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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ray went closer "Are you ok? What is wrong," she asked with concern as she looked up at Anella. "Funny how I am everything that I hated in the world. I use to be so smart, small, and use to believe I could make a difference. You are the same, same eyes, same pretty face, I can still see that little girl who somehow made me want to change." She said before taking a few steps back and looking down, she closed her bright pink eyes. She would have cried but the drug took that away as well.

Thomas grabbed Tristin and swam faster to the door. 'Hope whatever you got was worth it!' He thought as some air escaped his mouth. He looked down at the red container 'What the hell is that thing!' He continued to swim, getting tired from the enhanced strength he had to use to swim out.

The older man rolled his eyes. What a noble young man, he thought. Nuisance.

"And just who do you think you are? I'm just about the only important man in Valentina's life, so I don't know why you're demanding to know something that is quite frankly not your business. I think we're done here." Don whirled around and went to Valentina's room. Once inside, he locked the door.

Valentina met her father's steely gaze with her own.

"First you run away, and then you attract a strange man to our base of operations? I oughta ship you straight to Cali! Put that brain to use and work in fucking Silicon Valley for all I care." But he knew, and Valentina knew that was an empty threat. She was needed here in Lithium, at least temporarily. He started to pace the large room. The nurse stood up and excused herself from the room.

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Anella touched her face, feeling her skin. It felt almost the same as it did when she was ten, just more...touched by men. There were kiss marks along her neck, but it did definitely feel the same. She couldn't begin to understand Ray's pain, and almost felt bad by what she was doing. Anella then ran up to Ray and embraced her into a hug. "Ray...the world can't hate you for the heart you have. Your genius made me feel like I could do something. Hell, I got admitted to college because of you, and I had no intention of going to school." Anella looked at Ray's pink eyes and black skin, but somehow could still see the ambitious short stack who ran around fixing a suit. It's almost as if within all the destroyed image of the girl, there she was. Her soul made her who Anella could still see. "Not a day went by when I didn't think of you, when I went to school. Ray, I'm here for you, no matter what you think about me. I'm sorry."


Tristin began to see her vision fade, when something kept her going. The cell she held in her hands caused her eyes to glow, and as what seemed like the last bit of air left her mouth, she began pushing forwards, holding onto Thomas and eventually reaching the end of the carrier. The slime had stopped once the entire carrier was under, but Tristin managed to at least get them out of the carrier before she passed out, still clutching the red cell that was now pressed against her stomach.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ray was shocked at the hug, she had never laid contact an anyone just dead bodies. She hugged back "Guess I'm still a short stack compared to you." She laughed before going limp in Anella's arms "Life sucks! I've remember who I am because of the locket. Without it I would have become truly insane a long time ago," she said deciding to show Anella the picture. It was her when Ray had broken into her place. Her suit recorded them showing affection and Ray was able to get a good shot of the little girl she loved. Ray let out a sigh before placing her head against Anella's head, her version of a kiss.

Thomas got to the surface and gasped for air. He grabbed Tristin and swam around, looking for some kind of exit. "This was an awful idea," he said to himself as he frantically looked for some way to get out.


Anella turned bright red and tears filled her eyes as she saw the little girl known as herself. She used to look so innocent...no weird lines, no alien traits. She looked human, save for the red eyes. Anella's current eyes were disguised by contacts, since people freaked when they saw bright red eyes. Anella then blushed even further when Ray put her mask against her head. "I missed you...Ray...I didn't think it was that important back then. I didn't really understand this back then and when I think back, I realized I did like you. A lot." Anella would've returned one to Ray, but the color of Anella's lipstick wouldn't look nice against the mask. Anella herself hated lipstick and make up, but she had to wear it since it was popular along men.


Tristin lay motionless, clutching the cell with all her strength even though she was unconscious. The cell muttered some things, but the lines on Tristin's face began illuminating red. Her stomach lines also turned bright red.


Katherine looked at her monitor and swore silently. The red matter cell was taken out. Katherine sighed and took off her jacket. Thankfully the jumpsuit was designed to put up with punishment.

Katherine swam all the way to the other side where Thomas and Tristin were and held onto them. Her normal professional look was on her face, and she wrapped an arm around Thomas and the other around Tristin. She seemed to be breathing slightly heavily, knowing that she swam half a mile rather fast.
"Are you two alright?" There was a hint of worry in her eyes, but for the most part she simply seemed unfazed.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas nodded "W-We're fine, Tristin had to grab something. I-I'm just tired," he said finally passing out from exhaustion again. He went limp and breathed heavily as he slept.

"Please don't cry, it's just a picture," she said closing the locket and putting it away. "I-I'm sorry for not trying to get in contact with you. If I wanted to I would have went across the entire world to see your face," Ray said looking up at Anella. "Remember when we use to be so competitive, racing through malls and having snow ball fights. Now look at us, two grown adults who have ruined there lives," she said giving a weak laugh that felt forced.


"I'll ask what you two are doing when you aren't all passing out." Katherine turned Tristin and Thomas on their backs. She tried to pull the cell from Tristin's arms, but even Katherine's strength couldn't pry it loose. Letting out a sigh, Katherine began pulling both of them back to the shore, using her legs to propel both of them to the other side. 'It looks like they found the red matter cell. I have a lot of explaining to do...' Katherine then pulled their limp bodies through the door, herself breathing heavily. She checked both of their breathing, crouching down to both of them. She then walked away, leaving the two.


Anella returned the laugh in a similar way.
"Even back then, I used to cry and you used to tell me not to." Anella touched her face again. It didn't feel the same. It was now glazed with make up, for what? To please men. Why? For money. Anella didn't have a job, she was using her body to make money. "Do you want to come to my house?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas woke up, rubbing his eyes as he still breathed heavily. "Tristin? Tristin!" He yelled seeing Trisin with the red cell, he shook her hoping she was still alive.

Ray thought about it "S-Sure! I haven't been anywhere since my facility. Maybe we could talk," she said before the voices started speaking again. 'Oooooooh! You get to hang out with your girl frieeeeeend :) ' 'Looks like someone is in love,' Ray hit hear head against a wall again. "Let's go," she said barely fazed by the pain.


Tristin hardly reacted to the shaking, but the sound of her name caused her to drop the cell. She opened her eyes, which were piercing red for the three seconds she lay motionless. Immediately, her eyes returned to their normal color and she sat up, gasping and coughing up red slime. Between heavy breaths, she put a hand on Thomas's face and felt it. Without saying a word, she fell limp into his arms. She was barely holding onto the red matter cell now.


Anella flinched. "Don't hit your head..." Anella then walked to her apartment and opened the door, showing Ray inside. "It's not much. Bathroom is to the left, I just sleep on the couch so ignore the blankets. Small kitchen too. Yeah...not much money. And I thought boobs meant money." Anella pointed to her chest and laughed. Her laugh sounded much more like a woman than when she was a little girl. Her voice was also much bolder and more confident from since she was a kid. The airiness in her voice was also lost through her growing up. In fact, not much of the little Anella personality remained, save for the curiosity and pretty face.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Paige was surprised by this so she decide to try and go a little faster. She did a low swing for his feet with the whip, the other hand holding her knife which she threw at his shoulder.


"H-He didn't come for me? Doesn't h-he love me," she said shaking at the words. Her grip on the bed tightened and her eyes were glowing purple. She began to cry as she realized her father may not love her.

@Crystal Cali
Jonathon would tank the whip attack while deflecting the knife with his katana. I'd there was anything known about Jonathon it's that he can at least take something as hard as a whip. He used this chance to find an opening and would elbow Paige on the back and would follow it with a jab to the side with the handle end of his katana.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas picked her up as best he could and went to the elevator. "Come on, you need to rest," he whispered as he went to the subcommander room and put her on the bed. Thomas went in and took a quick shower before going back to the bed to see if she was alright.

"It is a lovely place compared to where I have lived. Do you have anything to eat," Ray asked hearing her stomach growl. "Mam, it is time for you to eat," the collar around her neck said. "Oh remember Soldier," she asked pointing to the collar with a green light were her throat was.


Paige took both hits, she got back up and smiled. Paige ran back up but this time she jumped over him, using this she grabbed the other end of her whip and put it around his neck. If it had worked she would continued to run with the whip pulling on Jonathan like a leash.


Paige took both hits, she got back up and smiled. Paige ran back up but this time she jumped over him, using this she grabbed the other end of her whip and put it around his neck. If it had worked she would continued to run with the whip pulling on Jonathan like a leash.

Jonathon would be caught in the leash attack. Now it was basically a leash right now, but this means that Paige was open for an attack. With all of his samurai might, he would let himself get closer to Paige and would kick her to the front with all of his might.

@Shammy the Shamrock (Kinky.)

Tristin had fallen off the bed and stood up, smiling. The red matter cell was tucked in where she should've been. "Hey Thomas. I'm real sorry about the stupid, but I had to get that. I have no idea what it is, but I had to get it." She ran up to Thomas and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "You basically saved my life. Still sorry...but thanks." Tristin's emotions had began fluctuating. Slight bit of craziness were in her eyes, although they were closed.


Anella stared intently.
"Soldier? Are you now a collar? It looks like a flight attendant call button." Anella laughed as she walked to the kitchen. Rather than the little kid scramble she used to do, her steps were defined as if she was seducing a man. Being a prostitute changed her entire personality, and Anella herself never felt insecure. Until now, which she wondered what Ray would think about her. 'What if Ray only liked me for my innocence? What if throwing it all away for this job made me unappealing to her?'

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige tied the two ends so that Jonathan couldn't escape the leash. She was pulled away by the kick but kept her grip on the leash so that he was pulled down with her. "Bad dog," she said jokingly before tugging him forward, she gave a devious smile before planting a kiss on his mouth. Taking an advantage he kneed him in the crouch before pulling him to the ground.


Thomas hugged back "No problem. Are you ok? You did risk your life for a red ball, and you still seem to be coughing up the goo," Thomas said nervously. "You need to rest," he stated putting her down on the bed.

Ray looked at Anella as if she was in a trance. 'Hot damn! You know you want that you filthy bastard!' The first voice said as she could hear the laughing from inside her head. "Hello Anella. It is good to see you again. How have you been," the collar asked as Ray snapped out of her trance and looked away.


Thomas hugged back "No problem. Are you ok? You did risk your life for a red ball, and you still seem to be coughing up the goo," Thomas said nervously. "You need to rest," he stated putting her down on the bed.

Ray looked at Anella as if she was in a trance. 'Hot damn! You know you want that you filthy bastard!' The first voice said as she could hear the laughing from inside her head. "Hello Anella. It is good to see you again. How have you been," the collar asked as Ray snapped out of her trance and looked away.

Jonathon was surprised about the kiss... and the kick to the crotch. Thankfully he is a samurai and shows no signs of weakness. Actually being pulled to the ground works in terms of advantage anyhow. Years of experience has allowed him to get out of weirder situations before. He would use his samurai might to pull Paige back as he stood up. From there he would begin to tug the whip to throw Paige towards a wall. "Such is a samurai skill after all," was one of his many inner quotes.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Tristin sighed and sank back into the bed. "Okay, fine. But can you stay here with me?" Tristin's voice had gone soft, as if begging for company rather than just asking for it. "I hate being alone." A smile crept across her face and she laughed slightly. The red matter cell had somehow ended up in her arm, yet she made no effort to hold it. "Now, let's figure out the secrets of this red oversized pill." Tristin peered into it, veins on the back of her hands matching the color of the cell. "It's magnificent..." Now, hold on. Anyone who knew Tristin would know she never used the word magnificent. It was just unnatural.


@Shaggy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]planting a kiss on his mouth

(Kirsty: *turns to Ringmaster* I've done worse, but she's getting there. Ringmaster: *visibly hyping herself* WE SHOULD'VE ADOPTED HER! *grabs Kirsty by the neck and smiles deviously into her eyes* SHE'S PERFECT!!!!!!)
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JPax42 said:
(Kirsty: *turns to Ringmaster* I've done worse, but she's getting there. Ringmaster: *visibly hyping herself* WE SHOULD'VE ADOPTED HER! *grabs Kirsty by the neck and smiles deviously into her eyes* SHE'S PERFECT!!!!!!)
(Paige how old again? Jonathon 22 hue.)
Thomas tilted his head "When did you start saying stuff like that? Never heard you say magnificent. Let me see that," he said grabbing the red matter cell. "What is this used for," he asked studying the cell as his eyes turned a slight red.


Paige didn't feel the hit to the wall, she was taking every hit he threw as she started spinning with the whip in hand. Paige kept hitting Jonathan into the wall. She soon got tired and put the whip down "Nice job Samurai Jack," she said laughing and extending a hand to help him up.


Paige didn't feel the hit to the wall, she was taking every hit he threw as she started spinning with the whip in hand. Paige kept hitting Jonathan into the wall. She soon got tired and put the whip down "Nice job Samurai Jack," she said laughing and extending a hand to help him up.

Jonathon would accept the hand and would be lifted up. "Thank you. Your quite the agile fighter yourself. I lack speed, but I make up for it with defense." He would pat off any dirt on him as he got up. Then he began to check himself for any wounds. "In any case that should be all for today. Now then we should meet up with your brother and Tristin should we not?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine turned on the transmission throughout the city. Satellites pointed to Lithium, forming a massive parabola in space. The dish blocked out a part of the sun, leaving a ring in the sky. People would find that their phones stopped working for the five minutes of this transmission. Radio towers pointed to the satellites and began transmitting. The giant dish bounced the signal centrally into the GLASS tower, then transmitting it outwards throughout Lithium. Every single electronic device would begin to static, then transmit the message, so everyone could see this.


The image of Katherine in a sleeveless jumpsuit sitting at a desk with her hands folded over each other peered into the camera with professionalism. Her piercing eyes were defined by the camera, as if the focus of the film were her eyes. Her red hair was tied neatly into a bun on the back of her head. She was leaning slightly forward, and there was a hundred percent professional look on the woman's face.

"Hello. This is Katherine Cardinal. I am the acting leader of GLASS, as you know, which is a new presence in the city. Now, we have been here for a few weeks without saying anything. How rude of us, right? Well, I am here to make that all up to you. The first official Lithium GLASS rally begins in two days and will last for a week. There, we will introduce the subcommanders. Sub 1, the warrior, is Jonathon. Sub 2, the recon scout, is Thomas Martinez. Sub 3..."
The transmission cut, as Katherine faked saying something. The transmission returned, only showing Tristin's name. "...Tristin Winters. Jonathon is the first samurai Subcommander in the history of GLASS since 1273. Tristin Winters is the youngest GLASS subcommander in the history of GLASS since 882. Thomas Martinez is the first GLASS subcommander with piercing blue eyes since 928. This year, GLASS has brought back the smoothie machine, as well. Be sure to attend the GLASS rally, for it will be going for three days. Then, we will proceed with the reason for our existence in this city. You are no longer to live in fear of criminals. You are no longer going to leave home with the fear that you will not return the next day. Thank you for welcoming GLASS to Lithium!"

*Transmission end.*

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @SirGrey @johndoe @rosehearted @Yappi @tealevergood (GLASS HYPE!)
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Tristin was about to eat the energy cell when the TV came on. Tristin watched the transmission intently, smiling when she heard that she had been the youngest GLASS subcommander since...882?! "HOW OLD IS GLASS?!" Tristin jumped back and forgot completely about the red matter cell, which disappeared and floated into the bathroom. (Ignore the cell for now) "Holy...holy crap..." Tristin ran a hand through her hair, staring down in shock. "We're working for something that has been here since before the Black Death...since before Christopher Columbus..." Tristin was frantically trying to process this. She didn't know what GLASS was for, and maybe not everybody thought of it this way.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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