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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

"Where do I put it?" Tiffany blushed and rolled her eyes.



Tristin almost started giggling but covered her mouth, blushing a red color that didn't really change under the water. She then began returning the favor by poking Thomas's stomach gently while pushing herself against him, still laughing in her head.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas covered his mouth from laughing but water started getting in his mouth. He covered as best he could before grabbing Tristin and kissing her on the mouth to get air. He gave a thumbs up before poking her in the back on the neck.

JPax42 said:
"Where do I put it?" Tiffany blushed and rolled her eyes.



Tristin almost started giggling but covered her mouth, blushing a red color that didn't really change under the water. She then began returning the favor by poking Thomas's stomach gently while pushing herself against him, still laughing in her head.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Harmony smirks before she shakes her head and takes it away from her. Taking all the toys and burning them with propane "No where" she sighs trying not to go insane

Tristin turned to Thomas and returned the kiss again before giving a thumbs up. She then blew a stream of bubbles into his face, trying not to laugh again.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Harmony are you alright. You look a bit upset..bothered?"

Thomas covered his face from the bubbles before grabbing her and swerving her to the wall. 'How the tables have turned,' he thought to himself as he pressed his foot against her stomach so she couldn't get away.

JPax42 said:
Tristin turned to Thomas and returned the kiss again before giving a thumbs up. She then blew a stream of bubbles into his face, trying not to laugh again.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Harmony are you alright. You look a bit upset..bothered?"

Harmony sighs "it's a long story" she says sitting down

Tristin regret what she did earlier and almost started laughing again. However being pinned against the wall by Thomas's foot against her stomach caused her to let some air bubbles out of her mouth again. Tristin continued holding the urge to laugh but was feeling the slightest bit dizzy. She then got an idea and started tickling Thomas's foot.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I have time you can talk to me!" Tiffany hopped over to Harmony and smiled.

JPax42 said:
Tristin regret what she did earlier and almost started laughing again. However being pinned against the wall by Thomas's foot against her stomach caused her to let some air bubbles out of her mouth again. Tristin continued holding the urge to laugh but was feeling the slightest bit dizzy. She then got an idea and started tickling Thomas's foot.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I have time you can talk to me!" Tiffany hopped over to Harmony and smiled.

Harmony would go on to tell her about AJ and what happened. She would break down towards the end
JPax42 said:
Laura and Katherine
Laura was on the computer. She made eleven untraceable Yelp accounts, each writing a shitty review for Sky the mercenary. "Bitch ass didn't do my job correctly and I paid him." Laura kept making accounts until Sky's rating reached 1.2 stars. That's only a little bit higher than my math teacher on rate my teachers. A woman's voice rang out from behind Laura. "Laura, are you wasting time on worthless mercenaries?" Katherine was standing there, hands on her hips. She had...actually smiled. Laura turned and tears immediately filled her eyes. She ran towards Katherine and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "M-mom!" Laura and Katherine walked away to the tall buildings.



"Sounds like a plan." Tristin went to TEST and found a track. Various exercises were about to take place. Twenty handstand push ups. Eighty sit ups. Fifty regular push ups. Tristin then stepped on the track. A nearly three minute mile was decent, but that had to go up. She decided to run the entire thing until she dropped. Tristin had to be prepared for her next encounter with the mercenary. When is that interaction? On the mercenary's next contract.

(Closed for interaction)
JPax42 said:
Sky would receive a call from an unknown woman. "Sky the mercenary? I have a job for you. It's very very important and you will be paid well for this."

Sky would for some reason check Yelp and see someone with 11 reviews give him pretty much a shitty review. "Wow real mature there. Who the fuck uses Yelp for mercenaries? Idiot." Sky didn't give a crap about Yelp because Mercenaries aren't graded based on simple Yelp reviews. It's what they can do that matters more. Sky's reputation hasn't even faltered a single bit. He checks the mercenary site to findicate that his reputation had actually increased from his recent jobs. Then he received a call from an unknown woman.

"You've reached Sky. Who is this?"

Thomas covered his mouth tight as some air bubbles came out, he tried to hold her with his other foot but it hit her stomach hard. He didn't notice as he was still trying to hold his breath.


"I can't say. However the future depends on you if you don't want lithium to be screwed over. Take out Katherine Cardinal." The woman described the other woman Sky saw on the roof.



"It must be rough...I can't imagine how that works. How does sex work? And what's a rape?"



Thomas's foot to the stomach caused her to release all the air in her lungs as bubbles and she almost began to pass out. However she was a pretty good swimmer so she managed to get to the surface, coughing up water and trying not to pass out.
"That...was hard..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"I can't say. However the future depends on you if you don't want lithium to be screwed over. Take out Katherine Cardinal." The woman described the other woman Sky saw on the roof.



"It must be rough...I can't imagine how that works. How does sex work? And what's a rape?"



Thomas's foot to the stomach caused her to release all the air in her lungs and she almost began to pass out. However she was a pretty good swimmer so she managed to get to the surface, coughing up water and trying not to pass out.
"That...was hard..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Hmm? That woman I saw on the roof? Well...I can do it, but I require more information. I'm not going to just take an assignment blind." Sky was cautious about this contract. He was asked to take out the woman he met on the roof, but the client was unknown. After his latest contracts, he was careful more than ever.
JPax42 said:
"I can't say. However the future depends on you if you don't want lithium to be screwed over. Take out Katherine Cardinal." The woman described the other woman Sky saw on the roof.



"It must be rough...I can't imagine how that works. How does sex work? And what's a rape?"



Thomas's foot to the stomach caused her to release all the air in her lungs as bubbles and she almost began to pass out. However she was a pretty good swimmer so she managed to get to the surface, coughing up water and trying not to pass out.
"That...was hard..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Harmonys eyes widen at her innocence, should she explain or show? For now she explains. Well sex is when well... When people love each other and they penetrate eahother with objects connected to there body" holy shit I sucked at this' she thought "Rape is when you do it and they dont ask for it"

"Her husband lead an organization called GLASS in my town. I may or may not have been involved in destroying carriers but they are evil. Stop a war before it starts and stir up no attention." If sky was smart he'd know this was Kirstin Summers.



"Yeah we should have fun in other ways. Like...maybe this?" Tristin kissed Thomas on the mouth, sinking into the water slightly as she did.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"What." Tiffany's mouth was wide open from that lesson. "Can we try it?"

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Thomas was surprised but kissed back. He went back down into the water and stiffened so that he floated on top "Does this make us still just friends," he asked chuckling as he kissed her on the nose.

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JPax42 said:
"Her husband lead an organization called GLASS in my town. I may or may not have been involved in destroying carriers but they are evil. Stop a war before it starts and stir up no attention." If sky was smart he'd know this was Kirstin Summers.



"Yeah we should have fun in other ways. Like...maybe this?" Tristin kissed Thomas on the mouth, sinking into the water slightly as she did.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"What." Tiffany's mouth was wide open from that lesson. "Can we try it?"

'Wait a minute...,' Sky thought to himself. This woman seemed familiar to him. He hadn't met her but he was sure he had seen her before. GLASS... He knew what it was. The organization that occupied Sanfield to help promote peace. It was all over the news at the time. Surprising that it turned to out to then be evil. 'Then this woman must be... Kirsten Summers? Wasn't she reported to be missing? Anyways if GLASS is involved again somehow... then I'll take it. I'm not going to let Lithium suffer the same fate.' He would then speak to Summers. "Alright I'll take it. I won't let GLASS do the same to Sanfield. I'll take this job with or without pay. Now then is it possible to tell me more about this woman and where I can find her?" Sky was prepared for this contract... no mission more than anything.

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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Ann: I WANT TO TRY! THREESOME!)

(Well i mean, if she in TEST sure)

A sonic boom would be heard over Sky's base. A few seconds later, the womans voice was heard through the call. "Tallest building in Sanfield. Good luck." The call dropped and another boom was heard.



"It just makes you that one friend I want to spend forever with, and kiss...and touch..." Tristin pulled him underwater and kissed him on the mouth before surfacing, then hearing a loud ding. "So, the annoying mercenary is back in business. I'm going to fuck up his reputation. Do you wanna spend time with Harmony or do you want to come with me?" Tristin got out of the water and began stripping. She then put on a jumpsuit as well as some strange glove equipment around her hands.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Let's do it!"

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JPax42 said:
A sonic boom would be heard over Sky's base. A few seconds later, Kirstin's voice was heard through the call. "Tallest building in Sanfield. Good luck." The call dropped and another boom was heard.



"It just makes you that one friend I want to spend forever with, and kiss...and touch..." Tristin pulled him underwater and kissed him on the mouth before surfacing, then hearing a loud ding. "So, the annoying mercenary is back in business. I'm going to fuck up his reputation. Do you wanna spend time with Harmony or do you want to come with me?" Tristin got out of the water and began stripping. She then put on a jumpsuit as well as some strange glove equipment around her hands.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Let's do it!"

"Got it. I'm headed to Sanfield field. Wish me luck," Sky hung up and would prepare his gear. He had this strange feeling Tristin would get on his way so he would change his equipment to circumvent that issue. Then once he was set he would head on out and would grapple hook his way to Sanfield. Sanfield wasn't too far, but it was a long distance away. He had actually never been to Sanfield before. Then he sees the tallest buildings and camps out to the nearest building adjacent to it. He then uses stealth camouflage to hide for cover even better on a rooftop. Then he had his antimaterial sniper rifle at the ready. For noe he would use special goggles to find his target in the building. Temperature readings if one was wondering. He was fully loaded for this misdion. Reputation wasn't on the line. His city was.

Thomas turned red before getting out of the water "I'll come with you. I want to see to kick some ass....mind getting me something a bit more comfortable?" He said looking down at his wet faded clothes.

(Threat: Wow he didn't need to get drunk *Thumbs up*)

JPax42 said:
A sonic boom would be heard over Sky's base. A few seconds later, Kirstin's voice was heard through the call. "Tallest building in Sanfield. Good luck." The call dropped and another boom was heard.



"It just makes you that one friend I want to spend forever with, and kiss...and touch..." Tristin pulled him underwater and kissed him on the mouth before surfacing, then hearing a loud ding. "So, the annoying mercenary is back in business. I'm going to fuck up his reputation. Do you wanna spend time with Harmony or do you want to come with me?" Tristin got out of the water and began stripping. She then put on a jumpsuit as well as some strange glove equipment around her hands.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Let's do it!"

The carrier was completed and Johny opened some scotch

Harmony starts to loose her blush, she pounces on her pushing her on the bed pinning her on the bed.

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