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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
William Pike look over the city from his high rise apartment with a glass of wine in hand. He had sold the stolen TEST power cells for a pretty man. He didn't know who too and didn't care. They paid and that was that. "Well I might as well go out and enjoy myself" the thief said looking over his mask. Sometimes Pike did what he called a steal and run where he grabbed whatever he could find out in the city. Kept The Whisper on his toes. As Pike started running along the rooftops he saw someone sitting there. Running past he said "You either sit there and worry about what you do or just jump and see where you land" @YoungX
SirGrey said:
William Pike look over the city from his high rise apartment with a glass of wine in hand. He had sold the stolen TEST power cells for a pretty man. He didn't know who too and didn't care. They paid and that was that. "Well I might as well go out and enjoy myself" the thief said looking over his mask. Sometimes Pike did what he called a steal and run where he grabbed whatever he could find out in the city. Kept The Whisper on his toes. As Pike started running along the rooftops he saw someone sitting there. Running past he said "You either sit there and worry about what you do or just jump and see where you land" @YoungX
Sky replied back, "One either starts first or finishes last." He then just relaxes as he lies down on the rooftop ground. Despite not knowing who this individual was, it didn't matter to him in the slightest. Sky just needed time to relax.
The master thief stopped in his tracks. He went back to the man contemplating life. "Or one rigs the race to make sure they come first" The Whisper said standing firm with his umbrella held at his side. @YoungX
Jack then proceeded to breakdance in front of the filthy vagrant commoners, further adding to the affect of his song, before snapping back up and dropping the mic, moonwalking off stage. His plan was going well so far. Now he just had to capitalize.
SirGrey said:
The master thief stopped in his tracks. He went back to the man contemplating life. "Or one rigs the race to make sure they come first" The Whisper said standing firm with his umbrella held at his side. @YoungX
"The one that has nothing to lose is the real winner," Sky said in response as he relaxed. For some reason this was turning into life changing quotes session. It was interesting to say the least.

Tristin stared at what just went down. She yelled from the back of the crowd. "Two things. One, what kind of song was that?! And two, nice to meet you!" Tristin began laughing as well, putting her head down as she did. She was laughing so hard, in fact, that her stomach muscles wouldn't respond to being tickled since they were so condensed. She had reached almost absolute laughter and it went for two minutes before she started gasping, trying to calm herself. "That...I'd do a duet with him." Tristin could harmonize her voice pretty well with most people, notably males. Either way, Tristin saw him get off the stage and followed him, to greet him. "Thomas come on."

Tristin skidded to a stop in front of Jack, holding her hand out. "Hello, um, sir...who are you and what was that?" Tristin raised an eyebrow. Of course, anyone could easily play the 'You shouldn't be here, you're fifteen' card, but Tristin would ignore that should it happen.

@Shammy the Shamrock @LordOfThePitch
"Don't eat cheese before going to bed" Pike said in a sarcastic manner. He really didn't have any use for life quotes. He lived by one already. 'I am a thief now give us your stuff'. @YoungX
Jack ignored the fact that not only was she a filthy commoner, a minor, AND that she had dared to ask him to shake her squalid, stubby little fingers, and shook her hand, smiling charismatically.

"I'm Jack Montgomery. And that was some karaoke. Not to put a damper on your dazzling performance, though."

He chuckled lightly, calculating the exact moment to cut it off to seem natural and effortless.

"What's your name, might I ask?"

He raised an eyebrow.

SirGrey said:
"Don't eat cheese before going to bed" Pike said in a sarcastic manner. He really didn't have any use for life quotes. He lived by one already. 'I am a thief now give us your stuff'. @YoungX
"He who has dipped his hand in the cookie jar has slipped in too late." Sky then looks to the man and said, "Your unlike most others. What's your name?" It had been awhile since he had said quotes one after another.
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Tristin removed her hand from Jack's. She wasn't expecting him to shake it. Tristin looked at her fingers, which weren't really stubby. They were quite long, almost alien like. "I'm uh...Tristin. Yeah I haven't laughed that much in a long time either." She walked up to Thomas and laughed, tilting her head towards Thomas. "Don't worry Mr. Montgomery, I only kind of did it because I alcohol'd a bit hard and yeah. But your performance was...interesting."

@Shammy the Shamrock @LordOfThePitch
Jack raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Well, I should hope so. Yours was too. Want to... do a duet of sorts? Have you heard of the song "Get Schwifty"?"

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MA50N stood in the club, looking oddly out of place as people dance around him. His eyes watched Thomas like a hawk might watch a mouse. MA50N had in truth been following Thomas for a fair amount of time now. The way the boy dressed and acted was peculiar to MA50N and thus it intrigued the Android. Thomas was different from most males that inhabited the city, and MA50N was determined to find out why.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42 @LordOfThePitch
"I am The Whisper maybe you've heard of me" Pike said in a rather refined manner. He was curious now. What would this man do now that he knew that he was sharing quotes with a master thief. "He who fights monster must be wary lest he become one". @YoungX

Tristin stepped back and raised another eyebrow. "What the hell is that?" Tristin was slightly nervous and definitely not up to duet like that. Something caught her eye when she turned around and saw MA50N. "Hey. Hey! Why are you staring at him?" Tristin snapped her fingers and glared at the android. "Sorry, what are you doing?"

@LordOfThePitch @HighFiveStereo @Shammy the Shamrock
SirGrey said:
"I am The Whisper maybe you've heard of me" Pike said in a rather refined manner. He was curious now. What would this man do now that he knew that he was sharing quotes with a master thief. "He who fights monster must be wary lest he become one". @YoungX
"I have heard of The Whisper. I'm a mercenary you see, but I'm not after you so don't worry." He then responds his quote with another quote. "The real monster is your own negative."
MA50N's gaze turned to look upon Tristin. He stared at her for a brief moment before answering. "Studying." Was all the Android responded with before turning his attention back to Thomas.
LordOfThePitch said:
filthy vagabond conflict
(Filthy heathens! You shall be damned to the Nether regions of the deepest parts of the Earth!)


Tristin's eyes were trained on the android. "Android..." She turned her head, raising a hand up. Tristin wasn't sure how intelligent the android would be, but if it was intelligent then that was good, right? Wait, the android turned to Thomas. "Hold on, that looks creepy and suspicious." Tristin put a hand on Thomas's shoulder and stepped in front of him. Veins began to glow, arcing to her eyes before she blinked. "Yeah, if you're studying...can you not do that here?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @HighFiveStereo @LordOfThePitch
"Well that is a relief" Pike said as looked over the city. He was growing restless. "I think I will take my leave for now though before I go give me your number if I ever need to hire anyone for help on a job" Pike said. This man did seem to be rather comfortable in his skills. A international theif is know to you and you say meh. That either shows guts or stupidity. Pike was leaning on the first. @YoungX

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