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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Akira laughs, and picks up a napkin, then reaches over to wipe egg off Ann's face. "I bet they do, but you might want to use your fork to eat.... just don't eat the actual fork this time." Once she was done wiping egg off Ann's face, she took a sip of her drink, and began eating her pancakes.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine laughed. "Oh yeah this is definitely holy water. Not really, but it's twenty thousand feet in the air!" Katherine started splashing more water harder and harder until she was close enough to grab him by the shoulders. Katherine's face went red as she pulled him backwards, then underwater. Katherine put her hand on her stomach and let an air bubble out of her mouth. She used her other hand to push the water on the side of his head before swimming back to the surface. Katherine didn't know why she did that, but was fun.

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Paige covered her head and used her hands to lift the water towards Laura. She then punched the water harder, causing another wave.

Thomas smiled as he kissed her again causing the lines to glow rainbow. He smiled 'I love being a glow stick,' he thought as he let go and went limp on the wall.


Ann laughed "Ok! No promises," she said eating her food and soon once again the fork vanished. "Where did the fork go," she said clearing lying as a bit of napkin was in her mouth but quickly sucked up.

@Crystal Cali

"I'm not for grooming Bones. Never done it in my life, how do I even do it?" He asked not really experienced with cleaning or grooming animals. He spun off the branch and landed on his feet.

JPax42 said:
Katherine laughed. "Oh yeah this is definitely holy water. Not really, but it's twenty thousand feet in the air!" Katherine started splashing more water harder and harder until she was close enough to grab him by the shoulders. Katherine's face went red as she pulled him backwards, then underwater. She used her other hand to push the water on the side of his head before swimming back to the surface. Katherine didn't know why she did that, but was fun.

He was a bit surprised and a bit flustered at the same time, but he would check to see if she was alright. "Erm... are you alright?" Jonathon would then also swim back to the surface and would check up on her. "In any case that was very enjoyable."

Meanwhile... Sky was just... waiting for big Russian man. While Jonathon may be able to get some... Sky is here waiting on a big Russian man to give him a tracker.
Akira tried to grab the napkin from Ann's mouth before it was sucked up, but missed. She face-desks onto the table with a slight groan. "How do you even eat the things you eat? That is not natural," she looks up, shaking her head. "But seriously, next time, if you're that hungry, I'll buy you more food, okay? You're just going to make yourself sick again if you keep eating forks and napkins."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Laura got thrown back by the water and began to panic. She went to the surface and coughed up some water before going back to floating. "Ohhh that was hard...so hard..."


Tristin placed her lip against Thomas's and blew air into his mouth and swam backwards, holding him. She awkwardly surfaced next to Katherine and fell onto her with Thomas.
"Ahh oop-" Tristin almost started laughing but was kind of nervous Katherine would do something.


Katherine smiled.
"Yeah, it kind of was." Katherine then leaned in towards Jonathon for some unknown reason when she was suddenly interrupted by a shove from the side. Of course it was Tristin who pushed her down and pinned her against the pool floor on her chest. Katherine lay there underwater for a second with her chest against the pool floor. She put a hand on her chest and let an air bubble out of her mouth before pushing the teenagers off of her. She covered her mouth and blushed before swimming to the surface while letting out more air bubbles. She started laughing at the surface. "Well, now that was unexpected."


Igor was sprinting through traffic. For a large Russian man, he was really fast.
"I GOT MASSDRIVE TRACKER!" He skidded next to a stop next to Sky, although stopping like that caused him to kick up a lot of concrete. "I am of sorry but here is tracker. Do your thing." Igor began arming the tracker and making sure everything was working before he handed the tracker to Sky. Then he would begin pulling out a small computer and starting to make it work. "I am sure they are doing business up there."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

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JPax42 said:
Laura got thrown back by the water and began to panic. She went to the surface and coughed up some water before going back to floating. "Ohhh that was hard...so hard..."


Tristin placed her lip against Thomas's and blew air into his mouth and swam backwards, holding him. She awkwardly surfaced next to Katherine and fell onto her with Thomas.
"Ahh oop-" Tristin almost started laughing but was kind of nervous Katherine would do something.


Katherine smiled.
"Yeah, it kind of was." Katherine then leaned in towards Jonathon for some unknown reason when she was suddenly interrupted by a shove from the side. Of course it was Tristin who pushed her down and pinned her against the pool floor on her front. Katherine lay there dazed for a second before pushing the teenagers off of her and swimming to the surface. She started laughing. "Well, now that was unexpected."


Igor was sprinting through traffic. For a large Russian man, he was really fast.
"I GOT MASSDRIVE TRACKER!" He skidded next to a stop next to Sky, although stopping like that caused him to kick up a lot of concrete. "I am of sorry but here is tracker. Do your thing." Igor began arming the tracker and making sure everything was working before he handed the tracker to Sky. Then he would begin pulling out a small computer and starting to make it work. "I am sure they are doing business up there."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon would follow her as he also laughed. "Life is full of surprises."

Sky would nod and received the mass drive tracker. Strange name. In any case... he would grapple hook all the way to one of the tallest buildings in Lithium and aimed his sniper rifle at the Carrier. With the tracker in one of the bullets he took aim and fired. Despite the Carrier going at such speeds... his sniper rifle could make it for sure as he calculated where it would land using math. The bullet would reach the Trinity before dispersing and launching the tracker. Then he would come down and headed to Igor.

Ann laughed "Ok! No promises," she said eating her food and soon once again the fork vanished. "Where did the fork go," she said clearing lying as a bit of napkin was in her mouth but quickly sucked up.

@Crystal Cali

"I'm not for grooming Bones. Never done it in my life, how do I even do it?" He asked not really experienced with cleaning or grooming animals. He spun off the branch and landed on his feet.

"We'll I can. I have this special stuff that makes it so that fleas and tics won't be there." She said showing Jason the package. She then opened it up and ripped a small tube open, she began squeezing the contents out onto the neck of Misty, she complained, but despite that Katrina kept with applying the liquid. "See, it'll wash off in a few hours and by then it'll have killed anything on her."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Igor opened his computer. "Okay...holy...did you see how close the carrier is to the ground? It is actually 20,000 feet in the air. It is also moving at three hundred miles an hour. Looks so slow, right?" Igor crossed his massive Russian arms and pulled out a bottle of hydrochloric acid. He then started drinking it. "There is of another thing I think we should do. Not all mercenary jobs are gone. Civilian jobs work too-" Igor looked across the street to see a black masked GLASS officer using the end of a plasma rifle to pull a cat out of a tree and give it to a little girl, who hugged the officer by the helmet. The cat even seemed happy licking the officer. "This is embarrassing. You could've been the one being licked by a girl and hugged by a cat."

JPax42 said:
Igor opened his computer. "Okay...holy...did you see how close the carrier is to the ground? It is actually 20,000 feet in the air. It is also moving at three hundred miles an hour. Looks so slow, right?" Igor crossed his massive Russian arms and pulled out a bottle of hydrochloric acid. He then started drinking it. "There is of another thing I think we should do. Not all mercenary jobs are gone. Civilian jobs work too-" Igor looked across the street to see a black masked GLASS officer using the end of a plasma rifle to pull a cat out of a tree and give it to a little girl, who hugged the officer by the helmet. The cat even seemed happy licking the officer. "This is embarrassing. You could've been the one being licked by a girl and hugged by a cat."

"I see. So basically... GLASS is taking everyone's jobs? Also... I think you have it the other way around. Licked by a cat and hugged by a girl." He then thinks about the whole GLASS situation. It's great what they're doing but... what happens if they start taking jobs that people need?
Thomas surfaced, laughing like a maniac. "That was nice except we should probably do that when people aren't around. Did you notice....glowing lines on yourself." He asked as his had faded when they resurfaced.

Paige picked her up "You ok!? That was a little rough wasn't it," she said nervously going back to the rim in case Laura wanted to get out.


JPax42 said:
"Ohhh that was hard...so hard..."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ann giggled "But the utensils taste good! I can't help it," she said looking up "HEY A BIRD!" She yelled quickly grabbing her spoon and fork, they vanished as well.

@Crystal Cali

Jason tried it out, using the package and using it on Bones. Bones didn't mind and just waited patiently for her master to finish. "How's that?" He asked patting the dog on the head as she jumped in excitement.

Ann looked down at her hands then back up at Akira "Y-You mean that?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes "I-I did a bad thing," she said curling up on the seat and going stiff.

@Crystal Cali

"GLASS better give houses and food then. For free. And no, the girl looks like a cat." Igor pointed to the girl, who walked away on all fours. The cat then got on its hind legs and followed the girl. Igor then turned to see a GLASS officer selling hot milkshakes. "What the..."



Tristin nodded.
"I guess it's just us with the glowstick lines." Tristin laughed and pulled Thomas back towards the side of the pool. She then sank under and surfaced, breathing deeply. "This is nice. I haven't been able to do this in forever."


Katherine saw the kids went away and quickly smiled at Jonathon.
"Have you ever made a human sandwich?" Katherine then jumped out at Jonathon, pushing him down to the bottom of the pool and smiling at him before putting a hand on her chest and letting a bubble out of her mouth. Katherine didn't get a chance to have much fun in a long time, so this was definitely an odd thing for her to do.


Laura simply swam to the end of the pool and hopped out. She then curled up on the side and zoned out.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


The man walked into the restaurant. His breather was making heavy noises, and he was stumbling slightly. He walked around a little before hitting his head against a table, which made a metallic noise. He then stumbled to a chair and fell on the chair, to which the metal chair responded by

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"GLASS better give houses and food then. For free. And no, the girl looks like a cat." Igor pointed to the girl, who walked away on all fours. The cat then got on its hind legs and followed the girl. Igor then turned to see a GLASS officer selling hot dogs. "What the..."



Tristin nodded.
"I guess it's just us with the glowstick lines." Tristin laughed and pulled Thomas back towards the side of the pool. She then sank under and surfaced, breathing deeply. "This is nice. I haven't been able to do this in forever."


Katherine saw the kids went away and quickly smiled at Jonathon.
"Have you ever made a human sandwich?" Katherine then jumped out at Jonathon, pushing him down to the bottom of the pool and smiling at him. Katherine didn't get a chance to have much fun in a long time, so this was definitely an odd thing for her to do.


Laura simply swam to the end of the pool and hopped out. She then curled up on the side and zoned out.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


The man walked into the restaurant. His breather was making heavy noises, and he was stumbling slightly. He walked around a little before hitting his head against a table, which made a metallic noise. He then stumbled to a chair and fell on the chair, to which the metal chair responded by

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Sky would look to see a GLASS officer selling hot dogs. "... Is GLASS actually taking every single job available? This means everyone would be out of a job... all for safety."

Jonathon would be pushed to the bottom of the pool as he looked to Katherine. He had this flustered face as he would notice that Katherine was technically on top of him. Still... it was fun regardless.

(They took our jobs!)

Akira sighs, and moves over next to Ann, wrapping her arms around the girl's shoulders. "Well, yes. You could really hurt yourself if you ear silverware. Plus, restaurants don't want their dishes to be eaten up by the customers. They have to reuse them." Akira speaks in a calm, gentle voice. Her head whirls around as she hears the sound of a chair breaking.

F.A.I.E. immediately gets up and walks over to the man who fell. "Sir, are you alright?" she says, kneeling beside the man, and examining him for injuries. F.A.I.E. did not have many medical devices or protocols just yet, but she would be able to determine the most obvious sighs of trouble.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas wrapped his hands around Tristin "It's nice isn't it. Remember when you thought I was a circus nut emo, am I still that," he asked smiling as he kissed her on the forehead.


Paige frowned and got out of the pool, she dried herself off and walked out and to the white room she spent so much time in. It worked as her place to think and talk to herself.

Anne yawned "I'm going to bed, night night." She whispered since she tried to ignore the sound. Sleep was stronger than her curiosity as she leaned her head on Akira's lap.

@Crystal Cali @JPax42

"Wait, that's only a GLASS food cart. Don't worry. Want one? I can buy you one." Igor stood up and walked to the hot dog stand and looked at the officer. "Hello sir, would like a hot dog?" The GLASS officer tilted his head and started making hot dogs with expert skill. "Wow, that is impressive."


Katherine turned red as she covered her mouth with a hand, trying to contain laughter.
'Well, this isn't the first time I'm in a swimsuit on top of a guy. Although it's been a long time.' Katherine put two hands on her chest and blew out a few bubbles, then got off of Jonathon and went to the surface, still blushing a bright red color. She almost covered her face, but decided against it.



The man stood up and pointed piercing orange-red eyes at F.A.I.E.
"Hrrgh...no...how about...you get me some of that...kush...and I can show you the world..." The man's breathing lightened up while he was asking F.A.I.E for drugs. He was incredibly heavy, and his skin was incredibly hard. He stood up, but the table crumbled under his arm. "W-What are you...you're beautiful. Keep a pretty face like yours to yourself...don't sell your soul..."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock


Tristin laughed and leaned in towards Thomas.
"No, you just looked like that. If you are, you tell me. But you're always my circus nut." Tristin then saw Katherine and Jonathon. "I have a feeling something's going on there. Katherine's normally...not like that."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"Wait, that's only a GLASS food cart. Don't worry. Want one? I can buy you one." Igor stood up and walked to the hot dog stand and looked at the officer. "Hello sir, would like a hot dog?" The GLASS officer tilted his head and started making hot dogs with expert skill. "Wow, that is impressive."


Katherine turned red as she covered her mouth with a hand, trying to contain laughter.
'Well, this isn't the first time I'm in a swimsuit on top of a guy. Although it's been a long time.' Katherine got off of Jonathon and went to the surface, still blushing a bright red color. She almost covered her face, but decided against it.



The man stood up and pointed piercing orange-red eyes at F.A.I.E.
"Hrrgh...no...how about...you get me some of that...kush...and I can show you the world..." The man's breathing lightened up while he was asking F.A.I.E for drugs. He was incredibly heavy, and his skin was incredibly hard. He stood up, but the table crumbled under his arm. "W-What are you...you're beautiful. Keep a pretty face like yours to yourself...don't sell your soul..."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock


Tristin laughed and leaned in towards Thomas.
"No, you just looked like that. If you are, you tell me. But you're always my circus nut." Tristin then saw Katherine and Jonathon. "I have a feeling something's going on there. Katherine's normally...not like that."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky nodded and would look to see the GLASS officer make hot dogs. "It's impressive alright... I wonder if they can make sushi?"

Jonathon would get up to the surface as well as he was still a bit flustered at what just occurred. "Well then... if there isn't anything else left to do I suppose... we should all go eat?" He hadn't ever had a woman on top of him... then again he hadn't anyone on top of him.
Thomas sighed "Jesus he can't get the hint! That would have been perfect for him to make a move," he picked Tristin up and went to the rim where he got out and dried himself off. "Ready to go?" He asked the rest of the group as he shook the water out of his hair.

@JPax42 @YoungX
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ann giggled "But the utensils taste good! I can't help it," she said looking up "HEY A BIRD!" She yelled quickly grabbing her spoon and fork, they vanished as well.

@Crystal Cali

Jason tried it out, using the package and using it on Bones. Bones didn't mind and just waited patiently for her master to finish. "How's that?" He asked patting the dog on the head as she jumped in excitement.

"You're basicly a pro!" Katrina said, "so make sure not to touch that spot for at least 2 hours, I know it's a long time but it's better than 2 days. After that we should wash them and you will probably be able to see how many unwanted visitors are on Bones. We might even have to do another coat." She said looking at Bones.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Igor watched as the GLASS officer changed the menu to sushi and started slashing up sushi ingredients with katanas. On the sword, there were five slices of sushi. "Okay, that was stereotypical. But impressive."


Katherine was still blushing.
"Y-Yeah! Did you know we have sushi and hot dogs here at GLASS?" Katherine dived into the water and swam all the way to the wall underwater. She then gently sank down and put her hand on her chest, letting out air bubbles from her mouth. She then surfaced and climbed out of the water and leaned against the wall. She didn't really worry about drying herself, as gravity did the work for her.


Tristin leapt out of the water and shook herself rapidly.
"There we go." Tristin thought about food and held onto Thomas. "Ready!" Tristin then whispered something in Jonathon's ear. "If the whole GLASS thing doesn't work out, Katherine can always become a model." Tristin giggled and pointed to Katherine, who was leaning against the wall in her swimsuit.


Laura climbed onto Thomas's back and held onto him like a koala.
"I would climb on mom but she's too tall."

@YoungX (You never specified Jonathon's height. Katherine's like 6'0 I think) @Shammy the Shamrock
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Akira just let Ann lay on her as she watched F.A.I.E. with the man.

F.A.I.E. was silent for an extended moment, as the screen on her chest showed that she was performing an internet search for the word "kush". Pictures of the plant showed up on screen, then a definition from Urban Dictionary. "It appears you are asking for drugs, of which I have none. I can also see the world for myself, without your assistance," various satellite images flashed across the LCD screen. "Also, I thank you for the compliment. I am F.A.I.E: the First Artificial Intelligence Experiment designed and built by Akira Chino. Being that I am an A.I., I have no soul to sell, so you need not worry about that part."

As she listened to the conversation, a thought occurred to Akira, and she sighs. "The first time her conversation protocols work smoothly, she tries making friends with a druggie." Akira just sits there and shakes her head.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Igor watched as the GLASS officer changed the menu to sushi and started slashing up sushi ingredients with katanas. On the sword, there were five slices of sushi. "Okay, that was stereotypical. But impressive."


Katherine was still blushing.
"Y-Yeah! Did you know we have sushi and hot dogs here at GLASS?" Katherine dived into the water and swam all the way to the wall underwater. She climbed out of the water and leaned against the wall. She didn't really worry about drying herself, as gravity did the work for her.


Tristin leapt out of the water and shook herself rapidly.
"There we go." Tristin thought about food and held onto Thomas. "Ready!" Tristin then whispered something in Jonathon's ear. "If the whole GLASS thing doesn't work out, Katherine can always become a model." Tristin giggled and pointed to Katherine, who was leaning against the wall in her swimsuit.


Laura climbed onto Thomas's back and held onto him like a koala.
"I would climb on mom but she's too tall."

@YoungX (You never specified Jonathon's height. Katherine's like 6'0 I think) @Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon would get out of the water and would dry himself up. Then he would head to where Katherine was and would wait for the others.

Meanwhile... Sky would nod at Igor's words and would wonder what to do next. "Well then... seeing as how GLASS has even the food industry in good h ands... there isn't much work for me to do. No villains or gangs to eliminate because GLASS is the ones to take care of that. Beyond that... I don't have anything else going for me. I was raised to be a soldier and a fighter."

(Jonathon would be... 5'11. Hue.)
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]the First Artificial Intelligence Experiment

(Ray: Ha! Sorry pal but my A.I. was the first Soldier: Hello, I am that A.I. :3 My dad made him but I improved it when I was 10 so *Does L sign with fingers)

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