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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"If you'd of drowned in a pond I well, I would have chuckled at the grave stone" Pike says in a sarcastic manner. He thought I was rather rude to not replay instantly. He steadied his umbrella and moved back not really wanting to get his new suit wet. @rosehearted
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"Gee. You must have a lot of friends," Valentina replied, just as deadpan before. She smirked, noticing him move away.

"Don't worry. I won't get your suit wet. I'm not that ill-mannered." The smirk disappeared, and she got to her feet to stretch a bit.

"Says the person who was jumping about in a park pond for who knows how long" Pike says just as sarcastic as before. "Then again I am talking to you so that may something about my friend situation" Pike muttered hoping she didn't hear him. William wasn't one for friend, always the job first, and those friends he had made were just vapid and materialistic. "Well you never can be too careful, though I should of know" Pike says a surprisingly polite manner. @rosehearted
Valentina bit her lip, turning a bit red. How long had he been there? She was sure she had been alone...

"I personally don't see the connection. Me running round this here pond isn't indicative of my friendship... Hm... Level, I guess." This guy didn't have to know she had just about zero friends.

"There's a reason for me doing what I was doing, one that makes sense."

"I can respect that doing what you want to do, not caring what others think" Pike said in a voice that indicate his admiration. "I was merely questing the... mental state of someone who jumps around in ponds" Pike said in a jokey manner. He then noticed her turning red, perhaps embarrassment. "I didn't see you for too long, I was merely confused I mean you-you are attractive, n not that I find you attractive just that others may find you is what I'm trying to say" William said through many coughs and stutters. He wasn't used to being nice to people. @rosehearted
Valentina stared at the man wide eyed, and her mouth started moving rather weird... Then she patted her face, and her mouth straightened out again.

It was obvious the guy wasn't much of a smooth talker. Valentina was glad he hadn't bee watching long though. "Hummm... so I'm attractive, but also not. Hm! I think I will take that as a compliment anyway." Her tone was jokey as well, but her face was blank, creating a weird dissonance.

Pike calmed down at the joke. "You must be great at poker" Pike joked referring to her blank expression. "Yes I was trying to complement you there I think anyway, I'm used to just using sarcasm, or monotone boredom" Pike says as he finishes off his iced tea. He had observed the weird motion of her mouth but didn't draw attention to it, just making a mental note of it. @rosehearted
Poker. Her dad used to play that a lot. The expression on her face darkened somewhat.

"You should consider brushing up on your conversational skills then. Take a class maybe," she said lightly. Her lip started quivering again and she started to laugh. Valentina immediately clamped her hands over her mouth and pretended that didn't happen.

"You may wish to go to the class next door to that one, the one about about controlling you feelings" Pike said in a sarcastic manner. It wasn't a great joke but it held truth. "On a serious note, what was that all about" Pike ask with genuine caring tone in his voice. @rosehearted

Tristin woke up on the metal surface next to Thomas. Immediately she began to cough up the red stuff, which had began to glow. "Thomas!" Between gasping and heavy breathing, she ran over to Thomas and began CPR. After about thirty minutes of doing the stuff, Tristin stood up and looked around the place.

The place was filled with a thick fog, which glowed at various places. The rest of it was just the metal shore. The sand on the shore was iron filings, for some reason.

@Shammy the Shamrock
That poor joke earned narrowed eyes from Valentina.

"What was what all about...?" Valentina drawled. She knew that her poker face faltered at times, so she guessed now must've been one of those times. Still, she'd pretend like she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Nothing I thought I saw something" Pike said in a monotone voice. I did matter too much to Pike but he knew that she was trying to hid the fact that she broke out in a laugh. "Well while I love standing around parks, especially with such lovely company, I could do with drink care to join me?" Pike said impressed by his attempt at smooth talking actually working fore once. Probably due to it being just something that was said naturally rather then forcing it. "William Pike by the way" @rosehearted
as viking felt the first touch of normal clothes (a grey t-shirt and brown cardigans) on his back in 5 years he was wondering where his first job would come from he decided to check his old meeting spots (open for interaction)
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Sky completed another contract. That single sentence described the monotony of his job right now. That was another thing... job. Being a mercenary was a job more than anything else. He felt..distant for whatever reason as if he lost something. "Why am I doing this? Why does it bother me with what's happening to me?"


A large collection of new recruits in their adolescent years line up. The Director of this particular group comes and speaks up.

"Greetings everyone. I am Doc Hoffman or as you will know me better as the director of Project Soldier. You all shall go through brutal training and will then take on real missions. These serve so that you l can grow to be the next genelation of soldiers. Now then... you will all be placed in teams of two. It shall be listed on the large screen above me. Go meet your new teammate and get to know them. Dismissed."

Flashback over

"Project Soldier... it's been years since I've started. Now I'm a mercenary. For what cause? It's most certainly not the pay..."

(@JPax42 Time for Sky character development/backstory. Hue)
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"A drink? Do you mean like... alcohol?" The girl was almost 22 years old, and yet she hadn't ever tasted any. Then again, she wasn't exactly allowed to... "If so, then okay I think."

When he gave his name she nodded. "Nice to meet you Bill. I'm Valentina," she responded cheekily.

"You can have a coffee for all I care though the cafe we are going does serve alcohol, quite good alcohol at that" Pike said in a slightly mocking tone as he walked with his umbrella tap against the floor in a lymphatic fashion, using it almost like a cane. He smiled at the rather cheeky comment. "Well Val I do believe you are one of the most sarcastic and flippant people I have ever meet. How I only wish we had meet sooner" Pike said with a smile. @rosehearted
Viking saw that no one was at any spot he decided to go to the local cafe that served booze (yes it is the same one)
Valentina followed after. "Am I?" Normally, she wasn't like this. Okay, perhaps she still remained disrepectful in her daily interactions, but the sarcasm was something that seemed to have come out when conversing with Mr. Pike. She gazed at the ground thoughtfully.

She grunted. "Don't call me Val..."

"Don't call me Bill" Pike said matching the grunt. "Well that's what I got anyway, maybe I'm reading you wrong" Pike said as they approached the cafe. He thought about how he was different around her. He seemed to be a bit kinder, caring even sweet. He tried not to think about it to much. "Well here we are" Pike said as the door was open for him by one of the staff. Radio Rooftop. William didn't know why it was called that he did know it was a great bar and cafe. One of the staff member showed them to there table. "Just wait until you see this" Pike said as they went to his regular table. A balcony table overlooking the city. The view was worth the price alone. As he sat down the thief, he asked "What are you having?". @rosehearted
Viking walked in the cafe he scanned the crowd and saw some crazy looking people he approached them and said "you seem like the kind of people to update a fugitive assassin on what happened in the last five years, mind if i sit?" he said already sitting down @SirGrey @rosehearted
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I can call you whatever I want to, is what Valentina wanted to say, but there was no point in being rude for no plain reason.

The view at the table was really nice, and Valentina silently stared at the city before looking at Pike. Huh, so he was a rich guy. No wonder. The suit wearing in a park thing made sense now.

"Hm, I think—" Before she could sit though, some other guy had come out of nowhere to sit. "I think you're mistaken sir. In my case anyway. Dunno about Bi—William here."

@SirGrey @johndoe
"Oh of course the last five years let me catch you up on it" Pike says sarcastically. He didn't take kindly to being threatened but this guy looked like strong. "Look if you want to kill me go right ahead then the women then the whole cafe and any outside. Then you won't about being a fugitive any more" Pike said in a monotone voice. "How about you sit down, have a drink and I'll tell some details" Pike motion to a chair. He turned to Valentine giving her a look of reassurance. @johndoe @rosehearted
"see we can be friends" Viking said putting his sniper rifle down and fiddling with his holstered pistol "so i'm viking" he said "and you are?"
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"William Kirk this is my friend Angela Clark" Pike said in his monotone voice. He wasn't about to trust this man. "So the five years" Pike said as he started to talk to the man about things that may interest an assassin. Politics, Economics and other such boring topics. He made sure to keep a firm grip on his umbrella. He also look over to Valentine hoping she didn't mind and understood the fake names. @johndoe @rosehearted

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