started laughing, he held his mouth so he wouldn't lose air. He tickled her stomach and refuse to stop as he wrapped his legs around her waist so he wouldn't be pushed away.

Ray tilted her head 'Does she want a hug?' 'I think that's what she wa-' 'TACKLE HER!' Ray tackled Anella to the ground and looked down at her "Was this what you wanted?" She asked standing up so she was on her stomach.


"Igor tyme!" Igor pulled out a clipboard and began spinning stuff in his hands. "It seems she vaporize gang because she needed them gone. Mercenaries and heroes can't do it all alone. Maybe what if GLASS is just here for fun?"



Tristin was about to cover her mouth but clearly missed it. She almost let out half her air and turned bright red when Thomas wrapped his legs around her waist. However, this let Tristin swim forwards and press her chest against his stomach and kiss him on the neck. She then kissed him a second time on the chest and pushing him deeper into the water. 'That's what you get for tickling meh!'


Anella stared up at Ray in shock.
"Uhm, oh, I guess." Anella couldn't help but smile. She had missed Ray a lot, and that was probably an amazing feeling.

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Igor tyme!" Igor pulled out a clipboard and began spinning stuff in his hands. "It seems she vaporize gang because she needed them gone. Mercenaries and heroes can't do it all alone. Maybe what if GLASS is just here for fun?"



Tristin was about to cover her mouth but clearly missed it. She almost let out half her air and turned bright red when Thomas wrapped his legs around her waist. However, this let Tristin swim forwards and press her chest against his stomach and kiss him on the neck. She then kissed him a second time on the chest and pushing him deeper into the water. 'That's what you get for tickling meh!'


Anella stared up at Ray in shock.
"Uhm, oh, I guess." Anella couldn't help but smile. She had missed Ray a lot, and that was probably an amazing feeling.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"For fun? I wouldn't call vaporizing gangs fun, but to each his own. Anything else to keep in mind?" Sky doubted that gangs were the only things besides villains that needed to be gone...
Thomas was surprised as he was getting pushed down into the water. 'HEY I THOUGHT WE SAID NO DROWNING!' He then tightened the grip around her waist to try and make her release air.

Ray took off her mask and sighed before leaning over and kissing Anella. She quickly put her mask back on "Sorry, it was probably gross since the black mouth." She said getting off her stomach and helping her back up.

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"Hmm...maybe GLASS has bigger reason. Did you see their flagship? It is huge." Igor described Trinity briefly, and how it looked over the town like a guardian. "Anyone in GLASS you know?"



Tristin was about to push Thomas down more but she felt pushed against the waist. This caused her to let some air bubbles out of her mouth. Immediately, she covered her mouth with one hand while poking Thomas on the stomach with the other one trying to make him do the same.
'Payback! Poke. Poke. Poke.'


Anella shook her head.
"You're not disgusting. Besides I've dealt with worse. Prostitute job...you're still great though." Anella grabbed Ray's hand and stood, smiling. "Want pancakes?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Hmm...maybe GLASS has bigger reason. Did you see their flagship? It is huge." Igor described Trinity briefly, and how it looked over the town like a guardian. "Anyone in GLASS you know?"



Tristin was about to push Thomas down more but she felt pushed against the waist. This caused her to let some air bubbles out of her mouth. Immediately, she covered her mouth with one hand while poking Thomas on the stomach with the other one trying to make him do the same.
'Payback! Poke. Poke. Poke.'


Anella shook her head.
"You're not disgusting. Besides I've dealt with worse. Prostitute job...you're still great though." Anella grabbed Ray's hand and stood, smiling. "Want pancakes?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Actually yes I do. His name is Jonathon, the subcommander. He and I used to be teammates back in our days in training. A modern day samurai and always the honest and valiant."
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Ray nodded "Sure! I like pancakes," she said as her grip on Anella's hand tightened before she let go. "Do you have anything I could wear so I at least feel comfortable," she asked looking up and down her body.

Thomas squeezed tighter as he covered his mouth 'CHEATER!' He thought before grabbing her head and kissing her on the mouth, he took some of her air and pulled away. With the new grip he did a death roll.


"Oh. How are you teammate if you are mercenary? Were you part of organization?" Igor just needed to know some things. The rest he could figure out.



Tristin was spun silly and she looked at Thomas before letting out some of what air she had left. She completely clamped her mouth at this point.
'At this point, I'm just drowning myself. I mean...he has air. But....nevermind.' Tristin kissed Thomas on the cheek and let out whatever bubbles she could before going to the surface, gasping and laughing.


Anella handed Ray a shirt.
"There you go! I'm going to go make some pancakes now then." Anella went to the kitchen and began making pancakes. "So, Ray, anything you've done fun in the last fifteen years?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Oh. How are you teammate if you are mercenary? Were you part of organization?" Igor just needed to know some things. The rest he could figure out.



Tristin was spun silly and she looked at Thomas before letting out some of what air she had left. She completely clamped her mouth at this point.
'At this point, I'm just drowning myself. I mean...he has air. But....nevermind.' Tristin kissed Thomas on the cheek and let out whatever bubbles she could before going to the surface, gasping and laughing.


Anella handed Ray a shirt.
"There you go! I'm going to go make some pancakes now then." Anella went to the kitchen and began making pancakes. "So, Ray, anything you've done fun in the last fifteen years?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Years back me and Jonathon were part of a training program called Project Soldier. It was to raise the next generation of soldiers. That's all in the past though." Sky wasn't one to needle with his past.
Thomas released her and swam up to the surface. "We really got to stop fighting when we are in the water," he laughed and swam to the rim. "Are you ok? Hope I didn't squeeze you too hard."

Ray went into the kitchen "I stayed in Sanfield for the longest time since I was waiting on someone. I got a parent who took care of my other self. I sold most of my inventions and became a inventor but the voices kept coming back. I finally gave in and everyone died," her voice went deep and her eyes seem to fade. "I allowed them to do whatever they wanted and now I am a wanted woman all over the country," she sat on the ground with her hands on her head "The voices still speak," she said rocking back and forth.

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Igor nodded. "Well, Project Soldier is old. Do you want to get closer look at Trinity airplane? It's huge."



Tristin laughed and sank under the water, planting a kiss on Thomas's chest before swimming up and pulling herself into a sitting position. "We might need to do something productive in a bit. Swimming's fun and all, but we have jobs now, right?" Tristin thought about it for a second, but Katherine didn't call them yet. "Or not." Tristin slid into the water and held onto Thomas,keeping her head down on his chest.


Anella wrapped an arm around Ray. "Ray, that's terrible. But I promise you, with every breath, I'm going to help you clear your name. They don't need to speak to you, Ray. Just follow the sound of my voice. Breathe, and listen to me. I've always felt something for you, and I still do. Even if you are about to murder, I would support you because I know you make the right choices."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ray rested her head on Anella's chest "You know what's funny. Orange box made me almost try and kill you," she said dropping a knife that she had grabbed from the kitchen. "I don't want my name cleared. I just want the voices to stop......and pancakes," she said letting herself go limp in her arms.

Thomas grabbed Tristin and climbed back out of the pool. "You really like using my chest as a pillow and something to kiss don't you. I have a face for that," he said holding back a laugh before running around the pool to dry himself off. When he stopped he sat back down next to her "What do you want to do?"

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JPax42 said:
Igor nodded. "Well, Project Soldier is old. Do you want to get closer look at Trinity airplane? It's huge."



Tristin laughed and sank under the water, planting a kiss on Thomas's chest before swimming up and pulling herself into a sitting position. "We might need to do something productive in a bit. Swimming's fun and all, but we have jobs now, right?" Tristin thought about it for a second, but Katherine didn't call them yet. "Or not." Tristin slid into the water and held onto Thomas,keeping her head down on his chest.


Anella wrapped an arm around Ray. "Ray, that's terrible. But I promise you, with every breath, I'm going to help you clear your name. They don't need to speak to you, Ray. Just follow the sound of my voice. Breathe, and listen to me. I've always felt something for you, and I still do. Even if you are about to murder, I would support you because I know you make the right choices."

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Are we allowed to go near it? I'm sure GLASS wouldn't like it if unauthorized people got near or into the Trinity." Sky wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but the carrier itself was massive and seemed out of place.
Pike watched the GLASS press conference on the television from his apartment. He view this as he viewed everything. An opportunity. "They'll take about helping people but when they all need the immoral done, that is my place" Pike muttered sipping his wine. He was afraid to admit he was impressed by the ship. He was shocked by the dropping of gangs, he ran to his phone. A few fences were gone. That would make things difficult, out of town fences always charge more. He didn't mind the sun and satellites, after all darkness was were he worked best. He sipped more of his wine. Then the calls started. The crime syndicate or what was left, kept asking for help with there GLASS problem. "I'll need time to scout things out" Pike says changing into his Whisper gear. He had heard of a building they had in town. There would be a good start. @JPax42

Anella held Ray. "So you're using them as a pillow now. Oh well, didn't have 'em when I was 10." Anella start making pancakes, all good and dandy. "Do you want the creamy on the top?" Anella winked suggestively at Ray, even though she wasn't sure if Ray understood jokes. Anella wondered if she should give up being a prostitute now that Ray was there. Anella then started remembering Owen. Her dad. Her dad told her she could've pancaked when she passed out on the street.


"I don't know." A smile grew across Tristin's face. "Hey, do you think this can do a barrel roll?" Tristin was basically tugging on Thomas at this point.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"It shouldn't even fly. That's what's scary. Either GLASS is corporation made by gods, or they're just really good bumblebee scientist." Igor grunted and pulled out a strange spinning device. He pointed it at the sky, since quite literally everybody outside in Lithium could see Trinity. A slow beeping was heard as Igor traced the altitude and height of the massive thing.



Laura was walking around the GLASS building in the GLASS jumpsuit.
"Alright so no more cape unless bad guys show up in which case I'll pretend to be a superhero." Laura giggled and hoped nobody shady would show up.

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The roof seemed like a good place to start. Landing, Pike immediately went to work on the vent. After getting the cover off he crawled through at a startling pace. After his last experience, he wanted to get this part over as fast as he could. Exiting, he arrived in a darkened room. He didn't know what is for, but the lights were of so that was good enough for him. He went to the side of the door. He would listen, see if anyone was outside. @JPax42

Laura tore open the door and screamed. "Who are you!?" Laura saw that this person might be of shade, but she wasn't to hit anyone unless something was really dangerous, like a gun. Laura needed to find weapons, so the best thing she could do was...she didn't know. Let him inside. "Were you looking for us to do something because I mean I think we're here to protect the town or something. You know what follow me if you want a tour or what not." Laura tugged gently on Pike's arm.

The mask man jumped back with a start. 'So much for stealth' he thought. He went to the umbrella. He stopped himself however. Pike wasn't against hitting a child, after the job isn't pretty. A super powered child was the issue. He pulled back weighing up his options. He was a mask man wear a suit, he was The Whisper if someone-else spotted him. Pike gripped his umbrella with one of his gloved hands, with the other motioned as if to say lead on. The Whisper would have to be careful. @JPax42
Akira took the phone as Laura walked off. She holds the phone up to her ear, and looks to Ann with a raised eyebrow. "Well, that people here are interesting, I'll say that," she says as she waited for someone to respond to the phone call.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

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