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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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JPax42 said:
Igor raised an eyebrow. "She just up and left. I was doing science in total silence. Also, SUBCOMMANDER? Isn't that a little high for fifteen year old girl? It's dangerous job." Igor grumbled and pulled out a clipboard. "I have job for you. 2000 dollar contract."

He didn't expect a contract from Igor, but he wasn't sure if he was willing to take it. Just in case he would ask for details. "I see what is it? Just know that I won't have anything to do with GLASS. I've already learned my lesson about that." At this point Sky was just getting by with what he had.


Igor grumbled. "Even if it involves attending rally with me? I need to observe anything suspicious. You see, as competitor of GLASS, TEST needs to find opportunity to find even smallest grain of salt. Then, should it come to fight with peestol and boolet, we have logical advantage. Will thirty thousand do? I heard your encounter with girl, by the way." Igor had to hold back a laugh, but it wasn't apparent since he was so big. "Anyways, this will be big help."



Tristin sat facing Paige. "Have you ever had the feeling that you could fit in nowhere? Like, I try out for one job in TEST, and then they fire me because they found something better for me to do. I did this 180 times before I finally got relieved of all jobs. They even thought I could be a stripper, but then I got removed from stripper so I could be a cook just because I'm the only one at TEST with heat vision! How stupid, right?" Tristin began fiddling with her pony tail, then began fiddling with the jumpsuit, nervous while waiting for Paige's answer.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
Igor grumbled. "Even if it involves attending rally with me? I need to observe anything suspicious. You see, as competitor of GLASS, TEST needs to find opportunity to find even smallest grain of salt. Then, should it come to fight with peestol and boolet, we have logical advantage. Will thirty thousand do? I heard your encounter with girl, by the way." Igor had to hold back a laugh, but it wasn't apparent since he was so big. "Anyways, this will be big help."



Tristin sat facing Paige. "Have you ever had the feeling that you could fit in nowhere? Like, I try out for one job in TEST, and then they fire me because they found something better for me to do. I did this 180 times before I finally got relieved of all jobs. They even thought I could be a stripper, but then I got removed from stripper so I could be a cook just because I'm the only one at TEST with heat vision! How stupid, right?" Tristin began fiddling with her pony tail, then began fiddling with the jumpsuit, nervous while waiting for Paige's answer.

@Shammy the Shamrock
He sighed and decided to take the job. "Fine I'll take the job. It's just observing right? If so I'll take it. Just contact me when I'm needed." For now he would decide to take this job and would take his leave, but before he does he says something to Igor. "By the way... you've trained her well." He takes off using grappling hooks ground from building to building.

Paige sighed "So you're not new to this. I worked in a circus all my life, I always got the "Mommy look it's the freak!" They would never stop the child. I was never in your shoes, keeping a smile even when it happens. I don't feel pain so why do those words hurt," she said putting her head in her lap.


Igor raised an eyebrow as Sky left. "We never trained her for combat...we just gave her fighter job and she got removed to become singer. Igor confused." Igor scratched his head, and immediately went back into TEST, searching through her files for anything horrifying he could find. With his luck, this could take some time. Hopefully, he wouldn't find anything horrendous, there we go. "Her mother was Ringmaster...of course...and his father was Japanese guy in robes." Igor called back Sky. "Do you know any Japanese men at all? Her father was Japanese guy in white robes and her mom was circus Ringmaster. Sorry, that was weird question to request, but I'm interesting."

@YoungX (What if Hibiki appears to Tristin at least once in the future?)


Tristin sighed and fell back.
"Words always hurt, Paige, no matter how much pain you can't feel. It's bad enough when a drill Seargant takes away your gun so you can sing cheesy love songs for Russian scientists having dates. They would hit me every day for not being in the right uniform, but how can I do that if I'm firing at drones one minute and then on the stage singing Beyoncé the next minute. Sometimes, I wish I could just paint my clothes on, so I don't have to worry about uniforms. It's a stupid concept. This jumpsuit removes all that." After Tristin finished her insanity drone, she stood up. "Seriously, you should wear it. It lets air pass through it, so you don't stuff up and sweat like a sprinkler. Or in my case, like a volcanic geyser..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Igor raised an eyebrow as Sky left. "We never trained her for combat...we just gave her fighter job and she got removed to become singer. Igor confused." Igor scratched his head, and immediately went back into TEST, searching through her files for anything horrifying he could find. With his luck, this could take some time. Hopefully, he wouldn't find anything horrendous, there we go. "Her mother was Ringmaster...of course...and his father was Japanese guy in robes." Igor called back Sky. "Do you know any Japanese men at all? Her father was Japanese guy in white robes and her mom was circus Ringmaster. Sorry, that was weird question to request, but I'm interesting."

@YoungX (What if Hibiki appears to Tristin at least once in the future?)


Tristin sighed and fell back.
"Words always hurt, Paige, no matter how much pain you can't feel. It's bad enough when a drill Seargant takes away your gun so you can sing cheesy love songs for Russian scientists having dates. They would hit me every day for not being in the right uniform, but how can I do that if I'm firing at drones one minute and then on the stage singing Beyoncé the next minute. Sometimes, I wish I could just paint my clothes on, so I don't have to worry about uniforms. It's a stupid concept. This jumpsuit removes all that." After Tristin finished her insanity drone, she stood up. "Seriously, you should wear it. It lets air pass through it, so you don't stuff up and sweat like a sprinkler. Or in my case, like a volcanic geyser..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
(That would be intreating. I'll consider it.)

Sky relieves a call from Igor and would be asked an interesting question. "Her father was japanese? Interesting... but I'm afraid I don't know any on white robes. Still... I can help look it up for you for free if you want. It's simple data gathering." He then uses his database to narrow his search to The Ringmaster and Japanese man. Surely there had to be something if they were married.

Paige got up "Maybe later. Wish I could paint my smile, then I could lie all the time," she said with a light laugh. "I need some time to myself. Thanks for talk, really appreciate it," she said walking to the elevator and to the white room she had found.


Igor nodded. "Call me back when you get result. For now, I research."



Tristin nodded and hugged Paige lightly before walking back to the bedroom. Without taking off the jumpsuit, she hopped on the bed and sat on Thomas's stomach. She decided not to really say anything to him since he was sleeping, so she just closed her eyes in the sitting position, trying to meditate. In reality she was just shaking all over.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas yawned as he felt extra weight on his stomach. "Will I always find you in a weird position on me." He chuckled before seeing her shaking. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Are you awake?" He kept shaking her, hoping she would respond.

JPax42 said:
Igor nodded. "Call me back when you get result. For now, I research."



Tristin nodded and hugged Paige lightly before walking back to the bedroom. Without taking off the jumpsuit, she hopped on the bed and sat on Thomas's stomach. She decided not to really say anything to him since he was sleeping, so she just closed her eyes in the sitting position, trying to meditate. In reality she was just shaking all over.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky immediately got to work on his research. He would look up the Ringmaster which wasn't easy to find considering who she was. Still thanks to being a mercenary he has access to information that is otherwise privy to the general public.

"Tristin Winters (1), otherwise known as the Ringmaster. She was known to run a circus full of all sorts of people... or rather aliens as they say. Kirsty Summers was also associated with her as well." He decided to do a cross search between the two to see if they had connections to a Japanese man. After what seemed to be a whole he finally had a lead. "Hibiki Kazaki... or best known as Kuuga. I think I've heard about Kuuga before... But is Tristin's father really Kuuga? It's said that he disappeared years ago around the same time the Ringmaster was sent to maximum security prison. But this is the only lead I've got. Apparantely it's been said that he also aided in the fight against GLASS as well. It was Smoke Sceptre that ultimately pulled the plug, but people couldn't deny that Kuuga was strong. How will this information help anyhow?" Still he saw the face of Hibiki and would touch his own mask. There was a reason he wore what he wore. He had been told by the science that his face should'nt be seen in public eye. In any case... he would call up Igor and would tell him what he found.


Tristin calmly opened her eyes. "Yeah, I'm alright. And yes, you'll always find me in a weird position. I was trying to meditate, but now that you're awake..." Tristin quickly kissed him on the lips and rolled off of him onto the bed. "You look so much more professional in jumpsuit." Tristin ran a hand along Thomas's chest and when she got to his stomach a smile spread across her face. She immediately started tickling it.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Kuuga, of all people, make child with a woman who paints her clothes, is insane, and...that explains so much about Tristin." Igor began searching his files and scratching his head, while using the void web (one layer beyond dark web) to find various things that even didn't exist in this dimension. "Ew, what the hell is an Azamel? Anyways, it say here that Hibiki Kazaki is a god. But mortal child shouldn't be possible! Our scientist Penelope Zefer tested and she is mortal."

Thomas started laughing "H-Hey cut it out." He said while laughing before rolling on top of her. Thomas poked her sides, trying to get her to laugh. He used one hand to tickle her stomach as he held his laughter in.

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JPax42 said:
Tristin calmly opened her eyes. "Yeah, I'm alright. And yes, you'll always find me in a weird position. I was trying to meditate, but now that you're awake..." Tristin quickly kissed him on the lips and rolled off of him onto the bed. "You look so much more professional in jumpsuit." Tristin ran a hand along Thomas's chest and when she got to his stomach a smile spread across her face. She immediately started tickling it.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Kuuga, of all people, make child with a woman who paints her clothes, is insane, and...that explains so much about Tristin." Igor began searching his files and scratching his head, while using the void web (one layer beyond dark web) to find various things that even didn't exist in this dimension. "Ew, what the hell is an Azamel? Anyways, it say here that Hibiki Kazaki is a god. But mortal child shouldn't be possible! Our scientist Penelope Zefer tested and she is mortal."

Sky was also puzzled a bit. A god having a child with a mortal means they have a demigod yes? "Hmm... if she isn't some demigod then that just means that a God just had the powers to not make a child a demigod. It could just be that. In any case looks like we can confirm him as the father with a DNA test. He may be a god, but his DNA profile hasn't changed. What are you going to do?"


Tristin clamped both of her hands over her mouth, trying to suppress laughter. Right when she thought she would explode into laughter, she immediately pulled him against her chest and began kissing him on the forehead. She then started laughing and rolled on top of Thomas. "We're weird..." Tristin was trying to talk between laughing, but she turned bright red.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Hmm...maybe he used to be mortal. I was thinking we should figure out her mental condition. How did she act when you two fought? First, second, and third encounters." Igor was beginning to take notes. He needed this information.

JPax42 said:
Tristin clamped both of her hands over her mouth, trying to suppress laughter. Right when she thought she would explode into laughter, she immediately pulled him against her chest and began kissing him on the forehead. She then started laughing and rolled on top of Thomas. "We're weird..." Tristin was trying to talk between laughing, but she turned bright red.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Hmm...maybe he used to be mortal. I was thinking we should figure out her mental condition. How did she act when you two fought? First, second, and third encounters." Igor was beginning to take notes. He needed this information.

Sky would then proceed to give him an accurate representation of all three encounters. From the time she prank called him to when she shot him with a tranquilizer. He wondered whether she had a mental condition, but for some reason it would make sense of she did. Explains her behavior at times.

Thomas continued to tickle her "That's one reason why I love you! Because you are the prettiest weirdo I have ever met," he said lifting her above him with his foot. Thomas kicked her up and caught her when she fell back down "Ta da!" He said tickling her in the back.

YoungX said:
time she prank called him to when she shot him with a tranquilizer
((Tenth encounter) Tristin: Hiya Sky! *is holding a red matter gun that can take out a city block* I think we should be friends, this isn't working out.)


"That does explain mental. But she is mentally stable, yet completely insane. It's like total calmness and control fucked total chaos and insanity and nine months later that happened! Oh wait..." Igor smugly smiled, then heard an odd noise from the other room which would also be heard through the phone. "PENELOPE STOP DOING THAT AZAMEL IS NOT THAT HOT! Okay...maybe he is..."



Tristin laughed immediately.
"Okay you got me!" Tristin wouldn't stop giggling and eventually had to calm herself, gasping and trying not to laugh anymore. She then rolled over to the other side of the bed and lifted a book. "Hey, do you think Katherine can balance a book on those?" Tristin laughed and tried to balance a book on her bust before it slid off the front. "Well, I'm not Katherine." Tristin giggled and smiled at Thomas, a small hint of insanity in her eyes. However, she wasn't moving any different and was still coordinated and balanced in her movements.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas smiled "You seem very bubbly lately. Never seen you laugh this much in one day," he said sitting back and grabbing the book. "I can do it on my foot," he said placing it on his foot and lifting it above his head. It then slipped and hit him on the nose "Guess I need to practice," he said laughing and rubbing his nose.

JPax42 said:
((Tenth encounter) Tristin: Hiya Sky! *is holding a red matter gun that can take out a city block* I think we should be friends, this isn't working out.)


"That does explain mental. But she is mentally stable, yet completely insane. It's like total calmness and control fucked total chaos and insanity and nine months later that happened! Oh wait..." Igor smugly smiled, then heard an odd noise from the other room which would also be heard through the phone. "PENELOPE STOP DOING THAT AZAMEL IS NOT THAT HOT! Okay...maybe he is..."



Tristin laughed immediately.
"Okay you got me!" Tristin wouldn't stop giggling and eventually had to calm herself, gasping and trying not to laugh anymore. She then rolled over to the other side of the bed and lifted a book. "Hey, do you think Katherine can balance a book on those?" Tristin laughed and tried to balance a book on her bust before it slid off the front. "Well, I'm not Katherine." Tristin giggled and smiled at Thomas, a small hint of insanity in her eyes. However, she wasn't moving any different and was still coordinated and balanced in her movements.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(Sky: Agreed. *Is also holding red matter gun.*)

He would hear everything on the phone, but it wouldn't matter to him. "In any case you got your data. Are you going to bring back Tristin?" Sky remained emotionless for the time being.

"Well, yeah I'm just a little ecstatic with this new job and everything." Tristin laughed at Thomas. "Too bad you don't have breasts to balance a book on." Tristin laughed and did a handstand, balancing two books on each foot. She was perfectly stable. "I guess it's cheating since coordination, but let's see how many books we can stack!" Tristin laughed and waited for the books.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor shook his head.
"She is fifteen. I respect she is responsible enough to think for herself. Besides, who would take subcommander spot? What did they say her title was again?" Igor began taking more notes and wrote a section for GLASS. He was also ready to send Sky a preformatted information set through email.

Thomas smirked as he grabbed every book in the area. He started stacking them on her feet, at first 2 then he went to 5. Thomas gave a devious smile as he pocked her stomach to mess with her balance. "7 books on each, you're bound to fall," he said putting two more on each before poking the back of her neck.

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Tristin was doing perfectly fine. "I'm not gonna fall-Ow!" Her coordination, when uninterrupted was amazing but the poke at the neck caused her to push off the ground, sending her towards the door.


Everything in the GLASS building seemed to slow down to a stop in Kirstin's vision. She ran into the room and saw the scene of Thomas with his finger out and Tristin going flying at the door. She could've very easily fixed this, but that wasn't her style. Instead, she just looked at Thomas's eyes. Thomas wouldn't see her because her entire thing only lasted for less than a millisecond. "It was at that moment, Tristin knew she fucked up." Kirstin smiled and ran out the door. The only thing anyone in the room would feel was a light breeze.


Tristin went flying against the door and managed to land on the door with her feet.
"Nailed i-" Tristin slid down the door and fell flat on her chest and stomach. "Ugh...I fell."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas couldn't help but laugh "And she stuck the landing! Bravo," he said applauding before helping her up to her feet. "You alright, that was some fall." His laugh turned to a light chuckle before shaking it off "You were magnificent," he said applauding her.

teal turned around and realized that the girls mom had disappeared, oh well. teal then took her robot supplys, dug up a grave and got to work.

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