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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Tristin stared wide-eyed. She almost put a hand on Thomas's face, as if checking if he was intact. "Clearly your circus experience is better than mine!" Tristin looked through videos and found another video in the dark web.

An eight year old girl with piercing amber eyes opened the camera. 'Hiya. Tristin here again! So. Uh. Wanna see somethin' cool?" Tristin glared at a paper towel roll and it caught fire. But the fire spread throughout the entire chamber and scrambling was heard. A large Russian man voice was heard and Tristin was snatched away by a large arm. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE HEAT VISION!" Tristin's pleading was heard, followed by Russian slurs from both voices. Suddenly, a loud flesh impact noise was heard, Tristin screamed, and the camera was engulfed in flames.

Tristin stared at the tablet with wide eyes. "I had a YouTube channel? Do you remember watching any of my videos as a kid if you had a computer or anything?" Tristin sank slightly into the water so that her mouth was under. Her channel was taken down six months after it was made, but before that she had ton of hits.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(Anyone want to interact?)
Thomas shook his head "I never had a computer. I have a phone but never really used it to be online." He looked at the video "Wonder what your name was," he said looking up at the ceiling and splashing water around.


(Threat and Kirsty: Tapes Thomas and Tristin: Youtube

TheSlothGamer said:
(Anyone want to interact?)
(Hmm...do you need Igor or something?)


Igor was walking around the street, humming odd Russian songs when he stumbled across the mercenary YY. "Oh, khyello. Are you new mercenary in town to replace the little man?" Igor looked down at YY and was holding a bottle of vodka in one hand. "If you want...we can get drink."



Tristin smiled at Thomas.
"Breath holding contest! 3...2...1...go!" Tristin laughed and took a breath, going underwater and waiting for Thomas. She looked at her fingers, then at her chest, which was sort of pushed out from all the air she took in. 'Watch how this turns into a play fight again.' Tristin laughed in her head a little bit.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas dived into the water and held his breath. He waved at Tristin before a devious smile came showed. He started poking her in the sides to win 'It's not cheating! It's using this to my advantage,' he thought while holding in his laughter.

Valentina exited a local gym, where she had to wash now since there wasn't any water where she was currently staying. She walked across the street, and set both her bags down on a bench. She didn't trust the area enough to leave her stuff so she carried it everywhere with her.


Tristin held back her laughter with a hand and decided she would have to take drastic measures to make this work. Tristin swam forward and kissed Thomas on the neck, biting slightly with her lips. 'Is it sexist to do this? Probably not. Sexy? Definitely. And it's still not cheating!'

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
(Hmm...do you need Igor or something?)

Igor was walking around the street, humming odd Russian songs when he stumbled across the mercenary YY. "Oh, khyello. Are you new mercenary in town to replace the little man?" Igor looked down at YY and was holding a bottle of vodka in one hand. "If you want...we can get drink."



Tristin smiled at Thomas.
"Breath holding contest! 3...2...1...go!" Tristin laughed and took a breath, going underwater and waiting for Thomas. She looked at her fingers, then at her chest, which was sort of pushed out from all the air she took in. 'Watch how this turns into a play fight again.' Tristin laughed in her head a little bit.

@Shammy the Shamrock

She sees the Russian man and she talks in her native Russian accent "I would love a drink, I am here to replace the man. Ying Yang, she had a SMG on her waist, a shotgun on her back and her 2 swords crossing. She has a Ying Yang on her shirt.
Thomas let out air from the pain and shook his head, still smiling. 'Ow! Playing rough,' he said getting against the wall and pushing himself forward, grabbing Tristin and doing a death roll, squeezing her like a chew toy.

A German Shepherd walked up to Valentina and pulled one of her bags with her teeth. "Bones!" The cowboy with too many guns yelled to the dog who went up whimpering. "Sorry mam, she's just hungry," Jason said tipping his hat as he walked up to her.

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Before she could do anything, a dog appeared and started messing with her bags. Surprisingly, Valentina didn't move forward to chase the beast away, instead, she stood there with a somewhat delighted face, as she had quite a soft spot for dogs. "Puppy..." she mumbled, approaching the dog. Yes, no matter how young or old a dog is, she would call them a puppy.

A man showed up soon, and Valentina suppressed the urge to tell him not to tell him not to yell at his own dog. "It's fine," she said, the expression of wonder gone, though she did stare at the dog with a gentle gaze.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin almost let out half of her air from the roll. However, when Tristin was against the wall, she smiled at him and grabbed him, diving down. She managed to get down about thirty feet and push him against the wall. On top of that, Tristin decided to do a weird and pushed her chest against Thomas's. 'Thomas sandwich again...'

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Very well! I'm glad to meet you. Igor Vasiliev." Igor held his hand out for YY to shake.

JPax42 said:
Tristin almost let out half of her air from the roll. However, when Tristin was against the wall, she smiled at him and grabbed him, diving down. She managed to get down about thirty feet and push him against the wall. On top of that, Tristin decided to do a weird and pushed her chest against Thomas's. 'Thomas sandwich again...'

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Very well! I'm glad to meet you. Igor Vasiliev." Igor held his hand out for YY to shake.


She shakes his hand, sighing She pulls a bottle of vodka out. "My place or yours?"
Bones rubbed her head against the woman's leg "Been a long day for us, she's very kind towards new people." He said rubbing the dogs head. Bones grabbed Valentina's hand with her mouth, not biting down but keeping a good grip as she shook it around. "Don't worry, it's her version of a handshake," Jason said letting Bones do her thing.


Thomas saw his situation 'Well I'm back here,' he said wrapping his hands around Tristin and rolling against the wall. He made sure she hit the wall hard when she was against it.


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"My place is massive science TEST lab. How about we go to..." Igor looked across the street and saw a man and a woman and a dog. "The dog. Pesky small creature." Igor grumbled and crossed the street. "Come Ying Yang, we must meet little man with dog and woman."

@rosehearted @Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi


Tristin let out a sharp muffled yelp which simply came out as bubbles.
'C'mon...give up already so I can breathe...' Tristin didn't really have the ability to hold as much air as Thomas did because she was smaller. She quickly had a funny idea and pulled Thomas in towards her into a hug. While they were hugging, Tristin poked him in the stomach pretty hard with her hand, hoping to make him release some air. 'Hue. Oh...we're in a whale enclosure.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas let out half his air before holding her close and kicking her in the stomach with both his feet. 'Jesus for someone so small she can keep her air in.' He thought while feeling a bit dizzy, he kept going.

JPax42 said:
"My place is massive science TEST lab. How about we go to..." Igor looked across the street and saw a man and a woman and a dog. "The dog. Pesky small creature." Igor grumbled and crossed the street. "Come Ying Yang, we must meet little man with dog and woman."

@rosehearted @Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi


Tristin let out a sharp muffled yelp which simply came out as bubbles.
'C'mon...give up already so I can breathe...' Tristin didn't really have the ability to hold as much air as Thomas did because she was smaller. She quickly had a funny idea and pulled Thomas in towards her into a hug. While they were hugging, Tristin poked him in the stomach pretty hard with her hand, hoping to make him release some air. 'Hue. Oh...we're in a whale enclosure.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
YY laughs "I'll meet them with you" she follows him

Tristin took the kick hard. She let out multiple bubbles of air and started to look slightly blue. Tristin knew she basically had to give up so she swam to the surface. The first gasp of air felt like being born again. Tristin sank back into the water and lay on her back, breathing ridiculously hard. She put her hands hand on the part between her stomach and chest and floated, trying to stop breathing so hard. "Y-You...win."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor walked over to the cowboy and looked at him in the eye. He decided to do an accent to imitate him, although he sounded positively Russian and expected to get a Russian accent mocking back.
"Yippee! I am a jolly cowboy! Riding cows and milking horses!" Igor even did a cowboy straddle dance before maintaining his composure. "In Soviet Russia, cow milk you."

@Shammy the Shamrock @rosehearted @Yappi
Thomas cheered except bubbles came out, he covered his mouth as he had released the last of his air. 'Oh god! Swim up! Swim up!' He swam to the top and gasped for air "Oh god! Air!" He said going on his back and breathing heavily "I guess I was a little rough," he said between breaths.


"Her name is Bones. Had her since she was a pup," Jason said as Bones let go to face her master. Jason put his hands on the dogs head and playfully shook it back and forth as Bones licked his face. "Seen anyone out of the ordinary," he asked letting go while the dog rested her head on Valentina's feet.

JPax42 said:
Tristin took the kick hard. She let out multiple bubbles of air and started to look slightly blue. Tristin knew she basically had to give up so she swam to the surface. The first gasp of air felt like being born again. Tristin sank back into the water and lay on her back, breathing ridiculously hard. She put her hands hand on the part between her stomach and chest and floated, trying to stop breathing so hard. "Y-You...win."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor walked over to the cowboy and looked at him in the eye. He decided to do an accent to imitate him, although he sounded positively Russian and expected to get a Russian accent mocking back.
"Yippee! I am a jolly cowboy! Riding cows and milking horses!" Igor even did a cowboy straddle dance before maintaining his composure. "In Soviet Russia, cow milk you."

@Shammy the Shamrock @rosehearted @Yappi
Ying Yang

"That is not to far from the truth" she laughs. "I'm going home, Igor want to come with?" She says Yawning

Tristin put an arm around Thomas and pushed her hair out of her face, breathing heavily. "No, no, you, that was great. How long was that...?" Tristin turned to the wall. "Three minutes thirty seconds, not counting the time we took breathing really hard!" Tristin disappeared under the water and surfaced behind Thomas, wrapping her arms around him and clinging onto his back like a koala. "Whee!"

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Alright. I will come with you." Igor followed YY with a smile, still laughing about the imitation he did of the cowboy.

TheSlothGamer said:
YY would shoot at Sky's feet before jumping away. Walking the street doing small jobs ( @YoungX (open for interact)
Sky would use instinct and jump back. He would notice she was gone and used this opportunity to take a lot of contracts. For now he would take all the contracts he could and finished them in record time. The other mercenary had made him more alert than ever. He would go to his hideout to prepare for any unexpected encounters.

(Closed for interaction. Vacation stuff.)
"Shi-" was all he could say before the weight made him sink into the water, he went back up and climbed onto the rim. "Tell me next time you do that. Need to prepare," he said grabbing a towel and putting it on top of her. "You're like a koala," he said as he couldn't contain his laughter.


(Combining the two things I have seen the most in this. I think this RP's mascot would be a Koala drinking a milkshake xD )
JPax42 said:
Tristin put an arm around Thomas and pushed her hair out of her face, breathing heavily. "No, no, you, that was great. How long was that...?" Tristin turned to the wall. "Three minutes thirty seconds, not counting the time we took breathing really hard!" Tristin disappeared under the water and surfaced behind Thomas, wrapping her arms around him and clinging onto his back like a koala. "Whee!"

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Alright. I will come with you." Igor followed YY with a smile, still laughing about the imitation he did of the cowboy.

They would arrive at a large mansion which YY would walk into and pour them both large glasses of vodka
Bones! Valentina thought it was adorable. It was fitting, too.

"Huh... Er, well, everyone seems to be out of the ordinary and shady around this town..." Valentina replied, stroking her chin. "Let's see, gun wielding teenagers, mercenaries, giant men who give you free guns..." She turned her head to see said large man and a woman walking away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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