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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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BlackSwan said:


It was time to move again.

That much was for certain. After the whole altercation with that one annoying human, Nova had decided she was better off finding a new house to live in.

So...it was time to kill again.

She would make her way through a nearby neighborhood, and then strike. And that was the plan.

As Nova entered the extravagant neighborhood, she couldn't help jut sneer. Her new grey beanie was pulled tight over her head , but still she got the looks. The ones of disgust and disdain.

As if she were a bug to be crushed under their heels. It made her sick. To be looked at like that. Even without revealing her horns. But that was OK. Nova knew they're kind. The ones who thought it was OK to watch others suffer so long as it didn't disrupt their perfect life.

Kill them"

The voice whispered in her mind... And so. She did.

Going to each house in the dead of night and ripping them to shreds.

The only ones spared were the babies, their pitiful wailing echoing in the night.

Before Igor responded she got a call... Ying Yang sighed and closed her phone "Someone killing people, got a job to stop her" she runs out the window to where the killing started

Nova finished off the last house in the small rich neighborhood.

Blood soaked her vectors, making them partially visible, before she shook the blood from them, splattering it against the concrete.

" hush little baby don't you cry. It'll all be over by the end of the night." She sang. Her smile for once absent from her face.

She never enjoyed doing what she did. But in a way, she felt she had to.

BlackSwan said:

Nova finished off the last house in the small rich neighborhood.

Blood soaked her vectors, making them partially visible, before she shook the blood from them, splattering it against the concrete.

" hush little baby don't you cry. It'll all be over by the end of the night." She sang. Her smile for once absent from her face.

She never enjoyed doing what she did. But in a way, she felt she had to.

Ying Yang would look though all the houses. Making a good bit of noise. She nearly vomits in every house from the display of gore. She pulls her shotgun and continues looking through the houses shuddering at the thought of who did this

Nova continued to sing, rocking a small baby in her arms tenderly. using one of her vectors, she gently pushed its curly brown hair away from its face. behind her, the childs parents were splattered against the ceiling, bts o body parts lying here and there.

"shh...its ok. my mommy died too. and my daddy...well, i killed him myself.

you see daddy was working for people, people who did horrible things to me and others of my kind." she whispered to the child, who continued its crying, big fat tears sliding down its face.

a smile slid onto her lips, just as a tear of her own slid down her cheek.

BlackSwan said:

Nova continued to sing, rocking a small baby in her arms tenderly. using one of her vectors, she gently pushed its curly brown hair away from its face. behind her, the childs parents were splattered against the ceiling, bts o body parts lying here and there.

"shh...its ok. my mommy died too. and my daddy...well, i killed him myself.

you see daddy was working for people, people who did horrible things to me and others of my kind." she whispered to the child, who continued its crying, big fat tears sliding down its face.

a smile slid onto her lips, just as a tear of her own slid down her cheek.

Ying Yang would hear talking in the house she was about to enter... She slowly opened the door and went to the room. Locked! She shoots the lock with her 12 gauge and kicks the door.
The thief smiled a wicked smile. With some difficulty he had done it. He had manged to break into one of the most secure places in the world twice and leave with prizes galore. "You fetch a nice price" He mutters as he grapples away from the TEST roof top. Getting around the place wasn't to hard though a few close calls were made. The getting out part was hard but a bit of truck hanging made it easier. Now Pike could get to the best part of any job. Getting paid. (Open for interaction)

Nova jumped, clutching the baby tighter in her grasp. Her beanie had been tucked away a while ago, and her pink hair tumbled down her shoulders, her pink bangs covered the left half of her face. "Who...are you." She mumbled.

BlackSwan said:

Nova jumped, clutching the baby tighter in her grasp. Her beanie had been tucked away a while ago, and her pink hair tumbled down her shoulders, her pink bangs covered the left half of her face. "Who...are you." She mumbled.

Ying Yang "I'm a mercenary... What happened here" she says not noticing she is the culprit. If she has some form of detection she would see that she is preggers. She puts her shotgun on her back and sighs "Is there anyone else here that survived
Ying Yang stares at the girl for a few minutes before sighing and going out of the house.

SirGrey said:
The thief smiled a wicked smile. With some difficulty he had done it. He had manged to break into one of the most secure places in the world twice and leave with prizes galore. "You fetch a nice price" He mutters as he grapples away from the TEST roof top. Getting around the place wasn't to hard though a few close calls were made. The getting out part was hard but a bit of truck hanging made it easier. Now Pike could get to the best part of any job. Getting paid. (Open for interaction)
Ying Yang would see a man hanging off of a truck. She would grapple onto the Truck next to him and use her climbing claws to hang on "This a new hobby?" She ask jokingly
William hangs onto the truck waiting fro it to reach a building he grapple to. As he does someone joins him on the truck. "Perhaps it is, maybe I'm trying to get some exercise in, hmm lets see if you can keep up" The Whisper says before grappling off the ruck and onto a rooftop. He started to run, making sure to keep a hold of the case. "Does she work for them" Pike mutters as he runs. @TheSlothGamer
Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359]([/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20513-jpax42/ said:
@JPax42[/URL] did we just both delete our post xD )
(OOPS xD Hold on I'll write it again)

Hugo nudged Thomas and Paige to go inside with Tristin. He curled up outside the building and began standing guard. By that, he meant sleeping. "Pan...da....zzz"


"Katherine is it alright if some of my friends come inside? That would be nice." Tristin smiled hopefully.


"Sure, but I'll question them too." Katherine remained motionless as she opened the doors.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas walked inside with Paige still on his back "Oh hey Tristin and girl I never met before! So what are you guys doing," he went up closer.

Paige waved "Hello miss, I'm Paige and it is nice to meet you." She tipped her hat to Katherine and jumped off Thomas.


"That I miss him!" She couldn't think of anything else, she yawned and leaned against a wall. "I'm tired, night, night," she said going on the floor and curling up into a small ball.

@Crystal Cali
Nova stared blankly as the girl left. Then slowly gathered the baby and some blankets and made her way outside. Seeing the same woman and a strange man conversing.

Tristin hissed and pointed to Katherine subtly, then lightened up and signaled Thomas to come sit next to her. "That's the commander of GLASS..."


Katherine would've sighed, but this is a professional atmosphere she was trying to maintain. Instead, she just pulled out two pieces of paper.
"Are either of you interested in becoming a subcommander for GLASS? It pays well, and it's really a backseat job, so you don't need to be on duty at all times. So far we have Jonathon signing up to be the warrior. The other roles we need to fill are someone with athletic skill and...well...whatever Tristin is going to be."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas shrugged "Well maybe....I don't know. I mean this is something big. What do you think Tristin?" He asked sitting next to her and keeping quite.

Paige thought about it "Do you have anything for someone who can't feel pain and is very flexible." She asked sitting down with the two, resting her head on her hand.


Tristin shrugged. "She said it was a backseat job really, so we can still keep living at TEST. I'm all for it, I mean, it sounds like a new experience of sorts. Besides, now I get paid to beat the crap out of people! I didn't get pay for the merc, although it was still worth it." Tristin smiled deviously before slumping back into her chair.


Katherine threw Tristin a stack of 20s with amazing coordination.
"The mercenary wasn't very good, so you get 100. Anyways, pain immune and flexible? How strong is strong, because, a woman flew through my roof and lifted my six thousand pound power cell with one arm. Either way, impress me." Katherine crossed her arms.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas was silent before taking a deep breath "Well ok, i'll take the job. Don't know how to impress you though," he said leaning back on his seat and letting out a sigh.

Paige shrugged "Well I'm not that strong but I can," she broke her arm like it was paper without any sign of pain. Popping it back into place she shook her head "I'm could rip a door out, I can't feel anything and can bend over backwards if I wanted to so...I don't bring much," she said laughing nervously.


"Pain is kind of necessary to notice you've been smacked. Here, take this." Katherine pulled out a small monitor and attached it to the base of Paige's neck. "If any part of your body slows functioning, the part will begin to vibrate, so you know when you've been hurt. The only part you can toggle is the liver, in case you're a heavy drinker." Katherine then turned to Thomas. "That's alright. As long as you are up for the job. So...at this point our subcommander roster is Thomas for Athlete, Jonathan for Warrior, and Tristin for...I still don't have a name for her role. Then we can just have Paige as...do you want to be an assassin?"


Tristin was busy bouncing a ball against the wall, catching it exactly every single time.
"Maybe just call my role The Tristin or something?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas laughed "The Tristin, I like it," he said leaning against a wall. "Thomas the Athlete, I could make it work. So what do I do," he asked while walking to the wall Tristin was at and grabbing the ball.

Paige's eyes beamed "Cool! I get a necklace and I'm a assassin. Guess I'm going to need to where something that isn't as flashy," she said laughing, twirling in her circus outfit.


"Alright. Thomas the athlete, wait, I like the phrase Recon Scout better, Paige the assassin, and Tristin the Tristin. You three are admitted to GLASS. And, Paige, don't take the title assassin too seriously, it just sounds nice. If you want to change your title we can make it Ringmaster..." Katherine gave a shallow smirk before turning to Jonathon.



Tristin immediately sat up from her seat.
"Katherine! Really?" Tristin sighed and stood up. "Fine, I guess." She walked over to Thomas and pointed around the building. "I guess we're going to be here for a few hours, right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Paige smiled "Ringmaster? I would like that change," she said while jumping in excitement. 'This is going to be so much fun!' she thought to herself as she looked around.

Thomas smiled "Maybe we could look around. They are bound to have interesting we could find," he said throwing her ball against a wall. He suck at catching and kept either getting hit in the face or fell to the ground trying to catch it.


"Alright Jonathan, looks like you'll have to be evaluated once more real quick..." Katherine began making notes.



"Maybe we have a room...woah." Tristin turned to a massive elevator that had hundreds of buttons and a joystick. "Are you all thinking what I'm thinking?" Tristin smirked and walked into the elevator, waiting for the two.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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