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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pike handed over the purse. "Of course tell her to keep an eye on her pocket more often" Pike said with a smile before muttering "We are being watched, across the room, robot not sure how long". He spoke quickly and with order. "My umbrella has an electric shock, I am going to say I am getting use a drink, sarcastically of course" He said think of the plan as he went along. "I don't know if you will leave or cover me, but I don't know you might not want to be seen talking about theft" He said walking to the drinks. He yelled "At toast to contract and the good they bring eh" as he made the drinks.

@JPax42 @HighFiveStereo

(Whats in the package! and the contract!)

"Thank you." Katherine threw the purse out the door. A woman's happy yelps were heard, then the roaring of a lion. Then an explosion was heard. Katherine didn't flinch at this at all. "The contract is for the most recent power cell I purchased. It's defective, the reason was heat visioned. If you can get me that, that would be nice. The package, well, TEST will be happy to get that. Don't open it." Katherine leaned forward slightly before standing up. She then walked out of the building unlike how she walked in. The officers then filled up the places of the bartender, and the DJ was officially wearing a GLASS mask and jamming out music. People filed back in, and Katherine walked away.



"No problem. And one more thing, nice cat ears. My brother, Dmitry, has the same ears." Igor beamed boldly at her before finishing whatever he was doing in his important notepad. For a second, he turned it to show everyone what he was doing. "It looks important, but I was just playing Sudoku. With calculus." Igor laughed and turned to Ann. "Sex is taught better in Russia."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine stopped MA50N. Her red hair tied behind her back allowed her to fully gaze into the robot. "Ah...MA50N. Turns out humans are much more reliable when it comes to running an organization. We built you perfectly, MA50N. And what did you do? Walk out on us." Without showing expression, Katherine shook her head. "Your future is now in your hands. Not GLASS's. If you ever come back and realize that you need us, please do. But for now, run along."

Thomas smiled "Why would I need a blanket when I have you." He laughed and then winced in pain as the pounding went strong for a few moments then stopped. He closed his eyes and curled up around her "Thanks for tonight," he whispered as he went to sleep.


Ann nodded "Let's go to the park Akira! Come on! I want snow cones," she said grabbing Akira's hand and dragging her around. "Please! Please! Please!" She said grabbing her leg and showing a puppy dog look.

@Crystal Cali @JPax42
MA50N's hand twisted, and one of his hidden blades folded out. The Android was just about to use it when he realized Katherine didn't intend to harm him. Slowly, the blade folded back up into his wrists. "You built me to act human. I have found that young humans rebel from their creators." With that seemingly random statement, MA50N slipped out of the bar and into the open streets.

Tristin scooted over Thomas and proceeded to blanket more of him. "Yeah, it was fun." Curling up gently under his neck and singing softly, Tristin was finally peacefully happy. Since Tristin couldn't really sleep yet, she just lay there gently sliding her stomach up and down on Thomas's arms, still singing the lullaby.

Pike left the bar as fast as he could. He felt all his anger that he kept filled up exploded. "Who does she think she is demanding of me? Because she is the leader of an organisation that was destroyed by one man" Davorin mutter on his way home. Still he did hold respect for her. He had his suspicions of the package. The power cell. He dropped it on the ground carefully before walking off. He now had to pay a client back. Or get them a new one. @JPax42
JPax42 said:
(Ann: *Omega puppy dog eyes intensify* You're old news! I'm the new cutey in town *Does sassy hair flip*)
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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(Ann: *Omega puppy dog eyes intensify* You're old news! I'm the new cutey in town *Does sassy hair flip*)

(Tiffany: Pfft once I get out of here you'll be boring! Tristin: *Is sitting on Thomas wearing 'disco balls,' simply cannot be topped in terms of cute*)
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Thomas felt the pain which wouldn't let sleep well, for only an hour or so. He soon woke up and the pain seemed to had vanished "Oh god, I should never drink that much." He laughed and looked down at Tristin "You really have a beautiful voice."


JPax42 said:
(Tiffany: Pfft once I get out of here you'll be boring!)

(Ann: You want to go beach (*^*) I'll knock your eyes out!)

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MA50N was waiting in an alley-way when Pike passed by. The Droid quickly moved to the man's side, matching his pace. "So what is the power cell you two were speaking about?" The Android quistioned.
Officer Tubbs

An officer was munching a donut when Pike dropped a package. "Hey, don't litter!" The fat officer couldn't chase Pike, but he walked up to the package. "Score." The officer lifted up the package and shoved the entire thing in his mouth, crunching the glass and metal inside alike until he swallowed it happily. He then turned to a building and released a massive burp that had the energy to trigger an earthquake. The building simply shook slightly, but some windows cracked.

@SirGrey @HighFiveStereo


Tristin smiled and just slowly stopped rubbing Thomas.
"You look like you need some water. I'll get you a glass, and maybe you can just go and soak in the bathtub a few hours." Tristin poured Thomas a glass of water and put it on the dresser before opening the door to the bathroom. She saw the worst thing. The red matter cell that flew in had filled the entire bathroom with red goo. "Ugh..." Tristin saw that the goo wasn't falling through the door, put put a hand through the goo. It almost seemed like a squishy door. "Oh god, Thomas, look at this."

@Shammy the Shamrock

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Ann: You want to go bitch (*^*) I'll knock your eyes out!)

(Tiffany: Oh yeah how about I burn you! *opens mouth to singe Ann's face* *mouth is covered by a large hand* Kirsty: *lightly taps Tiffany and sends her to the moon*)
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Katrina looked back at him, her eyes though covered by her sunglasses were obviously glaring at him, a warning, kind of saying 'Keep your dog under control'. Misty purred rubbing against the man. "Shh." Katrina said to Misty. Misty turned, it was as if they had a silent conversation. Katrina finally sat down and pointed at the fire and than at the man. Signaling for him to sit down. She poured another glass and bowl. "If she's hungry have some food, you got some whiskey?" her raspy voice says directed at the man. She pulls out a cigarette and offers one to the man. "Want?" It's obvious she doesn't live talking, but she does anyway.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Pike ignore the officer walking off home. Once there, he dashed over to his phone calling up his fences. He had kept some of the power cells, after all the contract was only for one. He had to pay to get it off the market but he got and shipped it off to same address as last time. He sat on his chair over looking the city. He feel asleep wit drink and Moby Dick on the table. @JPax42 (GTG)
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Akira smiles at the compliment. "Thanks," she says, then chuckles at the revelation of the notepad as she gets drug backwards by Ann. "Alright, alright, I'm coming," she laughs, then looks to F.A.I.E. "Lock up the van for me, would ya?"

F.A.I.E. nods, and turns to the van, making sure all the doors were shut, and locked before rushing over to Akira and Ann before they could get the tablet out of her range.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42

"Might as well check it out." Tristin took a deep breath and walked through the goo. She looked around saw everything tinted in red. Things that were not bolted down were simply suspended in the goo. Tristin pulled the toilet open and flushed it. Immediately all the goo was sucked up, leaving the bathroom in its previous condition. Tristin looked at Thomas wide-eyed, wiping goo out of various places on her body. "You know, that was surprisingly convenient. What's the goo stuff called anyways?" Tristin then turned on the water. "Have fun." Tristin smiled warmly at Thomas and looked around for a second. She then took off the jumpsuit and folded it, to which it responded by disappearing. "Handy." Tristin then put the invisible mass on the bed before walking back to Thomas and hugging him. "You're a great dancer."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Well, good luck with GLASS. Did you take any of our children? Because if you have to take one, take Tiffany." Igor smirked and walked back inside, waving to Akira and Ann.

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Akira looked confused at Igor's comment, though she chuckles slightly. She looks over to F.A.I.E. and says "Well, now that we know they have children, we need to figure out what they're doing with them. I don't particularly trust that TEST with the task of taking care of children, though other than being a drunk, that guy didn't seem half bad."

F.A.I.E. nods. "Would you like for me to search for information on missing children that may be linked to TEST?" she asks.

"Yes please," Akira says, and F.A.I.E. chirps as she begins to scan through the internet for articles and information about kids related to TEST.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas smiled and kissed her on the head "Thanks but you're a better singer than I am a dancer." He removed his jumpsuit and put in near the sink, somewhere he could find it since it vanished. Leaning back in the tub he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, thinking to himself.


Ann skipped along til they got to the park, she smiled and ran around. At one point she vanished but appeared hanging upside down from a tree "Boo!" Ann said giggling and going back up into the tree.

@Crystal Cali

GLASS began setting up the stage. Various futuristic cranes began putting up the rally building and within a day, a new building had joined Lithium. It was about half the size of an airplane building, and had glowing letters saying GLASS on the roof. Katherine herself was in a dressing room, in her underwear, staring at herself. She looked at herself up and down and saw a lot of confidence. Definitely confident, Katherine thought to herself as she began layering a jumpsuit over herself. The process took half a second, but the suit was actually quite confusing. Various patterns on two planes would follow the curves and surfaces of her body, running up and down, eventually forming a jumpsuit. Even the minimal detail was enclosed in the GLASS fabric. It was, truly, like wearing paint. Over the jumpsuit, Katherine, placed an armor plate. While the plate was unconventional, it was in honor of her partner. The man who gave her Laura. She walked up to a picture of Brendan on a mirror. Katherine put a hand up to Brendan's image. "Thank you for both daughters. Laura and GLASS." Katherine closed her eyes and concentrated on the thought of GLASS. The image of Brendan shattered and reformed into Laura holding a commander badge. That's what Katherine wanted to see.

As Katherine walked to the stage, she was stopped by a man.
"Commander, there is a red matter containment issue. We are lacking a red matter cell." At this, Katherine narrowed her eyes. "Who told you about red matter? That's just a myth..." Katherine took the man aside. "Robert-" "My name's James..." "Whatever, Robert. Take a long walk, and think about what you just asked for. I'll take over your job for you." "My name's Jam-" "Robert. Walk. Now." "But Mom-" "I am not your mother. You're thirty five." "Fine. I, JAMES-" "Robert, this is an order!" The moment Katherine raised her voice, everything went silent. Even the birds stopped chirping. Crickets immediately ceased making sounds. Rabbits whimpered and scampered into the woods. Pigeons flew into the urban jungle of Lithium.

(Set up scene)


Tristin smiled at Thomas. Since Thomas's eyes were closed, Tristin had the option of getting in a weird position. And that's exactly what she did. Tristin climbed into the tub with Thomas and sat on his chest, although lightly. She leaned forward and then curled up on top of him. The warmth of her breath was on Thomas's neck as she spoke.
"Mm. How you feeling?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Tristin yelped and slid off of Thomas, falling into the tub with a loud splash. "Good since you're here." Tristin laughed and ran a hand over Thomas's stomach. "You know you're somewhere privileged there's enough space keep your knees, feet, and boobs under the water all at the same time." Tristin giggled lightly and demonstrated what she was talking about. GLASS was rich and fancy, and definitely was better than in the public showers of TEST, where anything negative was possible. Tristin then closed her eyes. "It's so silent. Usually it's never this quiet, there's some kind of clicking or gunshot or something in Lithium."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas grabbed a handful of water and splashed it at Tristin's face. "I'm here to break that silence," he laughed and leaned back so his head rested on the rim. Thomas grabbed another handful of water and threw it into the air to cause it to fall like rain.


Tristin pouted when the water hit her face. "Oh yeah my turn!" Tristin smashed a hand into the water, sending a lot of it into the air towards Thomas. Tristin then jumped on Thomas and pushed him under the water, taking herself with him. She then held him under by pressing her chest against his and looking into his eyes, smiling deviously. 'Hey remember last time in the whale enclosure? My turn. Ugh, what if Katherine walks in on us. That would be so awkward. Anyways, I know you can't hear my thoughts but I can't talk underwater. Where was I? Oh yeah. Remember last time? My turn!' Tristin held him closer and made her smile more devious.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas struggled under the water "At least tell me that you do this! Welp i'm stuck down here, would be weird if Pai-' he was stopped by the bathtub moving.

Paige smirked as she slowly lifted the tub until both people and the water poured out onto the floor. "Sup! Sorry but bathe with my brother again and I will snap your neck." She placed the bathtub back on the floor before staring at the two.


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