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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(Shammy: First off no, second 0-o Ann: Come on mister writer I wan-*Gets smacked in the back of the head* Threat: Touch her and I'll rip your spine out >:( )

(oh comes on xD . Why not AJ from zombie RP timline: Shoots the little shit that is Threat with shamrock revolver)
Yappi said:
Chaos would admit Harmony to the psychologist in TEST. She was prescribed anti psychotics and the psychologist needed a psychologist. In the end Chaos lived in TEST and Harmony was given a self defence weapon. She snuck out of TEST and into a graveyard. She still shakes after what happens and never gets sleep. She is unaware of the women who entered.
teal soon noticed a girl in the graveyard, behind the caretakers house. she then strides up behind the girl and taps her on the shoulder and asked "do you know where you are?

Tristin nodded. "I'll wait with Hugo." Tristin got what she called anti sky equipment. It contained energized gloves that could pack punches through Sky's barrier. She also brought power charges that would disable his suit altogether. If it came to that, it would be a fight of pure skill and training, and Tristin had a lot of that. She had sparred Igor as well, so Sky would be like a twig to her.

Tristin hopped on Hugo and smiled.
"Tallest building."

@Shammy the Shamrock

(@YoungX I meant Lithium oops it's in Lithium not Sanfield)
tealevergood said:
teal soon noticed a girl in the graveyard, behind the caretakers house. she then strides up behind the girl and taps her on the shoulder and asked "do you know where you are?
Chaos looks at her "Im at a graveyard..." she says holding the pendant tight in her hand
Thomas sighed as he realized he had nothing to wear "On second thought I'll go check on Harmony. Make sure my sister doesn't get tranqued again," he said running around the facility and going to the room Harmony was in. "Uh...what did I just walk into?" He asked nervously as he waited by the door.

@JPax42 @Yappi
JPax42 said:
Tristin nodded. "I'll wait with Hugo." Tristin got what she called anti sky equipment. It contained energized gloves that could pack punches through Sky's barrier. She also brought power charges that would disable his suit altogether. If it came to that, it would be a fight of pure skill and training, and Tristin had a lot of that. She had sparred Igor as well, so Sky would be like a twig to her.

Tristin hopped on Hugo and smiled.
"Tallest building."

@Shammy the Shamrock

(@YoungX I meant Lithium oops it's in Lithium not Sanfield)
Sky would then infiltrate the building through the air ducts. He quietly took out the guards there and would check the CCTV. After that he used an EMP grenade before leaving. Then he would go back through the veins and continue his search for his target.

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Yappi said:
(oh comes on xD . Why not AJ from zombie RP timline: Shoots the little shit that is Threat with shamrock revolver)
(Jason:*Shoots AJ in the head* He's my goddamn son remember >:( Fun fact: Threat and Peace were originally from a zombie RP as a child with a Jekyll and Hyde personality Peace being a crazy murder and Threat being a kind hearted child :) . Also AJ was the original 'drunk buddy')

Tristin and Hugo ran to the main building. Tristin hopped down, no sound heard. A computer on Hugo's back let her detect everything around the building.


The woman was stretching in her office, unaware of the mercenary presence. She began walking down the halls, stretching. While she was at home, she wasn't armored. Rather she was just in very casual attire. Katherine began to check out her weapon stores. It looked like she was tapping at nothing.

JPax42 said:
Tristin and Hugo ran to the main building. Tristin hopped down, no sound heard. A computer on Hugo's back let her detect everything around the building.


The woman was stretching in her office, unaware of the mercenary presence. She began walking down the halls, stretching. While she was at home, she wasn't armored. Rather she was just in very casual attire. Katherine began to check out her weapon stores. It looked like she was tapping at nothing.

Sky would be in the air ducts when he sees her target. She was walking down the halls and doesn't even know about Sky. He would instantly get the drop on her and would fire 10 shots from his pistol. 5 at Katherine and 5 around the area so that it would ricochet leaving Katherine with barely escape. Just in case he had his barrier preemptively turned on and it would only cover a foot within Sky.


Katherine had enough time to turn and raise her hands, straining. All the bullets arched around her and flew towards Sky. "Ugh. When you try to make a difference in the town, and someone has to ruin it for you."

Thomas looked away and simply thought 'And I should have gone with Tristin! What the hell is wrong with these children?' He immediately heard Harmony and glared "No just no! Why the fuck would I," he trialed off with his eyes covered. "I need a milkshake to bleach my eyes," he said shaking his head at the two.

@Yappi @JPax42
Yappi said:
Chaos looks at her "Im at a graveyard..." she says holding the pendant tight in her hand
"yep, but your in MY graveyard heres the deed" she says as she holds up the deed to the graveyard "you can stay if you want but you'll have to help with some work, like fix-in up this building here" she sighs as she points to the caretakers hut which had a shutter promptly fall off
JPax42 said:
Katherine had enough time to turn and raise her hands, straining. All the bullets arched around her and flew towards Sky. "Ugh. When you try to make a difference in the town, and someone has to ruin it for you."

The barrier would catch the bullets. "Sorry but I can't allow GLASS to function in Sanfield." Sky would notice that the bullets went to him for some reason. Perhaps she had to power to manipulate trajectory? Then the pistol was useless, but he did have the TEST pistol. He would fire the TEST pistol near Katherine which caused powerful explosive blasts. Sky would have to be extremely careful around this woman. She was dangerous. To prepare he would get ready to use a combination of Tae Kwon Do and Boxing. 'Her movements seem acute. That's dangerous... I have to proceed with some real caution.' Was his current thought. With the explosive blasts he would keep the barrier up just in case. He would have his legs in a defensive position and would look for any potential attacks she could make. He had no idea who he was fighting so he had to be careful.

tealevergood said:
"yep, but your in MY graveyard heres the deed" she says as she holds up the deed to the graveyard "you can stay if you want but you'll have to help with some work, like fix-in up this building here" she sighs as she points to the caretakers hut which had a shutter promptly fall off
Chaos gives her 5000 dollars "shut up and let me grieve"

Harmony reaches over Thomas, completely naked and covered in some weird fluid. "Are you sure?" She smiles

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas grabbed her and threw her on the bed. "You're a sick fuck! Never!" He said wiping his hands on his clothes before walking out the door. 'Sick Fucks!' he thought to himself.

@Yappi @JPax42

The TEST gun in Sky's hand exploded with enough force to deactivate his barrier. Suddenly, he would feel himself being pulled from the leg onto the ground. Two tremendously fast impacts that would feel like getting hit with a baseball bat would take place on his stomach, and one on his face. He would then be dragged over and slammed onto his face. Tristin then put a foot on Sky's back, holding him down. Her foot radiated an odd energy, and clearly the anti sky equipment was doing well.


Katherine arced the explosion around her and sprinted out of the room, out of sight. She was about to do something large, but if Sky decided to chase her she figured the young girl who just hopped in would take care of the issue.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]Thomas grabbed her and threw her on the bed. "You're a sick fuck! Never!" He said wiping his hands on his clothes before walking out the door. 'Sick Fucks!' he thought to himself.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31013-yappi/ said:
The door would be locked "I love how you came in here at lights out" she giggles


"I mean...he didn't say no..." Tiffany smiled and picked up one of the toys that Harmony didn't burn. It was long...ten inches long...covered in spikes...magnetic...weighed two pounds....and had barbed wire. "Let's do this!"

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
The TEST gun in Sky's hand exploded with enough force to deactivate his barrier. Suddenly, he would feel himself being pulled from the leg onto the ground. Two tremendously fast impacts that would feel like getting hit with a baseball bat would take place on his stomach, and one on his face. He would then be dragged over and slammed onto his face. Tristin then put a foot on Sky's back, holding him down. Her foot radiated an odd energy, and clearly the anti sky equipment was doing well.


Katherine arced the explosion around her and sprinted out of the room, out of sight. She was about to do something large, but if Sky decided to chase her she figured the young girl who just hopped in would take care of the issue.

Sky would use his strength to break free and perform a whirlwind kick. Then he would do a backflip to gain some monentum. "I don't know how you found me but I don't care. I have a mission to do. This isn't a contract. Stopping GLASS is my mission right now. Money or reputation has nothing to do with it. Are you going to let GLASS take over Lithium like they did with Sanfield?" Sky would then get ready to use his Tae Kwon Do and Boxing. Defensive positions were set. He would get ready to counter.


Tristin flipped back and easily dodged his punches. "That story has more than what meets the eye. GLASS is originally good, they just had a bad leader!" Tristin raised her pistol and shot a high energy plasma bolt at Sky. It was moving nearly at the speed of light and would fry any circuitry on his suit. However, it was a one trick. The playing field was evened out, and Tristin struck at him with her energized gloves. The style of martial arts she used was completely unknown to the world, and basic predictive techniques wouldn't work with the fluidity and speed she was using to strike at Sky, ducking blows, and striking him again.



'That girl is awfully knowledgeable. She isn't wrong. No matter, the rally should prove that GLASS is a good organization. For now, I'm going to get my daughter to safety.' Katherine began to make a run for it.
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Thomas glared as he seemed to vanish, using his speed so they wouldn't know where he was. His phone could be heard as he texted Paige for help and waited, still refusing to show his location.

@Yappi @JPax42
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