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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Ya, maybe we could ask her if she wants us to watch Laura after we are done with this. Let's learn to fly later and preferably something that won't kill everyone when we mess up," Thomas laughed and looked out the window. "Nice view, wouldn't you say?"


Jason tilted his head as he drank the water "Who told you about the storm. Sorry are you one of those hippies who say they can talk to spirits and stuff." He chuckled and looked down at the two animals. Bones drank the water before sniffing the air and continuing to walk to the city.


Tristin rested on her arm, leaning towards Thomas. "It saddens me. You can't even see the people down there since we're so high up. Maybe it's the same for people with positions of power. They're so high up they can't see the people down there." Tristin closed her eyes and whispered something in Russian. Her voice faltered at the end, it almost sounded sad.


"Alright, this is kind of ridiculous." Katherine stood up, still holding Laura in her arms. She cradled the child, who was still snoozing against Katherine. Katherine thought it would be a better idea to put on the jumpsuit but Laura was sleeping so quietly, so she just unprofessionally walked into the cockpit with an undershirt. "Thomas, it helps if you don't jerk on the controls that hard. Just gently glide them. Also, Tristin, this is a machine. It won't do the rest for you like Hugo does." Katherine continued cradling Laura, who now had a cast around her left arm. Katherine was taking extra care to make sure Laura was sleeping with her arms in a nice position.


Laura was sleeping happily against her mother, even though she was pretty large. Katherine seemed to need no effort to hold her. Laura's tongue was sticking out of her mouth, and she was mumbling something happily. Her drool was dribbling down Katherine's undershirt, but Katherine, again, didn't mind.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas nodded at what she said "Sorry, first day. Do we still need to here or can we get out of the cockpit?" He whispered trying not to upset or be too loud in front of Laura. Thomas looked down at Tristin and gave a soft smile before getting up from his seat.

When the gust of wind started moving things around, Akira instinctively ducked for the door, even with Ann on her leg. F.A.I.E. dinged as she activated a prototype of a natural disaster mode, and whisked Akira and Ann into the building and away from windows. The wind died down as F.A.I.E. ducked behind the counter of the restaurant. Though everyone inside heard the sound of the wind, they still got a lot of questioning looks. "Well, this is awkward," Akira chimes as she and the cashier sat almost nose-to-nose behind the counter.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine shook her head. "The fool who put you in the cockpit doesn't know any better. I'm guessing it was Robert." "My name is James!" "Shh...can you not see the sleeping child?" Katherine rocked Laura gently, to which the child responded by drooling more down Katherine's shirt. "Robert, go back to the engine room and get some pilots instead of putting teens on the job. Subcommanders, come with me. I need to ask you two of a major task." "I'm not going until you call me James!" Katherine froze in her tracks and turned to James. She narrowed her eyes, and James almost broke into tears as he ran for the engine room. "Come along." Katherine went back to her quarters and sat down on the bed, holding Laura.


Tristin nodded and followed Katherine and took a seat next to her on Katherine's bed.
"So, what's the thing?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Akira chimes as she and the cashier sat almost nose-to-nose behind the counter.

(Tristin: LICK HIS FACE! LICK HIS FAAAACE!!! Ringmaster: That's my daughter! Kirstin: Oh shut it! Go back to being dead! Ringmaster: *droops head and walks away* *Kirstin glares at Tristin* *Tristin runs away*)
Thomas nodded and followed Tristin and Katherine into the room. "What's the job boss?"


Ann heard a noise "OH GOD SHARKNADO!" In reality it was just her stomach growling "Can we eat now?" She was scared but her hunger was stronger than fear.

@Crystal Cali

JPax42 said:
(Tristin: LICK HIS FACE! LICK HIS FAAAACE!!! Ringmaster: That's my daughter! Kirstin: Oh shut it! Go back to being dead! Ringmaster: *droops head and walks away* *Kirstin glares at Tristin* *Tristin runs away*)
(This is probably weird but for some reason the way it's colored remind me of fruit loops)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](This is probably weird but for some reason the way it's colored remind me of fruit loops)

(Jay: Spoiler alert Shamrock. ALL FRUIT LOOPS TASTE THE SAME! MWAHAHAHA! *chaos ensues*)
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"As a subcommander, you all have faced trainings and tests, all easy stuff. Jumping through fire and all that jazz. Now, here is the most difficult test you have ever faced. Are you two up for this?" Katherine was saying this seriously as she moved back slightly on her bed, still holding Laura.


"Mmm...calculus...yummy..." Laura shifted in Katherine's arms and continued sleeping. Her lil' superhuman snore was heard.


"Yeah, I'm ready. Thomas?" Tristin leaned her head against Thomas and waited for him to answer. When Katherine gave Tristin a thumbs up, Tristin looked at Thomas and turned bright red.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Ready as i'll ever be!" Thomas said seeing the thumbs up. "I know, I'd like to keep her," Thomas gave a soft laugh, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Akira looks to Ann, and rolls her eyes as a smile forms on her face. "Yes, I think the danger has passed," she says, and gets up. Then looking to the nearby workers, she gives them an awkward smile. "Can we get a booth, please?" she asks. One of the workers would lead the three to a booth near the far corner, and ask them what they wanted to drink as she presented the menus. "I'll have a coke," Akira requested with a smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine actually smiled at the two. "Alright. Can you two take care of Laura during the day? She's normally a good child. There are only a few things really. She eats a lot. When she feels heavy, be careful around her. Also, she is to keep her pistol's safety on at all times. She likes turning it off." Katherine held Laura closer to her face and kissed her gently on the forehead. "She's also very feisty."


Laura giggled and woke up, poking Katherine.
"Mmm...mam...am I living with my new best friends..." Laura snuggled against Katherine like a bear cub, looking at her arm cast. "Ooh...purple. I like it."


Tristin glanced at Thomas, then to Katherine.
"We'll do it. After all, she's kind of adorable anyways. How hard can it be?" Tristin smiled and then thought of something. "Wait, Katherine, if you're 22 and Laura's 9, did you have her when you were 13?"


Katherine sighed and covered her face with her hands so the two couldn't see that she was blushing with embarrassment.
"Yeah...don't worry about it too much." Katherine lightly nudged Laura towards the teens then laying back on the bed and letting out a long sigh. She rested an arm over her head and another one to her side, pointing to the door. "Thanks for taking care of her."


"Okay...Thomas...looks like we're taking her back to our room for now." Tristin made her way to the door, holding Laura's little hand.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas nodded as he went with the two "New job! Beats staying at the pool and drowning each other." He looked down at Laura 'Never took care of a child, could be interesting' he thought to himself.


Ann let go of Akira's leg and sat down, she ordered herself root beer and scrambled eggs. "Do you think my dad is a bad person.....if he left and didn't try and pick me up. Why," she asked with her head pressed against the table.

@Crystal Cali

Jason tilted his head as he drank the water "Who told you about the storm. Sorry are you one of those hippies who say they can talk to spirits and stuff." He chuckled and looked down at the two animals. Bones drank the water before sniffing the air and continuing to walk to the city.

"Hey, last time I checked I shaved," Katrina chuckled, "but I guess, yeah." She said smiling. Misty finished her water and jumped back into her little pocket, Katrina then picked up the bowl and poured whatever water was left into a separate bottle, and did the same with the other bowl. "I just hope we get there soon, if a storm is coming, I don't want to be outside to see it." She said looking at the sky behind them. She set off after Bones and Jason soon after saying that.

@Shammy the Shamrock
After asking the waitress for an order of pancakes, Akira frowns, a worried look on her face. While she would like to give Annie's father the benefit of the doubt, things seemed really suspicious. "I-I don't know," Akira said, placing her gloved hand gently on top of Ann's hand on the table. "He might just be really busy, or got involved in something that you can't be close to. I'll try to figure it out for you, I promise. For now, I can't really say anything about weather or not he is a bad person." Akira was suspicious, sure, but she also didn't want to make Ann cry again, so she tried putting it as lightly as possible. @Shammy the Shamrock

Laura was poking Tristin's leg. "I'm hungry. I'm very hungry. You know breaking your arm makes you hungry right? I hate that guy. I'm hungry! Did I mention that..." Laura reduced her field of gravity and leapt up to meet Tristin's eyes. "I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!"


Tristin grabbed the child out of the air and put her on her back.
"Laura, koalas don't talk. You're a koala now." Tristin went to the room and laughed. "Right, we probably spent too much time at the pool anyways." Tristin put Laura on the mini kitchen counter and began cooking on the stove opposite the counter. "So, what do you guys want to eat?"


"Spaghetti! All of it!" Laura fidgeted and leaned against the back of the wall behind the counter. She then began fiddling with her jumpsuit. "This is weird why does mom want me to always wear this?" Suddenly, her jumpsuit shattered and reformed into regular clothes. "Wait...so I never changed in my life?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
They soon got to the city and Jason stopped "Shit! Guess GLASS really did take over the city." He walked towards the city and whistled for bones who ran up and stayed by his side. "Come on! Maybe we can get some real food."


Ann nodded and waited for her food, she got it and smiled. "Eggs!" She slammed her face into the plate and came back up laughing. "They taste good!" She giggled and ate the food off her face.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas smiled "Whatever the little girl wants to eat." He looked at the changing clothes "Mine change into a performer outfit since it's my usual attire." He leaned against a wall and watched the kept a close eye on the jumpy girl.

Tristin and Laura

Tristin whistled. "Yo, Laura, gravity the cabinet." Laura grumbled and stuck her hand out. Tristin opened the cabinet door and pulled out all the ingredients, which started floating slowly to the ground. Tristin then pulled out measuring cups and caught the noodles and meatballs that were floating to the ground. She then scooped up the boxes and put them back, closing the cabinet. "Mom can do it so much better than me." Tristin smiled and finished three plates of spaghetti.

Tristin then went to the table and put the spaghetti on the table, to which Laura responded by jumping into a chair. She immediately put her fork down and waited for everyone else. Tristin took a seat and looked at everyone.
"So, anything you all want to do after lunch?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas sat down and ate his spaghetti. "Maybe go around town. We haven't been out since the bar, could be fun." He continued to eat and finished before the rest. "Do you have anything planned?"

Shammy the Shamrock] [B]They soon got to the city and Jason stopped "Shit! Guess GLASS really did take over the city." He walked towards the city and whistled for bones who ran up and stayed by his side. "Come on! Maybe we can get some real food."[/B][B] [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/39148-jillybear265/ said:

Ann nodded and waited for her food, she got it and smiled. "Eggs!" She slammed her face into the plate and came back up laughing. "They taste good!" She giggled and ate the food off her face.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas smiled "Whatever the little girl wants to eat." He looked at the changing clothes "Mine change into a performer outfit since it's my usual attire." He leaned against a wall and watched the kept a close eye on the jumpy girl.

"GLASS?" Katrina asked raising one eyebrow. "I mean I've heard of it, but it's never gotten explained to me."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Tristin shook her head. "I'm fifteen, I don't have a life outside of you and Laura." Tristin then turned to Laura. "Anything in particular you want to do?"


Laura looked at Thomas and then Tristin.
"What are boobs for?" Laura pointed to Tristin. "Oh also I don't know how to swim cause mom never got the time to teach me. I'll ask her later or something. Wait... Ooh! Don't you have a massive panda or something? We can ride that around town! Oh and you guys went to a bar? Can we go again? I always wanted to have tequila!"


Tristin awkwardly finished her spaghetti while listening to everything Laura had to say.
"This child reminds me of myself when I was little, except I didn't go around asking people whether they could ride their panda. Er...how about we just go around town on Hugo and see what we can find?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
GLASS Officers

GLASS officers took over police jobs. These black masked officers stood at most street corners. Any sign of trouble, and criminals would be immediately detained. Most of these officers smelled like sterile, but there was the occasional captain that smelled like strawberry and cupcakes. These captains also wore a strip of pink over their helmets.

(@Shammy the Shamrock @Jillybear265 @Crystal Cali @rosehearted @SirGrey)
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Thomas nodded "Probably would be best, as for the other questions i'll let you explain that to her." He chuckled and got up, waiting for the two by the door.


"Some kind of organization that has seemed to be here since the beginning of humanity. At least that's what I got out of that speech." He went into the city seeing the officers "They seem to be everywhere. Guess I can't really help when there isn't any crime to fight."

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Tristin laughed and turned to Laura. "They produce milk. You drank from your mom's when you were an infant." With that, Tristin walked away and went to Thomas and walked to an elevator like pod. "This is apparently the normal way we're supposed to get down."


Laura nodded.
"Oh. Okay. I thought they were just pillows for children." Laura thought about her mom, and then Tristin. She walked into the elevator pod and stayed silent for the rest of the time.

@Shammy the Shamrock (How to shut a kid up 101 by Tristin)

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