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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Paige shrugged "Let's walked around and see what we can find. Maybe we'll get to know each other better," she said grabbing her phone and looking at the photo. "You got to admit, they are pretty cute together," she said holding out the picture.

Thomas walked into the elevator "LETS FUCK SHIT UP!" He yelled as he waited to see where they would go.

@JPax42 @YoungX
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX
"They certainly do look like they were meant for each other," Jonathon says as he walks around. It was easy to get lost became of the size of the building. "Hmm... this building is large. I wonder if there is a place to work on my swordsmanship?" He asked as he clutched his katana which was still sheathed in its scabbard.

@Shammy the Shamrock
It had been three days since Valentina had been out on the run. Well, technically. Wasn't much running she could do when she had a place to stay...

Currently, she was running circles around a pond in the centre of the park. It wasn't pleasant sticking around her dirty little hovel, so she had to find something to do, which led to her being outside a lot. It was a nice, calm time.

(Open for interaction)

"Yay!" Tristin opened the door that lead to a few rooms. "Oh there's the slime room again..." Tristin smirked and opened the slime room. She then grabbed a storage crate with the top off and put it in the red goo. "We're going slimeboating." Tristin jumped into the crate and smiled at Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige put her phone away "You have a sword, I have a whip and a knife. Maybe we could....spar? Is that what they call it," Paige said cracking her whip before returning it to her side.


Thomas ran and jumped into the crate, his eyes burning blue. "Alright let's go," he said leaning back against one of the walls.

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Tristin started using one of her hands to move the makeshift boat along the slime. She managed to get it halfway across until the thing started sliding. "Uh oh, that's not good." The slime was actually having its own waves and weather system since the room was so large. "How did they fit this much! Jeez..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige went into a random room which was pure white, she looked around and took her whip out again. "Will this work," Paige asked getting into a ready stance.


Thomas decided to mess around "First mate Thomas reporting for duty! What shall we do captain," he asked giving his best pirate voice. He saluted before starting to try and paddle with his hand.


Thomas decided to mess around "First mate Thomas reporting for duty! What shall we do captain," he asked giving his best pirate voice. He saluted before starting to try and paddle with his hand.

Jonathon nodded in response. "Yes it should. Now I must warn you beforehand. My blade is strong and sharp enough to cut bullets." He then gets into a defense stance as he draws out his katana.

(Brb Eating lunch)

Tristin giggled a little and poked Thomas. "Nyet. Right now we avoid giant wave!" Tristin did a Russian sea captain. A giant wave of sludge about ten feet tall was approaching the tiny crate boat. "Oh god...paddle!" Tristin was basically dragging the crate over the slimy substance.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige put her hands behind her back "My whip has survived everything so I think I can handle your sword. Ladies first," she said laughing and waiting for Jonathan to make his move.


Thomas looked up at the wave "Cap'n! The wave is too big," he said never breaking character. He started paddling through the slime but it didn't help since the goo only slowed his paddling down.


Thomas looked up at the wave "Cap'n! The wave is too big," he said never breaking character. He started paddling through the slime but it didn't help since the goo only slowed his paddling down.

Jonathon nods and would laugh at the gesture. "A samurai always remains vigilant watching his opponent." He just stands there in a classic samurai stance as he slowly unshesthes his katana.

@Shammy the Shamrock (I'm back)

"Okay, this is probably something to Tristin almost managed to get the crate out of the way but the wave had reached 30 feet and crashed onto the crate. The crate was flung forward with enough force to throw everybody off, and Tristin slammed into the slime and sank about thirty feet down. It didn't help that the slime was thick, and the last thing Tristin saw before she passed out was the surrounding red from the goo and the bubbles from her mouth and other things in the goo.


"Hopefully nobody went into the synthetic red slime matter room. Hue." Katherine put her feet up on her desk, a gesture that was appropriate only because she was alone.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"Okay, this is probably something to Tristin almost managed to get the crate out of the way but the wave had reached 30 feet and crashed onto the crate. The crate was flung forward with enough force to throw everybody off, and Tristin slammed into the slime and sank about thirty feet down. It didn't help that the slime was thick, and the last thing Tristin saw before she passed out was the surrounding red from the goo and the surrounding bubbles and other things in the goo.


"Hopefully nobody went into the synthetic red slime matter room. Hue." Katherine put her feet up on her desk, a gesture that was appropriate only because she was alone.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige ran up and swung at the samurai's side "Alright guess I have to go first!" She said faking the swing and using her other hand to try and whip his other side.


Thomas swam down and grabbed Tristin, he swam to the top. It took a bit but he had finally reached the surface "Tristin!" He yelled hoping she was alright, he looked around for another wave.


Tristin coughed up some of the slime and gasped, staring at Thomas wide-eyed. "T-Thank yo-wave!" Tristin quickly grabbed Thomas and held onto him as another slime wave lifted the two up and threw them towards the other side. The other side had a metal shore close to 100 feet away from where they were thrown. Tristin continued holding onto Thomas, still trying to see clearly. She had turned on her back and was trying to get them to the metal shore on the other side.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas started swimming towards the shore, he put Tristin on his back and kept going. He was panting and getting tired from having to use more energy to get through the slime. He was almost to the shore when he passed out from exhaustion.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359][B]Paige ran up and swung at the samurai's side "Alright guess I have to go first!" She said faking the swing and using her other hand to try and whip his other side.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#00b359] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/ said:

Thomas swam down and grabbed Tristin, he swam to the top. It took a bit but he had finally reached the surface "Tristin!" He yelled hoping she was alright, he looked around for another wave.

He would notice the fake and responded with a block with his katana. Then he would begin to study Paige's movements carefully. For now he would stay on the defensive and hold his ground.

@Shammy the Shamrock
The thief had lost that odd girl who joined him on the back of the truck. Pike had returned home, placing the stolen case in his secret room behind the bookcase. The man who wanted would call Pike on his secure line when he wanted it, or so said Pike's fence. "Well I might as well go out for a bit, not much to do here" William muttered while he changed out of his suit putting on yet another grey suit. Making sure the door was locked, Pike went on his walk. Along the way he bought an ice tea. Siting the park to enjoy his drink he saw someone running circles around a pond in the centre of the park. "Well I suppose its one way to cool down" Pike said sarcastically as he sat down on a bench. It was nice to do this after a big job. From world famous thief to just another person. @Yappi @rosehearted
The girl had quite a bit of endurance. Before he arrived, she had been running for about 20 minutes. She continued on for about ten minutes before tripping and falling sideways into the pond.

The thief enjoyed his drink while being unconcerned about the girl. Still he was impressed by how long she just kept running around for. Pike had a chuckle at her falling over, before going to see if she was alright. "Are you okay down there?" Pike says looking at the girl from the side of the pond. @rosehearted
Valentina erupted from pond, and she crawled onto dry ground, where she started to wring out her hair and clothes.

You would think she hadn't heard the man, or was ignoring him perhaps, but she did end up responding. "Well, I didn't drown. So I'd say I'm fine," she responded dryly.


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