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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Akira thought for a moment. "Hmm.... How about we go to a park? I know of one with a cool fountain, and a really good snow cone shack," she says with a smile, referring to a place she had been the other day that was very close to the TEST facility. She could take Ann there to play, while also trying to hack into TEST again to see if she could get any new information on their human experimentation.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin sighed with relief and hugged Thomas. Again, the stupid jumpsuit shattered, but this time it didn't reform. "God f-" The jumpsuit turned into the swimsuit glitter thing again, except now the glitter was golden in color. "We need to get out of here, that guy up there tried to steal something from me." Tristin was nervous and ran a hand through her hair and letting out a long sigh. The lines on her face began to glow again. "Burn his shoes or not?" Tristin was debating on whether to set Pike's shoes on fire.

@Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey
Ann nodded as she held onto Akira "Onward!" She yelled feeling better from her break down "SNOWCONES AWAIT!" Ann yelled giggling and waiting for Akira to walk.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas thought of something, he leaned back and pressed his foot against the table. "DISTRACTION!" He yelled kicking the table up and letting it fall back down. He grabbed Trisitin's hand and ran under another table "Ok not my best plan, but it worked!"

@JPax42 @SirGrey
"Merely a test my dear" He said not even bother to look to Thomas. "This is my purse you see ,I just wished to see your reaction to me as a brave Glass sub-commander" Pike said a smile on his face.It wasn't his purse or Tristin's, he stole it on the way here. "I wouldn't actually steal from yo-Ufff" He said the table hitting him in the face, causing a rather nasty cut and bruise. That stung his pride and his face. @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Akira chuckles. "Alright, alright. Just sit tight, I'll drive us there." Akira hops into the driver's seat of the van, takes the keys from the console in front of F.A.I.E. and turns on the car. A moment later, she had her seat belt on, and was driving towards the park. She would park her van on the side of the road, and hop out. She then walks around the van, and opens the back door so Ann can get out. F.A.I.E. gets out on her own, and stands just behind Akira, waiting for the group to move.

@Shammy the Shamrock (and anyone outside the TEST facility.)

Tristin let out a sharp yelp when she was dragged by Thomas and ducked so she wouldn't smash her head against the table, however she did land a smack on the stand of the next table. A small beam of heat shot out of her eyes from the table and ignited a part of a chair. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!!" Tristin realized she shouted again and covered her mouth, squeezing against Thomas and hoping the fire wouldn't reach the alcohol.

@Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey


Igor was walking outside when he noticed something...odd. A child molester van?
"Hey. Don't try to take children from TEST, some of them capable of burning candy." Igor stood outside of TEST. He was currently acting lead because Johnny was...well...drunken mess. "State business, this is private property." The Russian crossed his arms, looking down at Akira and FAIE from his seven foot tall structure.

@Crystal Cali @Shambam the Hammock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Why am I feeling like these names are on purpose.......)

(I have already made a full list. Still improving it. Apparently Shaggy is a real user so what if they show up xD )
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Ann jumped out of the van "HELLO! Are you a stereotypical russian?" She tilted her head before hearing about candy "She gave me much candy! We then went into the van, I slept with her," Ann said not really realizing how awful that sounded.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Thomas grabbed the chair and threw it in a random direction. That direction was to the bar "I think we should go before we cause anymore damage," he said grabbing Tristin's hand and running to the door.

@JPax42 @SirGrey
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Pike grabbed his jaw standing up as he looked up to see the fire from her eyes. he had seen superpower before but still had to act surprised. Still fire near alcohol wasn't good. Grabbing a curtain he rips it off before running to the fire. He covers the fire trying to suppress it from oxygen. It seemed to be working as more staff came to help. @JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

Seven GLASS officers showed up at the scene, barring Tristin and Thomas from running away. They were about to unleash fire extinguishers when Katherine appeared.


Katherine put a hand on Tristin and Thomas's shoulders. "You two should go. Something happened here and I can't have you two around right now." Katherine stepped forward and stared at the fire. After raising a hand, the fire bent back in on itself and sizzled away. "William Pike." Katherine put a hand on her hip and looked straight at Pike. "I believe that purse isn't yours."



Tristin followed Thomas, flinching slightly. Her eyes turned sensitive after setting a chair on fire.
"I'm so sorry...let's get out of here. Oh...ehm...I still have disco balls don't I...?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira looks at the man, confused for a moment as she thinks his statement was really kinda random. F.A.I.E. had automatically started doing a search based on the accusations the man had thrown their way.

"According to my research, you meet 2 out of 3 requirements for a cliche child molester: a white windowless van, and candy hidden within the van." F.A.I.E. says in a very informative tone.

Akira starts to crack up. "Oh yeah? What's the one I'm missing?" she asks.

"You are not an ugly man in his late forties."

Akira just begins to laugh, though stops as she realizes something. She looks to the man with a questioning look, pushing a button on her tablet before she begins to talk. "Hey, you said the kids in TEST are capable of burning candy. Does that mean that TEST has in fact successfully performed genetic manipulation experiments on children?" Akira flinches as Ann comes out of the van talking about candy and sleeping. Well great..... Akira was definitely getting the crap beat out of her now.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

Igor leaned towards Akira, his Russian eyes meeting hers. "I am thirty five. And no, I just mean I give kids lighter. And flame thrower. And peestol. And shot gun. And rocket launcher." Igor then saw a little girl walk in. "What...I am not stereotypical Russian!" Igor responded angrily while adjusting his fur cap and taking a drink of vodka from his bottle. "Cyka Blyat."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali
MA50N of course just watched everything go down. He was generally pretty confused. The events that took place were contradicting what little he had learned about human interacting. His eyes movies between Pike and Katherine, then settled on Pike. MA50N was curious to see how the their handled the situation.
"Yes so I have been told" William Pike said standing up with sarcasm in his voice "though I do not know you". He had never meet this woman before. He stood up blood trickling down his face. He stood in a firm manner his umbrella directly in-front with both hands on it. He was facing direct opposite. "I do not see how you can know that" he said in a monotone voice. He hid his anger well. He didn't like being in the dark on something. Made him feel more threatened then more then any weapon pointed at him. @JPax42
Thomas walked away from the scene "It's okay, you didn't mean to destroy the chair." He yawned and felt a wave a pain "And the backlash from drinking is kicking in." He leaves against her, covering his mouth, trying not to throw up.


Ann tilted her head "Oh, have you seen this man. His name is Threat and I've been looking for him like crazy!" She took out the picture and showed it to Igor.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Katherine threw Pike a bandage. "You're a tough guy, you can handle it. Katherine Cardinal, acting director of GLASS. I'll be seeing you at the rally which starts today, I assume?" Katherine stepped forward. The GLASS jumpsuit she wore spoke director. A simplified GLASS badge was pasted to the left side of her chest. However, she had abandoned the ever famous GLASS cape. For now. "Your raids on TEST are impressive, I must say. It's almost as if they have a large Russian oaf in charge of security."



"You know what? We'll get you back." Tristin gently put Thomas on Hugo and went to the GLASS building. Hugo managed to fit in the elevator. "Panda." Tristin giggled and stroked Hugo on the head, then sat back next to Thomas. Hugo would do the rest of the work. Hugo walked into the bedroom and rolled Thomas and Tristin onto the bed, before walking out into the elevator.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I do not know that man. Speaking of crazy, are you? Because I am psychologist." Igor pulled out a clipboard and put glasses on. Pencils looked small in his massive Russian hands, and he was pretty intimidating when it came down to it. "He does look sort of...er...I don't know. PENELOPE!" A small woman with thick glasses ran up to Igor and looked at the picture of Threat. "H! HOT! MORE THAN...AZAMEL!!" She was basically jumping with joy, at which Igor put a finger to her neck. When Igor did this, Penelope passed out cold. "Penelope not helpful."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas ran to the bathroom to throw up. He came back soon after and fell on the bed "You were amazing," he said softly curling up and shaking on the bed.


Ann looked at the picture "Why does almost every woman I meet say that about him? I don't see it," she said putting the picture away. "Who's the women, and why is she waisted on the floor?"

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
"I assume that not going to the rally is an option" He asks grabbing the package. "And I didn't get you anything" He said unwrapping it carefully. For all he knew it could be a bomb so opening near the person who gave it to him might be a good idea. As she talked about the TEST raids, he praised whatever God was out there for the bar being empty. "Backhand complements and sarcasm, not bad" He said sarcastically, stepping forward as she did. "Then again employing acid in the vents wasn't the smartest plan. He then had a realisation. "Have you bought any power cells recently?" @JPax42
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Tristin gently rolled onto Thomas and sat on his stomach. "Thanks. You were right about the weird position too, but this time I'm glittery!" Tristin laughed and grabbed Thomas's hands. "Is everything alright? You're shaking a little bit."


Igor pointed to Penelope.
"Her name's Penelope. Useless scientist. Anyways, uhm...he look like guy who beat up Brutimus Maximus. Brutimus Maximus is great line dancer. You may want to talk to Mr Maximus, but stay away from his butt." Igor gave a deep laugh and pulled out a notepad. "Anything else you want to know?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali


Katherine remembered the twenty thousand dollar power cell. It weighed ten thousand pounds, and it was going to be alright, until a woman who can fly twice the speed of sound dropped through her roof and lifted it up with
one hand and BURNED IT WITH HER EYES. Katherine shook her head. "Depends on what you refer to as a power cell. Here at GLASS, we have a system of making power. You'll see everything at the rally." Katherine then walked up to Pike, holding out a contract for a power cell. "It was a jump start. Were you the one who acquired the cell?" Katherine still showed minimal emotion.

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MA50N was quite proud of himself for understanding at least a little bit of what the two were conversing about. The Android quickly looked around, noticing he was the only one left in the bar, aside from GLASS and Pike of course. MA50N came to the realization that he probably wasn't supposed to be witnessing the conversation, and thus he ducked out of sight, hiding behind a table that had been knocked over in the panic.
"Yes I was but I've already been paid what is this contract about" he asked in a for once intrigued voice. He finished unwrapping the package. He noticed the shake of the head. Probably to do with something else. The idiotic sub-commander perhaps who couldn't handle her purse being snatched. He was paid handsomely for the power cells, which was the only reason he read the contract in the first place. @JPax42
"Where do babies come from," she asked since she asked if he wanted to know anything else. "And why do my eyes change color," she asked letting her eyes flash purple.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Thomas sighed "I just feel cold and there's a pounding sensation against my head. I don't feel well," he said holding his head. Thomas went to the his side and continued to shake as the pain wouldn't go away.


"About the purse...it belonged to one of my scientists." Katherine held out a long slender hand. Her hands seemed oddly smooth to make sense. "She's here right now, so may you hand it over?" Katherine rolled up the contract, still showing no emotion. The only difference is that a shimmer ran up and down her body, ending at the badge. Everyone in the immediate vicinity of two meters would begin to feel just a little bit heavier, and maybe even lightheaded. Katherine herself simply kept her hand out, waiting for the purse. "Also, I assume you have met a subcommander, Tristin? Seems like you'll be meeting the two during the rally." Katherine wished Pike would just hand over the purse so she could get on with her life, and save a poor scientist a lot of trouble.



Tristin had a worried look in her eye as she put a hand to Thomas's face. "You may be coming down with something. Maybe the whole experience shocked you?" Tristin herself began to feel slightly cold, maybe there was a mutual thing there? Nonetheless, she snuggled herself against Thomas, under his arm. She then wrapped her legs around his waist. "At least you won't be cold anymore. Jeez, I wish Katherine bothered giving us a bed with any blankets."


Igor crossed his massive arms. "Babies are made when a man and a woman love each other very much. The man gives the woman a special sauce- this is embarrassing. They have sex and nine months later a baby comes out of the mother's vagina. And you can change your eye colors because of different veins along your face. Belongs to an alien race. The only other one of these people I know are..." Igor remembered his childhood friend, Kirstin. She exhibited this weird trait for the veins. She was also incredibly heavy. He then thought about Tristin. Tristin also had the lines, although in her sleep when she was having a nightmare. "There is someone I know who I can get you a lead on. Do you know GLASS? Go visit them. It's a ways drive, forty minutes by panda. An hour by van."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali
Akira's eye twitches at Igor's explanation to her question. Well, at least he didn't smash her face into the concrete, after Ann jumped out and started saying things that made her seem like a pedophile. She watches the interaction between Ann and Igor closely, her robotic hand discreetly hovering over the handgun she had holstered to her belt. She moves so that she was almost in between Ann and Igor, while leaning up against her van. "You sure do ask a lot of questions, Annie." she comments, then looks back to Igor, her face growing bright red as Igor just explains sex to Annie without a second thought. She clears her throat. "Ah, well that's a uh... probably a better way of explaining that than I would have. Thanks for the tip about GLASS, though. We'll have to be sure to check that out." Akira speaks with a straight face, and a cheerful tone, but she didn't quite trust this stranger who was obviously drinking, and also possibly working for TEST.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

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