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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas was already in the elevator. "I'm already way ahead of you," he said gesturing Paige to come in. "Where to first," he asked looking at all the buttons as his eyes beamed bright blue.

Paige saw them and sprinted towards the door, tackling them both before getting back up. "Alright so by Willy Wonka logic this goes in any direction to everywhere in this place," she said dusting herself off.


"I'm not touching anyone's Wonky Willy but I'm assuming that this elevator works like a regular one." Tristin pressed a button and the elevator didn't move. "Wait...hold on...wha-" Tristin was interrupted by the opening of a door, which opened a large room. The word Subcommander was written, and it was basically the entire floor. There were four bedrooms, a bathroom, and a dark room with empty stands. The windows were very dark, and the entire room was futuristic. "Does the wonky willy teleport?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas looked around "This is much better than our place! A place where I don't have to worry about dropping the soap, this is amazing." He ran around at everything in amazement, the place being a lot more fancy than both GLASS's room and the circus.

Paige shook her head "No but the elevator was able to fly out the roof. There was also candy but this works a bit better," she said stepping out of the elevator and looking at the Subcommander rooms.


Tristin walked around nervously, looking into the bathroom. "Congratulations, they basically put a swimming pool in the ground. So this is what having money feels like..." Tristin then turned to the floor and looked at the wide open space. "Hmm...this is like a military apartment." Tristin finally ended up meeting back in the main room. "Well, looks like we just have to wait for Katherine. Anything in particular you guys want to do?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige looked at the bathroom "Well i'm going to take an actual shower. Tell me when she comes by," she said almost flying into the bathroom.

Thomas shrugged "I got nothing," he said going into one of the bedrooms and jumping on the bed. "I didn't know they made beds this big," he said before jumping off and next to Tristin. "Anything planned while we wait?"


Tristin smirked evilly. "If they had a whale enclosure I'd throw you in." Tristin's eyes suddenly widened at the thought. "Well...they probably have something else weird...I'll just go follow you. They probably have every kind of room here." Tristin smiled and hopped onto Thomas's back like a koala.

@Shammy the Shamrock (You can decide whatever room that GLASS :P )
Thomas sighed "You like using me as transportation," he said laughing as he went into the elevator. "How do I work this," he trialed off as he tried using the elevator. They appeared in an indoor track and field "And I found the perfect place if I ever want to run," he walked around on the grass but tripped on a lump near the track, the extra weight not helping as he hit the track hard.

@JPax42 (As you can see, I'm not very good at thinking of areas xD )

Tristin put her hands on the ground and managed to flip herself over but fell on her back. "Yeah. Watch how they have a slime room." Tristin walked out and opened a door, but it wasn't the elevator door. It directly lead into a room fully filled with squishy red liquid starting directly from the door and all the way around the entire room. The red liquid was clearly slimy when Tristin kicked a random bolt she found on the ground in it. It also went down pretty far. "Should we touch it?! Or not touch it? How does it work!"

@Shammy the Shamrock (Yours was better; I did slime roo-*Kirsty drops down* YOU IDIOTS THIS IS RED MATTER IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE! Oh wait, red matter don't exist. You know what go ham.)
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Thomas had already touched it and formed it into a ball. "Too late!" He yelled throwing some at Tristin and looking around. "I hope this stuff is safe," he said grabbing another clump and messing with it.


JPax42 said:
You know what go ham

Tristin shook the stuff off. "Seems safe..." Tristin lifted a handful of the stuff and smelled it. She then put it in her mouth and tasted it for a second. "Tastes like Igor's cooking." In reality, it tasted like hot glue and molten plastic. But, for the most part it was nontoxic. "Here taste it!" Without warning, Tristin lifted Thomas up and threw him into the red sludge.

@Shammy the Shamrock (Watch how at one point TEST invades GLASS, and they just walk into a room and see all of the GLASS officials disguised as meat. Then the TEST officials are killed when someone throws a giant slab of meat at them)
JPax42 said:
Tristin hopped off of Hugo and walked into the GLASS building. "Thomas, Paige, you all can just go and take Hugo around. I have a feeling this is going to take some time..." Tristin walked into the GLASS building.

Jonathon would shake Tristin's hand. "It's nice to meet you Tristin. I hope we can get along fine." He would then at least do his best to know her. It was important to form camaraderie with his teammates and what not. Then he would look to Katherine. "Very well. What will I be evaluated on?"


"Exactly what you think you will. You are to go and meet your fellow subcommanders, acquaint with them. Yeah, I know they're just kids. In fact, Thomas is the youngest male subcommander GLASS has ever had. Anyways, it seems like they went to who knows where, but you'll find them in good time." Katherine briskly shook Jonathon's hand and walked away, finishing her notes.

@YoungX (Hey how is vay-cay?)
Thomas rose up as he tasted it "Oh god that is awful!" He then got an idea as he sank back into the slime and vanished. He appeared behind Tristin covered in the red goo as he grabbed her and threw her into the slime. "This stuff is like playdoh, it looks like it would taste good but it actually may kill you," he said laughing but slipped on some of the goo, falling onto the floor.


Tristin tried to flip into a standing position onto the slime, but straight up fell in it. Tristin angrily threw a chunk of the stuff at Thomas before sinking into a goo. A few seconds later she leapt out of the front and tackled Thomas through the door. However, the building rotated and now Thomas and Tristin were inside a massively white room. It was cold, and the worst part was that there were giant slabs of meat everywhere. "...What the hell?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Exactly what you think you will. You are to go and meet your fellow subcommanders, acquaint with them. Yeah, I know they're just kids. In fact, Thomas is the youngest male subcommander GLASS has ever had. Anyways, it seems like they went to who knows where, but you'll find them in good time." Katherine briskly shook Jonathon's hand and walked away, finishing her notes.

@YoungX (Hey how is vay-cay?)
(Pretty good. Thanks for asking. One more week left. Hue.)

Jonathon would then do his best to navigate through to building to meet with his fellow sub-commanders. Of course because he wasn't used to the building he would get lost. Still... it wouldnt deter him from finding then, and thus he goes to find the others.

Sky just does what he does. He completes contracts and wonders about that other mercenary. Still it doesn't matter to him. Should it come to it then they will fight. For now he'll do his best. So far he has completed at least 100 contracts so far in record time. "Still... where did that mercenary come from?"
Thomas looked around as he felt the cold "Oh god we're in Russia! This place is crazier than TEST" He walked around as the cold made him slower "Is there a door before we freeze," he asked rubbing his hands together to keep warm.


Tristin picked up a small piece of steak and gazed at it. Her eyes began heating up and it made a small fire. "Heat vision, you don't need to worry about the cold." Tristin threw the cold meat next to the door and the room turned. Once it reached, it was next to the room Jonathan was in. Tristin opened the door and saw Jonathan. "Oh, it's the warrior!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Thomas stepped out and saw Jonathan "Oh! Hello there," he said tipping his hat and waving at the new man. "How could you tell it was him," he asked Tristin, he extended his hand to Jonathan.

@JPax42 @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Tristin picked up a small piece of steak and gazed at it. Her eyes began heating up and it made a small fire. "Heat vision, you don't need to worry about the cold." Tristin threw the cold meat next to the door and the room turned. Once it reached, it was next to the room Jonathan was in. Tristin opened the door and saw Jonathan. "Oh, it's the warrior!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX
Jonathon would politely bow at the two. "Greetings my fellow sub commanders. It's nice to meet you both. I'm Jonathon and I hope we can get along and get to know each other." He wonders about the twos story and is curious about them. Despite being young... they are were chosen. That must be mean they are capable. Jonathon is impressed by this, and thus wants to know them better.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin bowed back, although it wasn't her custom to do so. "Did you see the bedrooms yet?" Tristin smiled and hopped into the elevator, trying to remember which combination of buttons she pressed. She finally remembered and waited for Jonathan and Thomas. "This has got to be the craziest place I've ever been in. And I spend almost every day swimming with a hundred fifty foot long whale." Tristin began looking at the interior of the elevator, noticing how...glassy it was.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Thomas walked into the elevator, he tipped his hat to the new guy. "Want to show him the Subcommander room," he asked while leaning against one of the glass walls. "Don't forgot every time we were there ended with us fighting," he said poking Tristin's side and laughing.

@JPax42 @YoungX
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JPax42 said:
Tristin bowed back, although it wasn't her custom to do so. "Did you see the bedrooms yet?" Tristin smiled and hopped into the elevator, trying to remember which combination of buttons she pressed. She finally remembered and waited for Jonathan and Thomas. "This has got to be the craziest place I've ever been in. And I spend almost every day swimming with a hundred fifty foot long whale." Tristin began looking at the interior of the elevator, noticing how...glassy it was.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX
"I think I will see the subcommander room. I'm still learning my way about this place. Also I think it'll be a good chance to get to know you two better. Since we're comrades I beleive that camaraderie will help us."

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin teleported the elevator to the room. She opened the door and pointed to the four bedrooms, the bathroom, and the enormous living space. "Looks like we're bunking together!" Tristin immediately cartwheeled into the kitchen. A few seconds later, six apples went flying out, and Tristin caught all of them in various places. Two in each hand, one in her mouth, and one under her chin. "Mrf..." Tristin put the apples back except for the one she bit into. It was plastic. All the apples were plastic. Tristin opened the bathroom door, forgetting that Paige was inside.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Tristin teleported the elevator to the room. She opened the door and pointed to the four bedrooms, the bathroom, and the enormous living space. "Looks like we're bunking together!" Tristin immediately cartwheeled into the kitchen. A few seconds later, six apples went flying out, and Tristin caught all of them in various places. Two in each hand, one in her mouth, and one under her chin. "Mrf..." Tristin put the apples back except for the one she bit into. It was plastic. All the apples were plastic. Tristin opened the bathroom door, forgetting that Paige was inside.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
"Indeed so. Still it is quite the large room. Hopefully it'll accompany all our needs," Jonathon politely said as he would adjust to the room. It wasn't like his younger days of training with Sky. Their rooms were extremely small with little to none free space. Plus it had the stench of musty old apartments.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
Paige yelped as she threw a fist at Tristin but stopped before it could hit her "DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME! Sorry, just please don't do that again," she said getting on her outfit and walking out of the bathroom. "Oh! A new guy, hello there," she said smiling at him and extending her hand.

Thomas smiled "That's my sister Paige. She's a subcommander as well," he said walking into the room. He went to one of the bedrooms and sat on the bed, taking a deep breath, enjoying the new room.

@JPax42 @YoungX

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