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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Laura walked into the graveyard shed wearing a hoodie and blue jeans. For a 9 year old girl, she was fairly smart and this was apparent as she looked at Teal. "Who invited you?"

"huh? how did you get in here i thought i locked the gate behind me, and also i own this place. are you lost or are you here for the job?

Laura laughed and raised a hand to Teal's mouth. "Shut it pansy. I'm here to find my rifle." Without caring that Teal owned the property, Laura started rummaging through Teal's stuff to find her rifle, scattering everything everywhere. It seemed weird that a 9 year old was basically walking onto private property and started taking stuff. "What are you looking at pansy?"

JPax42 said:
Tristin nodded at the advice and went in the room, taking a seat.


"Alright. This is just a psychology test. Jonathon, I'll test you first since I need to talk to Tristin privately. First thing, is there anything from your past that can be considered troublesome?"

"None that I believe. As a samurai I have faced many hardships. I can overcome it if I believe so." Jonathon sounded firm and confident. He had seen many horrors and has shown his valiant spirit.

@JPax42 (Sorry about that. Just toured a factory.)
teal gets up walks over to the girl, picks her up and says "look, i own this place and your trespassing... good work! somehow you got past my lock and got in here by yourself, but your also very rude so... your gonna work for me to repay the dept you made when you threw that robot part at the table" she said as she pointed at the table, which was smashed to peices.
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"Well, alright. Now, I'm going to run an insanity test. The room is soundproof. You and Tristin are going to spend sixty minutes in the room with each other. You must remain awake the entire time. Sounds good?" Katherine didn't smile, rather, she simply began writing things down. "Have fun." The door locked completely, leaving Tristin with Jonathon.


Tristin jittered a little bit and simply did a handstand, staying like that.
"Okay, well, Katherine's trapped us in here. Think we can get out out something?"


Laura simply laughed when Teal picked her up. "Kiss my ass." With one swift movement, Laura did a backflip and landed on the ground, then immediately increased her field of gravity to 1.5 G. Teal would notice this change in gravity, and Laura then pulled on Teal's leg. Laura was strong for a girl her size, and this would probably bring Teal to the ground, combined with the gravity.

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JPax42 said:
"Well, alright. Now, I'm going to run an insanity test. The room is soundproof. You and Tristin are going to spend sixty minutes in the room with each other. You must remain awake the entire time. Sounds good?" Katherine didn't smile, rather, she simply began writing things down. "Have fun." The door locked completely, leaving Tristin with Jonathon.


Tristin jittered a little bit and simply did a handstand, staying like that.
"Okay, well, Katherine's trapped us in here. Think we can get out out something?"

"Hmm... I believe it's best to wait. This is a test to see if we have the willpower to withstand confinement." Jonathon then meditates while opening his eyes. He takes the time to relax and feel at ease with himself. "Such is a samurai to withstand even this," Jonathon said quietly as he meditated.

Tristin, on the other hand, was doing so much worse than Jonathon. Within forty five minutes, she began doing cartwheels around the room, backflips and whirlwind kicks at seemingly nothing. Even while going insane, her coordination was near flawless. Tristin then dropped down in front of Jonathon. She definitely looked frazzled. For one, she had untied her hair and let it fall over her face. Her fingers were twitching nervously with pent up energy, and the lack of sound made her feel even more less at peace with herself. "Seriously when are we escaping?!" Tristin had the drive to escape and break down the door, and she probably could do it if she had the speed and coordination to break it. But in this condition, she still lacked the focus.

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teal flipped with the girls back-flip then felt things get a little heavier then she pulled teals leg WHILE SHE WAS STILL IN THE AIR SENDING HER INTO THE GIRL who should be underneath teal right now... yeah
JPax42 said:
Tristin, on the other hand, was doing so much worse than Jonathon. Within forty five minutes, she began doing cartwheels around the room, backflips and whirlwind kicks at seemingly nothing. Even while going insane, her coordination was near flawless. Tristin then dropped down in front of Jonathon. She definitely looked frazzled. For one, she had untied her hair and let it fall over her face. Her fingers were twitching nervously with pent up energy, and the lack of sound made her feel even more less at peace with herself. "Seriously when are we escaping?!" Tristin had the drive to escape and break down the door, and she probably could do it if she had the speed and coordination to break it. But in this condition, she still lacked the focus.

Jonathon had to do something about Tristin. It was clear that she wasn't accustomed to enclosed spaces. "Tristin I want you to take deep breathes alright? Imagine the things that make you happy."

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Laura giggled and punched Teal in the stomach, incapacitating her. Within a few seconds, Teal would hear the click of a syringe gun. Laura pushed a tranquilizer into Teal's leg, giggling. "This place is mine now!"


Tristin pushed her hair out of her face and sat next to the door. She took a few breaths, and held her breath for about two minutes. Eventually, she let all of it out. "NOPE!" Tristin's eyes began to glow a dim orange color and the front of the door immediately began to burn. Tristin then gave a swift kick and the door fell down. "Freedom!"


Katherine grabbed Tristin, wrapping an arm around the top part of Tristin's chest.
"While I appreciate your ability to break out of prisons, I guess this means both of you passed in a different way. Jonathon, you have passed the original test of maintaining your composure in quiet. Tristin...I guess you have showed you are determined to break out of prisons. However, Jonathon will be the one who will be in charge, should any of you get imprisoned."

JPax42 said:
Tristin pushed her hair out of her face and sat next to the door. She took a few breaths, and held her breath for about two minutes. Eventually, she let all of it out. "NOPE!" Tristin's eyes began to glow a dim orange color and the front of the door immediately began to burn. Tristin then gave a swift kick and the door fell down. "Freedom!"


Katherine grabbed Tristin, wrapping an arm around the top part of Tristin's chest.
"While I appreciate your ability to break out of prisons, I guess this means both of you passed in a different way. Jonathon, you have passed the original test of maintaining your composure in quiet. Tristin...I guess you have showed you are determined to break out of prisons. However, Jonathon will be the one who will be in charge, should any of you get imprisoned."

Jonathon simply nodded. It seems even breaking free can also be considered another test. Should one get captured then that should be a solution. He then awaits the next test.
teal when punched rolled (in agony) onto the girls arm incapacitating it until she caught her breath while also keeping the girls from using the syringe (unbeknownst to teal) when she got up she she spotted the syringe in the girls hand took it, and threw it ... in the toilet. teal then took out her katana and went to the bathroom while keeping her eyes on the girl, and promptly flushed it down the drain then used her katana to hold the girl down
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Thomas decided to go into his bedroom and lie down on the bed. "Athletics. I wouldn't say i'm athletic but it's just a title. Maybe it'll change in the future," he said to himself as he curled up and took a nap.

Paige was messing with her whip and acting like she was part of a adventure movie. She cracked the whip and walked around the place before heading to her bed to do some reading.


"The next test is that you two will discuss this in your room. I want you to display that you two can have a reflection period. Good day." Katherine walked away.


Tristin walked to the bedroom, shaking and not saying a word. She simply got onto the bed and took a deep breath before curling up on Thomas's chest. She was whispering in his ear some incomprehensible things, but she at least looked fine for the most part.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

When Teal went to the bathroom, Laura managed to get out of the way. She then stepped on the katana and pulled out a BB gun, shooting Teal on both hands with metal pellets. "¿Dónde está mi arma?" Laura giggled again and began increasing the field of gravity. 1.5G meant that Teal would feel like she was carrying half of herself, meaning she wouldn't be able to do flips or move too fast or much of sort if she didn't have enhanced strength. Laura herself was slightly tiring under the field, but she managed to pull a knife out, aiming to stab Teal.

Akira's face looked a little sad at Annie's last statement. She finishes typing up everything she had been told, and posts it online. She turns around to see Annie asleep, and she tries to move the girl onto the mattress laying in the middle of the floor, and put a light blanket over her. Once she was sure Annie was comfortably set, Akira turns back to the computer, and sends out the post to every police station, and missing persons web site she could find for the area. Now, it was just a matter of waiting. @Shammy the Shamrock
teal grabs the knife using a burning feeling that wont let her die and push's the girl through the wall (which looked like it would have fallen any second anyway due to increased gravity) and pushed her out the gate and closed it again and yelled "stay out, and I'll get your stupid rifle for you. " as she went back to the shed which was barely standing up and brought the rifle which was under the table and threw it over the gate.

Laura, having the strength advantage over Teal, held out and refused to go past the gate. Laura pushed past Teal and shot her three times with the BB gun before grabbing the rifle herself. She pointed the rifle at Teal's head, prepared to pull the trigger. "Ah ah ah! I'm not leaving until you give me 2,000 dollars." The look in Laura's eyes meant that she means business. Any movement from Teal would result in Laura firing the gun.

"okay here take it now leave (thank god for the grieving girl or else I'd have to continue to fight her and shes way out of my league)" she yells as she throws the two wads of hundred dollar bills at the rude girl.
Thomas slept for what seemed like an hour before opening his eyes to see Tristin. He wrapped his hands around her "Hi! What did I miss," he said yawning and curling up around her.


Ann could be seen kicking and reaching for the air like a dog having a bad dream. A knock could be heard as a man in plaid left with a pie, he frowned. Threat knew that he couldn't be part of his little girls adventure. The pie had a note saying 'To my mudpie' before he seemed to vanish from the scene.

@Crystal Cali
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Laura and Katherine

Laura was about to turn around and leave happily with the stack of when she bumped into her mom's chest. Laura blindly felt around, grabbing onto various parts of Katherine. "Mom?"

Katherine pulled the stack of hundreds out of Laura's hands. "Teal, is it? I apologize for my daughter. She ran off and I was a little carried away with some things. I'm truly sorry about the damage she caused." Katherine put a hand on Laura's forehead, and Laura disappeared. A sizzling was heard from Katherine's hands, from the gloves she wore. "Here's a ten thousand dollar compensation for all the troubles. See you at the GLASS rally in a few days, if you're coming." Katherine threw Teal her money back, as well as a fatter stack of 100s.



Tristin gently put her face against Thomas's chest. "Nothing much...I ran ten miles and went over some tests with Katherine and Jonathon. But now I'm just gonna lie down with you and think about life." Tristin reached up to Thomas's face and put her hand through his hair. "You know I love your eyes, right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Laura appeared in the middle of the GLASS building. Her rifle burned away, along with most of her clothes. "I HATE EXPERIMENTAL TELEPORTATION!!!!!!" Laura began walking to the elevator and hopped in, then started rubbing her back along the elevator buttons, pressing everything. The elevator closed and then Laura went spinning around. A loud whirring was heard inside the GLASS building. She finally ended up in her mom's office and she sat on the desk, curling up and crying. "Graveyard girl is an asshole!"

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