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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Tristin sighed. "Alcohol? I can't go through another cycle of conditioning with alcohol." Tristin simply leaned against Thomas and smiled at Paige. "Y'all got anything in mind on what we're doing today? I'm all ears." Tristin then pushed off the side of the hot tub wall, floating out to the middle and then curling up so that she would sink underwater. Tristin just remained there on the hot tub floor, listening to what Thomas or Paige had to say.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"So you mean to tell me you can fix any problem? Well, a while ago my friend, Randy, got into a fight with a girl. Randy was two years older than the girl, but when Randy went to fight her, she was like...running circles around Randy. Eventually Randy hit her really hard and she was bleeding, but in like a minute Randy's entire hand caught fire! Randy...he went to the hospital and had to get nerves repaired. It was scary." Laura sighed nervously. "Anything you can do about the girl?"



Hugo grumbled and waited outside the hotel. He was twelve feet tall and a panda, so nothing much to do in an average day.

(open for interaction, possibly @Yappi)
Harmony would smell like Johny due to Johny often ran test when she was at TEST. She finds a large panda, the collar is stuck on her neck and a few bits of chain hang off it. She nudges the panda grabbing onto it like a koala
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Tristin saw feet get out of the hot tub. Tristin herself leapt out of the tub and shook herself sort of dry. "I'm going to go check on Hugo! Meet you guys outside!" Tristin completely ignored the fact she was in wet underwear and just ran through the lobby, much to the anger of the concierge.


Hugo saw a small child with a collar around her neck. Hugo stepped away and pushed the girl away since he hated people who touched him. Hugo leaned his giant panda face in towards the girl and snarled, making an intimidating yet panda face.
"Pan da." Hugo could actually talk.

JPax42 said:
Tristin sighed. "Alcohol? I can't go through another cycle of conditioning with alcohol." Tristin simply leaned against Thomas and smiled at Paige. "Y'all got anything in mind on what we're doing today? I'm all ears." Tristin then pushed off the side of the hot tub wall, floating out to the middle and then curling up so that she would sink underwater. Tristin just remained there on the hot tub floor, listening to what Thomas or Paige had to say.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"So you mean to tell me you can fix any problem? Well, a while ago my friend, Randy, got into a fight with a girl. Randy was two years older than the girl, but when Randy went to fight her, she was like...running circles around Randy. Eventually Randy hit her really hard and she was bleeding, but in like a minute Randy's entire hand caught fire! Randy...he went to the hospital and had to get nerves repaired. It was scary." Laura sighed nervously. "Anything you can do about the girl?"



Hugo grumbled and waited outside the hotel. He was twelve feet tall and a panda, so nothing much to do in an average day.

(open for interaction, possibly @Yappi)
Sky was intrigued by the girl who set a guys hand on fire. "Is that so? Well she seems like someone I can take care of. Now what do you want me to about her? Teach her a lesson? Or capture her desk or alive?" He knew he was talking to a kid, but he felt like he could say that.

Laura stroked her face. "Find her. Capture her. Torture her to no end. Drown her, slow-slice her, beat her with a bat, anything. Just make sure she feels a lot of pain. P-Poor Randy..." Laura began to cry. "W-What do you need for the j-job to b-be d-done?"

Thomas got dressed and appeared outside to see Hugo and a small girl. "What's wrong Hugo? It's just a girl, she didn't do anything to you," he said going closer to the two.

Paige was still drunk but at least dressed, she got off his shoulder and leaned on Hugo. "Hey Hugo! Who's the girl," she asked slowly sinking to the ground.

@Yappi @JPax42
Harmony (Sorry i meant Harmony, I just got home from a vacation and my mind is like a stale potato chisp)

She looked at Thomas and i was shaking... the collar around my neck was heavy and there was a very deep slash in my chest were my vocal cords were cut. AJ's words when he did it Echoed in my mind 'This aught a shut you up'
The cowboy walked through the streets, tipping his hat over his eyes to block out the sun. "C'mon girl." He whistled as the German Shepard got up and followed her master. The man then went into an alley "Go the rambler, the gambler, the back bitter. Tell em that god's gonna cut you down," he sang low to himself.

(Open for interaction)

Hugo grunted. "Panda!" He was resenting, trying to communicate that he hated random strangers going up to him and treating him like a giant bean bag. At this, he condensed himself to match concrete. This would render him unsquishable and definitely less lovable. The ground cracked under his panda butt's weight.


Tristin finished wrapping up a few things and stepped outside. She had at least put on a shirt and shorts. Either way, Tristin stepped past Harmony and wrapped her arms around Hugo's hand.
"Hugo, that's Harmony. She just likes people in general. Make nice." Tristin knocked her knuckles against Hugo's arm, which made a hollow flesh noise. "When Hugo gets scared, for some reason he becomes a concrete behemoth." Tristin went up to Hugo and wrapped her arms around the panda, turning to Harmony. Hugo immediately uncondensed into a bean bag. She then looked at Harmony's neck. "Missing vocal chords? Well, Doctor Vasiliev has to operate on people for that all the time, it's not that uncommon. Let's get you back to TEST. Now, everyone get on the panda." Tristin hopped onto Hugo, whistling.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Laura stroked her face. "Find her. Capture her. Torture her to no end. Drown her, slow-slice her, beat her with a bat, anything. Just make sure she feels a lot of pain. P-Poor Randy..." Laura began to cry. "W-What do you need for the j-job to b-be d-done?"

"Well whatever you can pay me really. Anyways just send me a description of the target and I'll get to it." Sky then prepares to make sure this contract doesn't get intereupted.
Thomas frowned as he picked the girl up "Hey, you're the little girl from TEST. What happened?" He asked nervously looking down at the chain. "Ripped out vocal cords, jesus," he said rubbing his neck as he went up on Hugo.

Paige went in the back "Let's go! I'll stay back here and take a nap if you need me," she said going limp while riding Hugo.

@JPax42 @Yappi
(Ok i kinda dont like how someone reacts to a child having a collar around there neck like 'Ouch, oh well I know a guy' especially a women in there teen years xD )

"Uh...I have twenty five dollars...and a stick of Fruity Fru Fru by Doctor Starling gum." Laura knew that the gum tasted like mouthwash got mixed in a jug of orange juice, but Sky didn't have to know that. "Anyways, she has light brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, sharp amber eyes with an orange ring. She's actually really athletic, but I guess she's really an acrobat and a sprinter. Oh! Don't chase her on foot, she'll outrun you easily. Also...I think she's armed. She has two pistols. Do you want to know extra details like bra size or anything?"



"Alright, let's go!" Tristin flung the reins and Hugo started walking forwards at a moderate pace. "Sounds like this will be a smooth run." Tristin smiled and Hugo was feeling happy running...and getting stopped by a red light. "Ugh, traffic."

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock (So I just calculated some stuff. Based on Hugo being 6 times as massive as a giant panda as well as much stronger his top speed should be 45 miles an hour, not 20. He also needs like a hundred thousand calories a day...)
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JPax42 said:
"Uh...I have twenty five dollars...and a stick of Fruity Fru Fru by Doctor Starling gum." Laura knew that the gum tasted like mouthwash got mixed in a jug of orange juice, but Sky didn't have to know that. "Anyways, she has light brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, sharp amber eyes with an orange ring. She's actually really athletic, but I guess she's really an acrobat and a sprinter. Oh! Don't chase her on foot, she'll outrun you easily. Also...I think she's armed. She has two pistols. Do you want to know extra details like bra size or anything?"



"Alright, let's go!" Tristin flung the reins and Hugo started walking forwards at a moderate pace. "Sounds like this will be a smooth run." Tristin smiled and Hugo was feeling happy running...and getting stopped by a red light. "Ugh, traffic."

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
"That should be all," and then he hangs up. "So she's armed and dangerous? Glad this contract found me. Plus it seems she possesses something with fire. Not the first time I've encountered fire." He then prepares up and gets ready. Seems this girl has speed, but not much to protect herself. Still... Sky would prepare for anything at this point. He would use his Intel to track her location and went on his way. Sky stealthily went from rooftop to rooftop to find his target.

"Thank you." Laura sighed and laughed. She was about to see the shit storm unfold. She was about to sleep when the ground rattled and a FUCKING TWELVE FOOT PANDA PASSED HER RATTLING THE ENTIRE PHONE BOOTH! "NOT AGAIN!!!"

(Open for interaction)
JPax42 said:
"Thank you." Laura sighed and laughed. She was about to see the shit storm unfold. She was about to sleep when the ground rattled and a FUCKING TWELVE FOOT PANDA PASSED HER RATTLING THE ENTIRE PHONE BOOTH! "NOT AGAIN!!!"

(Open for interaction)
As Sky went from rooftop to rooftop he would remember to appearance of the girl. It was familiar and that was when it hit him. She wanted to get the TEST girl. Not like he doesn't want to help her or anything considering everything that's happened, but then again... as a mercenary he did have a job to do. Still he wouldn't want to make an enemy out of TEST. He really hated decisions like these. For now he would just stealthily go from rooftop to rooftop.
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Thomas looked around and waved to the people on the road. He heard a horn and took a deep breath "Please turn green, please turn green, please!" He said to himself as he waited for the lights to turn green.

@JPax42 @Yappi
JPax42 said:
"Uh...I have twenty five dollars...and a stick of Fruity Fru Fru by Doctor Starling gum." Laura knew that the gum tasted like mouthwash got mixed in a jug of orange juice, but Sky didn't have to know that. "Anyways, she has light brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, sharp amber eyes with an orange ring. She's actually really athletic, but I guess she's really an acrobat and a sprinter. Oh! Don't chase her on foot, she'll outrun you easily. Also...I think she's armed. She has two pistols. Do you want to know extra details like bra size or anything?"



"Alright, let's go!" Tristin flung the reins and Hugo started walking forwards at a moderate pace. "Sounds like this will be a smooth run." Tristin smiled and Hugo was feeling happy running...and getting stopped by a red light. "Ugh, traffic."

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock (So I just calculated some stuff. Based on Hugo being 6 times as massive as a giant panda as well as much stronger his top speed should be 45 miles an hour, not 20. He also needs like a hundred thousand calories a day...)
Harmony would be silent, not saying a word because well... no vocal cords. she was shaking, she wanted to stab something... all this stress was to much to handle for her 5 year old self... her bag was empty, only knives and photos. no more 'toys'

Tristin got off the panda. "You know what? People usually don't react nicely to pandas taking food. I'll just go to the market and buy food. Thomas, I'm going to need help carrying bamboo bales. Paige, take Hugo and Harmony back to TEST so that Dr. Vasiliev can replace her vocal chords." Tristin then walked towards to the bamboo market, unaware that the annoying mercenary was actually looking for her. She had to cross through an alley.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


"Panda." Hugo enabled his mental auto panda-pilot and decided to walk back to TEST, holding Harmony and Paige. He was maintaining a slow smooth pace, but he was only slow because he was hungry.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas jumped off Hugo and went with Tristin. "Seeyah Hugo!" He yelled before waving goodbye and catching up to Tristin "Is he going to be OK without his food for right now?" He asked, following her into the alley.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Paige rubbed her eyes "I'm good! Oh, hello little gir-Why are you partly naked!" She said feeling a bit a bit uncomfortable about while climbing to the top of Hugo.

@JPax42 @Yappi
JPax42 said:
Tristin got off the panda. "You know what? People usually don't react nicely to pandas taking food. I'll just go to the market and buy food. Thomas, I'm going to need help carrying bamboo bales. Paige, take Hugo and Harmony back to TEST so that Dr. Vasiliev can replace her vocal chords." Tristin then walked towards to the bamboo market, unaware that the annoying mercenary was actually looking for her. She had to cross through an alley.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


"Panda." Hugo enabled auto panda-pilot and decided to walk back to TEST, holding Harmony and Paige. He was maintaining a slow smooth pace, but he was only slow because he was hungry.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
Sky would be at a rooftop where he sees the TEST girl. To kill or not? The consequences could be very high. Then again someone else did fight her first. God he didn't like making decisions like these. It was always like that even in his days of training. He sighed a bit before thinking more.

"I can't just torture someone because she basically fought back. Then again she did cause harm to another. Still I'm not the police either. The hell do I do? Maybe I'll just tell my client I can't do this... wait I can't do that either. My damn reputation would be compromised... god...," he then took out his anti-material sniper rifle and set it to Bolt action. He fired three insanely fast shots at Tristen's head and legs. Then he would immediately duck for cover so he wouldn't be seen.

BlackSwan said:
(...I go to work and come back completely lost....someone catch me up please?)
(Tristin shot her in the head and ran off with Thomas and the panda. If I got something wrong or am missing something @JPax42 correct me)
JPax42 said:
Tristin got off the panda. "You know what? People usually don't react nicely to pandas taking food. I'll just go to the market and buy food. Thomas, I'm going to need help carrying bamboo bales. Paige, take Hugo and Harmony back to TEST so that Dr. Vasiliev can replace her vocal chords." Tristin then walked towards to the bamboo market, unaware that the annoying mercenary was actually looking for her. She had to cross through an alley.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


"Panda." Hugo enabled his mental auto panda-pilot and decided to walk back to TEST, holding Harmony and Paige. He was maintaining a slow smooth pace, but he was only slow because he was hungry.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
(I dont think broken vocal chords are replacable? maybe they are but either way i think Harmony s

@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX

Paige rubbed her eyes "I'm good! Oh, hello little gir-Why are you partly naked!" She said feeling a bit a bit uncomfortable about while climbing to the top of Hugo.

@JPax42 @Yappi
Harmony doesn't pay attention to him, refusing to talk but it was only her top was covered meaning that.... ew, someone forcefully opened her clothes up for one reason (Yappi: THEY DONT PAY ME ENOUGH TO WRITE THIS SHIT IM OUT Voice: GET BACK IN THE CHAIR Yappi: I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR GU- Voice; GUN!!!!!! -Shoots Yappi 800000000000000000000000000000000000 times-)

Tristin nodded her head. "He'll be fine, don't worry-" Tristin heard a click and immediately flipped backwards. One of the bullets grazed her leg. Looking up, she saw Sky...the annoying mercenary. "God damnit. Thomas, hay bale money. I'll be alright. Assholes are after me now." She immediately pulled out both her pistols and rolled into cover, throwing Thomas a stack of cash. "Hugo likes the crunchy yet bendable ones." Even when being shot at by a mercenary, she was able to dish out shopping orders.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock


"Panda." Hugo started padding her way to TEST. Outside, he dropped off Paige and Harmony before climbing into the fenced off enclosure to sleep.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi

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