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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
MA50N watched as the girl's veins began to glow. She was different too! MA50N's attention immediately shifted to her. She was much more interesting then the strange boy with the top hat. He seemed to ignore whatever the girl said as he just stared at her, waiting for her to do something interesting. "Please ignore me and act as you normally would." MA50N encouraged.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
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SirGrey said:
"Well that is a relief" Pike said as looked over the city. He was growing restless. "I think I will take my leave for now though before I go give me your number if I ever need to hire anyone for help on a job" Pike said. This man did seem to be rather comfortable in his skills. A international theif is know to you and you say meh. That either shows guts or stupidity. Pike was leaning on the first. @YoungX
"It's fine. Right now I'm just a mercenary just lying on a rooftop. Stealing isn't exactly within my section. There is another mercenary named Ying Yang. Perhaps she'll do it for you." He then gives him a way to contact her. "In any case I'll be seeing you later.... maybe." Sky starts slinging away using both of his grappling hooks into the city.

Tristin shook her head at Thomas. An android at the door was suspicious enough and it would get weird if she just let the robot stay outside. Instead, she hopped out and curiously turned at MA50N. "I'm not going to ignore you looking at him that way. Please don't."

@Shammy the Shamrock @HighFiveStereo
Pike had gone home changing into his more classic black suit. He could do with going out. There was a club near by that seemed to do the job. It wasn't as high class as Pike was used to but that could be good for now. High class gets boring for now. At the door he saw someone argue with a robot. He waited patiently to be let in. He was hoping for a private table. @Shammy the Shamrock @HighFiveStereo @JPax42 @LordOfThePitch
The Android's eyes stayed on Tristin as she moved. "Mr. Thomas is no longer interesting to me." MA50N spoke. He motioned towards her eyes as he spoke once more. "I request that you illiminate your veins once more. I'd like to understand what causes it."

Tristin stepped away from the android slowly, realizing that maybe something weird was going on in town. However this made her run into a table with a guy in a black suit. She never ran into anything before! Tristin replayed the image of a sparkly glitter covered girl smashing into a table with her legs. "Oh, uhm, sorry..."

@HighFiveStereo @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey
It had taken long enough for Pike to get a table. Finally he got on, private of course, and order that a brandy. As he waited for the drink someone ran into the table. "Its fine are you alright" Pike says looking over her. "Now you don't look that drunk, so mind telling why you ran into this? Pike asked. It could just be an accident but something about her reaction told Pike that it wasn't. @JPax42

Tristin straightened herself, completely unfazed by bumping into the table. She simply started talking about excuses. "You know how once in a while you do a thing and it does other people a frighten and then you-" Tristin realized that her dimly glowing amber eyes were basically peering into the guy's soul. "I'm not helping..." The only thing that would make this awkward if the jumpsuit shattered. At that moment, someone threw a glass at it her and it broke over her seemingly bare stomach. The liquid simply slid off the surface and there were no glass shards in her skin. The GLASS jumpsuit could only disguise so much and it still invisibly existed in places. Hopefully Pike didn't notice. "Sorry, can I sit? I hate being target practice."

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"Well you certainly have some interesting fashion choices" Pike said siting back down, legs crossed over the other. "Tell me if I were to guess that would mean you work for an organisation don't you, let me guess, TEST or the new one GLASS" Pike asked in a rather confident manner. "Oh but how rude of me, please take a seat" he said motioning to the seat. "Oh and William Pike" the thief said taking a sip of his drink.


"Tristin Winters, GLASS subcommander and...nightclub performer. Nice to meet you Mr. Pike." Tristin nervously bit her lip and sat down next to Pike. "Do you fancy either of those organizations? Because, the rally's coming up in a few days." Tristin laughed then softly rolled her eyes. "And no, I won't be wearing 'disco balls.' So what brings you to this club?"

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"Really how do you mange both Miss Winter, Oh and my performer do you mean singer. That takes me back" Pike said sipping her wine. He was amused by the ask of the question. "Organisations are meaningless to me, they hold nothing I want and distract to much from work which already steals enough of my time" Pike explained with a smile. "Sorry but 'disco balls' what does that mean? Oh and what brings me here, oh well I wanted to relax in a more low key place". @JPax42

Tristin put her head in her hands. "Not just singer. I can dance too, and, well, you'll see at the rally. And uh...disco balls is a long story." Tristin just pointed quickly and started taking a sip from the drink she got earlier. "Well, organizations is basically my life. Personally, I was raised in a TEST laboratory. But, take a wild guess at how many jobs I've held for them." Tristin expected a lower number, since usually a fifteen year old wouldn't go through anything more than say, thirty jobs. The actual number was 192 different jobs. "And, about the relaxing, why here of all places? It's pretty loud." Tristin leaned back and smiled, balancing her drink on her palm. She then proceeded to take a sip that way, none of the liquid sloshing out, nor the glass falling.

"I enjoy singing as well but I haven't really done that in a while" Pike said his legs crossed one on top of the other still, sipping his drink. "I've only ever worked for myself and only really ever had one job, the one I have now". That was a lie, he had never had a job, after all with the amount he steals he never needed to work. "Oh and 200" Pike joked sipping his drink some more. "Why here, I always go to high class places, so a place like this well its nice to see it once in while. Plus people like you are here which you don't get to meet every day" Pike said trying to be friendly. After all the GLASS subcommander good have useful info. @JPax42
Akira sighs. Dang, this girl knew which questions to ask. "He..... I don't know, okay? I'm sorry he left, and I wish I could tell you more about why, but I don't know what your father would say, or what he's gotten himself into. All I know is that I will not let you starve. I promise I will protect you, so you can rely on me now. You don't have to worry."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin laughed and shook her head. "Close, it's 192. And, what do you mean people like me? Oh, and before you say strippers...there's a difference between strippers and me. I also have skill." Tristin laughed in a forced sort of way and trailed off into thought about her mom. Hopefully Pike wouldn't recognize the connection between Tristin Winters the Ringmaster and herself. But what if Pike meant people like Tristin, as in, people with abilities. And this wasn't very good, since Tristin was basically three in one. She was faster than Usain Bolt, she can make a cards pyramid on her arm, and on top of that she can set stuff on fire by staring at it for a minute or so. Oh, the cards! "Hey, you wanna see a trick?" Tristin looked down past her stomach and pulled out a deck of cards. "It...isn't what it looks like. Invisible pockets." Tristin smiled and dropped the entire deck out. While the deck fell, Tristin grabbed it and made a double fan in her hand. "Do you want to see a trick?"

"Sure and what I meant was I rarely see people as nice as you as genuine as you" Pike said sipping his drink. "Most people I meet are materialistic, shallow and have no fire to there life, only talk to me because of my income my status. They say places like this are for the lower class, they couldn't be more wrong" Pike explained with a smile. While what he said was to get into Tristin good graces, it did ring home some truths. Pike brushed it away with a laugh "That few, my God you really should put yourself out there more" he said sarcastically. The thief was intrigued by the trick saying "Sure why not". @JPax42
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Tristin split the fan and threw the cards from one hand to the other, forming them into a fan again. "Now, do you see those five people behind you? Good." Tristin quickly shook the fan and five cards went flying out. The five people behind Pike didn't seem to notice anything, but Tristin quickly stood up and walked to them. After some short conversation, Tristin reached into one of the guys' pockets and pulled out a card, much to the guy's surprise and delight. She then repeated for the other four people and lay out the cards in front of Pike. They were all Aces, except for the Joker in the middle. "Okay, now you have all the aces, right?" Tristin turned the aces over and threw a card at the table. The card planted itself sideways into the table. "Now, flip the aces." If Pike flipped the aces, he would find that they had all turned to Jacks, and the card that was planted in the table was the Joker. The card with the Joker on Pike's original stack was now the ace of spades, and the other Joker? If Pike would reach into his pocket...

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The trick amused Pike even made him chuckle a little at the quaintness of it. Not to say he didn't admit the skill after all most of his job was tricky as well. As he flipped the Aces find them to be Jacks. "Very good Miss Winter" He said with some genuine admiration. Flip the Joker he found the Ace. Smiling he looked at her in a knowing fashion. "Let me guess" he said grabbing his pocket to find a joker. "The Joker, wild card,deuces wild. My perfect descriptor" He said with a coy smile. He then handed Tristin her purse saying "Invisible Pockets made it quite difficult". @JPax42
Ann started to calm down and leaned on the mattress. "Thanks, I feel better," she grabbed Akira and hung onto her like a koala. "What do you want to do today," she asked wiping the tears away from his face.

@Crystal Cali

Tristin's eyes widened. "What's that?" Tristin didn't own a purse. She was a little bit shocked by what Pike said about invisible pockets. "Wait...did you...?" Tristin's face went red with embarrassment and she covered her mouth. This stranger she just met tried to steal something from her. That was terrifying. What was even more unsettling was that that wasn't even her purse. It was only a matter of time before the person returned for the purse. Tristin signaled Pike to go under the table before the real owner returned. Tristin herself hopped under the table and curled up. The shock from the incident caused her behavior to change. Therefore that caused the swimsuit-with-glitter sequins to shatter and reform as a detective woman's suit. "Damnit!" Tristin hoped Thomas would do something right about now and get her out of the situation with a thief...

@SirGrey (That awkward moment when Tristin doesn't have a purse xD ) @Shammy the Shamrock
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"well i guess I'll tell you about me since you've all gone quiet. i am teal evergood and i started being a super so i can avenge my grand-pa who got blown up by test. i can animate anything using robotics but its easiest to do this to humanoid objects. any questions?"

"Yes. LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" Laura pulled out a handgun and started shooting at the tall guard that was at the door. The bullets were designed to pierce thick armor, but it packed a heavy recoil, so Laura had to recover before shooting.

Thomas had past out on one of the tables. He would definitely feel it in the morning, he yawned as he woke up still in the club. "Oh god what did I do to myself?" He ran a hand through his hair as he leaned back on the table with his hands behind his head. He heard a familiar voice as he ran across tables and to Tristin's. He went under and smiled "Hello, hows it going," he asked tipping his hat.

@JPax42 @SirGrey
"um ok... anyone here willing to help me with her?" she asked as she walked to the door which had a big hole in the top now

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