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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin held onto him, pressing her nose against the back of his neck. "You know, I don't need to ride Hugo. I have you!" Tristin laughed and pressed her chest and stomach against his back. "What do you want to do?" Tristin adjusted the sides of her sterile underwear, which was now completely drenched by the water. "Pay a visit to Paige maybe?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor immediately started the vodka.
"Nice place you have here. So, are you in Lithium because other mercenary is here, or do you have story of your own?" Igor looked around for a place to sit. He even took out a pair of glasses that seemed tiny in his hands. He put it on, making him look like a Russian wrestler who was trying to look intelligent.

rosehearted said:
Bones! Valentina thought it was adorable. It was fitting, too.
"Huh... Er, well, everyone seems to be out of the ordinary and shady around this town..." Valentina replied, stroking her chin. "Let's see, gun wielding teenagers, mercenaries, giant men who give you free guns..." She turned her head to see said large man and a woman walking away.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(Anella: At least you aren't getting punched in the crotch by a ten year old who can lift a car and steal your marshmallows!)
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"Alright, let's go do that," he said running slower than usual but still faster than the average human. He soon came to there room and opened the door to find Paige asleep on the floor.

Paige woke up "I'M BACK! What happened, why do you have Yoda on your back?" She asked Thomas pointing to Tristin before his eyes adjusted. "Man I'm tired," she said going onto the bottom bunk in a star formation.


Jason looked at the people "As long as they haven't stole or have killed someone there good. So what's your name stranger," he asked picking up Bones with ease as the dog licked his face.

JPax42 said:
Tristin held onto him, pressing her nose against the back of his neck. "You know, I don't need to ride Hugo. I have you!" Tristin laughed and pressed her chest and stomach against his back. "What do you want to do?" Tristin adjusted the sides of her sterile underwear, which was now completely drenched by the water. "Pay a visit to Paige maybe?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor immediately started the vodka.
"Nice place you have here. So, are you in Lithium because other mercenary is here, or do you have story of your own?" Igor looked around for a place to sit. He even took out a pair of glasses that seemed tiny in his hands. He put it on, making him look like a Russian wrestler who was trying to look intelligent.

Ying-Yang shrugged "I just kinda appeared And I went along with it. Of course my clothes are connected to my body so I am some sort of non human entity." (She's a combo of Chaos And Harmony.... Which would make her preggers)

Tristin felt her face. If anything, she was red from breathing heavily. She dropped down on the ground and closed the door before standing up and wrapping an arm around Thomas, standing in front of him. Tristin gave a look to Thomas. She was thinking about stuff. 'Should we? Become that good of friends? It seems like a good idea at this point...' Tristin pushed her hair back with her other hand, debating on whether to do it or not.

@TheSlothGamer (Jesus do I keep tagging Yappi?!)
Valentina gave him a strange look. At least ONE of those two groups of people have definitely killed someone. Perhaps all three even. She didn't say anything else about them though.

"I'm... Valentina. Who're you?" She said, eyes still on Bones.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas look at Tristin and covered his mouth as he yawned. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed," he said one part because he was and another because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Thomas climbed onto the top bunk and went to bed.

Paige got up and walked up to Tristin when she was sure Thomas was asleep "Alright, what is wrong? Are you alright," she asked with her arms crossed.


Jason looked down at Bones "Bones, playtime," he whispered as he put the dog down. He whistled and pointed to Valentina as the dog tackled her down. Bones licked her face and then curled up on her chest. "My names is Jason, Jason Saint," the man in the cowboy outfit said.

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Sky would finish up his training and improved a bit. Wasn't much but was pleased to progress. He took this chance to take the remaining jobs out there. By going all out he would finish all of them in record time. Then he headed back to the hideout. "Now we're even."

Tristin sighed and stood up straighter. "I don't really know...it's just that I've never really had a very good friend before...and it's just all weird, what I'm trying to do and...kissing him." Tristin mumbled the last part and stretched out a little bit. The marks on her stomach were visible from where Thomas kicked her, but they didn't really hurt. It was just a mild bruise. "Can I bunk with you tonight?" Tristin gave a small hopeful smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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"Aah!" Valentina fell to the ground under the weight of Bones, and she started squirming, her lips pressed tight together. No way was she going to burst out laughing in the street like this. A wide smile graced her features though.

"Mmm... Jason." She nodded a little. "Like the killer guy from that one movie."

@Shammy the Shamrock (nice profile pic :D )
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Paige smiled "You like my brother! Aw, that's so cute! I don't mind if you bunk with me. Just don't hog the blankets and I won't break your arm," she said laughing softly as she sat on the bed. "You're going to have to tell him sometime, can't hold it in forever," Paige said grabbing her book.


Jason shook his head "More like the spy," he said laughing before looking at Bones. "Get her to laugh," he said getting a devious smile as Bones continued to lick her face and press her head against Valentina's.

@rosehearted (Thanks! :) )

Tristin giggled softly and got on the bed. "I don't use blankets anyways. And yeah, I guess I have to tell him eventually. Kind of like how I can't hold my breath forever." Tristin let out a long sigh and looked at the blankets. "Oh, the last part is a longish story. Do you want to hear about it?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige put her book away "Sure! I don't got anything else to do," she said leaning back and wrapping herself in her blanket. 'These two are too cute' she thought to herself as she waited for the story.

"Mmm!" Valentina was going to resist with all her might, but it was hard. She lifted her head a little. "Not gonna happen...!" This was the first time in ages that Valentina could recall not being scared, sad, or feeling indifferent. It was so... Refreshing.


Across the street, in an alleyway, a man would be watching Valentina from the shadows. He took out his phone to make a call. "Don. I found her. Should I go get her?"

"Hm. Okay. Next time then." He left the scene.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky then took another contract. To find and assassinate Sabertooth. He is wanted for killing and cannibalism so officials want him taken down. He prepared and headed in where he would fight Sabertooth. His strength and suit were a challenge, buy Sky used his creativity to do the job. Sabertooth would be put down for good and would be incinerated into ahses. This would be kept secret.

(Got bored of Sabertooth. I'm planning on characters I can have an interesting time with)

"Well, we kind of got into Dicky Mobe's enclosure and just decided screwing around with a tablet. I saw the circus video and stuff, then breath holding contest. And...the breath holding went violent." Tristin sighed and smiled, hinting that something else subtly went on there.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I think we're ready for GLASS rally preparations. The first thing I need are sub commanders. Three of them, to be precise. And I think I just found a perfect candidate." Katherine was sitting on her bed, cross legged. She lifted her tablet and on the tablet was the smiling image of Tristin. "Let's see if you got any friends who can take down grown men like that. I'm sure they'd love to join too..."

Katherine then opened the internet. Sub commander try outs were now public. Not to everyone, but visible to the world.

(Open for interaction)

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YoungX said:
Sky then took another contract. To find and assassinate Sabertooth. He is wanted for killing and cannibalism so officials want him taken down. He prepared and headed in where he would fight Sabertooth. His strength and suit were a challenge, buy Sky used his creativity to do the job. Sabertooth would be put down for good and would be incinerated into ahses. This would be kept secret.
(Got bored of Sabertooth. I'm planning on characters I can have an interesting time with)
(Sky logic: *kills dangerous TEST subject with a lust for blood with some effort* *one fight ago, gets tranquilized by a fifteen year old girl*)
Sky would go on the net to find that GLASS subcommanders tryouts were in session. He wasn't interested, but it did have him wondering about GLASS. Was GLASS this time really dedicated to keeping the peace? Or was there an ulterior motive? In any case he would just let that sit in the corner of his mind. For now he would head to his local Italian restaurant and order some spaghettis. At to his point the regulars were used to his suit.

(Open for interaction)
JPax42 said:
(Sky logic: *kills dangerous TEST subject with a lust for blood with some effort* *one fight ago, gets tranquilized by a fifteen year old girl*)
(Well if you think about it... Sabertooth is simple minded. Plus Sky did learn from his experiences with Tristin. It's all in how he basically underestimated a 15 year old girl. Rip. In any case them sub commander tryouts. You gonna have them do a test?)
YoungX said:
(Well if you think about it... Sabertooth is simple minded. Plus Sky did learn from his experiences with Tristin. It's all in how he basically underestimated a 15 year old girl. Rip. In any case them sub commander tryouts. You gonna have them do a test?)
(It's going to be a mental test really. Katherine's a professionally dangerous woman. I don't really know any anime/movie characters I can compare her to.)


"Yeah!!!" Laura hopped through the streets, finally seeing an Italian restaurant. She opened the door and walked in, sniffing the air. "Tasty tasty tasty!" She hopped onto a table and a waitress who was walking past her immediately fell down. Laura was holding her hand out, manipulating gravity like a sneaky little bitch.


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Paige eyes widened "Violent? Did you guys.....you know," she hit her hands together since it was the best to describe it as. "Or judging by the bruises, not what I'm thinking off," she said pointing to her stomach.


Jason whistled as Bones waked back by his side. "We got a city to help but if you ever need help or just want to play with bones call this number," he said grabbing a paper and writing his number down. He walked off as the dog licked her hand and followed.


Tristin scooted back on the bed. "No, we didn't 'faire du smashy smash.'" Tristin did a fake French accent to express this point. "But yeah, it was still fun, I guess. You should come along some time." Tristin looked at her stomach and tapped it a few times, flinching a little. "He found out I'm ticklish."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Valentina stared at the number on the paper. "Sure thing..." she said to herself, before putting the paper in her jean pocket. She got up and went over to her bags, scoping them up in her arms. The empty feeling came back and settled in her stomach like a jagged rock, but Valentina interpreted the feeling as hunger.

Turning on her heel, she went down the street and stopped in a place to get a burger, cola and fries.
Paige poked her side "Boop! I'm not ticklish, then again I can barely feel anything. That accent was terrible," she said holding in her laughter. She kept poking Tristin's side to get a reaction.


Tristin immediately began laughing. "You know its funnier in the water, right? Anyways I can't really do a French accent cause I'm Russian." Tristin laughed and rolled onto the bed, muttering something in Russian. "Let's see if you can feel this stuff!" Tristin lifted Paige and dropped her on the bed and immediately began licking the side of Paige's neck. "Are you feeling it now Paige?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

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