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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

"Trajectories cannot be manipulated. But, gravity can." Igor noted and waited for Sky to deduce something. He wasn't in for using his brain power since he was slightly drunk.



"I'm giving you two thousand dollars. You can buy the parts, just watch my daughter, okay?" Katherine handed the money and pointed to the elevator. "The elevator will take you to floor 82. The subcommanders room is the large one. The equally large one next to it is where Laura is."



Tristin turned completely red when Thomas touched her waist.
"Oh, um..." Tristin blushed and smiled subtly. Their 'moment' was ruined by Hugo coming to a hard landing in front of a run down shady bar. "Oh...apparently we're going into a bar according to Hugo."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bones sniffed the air and followed the scent of something burning. The German Shepard sees Misty and begins to bark and charge before a mans hand grabbed her by the collar. "Bad dog," he said letting Bones go and patting her head "Forgive me miss, my girl was just hungry," the cowboy said with his gun slung over his shoulder

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Thomas jumped off Hugo and grabbed his cane "Never can trust one of these places but i'll at least get something to eat." He extended his hand up to Tristin "As a gentle men I must ask do you need help," he said trying to hold back his laughter as his ridiculous act.

JPax42 said:
"Trajectories cannot be manipulated. But, gravity can." Igor noted and waited for Sky to deduce something. He wasn't in for using his brain power since he was slightly drunk.



"I'm giving you two thousand dollars. You can buy the parts, just watch my daughter, okay?" Katherine handed the money and pointed to the elevator. "The elevator will take you to floor 82. The subcommanders room is the large one. The equally large one next to it is where Laura is."



Tristin turned completely red when Thomas touched her waist.
"Oh, um..." Tristin blushed and smiled subtly. Their 'moment' was ruined by Hugo coming to a hard landing in front of a run down shady bar. "Oh...apparently we're going into a bar according to Hugo."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky then basically connected the dots. "So she has gravity powers... that explains both cases. The bullets and the satellites. It's the only way she could've arranged them in thst pattern. The question now is... why haven't the countries detect this movement? Even the UN should have something to say about this."


Tristin laughed and could've very easily flipped off of Hugo. However, she decided to go with it. Suppressing laughter, she put a hand on Thomas's and ever so elegantly stepped down. When she changed her behavior, her jumpsuit shattered. Tristin blushed and covered herself for a second before the jumpsuit reformed around her into a typical club goer's outfit. A crop top and shorts seemed to work, and there were glowstick necklaces around her neck. "Uh...I would ask what the hell just happened...but glowsticks!"

@Shammy the Shamrock (GLASS jumpsuit's camo because it's stupid to walk into a bar with a golden jumpsuit with a fucking cape COUGH COUGH KIRSTY)


"She must have larger control surfaces. Or those satellites were hers!."

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"ok I'll be back in a bit to do this" teal says as she leaves to get her supply's, a few hours later she has finished making her 7th minion. teal soon walks to Laura's room and knocks and says "hey your mom asked me to watch you, so i just wanted to let you know I'm here" teal then turns to her minion's and commands them to watch the door and makes sure she doesn't leave without teal knowing
JPax42 said:
Tristin laughed and could've very easily flipped off of Hugo. However, she decided to go with it. Suppressing laughter, she put a hand on Thomas's and ever so elegantly stepped down. When she changed her behavior, her jumpsuit shattered. Tristin blushed and covered herself for a second before the jumpsuit reformed around her into a typical club goer's outfit. A crop top and shorts seemed to work, and there were glowstick necklaces around her neck. "Uh...I would ask what the hell just happened...but glowsticks!"

@Shammy the Shamrock


"She must have larger control surfaces. Or those satellites were hers!."

"Makes sense if that was the case. If GLASS has connections then owning satellites would be no problem. Still the fact that they accessed all electronics in Lithium is something. Makes you wonder if they have a hidden agenda."


Laura grumbled and kicked a can. "Ew. You're here. Whatever, I'll play nice and try not to kick you this time." Laura picked up a lamp and began waving it around before turning it on. "So what do we even do for fun?"



"Well, that is of legitimate. But, you know, they probably don't. I will see you at rally. For now, I have research to complete. A lot of it, too." Igor pulled out a file and began typing.

@YoungX (Psst Jonathon is still there, I'm switching to phone so I can't really do all these characters xD )
all that came through the door was the google voice saying "teal is in the other room for she... is testing us by having us guard you. and to keep your fist out of her face. teal however is in the other room meeting the sub-commanders.
JPax42 said:
Laura grumbled and kicked a can. "Ew. You're here. Whatever, I'll play nice and try not to kick you this time." Laura picked up a lamp and began waving it around before turning it on. "So what do we even do for fun?"



"Well, that is of legitimate. But, you know, they probably don't. I will see you at rally. For now, I have research to complete. A lot of it, too." Igor pulled out a file and began typing.

@YoungX (Psst Jonathon is still there, I'm switching to phone so I can't really do all these characters xD )
(Gotcha. Switching to Jonathon now.)

Sky would nod and hang up the phone.

Jonathon would be in a small room still meditating, so he has no idea of what is going on. For now he just meditates as a samurai would.
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JPax42 said:
"What fine. If the GLASS rally coming up then Teal should know the subs."

@tealevergood (@YoungX Das your cue to talk to Teal xD )
Jonathon would come out of meditation and would be told that someone is there to meet with the other sub commanders. He would head out and would speak to Teal once he sawas her. He bowed and said, "Hello there. My name is Jonathon and I am a sub commander. What is your name?"

"i am teal evergood" she said as she bowed back. can i please know a little about each of you? when you done I'll tell a little about myself" (going to bed guys see ya tomorrow)
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tealevergood said:
"i am teal evergood" she said as she bowed back. can i please know a little about each of you? when you done I'll tell a little about myself" (going to bed guys see ya tomorrow)
"I am Jonathon. I joined GLASS to help promote peace and equality while upholding my honor as a samurai." He would then wait for everyone else.
Thomas saw his jumpsuit vanish but didn't mind. He came with a thin blue jacket, bright red undershirt that seemed to glow, and glow sticks around his wrist. He smiled as he moved his hair to reveal glowing blue eyes. "How do I look," Thomas asked as orange lines flashed across his face.


"Very glowy. What about this?" Tristin walked up to him and kissed him on the nose, her own lines glowing. "You have glowstick lines." Tristin almost laughed and walked to the bar. This was the first time she ever went to a shady bar, so she basically clung onto Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Thomas saw his jumpsuit vanish but didn't mind

(And Tristin saw everything huehuehue. Like belly button and nips..)
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A small turtle crawled across town at the speed of a person on a walk. The turtle was thinking about life and other questions that wouldn't be answered to anyone else.

(Open got interaction)
The lines had vanished "I don't have anything on my face. Do I?" He went to the bar "I'll let you but me something to drink," Thomas took out the cane and leaned against the bar.

(So I just realized that if I ranked my male characters by how much chest hair they have it would be Igor, Hugo, Roman, Brendan, Albert, and then Starling. Starling would be completely waxed and lasered xD and Igor is just Russian #weird thoughts)
Thomas drank it the moment it was given to him. "Oh god! This is strong stuff," he said before putting his head on the bar. "This shouldn't have been my first drink," he said leaning against Tristin. "You know I love you right," he said grabbing her face as if he thought she wasn't there.


Tristin would've stayed sober for Thomas, but she already drank her stuff. "I agree! Oh my god..." Tristin's coordination went out the window with alcohol. "You know, I love you too..." Tristin leaned forward to kiss Thomas but accidentally fell onto the ground. A minute later she stood up and her jumpsuit completely shattered. When people were drunk, ideal clothes for a situation ceased to exist. "Hey I wonder what happens if I go perform!" Tristin laughed and ran onto the stage, grabbing a microphone. Rather than a nearly perfect walk, Tristin was simply defining her steps, looking like a prostitute and a dancer. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE! WELCOME GLASS TO LITHIUM!" Tristin raised her arms with the microphone nearly instinctively, waiting for the excitement from the audience. People began to cheer and hold their drinks up. Tristin turned to Thomas and smiled. A few minutes later, four women walked up from the back of the stage, and Tristin's jumpsuit reformed into what looked like a swimsuit with sequins covering it. It was in an almost red color and resembled what Kirstin had in the circus. "And please welcome...who are you guys again?" The women immediately sighed and turned to Tristin. "We don't have a name, just call us 4." Tristin laughed. "GET EXCITED FOR 4! FEEL FREE TO THROW MONEY OF SORTS!"

@Shammy the Shamrock (I tried to give my daughter Shatter Smoothie by Dr. Starling but now I have to call her Sugar Melon and she won't stop stripping!)
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Thomas waved from the bar as he leaned against it. The bar was the only thing keeping Thomas from falling back. He ordered more of the Shatter smoothie and kept drinking. He walked up and leaned against the stage, having his fifth smoothie.


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