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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin sprinted directly through the hoop. Twisting, she managed to clear the hoop before landing on her hands. For a second, she leapt off the grounds through the opening on Paige's legs. As she crossed, she landed on her hands and rolled into a handstand, smiling at the crowd. She then stood up and turned to take her usual position standing, waiting for Katherine's revealing. Roars of applause and cheering were heard from the crowd, and Tristin still remained with no expression.


(Broadcasted) "The performances were excellent. Now, to serious business. GLASS had been busy at work...creating something enormous. This is a scale of an object you have never seen before take the skies. Prepare to introduce GLASS's new flagship, Trinity." Katherine raised the microphone as a low rumbling sound was heard. Eventually, the noise increased in pitch to a steady engine hum, and Trinity flew over the rally. The massive flagship could be seen for miles, as it was twenty thousand feet above the ground. Even though it was so high, it still cast a massive shadow over parts of Lithium. More excitement was heard from the crowd, as a lot of them were amazed by the massive aircraft.

@rosehearted @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali

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Thomas went back to his normal position and looked at the flagship "That thing is huge! What is powering that thing?" He asked to no one in particular.

Paige just looked at it and shrugged "Well....it is pretty big," she said to herself. It really didn't amaze her so she went back into position with the rest.


Ann looked up at the giant craft and grabbed Akira's hand, the shaking noticeable in the grip. "W-What's that?" She asked as her grip on Akira's hand tightened.

@Crystal Cali
Everyone was bugging out about the large aircraft, and Valentina would've been just as excited too, if she wasn't thinking about why there was a need for such a large ship. Was everyone going to be abducted and plunked on another planet? Sounded like something out of a sci-fi novel and really totally cool, but... Not likely.

Next to her, Valentina's bodyguard had taken off his sunglasses to stare up at the ship in awe.
meanwhile at the grave yard... the skeleton guard noticed a child, sniffling and crying while running from a group of thugs. a spark flew from him as he went and opened the gate for the girl to run in, but the bandits followed chasing after. the girl hid behind him as the bandits attempted to attack the girl. the minion punched the closest one in the face and took his club. "you are trespassing" (teal however is being flung around like a rag-doll by the girl)
Akira looks up to the aircraft with a suspicious gaze. "Some kind of airplane? F.A.I.E. can you get any information on that thing?"

F.A.I.E. made a screeching noise, the LCD screen on her chest got fuzzy for a moment until it stopped. "The broadcast is jamming my search function."

"Well, that sucks," Akira said as she continues to look to the sky.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

"Trinity will now be an acting presence in the town of Lithium. It will make ten circulations per day. Any crime will soon be eliminated from the town with the presence of...GLASS officers." Katherine raised her hands and, out of every city block, came out one or two GLASS officers in a black uniform. They held a gun that seemingly had no ammunition. Thugs on every street corner began to drop like flies. Gangs were eliminated nearly instantly as they were vaporized by high powered weaponry. Katherine herself was smiling with glee. "Please welcome Lithium to a new era of safety." The crowd stared in shock, then began to cheer wildly. Maybe GLASS in the town was going to be a good thing, and Katherine had the right idea about it.

Thomas just stood there, he didn't know how he felt about something like this. Without people like that then there was no one to fight. He shook it off and just examined the giant aircraft in the skies.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Ann looked up "Can you take me to GLASS after this is done? If they have something like that than maybe it would be easy for them to find my dad," she said lifting her feet off the ground while still holding Akira's hand.

@Crystal Cali
A new era of peace? Sounded more like a new dictatorship to Akira. She was unnerved by the sound of gun shots ringing around her, but looked to Ann calmly. "Uh, sure, let's go check them out," she says, then would start leading Ann back to the van.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

Tristin couldn't do anything. Her reaction was just to let this happen. New criminals were bound to show up anyways. She just stood professionally for a minute.


"Thank you for giving us a warm welcome! In return, we will give you a warm future. Smoothies are sold at every third block. Be sure to grab them. Milkshakes sold with little koala leashes are sold every fifth block. Lithium's safety is, however coming at a low price. Taxes have been reduced by five percent!" Cheering followed, a lot of cheering. Could GLASS even do that? The answer was yes. The sun also was blotted out, creating the first ever artificial eclipse in the history of the world. A massive shadow blocked the sun, which was Katherine's parabola of satellites. "We are currently integrating ourselves into Lithium, for maximum connection. Please ignore the fact that the sun isn't here for two hundred miles."

@Shammy the Shamrock @rosehearted @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Ann had the last of her snow cone, she threw it away. She jumped into the van and smiled "Let's go! Let's go!" Ann honked the horn to say Akira to hurry up.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas went back into position 'What about the sun? Maybe it is just for show,' he thought to himself as he waited for what Katherine would do next.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Katherine dropped the stage. "We wish a bright future for you, Lithium. Be prepared for the next rally, most likely tomorrow!" Katherine turned back to her subcommanders, her happy expression immediately fading. "Do you three want to live in Trinity, or the building? I'm giving an option right now, and I can take you to Trinity should I have to."


"I'm alright with whatever. I would like to see Trinity though, and that sounds like a good idea. Thomas?" Since the curtain dropped, Tristin went over to Thomas and put an arm around him.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Thomas smiled "Why don't we live there! It would probably be bigger and a lot more places to go," he said wrapping a hand around Tristin's waist.

Paige nodded "I'm fine with anything so if the rest want to go then i'm all for it." She smiled and place her hands behind her back, bowing slightly to Katherine.

@JPax42 @YoungX
Akira really wasn't that far behind Ann, though F.A.I.E. did make it to the van first, as Akira had also stopped to throw away her trash after finishing her snow cone. "Hey, now, I'm not that slow," she says in a playful tone, then waves her hands to signal for Ann to get out of the driver's seat. "You're not even tall enough to drive, scoot over." Akira had made it to the van, she had one foot inside, and her left arm gripping the handle on the ceiling to pull her up.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann giggled before jumping into the back "Ok! I'm not that short," she said crossing her arms and sitting on the floor. "Thanks for the snowcone." She messed with her scythe, twirling it around with her fingers.

@Crystal Cali
Tristin and Katherine

Tristin leaned on Thomas. "Sounds like fun. Let's do it! So...how do we get there?" Tristin raised an eyebrow. Katherine put on a fake smile. "We're going to turn into fairies!" "Really...?" "No. Teleport." Katherine pulled the badge tab and teleported them to Trinity. The badge tab burned away. "Overload...but...welcome!" Katherine then left to the control panel.


"Uh...this place is huge....how is it even flying...this makes no sense..." Tristin looked slightly scared, worried, and partially tomato.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira grins as she gets into the driver's seat, and shuts the door behind her. "You're welcome. Now," she turns to F.A.I.E. "Directions to GLASS, please."

F.A.I.E. dings, and starts giving directions to the GLASS building, which Akira follows. They arrive rather quickly. Akira parks as close to the building as she can legally get before hopping out, and walking over to the back door to open it and let Ann out.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Ann ran to the door and slammed into it, falling onto the ground. "Ow! Mean door!" She said to herself before trying to opening the door and gesturing inside to Akira, being a gentlelady.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas smirked and kissed Tristin on the cheek "It may make no sense but as long as it has food and a bed i'm good." He chuckled and walked around "This place is huge!"

Paige followed the two "So what is there to do Katherine." She asked looking around the place, she fell to the ground and started making floor angels.

Akira shook her head, chuckling as she approached the GLASS building with F.A.I.E. close behind her. "How dare that door get in your way," she says playfully as she walks through the door, and into the GLASS lobby. Akira looks around to get a feel for the place, and also to try to find someone they can talk to.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42 @YoungX
Meanwhile Sky would have paid attention and took note of everything that was said. Once everything was over he would turn to Igor and ask, "Seems like the GLASS of before. I mean that in their mission."

Jason sat down and grabbed whiskey from his coat "Yup, why?" He asked taking a sip of the whiskey and gesturing to say if she wanted some. Bones went up to Misty and sniffed her before pulling back and turning so she was on her back. Bones way of asking if the cat wanted to play.


(SOOOO SORRY! I forgot about this and then realized right now ;- ;)

"Well, I guess this is all that airplane makers ever wanted. I have to operate the ship for now."


Igor simply took down the notes and things, then walked away. "We will talk once I organize notes."


Tristin found a bedroom and curled up, prepared to sleep. Long day meant sleeping.

(@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock I'm just feeling sick with myself and don't feel like roleplaying, so I'll be back in a few hours or so)

(SOOOO SORRY! I forgot about this and then realized right now ;- ;)
"You know a way into this girls heart." Katrina says, she looks down at Misty, a sign to say it was okay to play and Misty then set off with her new dog friend. Katrina drank all her water, and used the empty cup to get some whiskey. "So, what's your name? Want anything to eat? Don't have much but hey, it's something." She then begins to dig through her large backpack, and soon unrolled a sleeping bag. She then starts to take off her heavy combat boots revealing burn scars up her feet.

@Shammy the Shamrock

(It's ok. Don't worry about it :) )

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