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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

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  • Hero [why u so serious]

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Pike had heard about which room it was. Top floor. The most expensive. He knew this place had top security. So he wouldn't go in. He'd the simple thing. Grapple up to the nearest ledge, about the sixth floor. A few slips here and there caused his heart to race as did some narrow escapes form the window. Still he made it. Looking inside he lifted up the window ever so slightly to help listen in. His heart was race. One narrow slip and he was dead. @rosehearted
Viking saw some tire tracks "so she went that way he thought and I know what the car looks like I'll ask around" (open for interaction)
"How is she?" Don asked, eyebrows furrowed. He didn't think she would die, but seeing any blood on her was concerning. Plus, she was out cold. He turned to two of his bodyguards. "You were supposed to get her here without harm. Valentina is a creature of the least resistance... At least physically. Incompetent mercenary, and now incompetent bodyguards. Is my money not supposed to buy the very best?" The two men stood blank faced while Don berated them.

"Well, the important thing is that, she's here. Do you think she'll be well enough to be apart of the grand opening?" The man looked anxious. The nurse assured him that she'll be fine.

"Okay that's all swell and dandy but WHEN. I'm runnin' on a schedule here!"

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Tristin jumped down two floors, the thing seeming solid enough to support her weight. "I have a feeling...that was an engine. A big...powerful engine." Tristin started touching around, slightly retracting from the cold. "TEST doesn't even have this technology and this wreck looks at least fifteen years old." Tristin was more curious about how this was destroyed. Various heat vision burn marks lined the carrier, as if they were powerful enough to tear through ten inches of metal. The initials KS were found everywhere. "What do you think KS means?"


Anella shook her head in despair.
"There's blood. On your handsaw. What happened? More importantly, I'm worried about you. This town means bad business. Also, do you have a name?" Anella curiously tilted her head.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Grand opening?" Creature" What is she and what is going on here" Pike muttered. For once he had no idea what was going on. While thinking his foot slipped causing a part to fall... and make a noise. A loud noise. A noise that causes chills down Pike's spin and his heart rate to spike. @rosehearted
Ray sighed 'SHOULD WE TELL HER OUR NAME!' 'I mean it just our name, tell her our nickname so she doesn't use it against us.' she finally spoke up "My name is Ray. As for the blood a drunk tried do hit on me, so I hit back. Your name?" She said putting the buzzsaw behind her back.

"I don't know. Probably the name of the person who owned it. K S, do you know anyone with these letters as there first and last," Thomas asked tilting his head.


The noise got the attention of pretty much everyone in the room. Immediately, several bodyguards leaped forward towards the window. The nurse scooped up Valentina and ran to a room. Don walked over to the window himself, looking pissed.


Anella's eyes widened. Was this the girl whom she fell in love with as a child? The woman in a mask? "Anella. Nice to meet your Rac-er, Ray." After saying so, Anella began putting clothes over what looked like it belonged to a prostitute. "He tried to hit on you? Or hit you?"


"I don't really know if this could be a long shot, but it could be the woman who crashed in and told Katherine to release Sky. She had silver-ish hair and one eye was red and the other was blue. Apparently she could fly faster than the speed of sound. It could've been her, but I'm not sure." Tristin's eyes widened. She remembered reading something about a GLASS article involving a sixteen year old destroying two carriers. "Thomas...we're inside a GLASS carrier."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Pike tried to fight off the bodyguards they pulled him in. With the combination of the dangerous location and the strength of the guards, Pike lost the fight. He was held back by the guards as the visage of the Don came into view. A cold sweat ran in the mask. @rosehearted
Ray tilted her head "He hit on me so I hit him. Your name is Anella?" She took out the locket and opened it "OOOOOOHHHH! Your the girl in the picture," she said closing it and putting it away. 'Wow you actually forgot!' 'PANCAKES!'

Thomas was shocked "Really!?!? What happened to this place, one girl took down this entire thing. Why is it here?" More questions came to his mind but he didn't ask them.


Anella stepped back at Ray's reaction. "I'm...in that locket. I...uh...I don't know how to say this..." Tears forming in Anella's eyes were quickly wiped away. She regretted running away and never talking to Ray. She just regretted everything, even pretending to be in a relationship with her. Anella was feeling different about Ray right now. "W-What are you doing in Lithium?"


Tristin crouched down and began examining the burn marks.
"We need to go back, now. There was a reason this place was guarded by half a mile of slime-" Tristin looked out against the shore and saw the slime level rising, almost touching the carrier. "Okay, I have a feeling I know how they keep this place untouched. Wait, I need to find something first!" Tristin dropped down to the lower levels and swung on a torn bar before landing on the same level as the sludge. The slime was getting increasingly higher, but Tristin still walked forward deeper into the carrier. "Come on Thomas, we have something to get!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ray tiled her head "This is were my old facility was located.....til everyone died for odd reasons," she said not holding back her giggle. "A lot has happened since we last......talked," she said remembering how they kissed and that was it. She left and Ray had waited, she never came back so Ray had to move on with life. 'STAB HER! STAB THE BITCH!' 'No we don't kill yet, just talk,' the two voice continued to argue in her head.

Thomas nodded as he jumped down and followed Tristin. "Holy fuck! This place is going to be covered in no time," he said nervously as he ran around the carrier. "Hurry up! I would like not to drown in goo again," he said tapping his foot nervously.

Don pulled out a gun, obviously in no mood for joking with this guy. He took his security, very seriously. "I won't ask you again, estupido. What are you doing, snooping around?"

Pike sighed. He had to tell the truth. "I saw Valentine today, saw the attack on her, saw here taken away by some nasty looking men, so I did suspect something" Pike said in a calm voice "I manged to trace who it was ,you of course, and since the front door wouldn't get me very far I decide to go for the window" He said sighing. "I think I may know who did it" Pike said hoping that would get the goons of him. @rosehearted

Anella stepped forwards, her hands were shaking. "Right. I guess you didn't expect...me to become something like this." Anella shook her head, waiting for Ray's response. Anella being a prostitute wasn't as bad as Ray being bound to wear a mask for the rest of her life, but it was still shocking. "I...I don't know what to say. I guess...I got myself a life, got screwed over and...I just couldn't get to you."


"No, this is very important! You can go if you want but I'm going to find it!" Tristin's midriff was now completely submerged in the slime, but she was still digging around boxes and shelves looking for something. She didn't know what it was, but it was important. Tristin's eyes were bloodshot and looked sort of insane as she continued looking for it. Tristin threw a box of stuff across the room, having it fall into the slime. "No, no, no! Whoever left that thing left it for whoever came here next, I know it! If you want to leave...please do." Tristin turned and looked in the hallway. Then she pretty much did the most unthinkable thing. Tristin trudged into the command room and sank into the slime which was almost at the roof, now looking for things under the slime. Of course, the slime wasn't too thick, so it was see through. It didn't really hurt Tristin's eyes, and the only thing that it really did was stick to skin and be annoying. As the slime got higher, Tristin kept looking for the unnamed thing for longer time, moving along the floor and digging through hatches.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Two of the men backed off, but two bodyguards still held on. While Don didn't think this guy was any match for him, he didn't want to be cocky and underestimate him. The man had to be cautious.

"I don't know why you see fit to meddle in the affairs of my own child," Don grumbled. "But do tell me what you know. Then you could go."


Valentina awoke in her room, a nervous looking nurse hovering over her. "My head is killing me..." she muttered. Then her eyes widened and she shot up only to grunt and lay back down, as pain shot through her side.

"Please miss, try not to move," The nurse said, hands out.

Ray shrugged "Well.....it's sad to hear about your situation. Remember the serum I use to talk so much about. It didn't go well for me," she let out a sigh before grabbing her mask and slowly pulling it off. It revealed her mouth which was black, teeth were missing and holes were along the bottom and around her mouth. She put the mask back on and took deep breaths "You want to get something to eat?" She asked looking down, ashamed of how the drug had taken over her life.

Thomas shook his head and jumped in after her. 'I'm not leaving you here! Not to drown,' he thought to himself as he wondered what Tristin was looking for as he swam through the goo.

"I don't know his name but I know he recently got out of jail and is a fugitive still" Pike explained no longer struggling against the men while talking in a monotone voice. "I saw him a with a sniper rifle and pistol, he was strong tall and had a scar" William explained. "Is she alright, your daughter" The Whisper asked his voice having caring in it. @rosehearted
Don searched the man's body language for any sign of lying; he couldn't see any. He turned around and waved his hand, dismissing the two other bodyguards. "Thank you for the information. You can leave now." Don didn't even bother answering his question.


Anella stepped back in shock. "Oh...no." Anella scoffed at how Ray said she herself acted superior. It seemed like anything superior was bad. "No thank you. I just wanted to...nothing." Anella shook her head and closed her eyes.


Tristin heard the sound of the slime reaching the top of the ceiling.
'Whatever. I need this thing...' Tristin didn't seem to mind as she kept on looking for stuff. Pushing apart various things, she swam under a desk. Underneath was a faint red glow, redder than the goo. It almost seemed like it was absolute red. 'There it is!' Tristin cocked her fist back and broke through the desk, but clearly that move had caused her to let out some air. 'Bad idea.' Tristin put a hand over her mouth and tried to hold whatever air she had left as she used her other hand to dig through the desk wreckage. Eventually, she pulled out a heavy red container cell, filled with something that could only be described as the color red. 'What is this? Oh god, need air...but this is what I was looking for, but why?' Tristin closed both her eyes tight and shook off the feeling of wanting air, and she lay the red cell over her stomach and began to swim back towards the door, although her movements were slowing down.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I will go when I chose and not a second before now answer my question is she alright?"Pike said in a firm manner. If he had any brains he would of darted by now. Yet he hadn't, he stayed. Why he kept asking, he liked her, but to risk his life. A question for another time. Pike stood up firm, gripped the umbrella. He knew the Don could read body language. @rosehearted

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