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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
"I asked if you could visit therapist. Now, it looks like Sante Claus is climbing in our rooms again. Should we drop him into the sperm whale enclosure or panda cage? Harmony, if you want you can go stab him in the store room." Igor began deciding between two buttons. However, the store room itself would now be locked so Pike would only be able to escape in the way he came through. The store room was directly above both the sperm whale enclosure and the panda cage, and the floor was collapsible.

@Yappi @SirGrey
Harmony would be grabbed by Marcus "Does anyone here have a Brain" he sedated her and puts her into the therapy room tying her down. She waits for Tristin to come here, he alerted Tristin that Harmony was here


"Who hired you...whatever. I will be doing therapy until she arrives." Igor walked to the therapy room and pulled out Harmony's file. "What does she need now? I'll reach Tristin somehow but...Harmony isn't Tristin's responsibility. Tristin's just a subject she isn't a doctor." Igor pulled out more of Harmony's files as well as murder things. "Seriously, what's the therapy. We should just lock her up and that'll make our life so much easier." Igor lazily pulled out more pens and things while trying to track Tristin's badge. It wasn't picking up at all.

"Who has a collapsible floor in a store room?" Pike pondered as he began to pick the lock. He was ready if the floor collapsed. Well at least he hoped he was. He didn't know why TEST had gone to such extreme lengths. Maybe they didn't like the idea of being robbed again. Maybe they were lead by super-villains. No matter. They stuff were getting nicked. @JPax42

"You know what, I am of collapsing floor." Igor collapsed the floor. If Pike wasn't holding onto anything, he would be dropped into the panda enclosure. Otherwise, he'd be hanging from whatever he was holding, a 12 foot panda with massive teeth waiting for him to fall below.


"Anyways... Dr. Marcus. Give me details, or this is of no good to me." Igor pulled out more medicine and a tranquilizer gun.

JPax42 said:
"Who hired you...whatever. I will be doing therapy until she arrives." Igor walked to the therapy room and pulled out Harmony's file. "What does she need now? I'll reach Tristin somehow but...Harmony isn't Tristin's responsibility. Tristin's just a subject she isn't a doctor." Igor pulled out more of Harmony's files as well as murder things. "Seriously, what's the therapy. We should just lock her up and that'll make our life so much easier." Igor lazily pulled out more pens and things while trying to track Tristin's badge. It wasn't picking up at all.


"Shes my sister and she has a life. The prison system is meant to rehabilitate but do you honestly think locking her up in solitary will help her?" He sighs at his ignorance "Tristin has made her.... calm, You have proved your therapy to be.... horrible and were fired for a short time. She could be one of our most skilled agents and even Johny agrees. We just need to bring her up right"

Igor waved his hand dismissively. "Why are you deciding Harmony's future for her? You see, I tried to do the same for Tristin, but she got angry and destroyed all of B building. Point is, we should make Harmony a subject like Tristin. When she is old enough, we'll give her options and then she can choose. Until then, she should just be like Tristin, doing all jobs that come her way." Igor pulled out a monitor, still looking for Tristin. He searched every living room except for the animal enclosures. The sperm whale enclosure proved to be a useless room, because Dicky Moe ate the camera twice. "Until we reach Tristin, we will keep her in room with a comfortable little girl we like to call Toot Noot." Igor laughed at the name. "Toot can sing, although not as good as Tristin..."

@Yappi (Can't use Tristin until Shammy comes back because he was interacting first ^^)
"You know I had an aunty who looked like you" The Whisper said to the 12 foot panda with massive teeth waiting for his food drop in, while also hanging from the wall on his grappling hook umbrella. His surprising calm. What made it even more surprising was that the cable itself wasn't used to carrying wait like this for so long. It could snap at any moment. Still pike was nearly through the lock. @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Igor waved his hand dismissively. "Why are you deciding Harmony's future for her? You see, I tried to do the same for Tristin, but she got angry and destroyed all of B building. Point is, we should make Harmony a subject like Tristin. When she is old enough, we'll give her options and then she can choose. Until then, she should just be like Tristin, doing all jobs that come her way." Igor pulled out a monitor, still looking for Tristin. He searched every living room except for the animal enclosures. The sperm whale enclosure proved to be a useless room, because Dicky Moe ate the camera twice. "Until we reach Tristin, we will keep her in room with a comfortable little girl we like to call Toot Noot." Igor laughed at the name. "Toot can sing, although not as good as Tristin..."

@Yappi (Can't use Tristin until Shammy comes back because he was interacting first ^^)

"Because sane people can make sane choices. Insane, make the insane choices. She likes killing so we make her a assassin" he says sighing "I hate it but she will never recover from AJ mentally and the most we can do is control her"

Hugo was brushing his teeth with a massive toothbrush. He even had a giant bottle of toothpaste in his hand. When the floor collapsed, he stared at Pike with the brush in his mouth. He wasn't going to eat Pike, because his panda-flouride took thirty minutes to be fully effective. Instead, he simply opened his mouth to speak. "Panda?" The enclosure lead straight to a high security storage room. The only thing standing in the way was Hugo, and his massive paw was blocking the door. A way to get in would be to bribe the panda.



"Well, put her in room with Toot Noot for now. Assassin sounds like an appropriate job..."

Igor looked into Tristin's file. Tristin was a TEST scout at age 7, when she managed to break the land speed human record, although it was never documented. Since that made Tristin angry, Igor just let Tristin choose whatever jobs were open for the time being. She was the only person at TEST who was hired for any job allowed for minors, and only for some adults. Tristin's coordination proved handy to do any normal job, really, so that's why she was treated as such. Then again, since Tristin did everything, she effectively had no job.

"Assassin sounds like a great job for Harmony. Who do you want to train her? Me? Tristin? The panda?" Igor laughed and pulled out Hugo's file.

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JPax42 said:
Hugo was brushing his teeth with a massive toothbrush. He even had a giant bottle of toothpaste in his hand. When the floor collapsed, he stared at Pike with the brush in his mouth. He wasn't going to eat Pike, because his panda-flouride took thirty minutes to be fully effective. Instead, he simply opened his mouth to speak. "Panda?" The enclosure lead straight to a high security storage room. The only thing standing in the way was Hugo, and his massive paw was blocking the door. A way to get in would be to bribe the panda.



"Well, put her in room with Toot Noot for now. Assassin sounds like an appropriate job..."

Igor looked into Tristin's file. Tristin was a TEST scout at age 7, when she managed to break the land speed human record, although it was never documented. Since that made Tristin angry, Igor just let Tristin choose whatever jobs were open for the time being. She was the only person at TEST who was hired for any job allowed for minors, and only for some adults. Tristin's coordination proved handy to do any normal job, really, so that's why she was treated as such.

"Assassin sounds like a great job for Harmony. Who do you want to train her? Me? Tristin? The panda?" Igor laughed and pulled out Hugo's file.


"You honestly seem like the best candidate so you, she's in the third room to the left" he walks off

Igor walked over to Harmony and moved her to the room with Toot Noot. "Harmony, play nice with Toot. You're going to become an assassin one day, so congratulations Harmony." Igor laughed and put two juice boxes on Toot Noot's table and closed the door.

Toot Noot

A snarky 10 year old lay on the bed, throwing a ping pong ball against the wall. Her powers were labeled as heat breath and probability prediction. Other than that, she was pretty annoying.
"Ugh, I have to share a room with unicorn poop." Toot rolled her eyes and looked over to Harmony. "Who the heck are you buttercup?"

JPax42 said:
Hugo was brushing his teeth with a massive toothbrush. He even had a giant bottle of toothpaste in his hand. When the floor collapsed, he stared at Pike with the brush in his mouth. He wasn't going to eat Pike, because his panda-flouride took thirty minutes to be fully effective. Instead, he simply opened his mouth to speak. "Panda?" The enclosure lead straight to a high security storage room. The only thing standing in the way was Hugo, and his massive paw was blocking the door. A way to get in would be to bribe the panda.

JPax42 said:
Igor walked over to Harmony and moved her to the room with Toot Noot. "Harmony, play nice with Toot. You're going to become an assassin one day, so congratulations Harmony." Igor laughed and put two juice boxes on Toot Noot's table and closed the door.

Toot Noot

A snarky 10 year old lay on the bed, throwing a ping pong ball against the wall. Her powers were labeled as heat breath and probability prediction. Other than that, she was pretty annoying.
"Ugh, I have to share a room with unicorn poop." Toot rolled her eyes and looked over to Harmony. "Who the heck are you buttercup?"

Harmony chuckles "Harmony" she holds her hand out
Toot Noot

Toot rolled her eyes and shook Harmony's hand lazy. "Tiffany. Call me Toot." Toot picked up a tennis ball and bounced it over and over. "Can you do anything cool? You know...superpowers or something?" Toot dropped the ball and looked at Harmony.

@Yappi (I'll make a small CS for Toot Noot; she won't be a main character just a filler for someone who has to hang with Harmony)
"So I take the trap door is to feed you" He said to the panda who had put his paw on the door. "My you are tall but if they keep you in here with no room to move around, well nothing sort of tragic" Pike said patting the panda heads. "Tell you what is there anything you want? I'm sure we came to an agreement" Pike said to the...Panda only now thinking about how weird this was. @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Toot Noot
Toot rolled her eyes and shook Harmony's hand lazy. "Tiffany. Call me Toot." Toot picked up a tennis ball and bounced it over and over. "Can you do anything cool? You know...superpowers or something?" Toot dropped the ball and looked at Harmony.

@Yappi (I'll make a small CS for Toot Noot; she won't be a main character just a filler for someone who has to hang with Harmony)
Harmonys eyes split into 3 pupils "I'm triple jointed and can see thermal, nightvision and sonar besides my regular vision.

Hugo grumbled and continued brushing his teeth. His enclosure was big enough, but when he heard the words 'wanted' he immediately stood in attention. He stared at Pike. "Panda! Panda! Panda!" Hugo leapt backwards and fell down, creating a crack in the ground. He immediately pointed to his stash of bamboo. One of the bamboo chutes weren't tender enough and his jaws were too big to make it softer. Hugo threw the bamboo to Pike, expecting Pike to chew on it for him. "Panda."


Toot Noot

"Oh, cool. I can do this." Toot bounced the ball and opened her mouth, breathing out. Immediately, the ball began to sizzle. Toot wiped her mouth. "Hold on, lemme try again." Toot bounced the ball again and breathed out. The ball caught on fire and slowly began to burn. "Ta-da!"

@Yappi (When Harmony's powers are based off of Kirsty xD )
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JPax42 said:
Hugo grumbled and continued brushing his teeth. His enclosure was big enough, but when he heard the words 'wanted' he immediately stood in attention. He stared at Pike. "Panda! Panda! Panda!" Hugo leapt backwards and fell down, creating a crack in the ground. He immediately pointed to his stash of bamboo. One of the bamboo chutes weren't tender enough and his jaws were too big to make it softer. Hugo threw the bamboo to Pike, expecting Pike to chew on it for him. "Panda."


Toot Noot

"Oh, cool. I can do this." Toot bounced the ball and opened her mouth, breathing out. Immediately, the ball began to sizzle. Toot wiped her mouth. "Hold on, lemme try again." Toot bounced the ball again and breathed out. The ball caught on fire and slowly began to burn. "Ta-da!"

@Yappi (When Harmony's powers are based off of Kirsty xD )
(I never actually thought about it but I guess they kinda are -shrug-)

"That's awesome!" Her eyes light up (don't over think it) with joy as she smiles

"Yeah. There's another girl in here who has heat VISION. What's next, the PANDA having heat vision?" Toot laughed slightly and invited Harmony onto her bed. "It's nice of you to live with me. I get really lonely in my cell." Toot picked up another ball and handed it to Harmony. "Wanna play catch and talk?"

@Yappi (Kirsty could see radio waves, gamma waves, magnetic fields, gravity fields, 50x the color normal humans can, and all that jazz. She even saw through dimensions... She also had x-ray vision and could see infrared. But if Harmony had all of that she'd be too OP xD )
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"Oh...oh" Pike said shovelling his pride. He couldn't though. He had unlocked the door. The panda would kill him for sure. Still he had to try. Dropping one of his caltrops, spiked balls disburse all over the floor. He jumps through the door. The panda would have to eat it or starve. Pike didn't care either way. @JPax42
JPax42 said:
"Yeah. There's another girl in here who has heat VISION. What's next, the PANDA having heat vision?" Toot laughed slightly and invited Harmony onto her bed. "It's nice of you to live with me. I get really lonely in my cell." Toot picked up another ball and handed it to Harmony. "Wanna play catch and talk?"

@Yappi (Kirsty could see radio waves, gamma waves, magnetic fields, gravity fields, 50x the color normal humans can, and all that jazz. She even saw through dimensions... She also had x-ray vision and could see infrared. But if Harmony had all of that she'd be too OP xD )
Harmony lays down "Im here becaues im considered insane" she pulls out her back and empties it out.... it still has 'toys' in it but they arent used as much anymore since AJ happened

Hugo lifted up the bamboo chute and threw it at Pike with amazing speed. If Pike didn't dodge it, he would be impaled by it. "PANDA." Hugo then grumbled and walked to the rest of his bamboo. He started munching sadly on a tree, making soft grumbling noises while he ate.



"Cool!" Tiffany picked up the suspicious purple phallic object and looked at it. "How do I use it? It looks like something cool." Tiffany then put the head of it into her mouth and began sucking on the thing. "Maybe they should make lollipops look like this! Mm...tasty..." Tiffany was clearly a weird child, and she didn't know anything about this stuff. She was the perfect slate for Harmony to corrupt.

@Yappi (I just realized in Tiffany's 'Appearance' thing it looks like she's having an orgasm...)
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JPax42 said:
Hugo lifted up the bamboo chute and threw it at Pike with amazing speed. If Pike didn't dodge it, he would be impaled by it. "PANDA." Hugo then grumbled and walked to the rest of his bamboo. He started munching sadly on a tree, making soft grumbling noises while he ate.



"Cool!" Tiffany picked up the suspicious purple phallic object and looked at it. "How do I use it? It looks like something cool." Tiffany then put the head of it into her mouth and began sucking on the thing. "Maybe they should make lollipops look like this! Mm...tasty..." Tiffany was clearly a weird child, and she didn't know anything about this stuff. She was the perfect slate for Harmony to corrupt.

@Yappi (I just realized in Tiffany's 'Appearance' thing it looks like she's having an orgasm...)
Harmony chuckles "Your putting it in the wrong place deary" she says her cheeks red but she is so innocent....
"Well I thought pandas were big teddy bears" Pike yelled as he shut the door after nimbly dodging the bamboo. "Well back to work" Pike said as he began to sneak around the facility (GTG) @JPax42
Thomas held in his laugh as he was pushed against the wall 'Why am I always in these kinds of situations?' He thought to himself as he started poking Tristin's sides in an effort to make her let go.


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