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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin's eyes widened as she saw Paige. "Jeez it's not like we're having se-" Tristin stopped her sentence midway and smugly smiled at Paige. "Seriously though, it's not that big a deal." Tristin disappeared in a blur but was hit by an arm and fell down to the ground.


"Rules. No more than 20 miles an hour in the bedroom. Anyways, what the heck happened here?" Katherine looked genuinely surprised for the first time. The image of a girl and a boy in a bathtub, which was quite literally lifted by the boy's sister was enough to surprise her. "Paige, put on your jumpsuit. We have a rally in a few hours."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas jumped up, he got his jumpsuit on even thought he was still soaked and walked out. "Nothing, just two people in a bathtub that's all." Thomas dried his hair and sat on the bed.

Paige shrugged "Guess they can't keep themselves away from each other. They're like magnets," she chuckled but frowned at having to wear her jumpsuit. "Fine mom!" She growled before grabbing the jumpsuit and throwing everyone out of the bathroom. She came out wearing it "I hate wearing this," she said walking out and going back to reading her book.


Tristin put hers on and smirked at Paige. "You know it changes if you think about it." Tristin's jumpsuit shattered and reformed into seemingly nothing. "Apparently it changes based on what you're thinking-" Tristin's 'nothing' shattered again and changed into the normal clothes she wore at TEST.


Katherine half smiled.
"It has a disguise feature, disguises based on the situation you're in. If you're at a funeral, it might make a black suit or dress. If you go to a night club..." Katherine glared at Tristin and Thomas. "...It's going to become whatever you normally would wear." Katherine's jumpsuit at the moment was just the jumpsuit with a jacket and the commander badge. "It's a safety disguise thing. I can't have a repeat of Sanfield's fear of GLASS. Either way, we're going to need to finish some logistical things before the rally. First of all, since I have four subcommanders, you will stand in a specific order. From left to right, I want Jonathon, Paige, myself, Tristin, and Thomas. It will be slightly skewed, so if any large projectiles are hurled at us, we won't be hurt. Got that?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]"Fine mom!"

(Katherine: Since when was your mother only four years older than you?)

Igor sent Sky a logistical email.

Hello Sky!

Today we are of going to the rally! It is three days and has of airshow and unveiling of subcommanders! I have intercepted their schedule from a guy named Robert who claims to be called James. Well, James let me have it. Anyways, we are of to report in the front of the crowd, but slightly back. Did you know Katherine's only 22 years old?! Such...nevermind, weird details. Anyways, see you there.

Igor pressed send and prepared to get ready. He would take some small concealed weapons that were made of polyester. While they weren't the strongest, they passed security.

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Thomas nodded "Got it! So when are we getting ready for the rally?" He crossed his arms and tipped his hat "Whatever I think of," he said as he went into a black suit. "Might as well look nice," he said grabbing his cane.

Paige smiled "So I can still look like I'm wearing my performer outfit. I won't do it now but does it mean I can!" Paige sat down on the bed and waited for an answer.

JPax42 said:
Igor sent Sky a logistical email.

Hello Sky!

Today we are of going to the rally! It is three days and has of airshow and unveiling of subcommanders! I have intercepted their schedule from a guy named Robert who claims to be called James. Well, James let me have it. Anyways, we are of to report in the front of the crowd, but slightly back. Did you know Katherine's only 22 years old?! Such...nevermind, weird details. Anyways, see you there.

Igor pressed send and prepared to get ready. He would take some small concealed weapons that were made of polyester. While they weren't the strongest, they passed security.

Sky received the email and prepared. Well... prepared in just adding some latest touches to his suit. He didn't expect Katherine to be the same age as him, but it doesn't matter that much. He then went out and grapple hooked his way to the rally where he meets up with Igor.

Jonathon does whatever a samurai does when he helps out.

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"We're almost ready. You guys are to meet me on the roof in a few minutes. We're traveling by helicopter, if any of you have ever done that." Katherine gave a half smile before going to Jonathon. "Jonathon, meet me on the roof. And as for Teal, she has to get to the rally some other way. Officers can escorts her."



Tristin thought about jumping on Thomas but figured Paige would be mad. Instead she just stood up and started tying her hair into a neat ponytail, so that no strands would be falling across her face. Tristin also put two pistols and smoke grenades just in case things went down.
"I'll wait at the door, I need to talk to you all about something."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas made sure he had his pistol and twirled his cane as he went up to Tristin. "What is it," he asked nervous of what Tristin had to say.

Paige got up, grabbed her whip and knife before going over with Thomas and Tirstin.

JPax42 said:
"We're almost ready. You guys are to meet me on the roof in a few minutes. We're traveling by helicopter, if any of you have ever done that." Katherine gave a half smile before going to Jonathon. "Jonathon, meet me on the roof. And as for Teal, she has to get to the rally some other way. Officers can escorts her."



Tristin thought about jumping on Thomas but figured Paige would be mad. Instead she just stood up and started tying her hair into a neat ponytail, so that no strands would be falling across her face. Tristin also put two pistols and smoke grenades just in case things went down.
"I'll wait at the door, I need to talk to you all about something."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon would then head up to meet with Katherine. He wondered what was so important that Katherine had to talk to him alone. In any case he hurried onwards. As he did he would greet Katherine and asked, "Katherine you needed to see me?"

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Tristin went to the roof with Thomas and Paige. "I've been wondering if this subcommanders thing is like a military job. Are our lives on the line? I've just wondered." Tristin went to the roof to see Jonathon and Katherine.


"Alright you're all here. So, that there is a helicopter that you're going to get in. We're going to set up the rally immediately." Katherine got into the helicopter and opened the back doors, which swung down to double as stairs. She then began testing the flight systems when something caught her eye. She was supposed to be professional, but this just was too much. "Cup holders! FINALLY!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Tristin went to the roof with Thomas and Paige. "I've been wondering if this subcommanders thing is like a military job. Are our lives on the line? I've just wondered." Tristin went to the roof to see Jonathon and Katherine.


"Alright you're all here. So, that there is a helicopter that you're going to get in. We're going to set up the rally immediately." Katherine got into the helicopter and opened the back doors, which swung down to double as stairs. She then began testing the flight systems when something caught her eye. She was supposed to be professional, but this just was too much. "Cup holders! FINALLY!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Jonathon boarded the helicopter and looked to the cup holders when Katherine exclaimed. "Oh cup holders. Most excellent for holding in my bottle of Pocari Sweat (Google of you don't know hue.)." He then puts away his drink in one of the cup holders and waits for take off.
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"Don't worry about it, right now enjoy," Thomas took a deep breath and walked towards the helicopter. He went in and sat down "Wow you guys sure can get amazed by cup holders," he said laughing.

Paige patter Tristin's head before running and getting into the helicopter. "Hey Jonathan!" She waved and sat down in her seat.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Katherine took off the helicopter and began flying it over Lithium. Since Lithium wasn't known for its air travel, they were one of the few things in the sky. The helicopter began flying towards a giant rally building, and Katherine didn't say a word during the flight.


Tristin looked at everyone else and smiled. "This is so exciting! I've never been in a helicopter before!" Tristin looked out the window with a smile on her face. Everything seemed so cool. "I wonder when they got the time to make that building anyways. So...anything important we have to remember for the rally?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX (Sorry bout the delay. I had to dry said nope areas because of the stupid spider which I'm going to completely destroy next time I see it)
Thomas smiled "Don't make out with people while we are at the rally." He laughed before looking down "So high up," he said feeling his stomach turn, first time in a helicopter.

"This is magnificent! Can't wait to get down there," Paige said with her eyes burning red and blue. "Ready to go down there darlings," she said tipping her hat.

@JPax42 @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Katherine took off the helicopter and began flying it over Lithium. Since Lithium wasn't known for its air travel, they were one of the few things in the sky. The helicopter began flying towards a giant rally building, and Katherine didn't say a word during the flight.


Tristin looked at everyone else and smiled. "This is so exciting! I've never been in a helicopter before!" Tristin looked out the window with a smile on her face. Everything seemed so cool. "I wonder when they got the time to make that building anyways. So...anything important we have to remember for the rally?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX (Sorry bout the delay. I had to dry said nope areas because of the stupid spider which I'm going to completely destroy next time I see it)
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX
"Indeed a helicopter ride is exhilarating. In any case the rally approaches." Jonathon just mentally prepares just in case.

Sky on the other hands heads to the rally to meet with Igor.

"Alright we're landing in a few minutes. Remember, keep your thoughts in check. The last thing we want is someone, ahem, TRISTIN, to look like a stripper at a professional meeting. We're trying to convince people to like GLASS, we don't need that much motivation if you know what I mean." Katherine began to land the helicopter. Once it hit the landing pad, Katherine cut the engines and walked immediately to the changing room. "This isn't so much a changing room, rather it's a place for you to wait. Females are in room four while males are in room three. Hang tight until the rally begins. I expect to see you all looking sharp." With that, Katherine walked down the hallways.


"Alright. That sounds like a...uh...plan?" Tristin walked into Room 4 and leaned against the wall, staring at herself in the mirror. She never took the time to notice what exactly her eyes did, nor did she notice what the lines were. She didn't care for the most part, because she just enjoyed this whole GLASS thing. As Tristin waited for Paige, she pulled out the deck of cards and stacked it onto a pyramid.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


Igor put on his civilian Russian clothes and walked outside, looking to go to the rally.
"Sky, I am on my way in large brown van. Get inside."


JPax42 said:
"Alright we're landing in a few minutes. Remember, keep your thoughts in check. The last thing we want is someone, ahem, TRISTIN, to look like a stripper at a professional meeting. We're trying to convince people to like GLASS, we don't need that much motivation if you know what I mean." Katherine began to land the helicopter. Once it hit the landing pad, Katherine cut the engines and walked immediately to the changing room. "This isn't so much a changing room, rather it's a place for you to wait. Females are in room four while males are in room three. Hang tight until the rally begins. I expect to see you all looking sharp." With that, Katherine walked down the hallways.


"Alright. That sounds like a...uh...plan?" Tristin walked into Room 4 and leaned against the wall, staring at herself in the mirror. She never took the time to notice what exactly her eyes did, nor did she notice what the lines were. She didn't care for the most part, because she just enjoyed this whole GLASS thing. As Tristin waited for Paige, she pulled out the deck of cards and stacked it onto a pyramid.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


Igor put on his civilian Russian clothes and walked outside, looking to go to the rally.
"Sky, I am on my way in large brown van. Get inside."

Jonathon heads to room three to get changed. Meanwhile Sky heads into a large brown van at the request of Igor. At least then it wont look like a creeper white van. As Sky got in he would wonder what to expect.
Paige walked into room 4 and leaned against a wall reading her book. She looked at the mirror "Can't forget this pretty face," she said to herself laughing.


Thomas went into room 3 and sat on the floor "Excited samurai," he asked while messing with his cane. He just jabbed holes into the wall he was leaning on.


Igor was in the driver's seat, hunched over slightly because he was so large. The van had living quarters in the back, but lacked much space really. It was full of syringes and needles and high powered weapons. "Let's go!" Igor hit the accelerator and the van took off rapidly. Two burning noises could be heard from the back as Igor pulled a lever. It had rocket thrusters, similar to Hugo. When the van hit a speed bump, it took off and flew over traffic for about thirty seconds before coming back down with a thud. "SO SKY! HOW ARE YOU OF ENJOYING RIDE? VERY SMOOTH, RIGHT?!"



Tristin laughed. "Of course not. I mean, you had to get it from somewhere." Tristin looked into the mirror and ran a hand down herself, going over every detail. "It's been a long time since I've looked at myself like this. I can't believe I've grown so much." Tristin laughed and rolled into a handstand, resting herself like that.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I've been in a spotlight so long but never knew what they applauded for." She struck a pose in the mirror and laughed "The Ringmaster, maybe one day I could be one." Paige closed her eyes and took a deep breath at the thought of being back in the circus like that.


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