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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin walked back to where they were. She put on a gray shirt and leaned against the bedpost, watching the interesting event of the two siblings hugging the twelve foot panda they just met a few minutes ago.


Hugo grumbled and started eating a bamboo stick that seemingly came from his back. Actually, he had taken it out of one of his saddle bags. That's right, Hugo had a saddle. The saddle was almost a small 'deck' on Hugo's back. It came with small railings and also had pack backs. Hugo wanted to have a food court but that would throw the balance off.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Nova awoke to darkness and the feeling of immediate post anxiety of her night terrors. sweating, wild pink eyes darted around her latest hovel wildly . somewhere further into the cave that Nova had found herself living in, water trickled down in a steady stream, the only sound in the dark cave besides water dripping from the ceilings and the occasional bat. finally Nova's racing heart seamed to steady and she flopped back down into the rags that were her bedding. tiredly Nova rubbed her eyes with a small calloused hand and rolled over. Absentmindedly she reached for what was left of her food supply...only to come back empty. A sigh left her pink lips as she realized what this meant. She would have to go and steal more food again.

Nova giggled humorously to herself as she hummed, getting retting ready to make a stop in the above world.

"be careful what you do~" she sang softly, pulling on a baggy dirty hoodie to hid the scars on her pale flesh.

"for god is watching your every move"

Nova pushed her tangled hair back and slipped a beanie over her head to hid her horns. twirling as she made her way over to the stream that ran down in these depths, her soft voice echoed in the cavern.

"hold my hand in a dark street...for if you do i know that i'll be safe. "

she sang, pausing to wash the grim from her face before doing a slow imitation of the ballet dancers she saw on a television in a home of some of her victims.

"you held me close for a while, "

and then she made her way up and out of her dense home. So far Nova had managed to stay there for two weeks, a new record for her. though with a sense of dread, she new she would end up moving again...

Nova slowlyu made her way into town, keeping her head down and her eyes low, scoping out the best places to steal from.

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Akira cracks up as Ann rushes outside. She looks over to F.A.I.E. and says "Guard Annie while I pay."

F.A.I.E. nods, then turns and walks out the door. She spots Annie hiding behind the lamp post immediately. "Your hiding place is insufficient," she states in a typical robotic voice. "You may wish to consider relocating, but please do not walk more than a block away, as I will loose my signal and go into low power mode."

Akira walks up to the counter, and hands the cashier the bill for her food and Annie's. The cashier points to the door and asks if the child that ran was the one Akira was paying for. "Yeah. I guess she thought I was going to make her pay. Heh, kids are strange," says the 23-year-old woman in a cat-eared hoodie. Akira looks over her shoulder at Sky after she was done paying. "You coming?" she calls to him.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Thomas kept sleeping as he had an odd dream involving orphan meat. He woke up with a jump "Carl! Wait, it was a dream. Hey Tristin," he said squirming from the giant creatures grip and falling to the floor. "Are you feeling better from the bat," he asked remembering his torn sleeve.

Paige didn't move and just kept hugging the large creature. "I'm never letting go! This is my pillow now," she said laughing and burrowing her head into Hugo's belly.


Tristin looked down. "I'm fine, thanks. He hits me a lot anyways." Tristin took off the patch to reveal healed over skin. She harshly whistled in an odd tune, her normally lulling voice turning into a commanding military noise. Immediately, Hugo dropped Paige and got on all fours, rushing in front of Tristin in a standing position, although his butt was on the ground. "Just climb up his rear and get in the saddle. We're going for a ride." Tristin climbed onto the massive panda, stroking his face. "Hugo just got back from Atlanta. Apparently he has girls there." Tristin waited for the rest. "What? You guys never rode a massive panda? Don't worry, he can hold up to six people."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas climbed on top of the panda and held onto him for dear life. He looked down and pulled Paige up as the two waited for the giant creature to go.


Annie sighed before running up to F.A.I.E. "Sorry, I don't have money so I couldn't pay. Thought you two would run with me like in one of those old sitcoms," she said waiting for Akira to come out.

@Crystal Cali

Nova hummed as she used her vectors to grab a purse sitting idle outside of a restaurant. a small smile seamingly permenantly on her face, but her eyes remained dead. a sort of sadness dwelling within the deep pink colored eyes.pulling the purse close to her she absentmindedly emptied every content other than the wallet into the trash.

"because nobody loves you, if your not pretty~"

she sang disapearing down an ally way, taking a short cut to a low priced grocery store.

"your just a monster in there eyes, your just a demon to despise"

she sang as she walked, her bare feet barley making a sound against the cold concrete.

"so dont' be surprised"

her voiced hitched slightly and she swng the bag over her shoulder.

"that nobody loves you~"

her soft soprano voice drifted over the ally then went silent, before she picked back up her humming and continues on her way.

Sky would be back at his hideout waiting for new contracts to come in. He has enough money for now, but hey more money less problems? In any case he just waits for the next contract.

(@rosehearted if you want to hire Sky or something via contact. Like phone or mail.)

Tristin pointed to the seat belts on the saddle. "Buckle up. Hugo goes from zero to twenty in less than a second." Tristin grabbed reins and started walking Hugo out of the room at a slow pace. As Hugo walked forwards, Tristin put her seatbelt on. "If you guys get hungry-wait...that's why we're going out anyways. We need to stock up Hugo's saddle bags." Tristin smiled as the twelve foot panda stepped outside.

"Please keep your arms and feet inside the saddle at all times. We will approximately be arriving at our destination in fifteen minutes!" Tristin swung the reins and Hugo lurched forwards, running as fast the cars on the street. "I never got a driver's license so this isn't legal!" Hugo leapt over a car and kept running, skidding to a stop at a red light. Tristin turned to see a woman walking in an alley. Someone else walked up the panda. "Excuse me panda riding girl...that woman over there stole my purse!" Tristin clutched the reins. "Thomas or Paige...ride Hugo around. He'll know what to do when you say 'Rammage.' Say that when you get around the block." Tristin hopped off of Hugo and walked into the alley.


Hugo grumbled and started munching on a car's spoiler.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin sprinted towards the strange woman who stole the purse. Tristin was no hero, and it wasn't a fifteen year old girl's place to act like one. Yet some sense in Tristin caused her to leap forwards at the woman with great speed, grabbing her by the shoulders and bringing her to the ground. Tristin rolled over and raised her fists.
"Stop! In the name of the law, drop the purse!"

Thomas grabbed the reins, he looked confused "Rummage?" He said questionably, he seemed to become tense and his grip on the reins tightened in case Hugo took into a sprint.

Akira shrugs, and finishes paying the bill, then walks out to meet up with Annie and F.A.I.E. managing to catch the robot's response to the girl's statement.

"Running was not necessary, as Akira has the funds to pay for your lunch," F.A.I.E. said.

Akira chuckles as she joins the two. "Yeah, I suppose I could have made that more clear. Anyways, don't worry too much about not being able to pay for stuff. I make decent money, so I can afford to pay for your food and stuff while you're here." Akira wasn't too worried about money. She usually got paid for the articles she writes online about TEST, though she hadn't gotten any new leads lately, so she was going to have to do something about that soon. The thought occurred to Akira that perhaps a mercenary would be a good friend to have at some point, considering she was going to have to actually break into TEST facilities eventually to get the best information. Maybe she'd contact him about that later.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

Hugo tapped his paw impatiently, looking at the traffic light. Even massive pandas got stuck in traffic. He opened his mouth to say something, but grumbled. "Panda?" Hugo tore off the car's spoiler on accidentally, and he apologetically spit it back on, licking it as if trying to put it back together. "Panda! Panda!" When the light turned green, Hugo started accelerating slowly and started sprinting to the end of the block.

@Shammy the Shamrock (I just remembered Hugo has heat vision LOL)


Nova felt surprise as she suddenly found herself on the ground and staring up at some strange girl.

'Human.' She thought a pang of bitterness swept through her, and she let it show in her smile.

"Law? What law? There is no law for what I am. laws are for you humans right? Citizens with rights... Something a beast like me doesn't get..."

She rambled, a slow giggle beginning to rise out of her chest. As she spoke her hand lazily circled the air.

"No...monsters like me...don't survive long. But I'll make room...and get rid of the real monsters."

She laughed, it was a hollow bitter laugh. And then she threw her head forward in a head butt.

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"Where the hell is my dad?" Valentina grunted. He had said that he would send a car for her, but there was hardly anything out on the street. She stood there, shoulders drooping. It was quite possible that he had indeed sent someone by, but decided to just leave her while she slept instead of doing the courteous thing and waking her up...


Don sat in his office, smoking a cigar. "That girl... What'll I do with her?" He set the cigar down in his ash tray.

"You should do what you do best, Don..." Came the small voice of his secretary slash lover. "Teach her a lesson." She stood obediently in front of his desk, a cold look in her eyes.

Sighing, the man leaned back in his weathered leather chair. "Of course," he said with a grin. "Madison, I want you to look up some men for hire online, if you know what I mean. Come back as soon as you find something."

The petite blonde took out her phone, and accessed the browser that could let her traverse the many levels of the internet. She read out a few numbers. The first on Don's to-call list was a man named Sky. It brought to mind the image of a willowy, nerdy young man, but he shouldn't be one to judge by names.

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rosehearted said:
"Where the hell is my dad?" Valentina grunted. He had said that he would send a car for her, but there was hardly anything out on the street. She stood there, shoulders drooping. It was quite possible that he had indeed sent someone by, but decided to just leave her while she slept instead of doing the courteous thing and waking her up...

Don sat in his office, smoking a cigar. "That girl... What'll I do with her?" He set the cigar down in his ash tray.

"You should do what you do best, Don..." Came the small voice of his secretary slash lover. "Teach her a lesson." She stood obediently in front of her desk, a cold look in her eyes.

Sighing, the man leaned back in his weathered leather chair. "Of course," he said with a grin. "Madison, I want you to look up some men for hire online, if you know what I mean. Come back as soon as you find something."

The petite blonde took out her phone, and accessed the browser that could let her traverse the many levels of the internet. She read out a few numbers. The first on Don's to-call list was a man named Sky. It brought to mind the image of a willowy, nerdy young man, but he shouldn't be one to judge by names.

Sky would then receive a call from someone he hadn't met before and answered it. "Hello you've reached the mercenary Sky. How can I help you?" Currently he would be lying down on his spinning chair in the computer section of his hideout. He hoped this time it was another good contract.


Tristin was ready for the head butt but the horns through the beanie took her by surprise. Tristin was thrown backwards, however her coordination let her balance onto her hands and flip backwards. "Oh, you poor emo. I wish I could help, but that doesn't mean you can steal." Tristin sprinted up the side of a building in the alley and landed directly behind the creepy woman before delivering a thrust kick to her back.

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Ann was about to start walking when a rumbling sound came from her stomach. "I think forks and food don't mix well," she said running behind and trashcan and throwing up. Ann came back, her face pale "I'm better," she said wiping some napkin from her mouth.

@Crystal Cali

Thomas held his hat as they went along the road 'Where is he taking us to, well I know in 15 minutes.' He thought to himself as he went along the road. "LEARN TO DRIVE!" He yelled at a woman as he started developing road rage.


Hugo hopped over a car, shouting at a woman. "Panda!" The woman was surprised by the panda that just hopped over her car, crushing the roof. When they reached the end of the block, Hugo turned around and began running to the other end of the alley Tristin had dropped off on. Hugo's circular panda eyes began to radiate heat backwards...

@Shammy the Shamrock (Panda heat beam hype lol)


Nova gasped slightly, her smiling parting for a brief moment as she bent back wards, her beanie flying off in the process, letting her pink hair loose.

"Of course. I'm the emo, whilst you pigs get fat, leaving the suffering to wither away. Those you think less of you. " she laughed. Doing a spin on her bare toes and turning to face her.

"But I'm afraid, I'm done playing nice. " she whispered , ignoring the slight throbbing in her back and the itch as her vectors disappeared. Her smile still in place, she pulled out her pistol and pointed it dead at the strange interrupting girl.

"You humans with your double standards..." Nova muffled a giggle with her other hand. Still whispering.

Thomas flipped the woman off before they went into the alley. "Where are we going!?" He asked Hugo even thought he knew he was just going to say Panda. He leaned forward as he waited to see what would happen.

Well, the guy who answered the phone didn't sound like a scrawny kid at all. Don cleared his throat. "Sky the Mercenary. Well. I imagine a man like you has no time to waste. Neither do I. I want you to retrieve someone for me, dead or alive. And whatever state you return this person to me in, they have to be roughed up. What would you charge for something like this?"


Tristin shook her head. "I've spent enough time with people who aren't humans. They're deprived like you are, but I managed to get a few of them rights because they weren't jerks. Don't think we're all bad just because you decided to steal their stuff. Anyways, your time is up..." Tristin gave the strange pink girl the middle finger and leapt up the side of the building, climbing to the top. "Hey bitchy salt! Might wanna look out for that wall!" Tristin began giggling and ran along the rooftop.


Hugo roared and stared at the building. Immediately, two beams of heat came out of his eyes and began cutting through a wooden wall. The wall was about two inches thick, and it began to fall towards Nova. It wouldn't kill her, and Hugo had no intention of doing so. Even though Hugo could just lift Nova up and tear her limb for limb with his panda strength, this was far more fun.
"PANDA!" Hugo pushed the wall down so it would fall towards Nova faster.


Tristin dropped onto Hugo's saddle, sighing with relief.
"Damn Hugo..."

@Shammy the Shamrock @BlackSwan
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rosehearted said:
Well, the guy who answered the phone didn't sound like a scrawny kid at all. Don cleared his throat. "Sky the Mercenary. Well. I imagine a man like you has no time to waste. Neither do I. I want you to retrieve someone for me, dead or alive. And whatever state you return this person to me in, they have to be roughed up. What would you charge for something like this?"
"For something like that? Well it's simple. Name your price. These things vary based on who I'm dealing with." Sky was curious as to who his target was.


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