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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Tristin half-smiled. "Everyone passes. It's just the, -hh- underperformance part." Tristin rubbed her gut and hopped onto the top bunk, wincing slightly as she sat on the bed. "I hate sterile underwear. For some reason Dr. Vasiliev-hh- doesn't like giving me clothes. At all. Also he made me pay for the cell." Tristin sighed and fell back against the bed, looking up at the ceiling and groaning where Igor hit her. "I'm...talking to two people who lived in the circus. I guess I'm still fortunate to the public." Tristin was still grimacing when pain happened. Igor had hit her hard enough to send her through an iron door.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Dr. Johnson

"No knives. Laura, for the love of god, please don't actually kill Harmony. Treat her like she's an 8 year old girl, not a 7'2 Russian brawler. Just...tell me if she's insane. And if you two want to fight, Laura, go easy on her." Johnson finished wrapping up files and lead the two into a room. The room was dimly lit, and it had three of water, enough for them to stand in. "You know, the water's anti bleeding solution, in case you two actually decide to fight. Until then just have fun swimming around for two hours or so." Johnson ran a metal detector along Harmony and Laura. He then removed all of their knives and weapons and shoved them into the room, closing the heavy metal door.


"Warm..." Laura lifted a handful of water and put it down. She looked around the room and saw Harmony. "They all think you're insane, huh?" Laura swam towards Harmony and sighed. "I know that feeling too. Do you want to talk or something?"

@Yappi (I'm great at making terrible situations you can thank me later)

"I don't know... People call me insane because I did this" she says pulling out a photo where I disemboweled a man, he was EXTREAMLY brutally tortured. Then there was a tape from a police station, Let's just say a eggplant was involved.

"Also I killed Donald Trump and got away"
Akira watches on the LCD screen on F.A.I.E.'s chest to make sure it was working correctly, though frowns as no search results come up. "F.A.I.E. keep current search parameters in background search." she says.

F.A.I.E. emits a low chime, and her robotic voice says "Background search parameters saved."

Akira looks back to Annie, and smiles. "F.A.I.E. will search other sites to see if she can find that name. Though, Sky does have a good idea. If you can remember the name of someone who was close you your father, or even another family member, like an aunt or uncle, we may be able to find them, and then they can find your father."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Thomas swung his arms up and grabbed the top bunk, pulling himself up. "What's wrong? You've been in great pain for quite some time and it's making me nervous," he said frowning before going back down.

Paige heard the conversation "What did you guys go through? Whatever it was doesn't sound very pleasant," she said shaking at the thought of her going through there situation.


Ann shook her head "Dad and I lived on a farm miles away from the city. We went out but dad never had friends to talk to. He said most either died or had left. Dad told stories about them but always kept there names hidden." She frowned as she thought about her not having any friends and only the animals to talk to.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Laura jumped back and fell into the water. She then surfaced and spit some water, staring wide-eyed at the picture. "Did you seriously do that with the eggplant?!" Laura started laughing, something she hadn't done in a long time. "You remember Sarah Palin, right?" Laura pulled out a wet picture. The picture had Sarah Palin with a piranha in certain areas. There was also every cavity of her body filled with hydrogen peroxide. "I had fun."



"Igor...he hit me with a metal bat. This is why I always try to be the best I can. Normally he's okay with 3 minute 5 second times, but for some reason today he was especially upset with me. Just a little upset though." Tristin lay down, stretching out. On closer look, her stomach showed three wounds. One from the bat, which was sort of bleeding, and two other bruises. "I'm...uh...I'm fine."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira listens to Annie's explanation with a troubled look on her face. The more she heard, the more she thought that this girl's dad might have been involved in something fishy. Of course, she wasn't going to just say that. "Well, then we'll just have F.A.I.E. keep running the search for his name, and maybe she'll find him. Until then, though, I guess you're stuck in this city. We'll have to find you a place to stay.... hmm..." Akira's voice trailed off as she tries to think of a solution to that particular problem.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Laura jumped back and fell into the water. She then surfaced and spit some water, staring wide-eyed at the picture. "Did you seriously do that with the eggplant?!" Laura started laughing, something she hadn't done in a long time. "You remember Sarah Palin, right?" Laura pulled out a wet picture. The picture had Sarah Palin with a piranha in certain areas. There was also every cavity of her body filled with hydrogen peroxide. "I had fun."



"Igor...he hit me with a metal bat. This is why I always try to be the best I can. Normally he's okay with 3 minute 5 second times, but for some reason today he was especially upset with me. Just a little upset though." Tristin lay down, stretching out. On closer look, her stomach showed three wounds. One from the bat, which was sort of bleeding, and two other bruises. "I'm...uh...I'm fine."

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Oh trust me that was small compared to what's in my ba- never mind" she listens closely "Ha, she deserved it!" She yells smiling happily "your fun"
Ann nodded "Ok! Just don't put me in a orphanage, I'd like to not rot in one of those old people homes for young people." She said and shivered at the thought of being taken into a stranger place with other kids who lost there parents.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Thomas frowned as he swung himself back up "We both know you aren't. You look like a bruised bandanna," he said ripping the sleeve of his costume off and putting it on the wound that was bleeding.

@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX

Ann shook her head "Dad and I lived on a farm miles away from the city. We went out but dad never had friends to talk to. He said most either died or had left. Dad told stories about them but always kept there names hidden." She frowned as she thought about her not having any friends and only the animals to talk to.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
"Hmm...," Sky says to himself as he thinks about the girls problem. Finding someone without any leads is extremely difficult. Of course... there was a way for her to get a lead. "I have an idea. Have you tried a DNA test? You can match that with your dad via a database and they could probably help you from there."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Laura splashed water at Harmony, laughing. "Oh yeah. I can't see why you're insane, you're perfect." Laura dove under the water and popped up next to Harmony. "Boo!" She splashed more water, still laughing. "We should do this together some time but for now let's just have fun in here."



Tristin nodded to Thomas.
"Thanks. A lot. Even though I'm sort of used to this stuff, I'm really happy you care. I mean, you guys live here now and you all are the best thing that ever happened to me." Tristin leaned against Thomas and wrapped her arms around him, just holding him and closing her eyes, smiling softly. "I wish that I was the best thing that ever happened to you."

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Laura splashed water at Harmony, laughing. "Oh yeah. I can't see why you're insane, you're perfect." Laura dove under the water and popped up next to Harmony. "Boo!" She splashed more water, still laughing. "We should do this together some time but for now let's just have fun in here."



Tristin nodded to Thomas.
"Thanks. A lot. Even though I'm sort of used to this stuff, I'm really happy you care. I mean, you guys live here now and you all are the best thing that ever happened to me." Tristin leaned against Thomas and wrapped her arms around him, just holding him and closing her eyes, smiling softly. "I wish that I was the best thing that ever happened to you."

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Yea! This is so much fun" she says as the doc would most likely be looking through her stuff... There was some disturbing shit in there
Akira bites the inside of her lip at Annie's request. Where else besides an orphanage could she take this girl? Akira couldn't think of any place, so for now she did not say anything on the subject. She looks to Sky when he starts talking about DNA testing. "That might be an idea. We'll have to search out places around here that do that, unless you happen to know of one."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX
"Hmm... I'm sure you can go to a hospital or one of those special medical centers. That or TEST but... I don't think TEST would help." He thinks back to Igor and how he just pointed a gun at him. Then he thinks to the prank phone caller. If he thinks about it Johnny was the only guy he found to be alright despite being drunk. A drunk guy was favored over two others... TEST needs to fix that.

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas turned a bit red put hid it with his hat "W-Well, you could say that. I-I feel comfortable around you, the circus is nice but....I like this a bit more," he said wrapping a hand around Tristin.

Paige got up and poked her head to the top bunk "Won't you two kiss already! I want this to happen! Don't make me sit here in agon-" she was stopped by Thomas using his cane to shove her off and onto the floor.


Ann shook her head "Maybe...hang on! I found this in our basement, maybe it will help," she said taking out a piece of a newspaper. "Unknown man takes down Brutimus Maximus in fight, fast as lighting and seemed to somehow replicate. Unknown man left..." she trialed off as the newspaper went into a description that fit the picture.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Ann shook her head "Maybe...hang on! I found this in our basement, maybe it will help," she said taking out a piece of a newspaper. "Unknown man takes down Brutimus Maximus in fight, fast as lighting and seemed to somehow replicate. Unknown man left..." she trialed off as the newspaper went into a description that fit the picture.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
"Brutimus Maximus? What kind of name is that? More like gluteous maximus. Heh," he chuckles a little then goes back on topic. "In any case, we can use this as a basis for the DNA test. Compare images yeah?"

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock

"You're not insane." Laura swam up to Harmony and dunked her in the water before pulling her up and laughing. "You're actually kind of small and cute. You remind me of a koala or something. Sloth? A little sloth maybe." Laura giggled and threw more water at her.


Dr. Johnson

"What the hell?! Knives?! Photos?! This girl even has a STEEL VIBRATOR! IT EVEN HAS SPIKES!" Dr. Johnson put the magnet next to the vibrator. "WHY IS THIS EVEN MAGNETIC?! AND IS THAT BARBED WIRE?!?!" Dr. Johnson continued rummaging until he found the worst thing ever. "Seriously. She was using a rabbit...what the hell..."


Tristin rolled her eyes.
"Right, because when you're wearing a bleached white bra and underwear the only thing you can do is kiss the nearest boy." Tristin laughed and looked at Paige, then to Thomas. "I think we should be friends. Not that friends are anything less than a relationship. I never really understood friends or relationships. Dr. Vasiliev was weird about it."

A five-year-old Tristin scampered up to Igor's office and walked in. There were some other kids in there. "Igor, what is love?" One kid asked Igor what love is. Igor gave a dreamy answer with his buff Russian voice. "Love is most powerful force in universe, even more powerful than gravity. It holds two people together." The kid nodded and walked away. Tristin looked up and down and smiled at Igor. "Igor what's a penis?!" Igor just stood there with his mouth open. "Okay visiting hours are over young missy!"

"Very weird about it."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas nodded before swinging back down and onto the other bed. He looked up at the ceiling "Papa wasn't good at telling it. His explanation was well..."

"Love is weird. It something that two people kiss and talk....then they have sex. The sex part is best part," he said before drinking his whiskey. "So what's sex?" the young wide eyed Thomas had asked. After there discussion he walked out "Goodbye child," Thomas said going back to his bed and looking up at the sky.

Paige saw Thomas's expression "At least he could explain it to you.....never ask a strong MAN how woman work." She said shivering and going back to sitting on the floor, feeling like she wanted to bleach her brain.


Laura was a bit taken aback by the hug, but she felt something else. "I..I want to try something." Laura swam in front of Harmony and looked at her face, putting a hand on it. "Are you alright with it?"


Dr. Johnson

"It's NINE INCHES!" Johnson stood up and put a hand on his head. "Oh my god...this is Ringmaster Tristin Winters all over again...oh god...oh my f---ing God...this girl's insane..." Johnson spun the phone dial, calling the prison that executed Ringmaster.


"I mean, sex is pretty easy to understand. I did find out what a penis is when I was five." Tristin smiled, before realizing she didn't explain the story. "Anyways, you look like you need something to bleach your eyes with." Tristin nonchalantly pulled off the bleached white top and threw it at Paige. She quickly realized what she did. She yelped and froze for a second before covering herself, curling up against the wall behind the bed. "Please don't wear that. Or...wring my sweat out. I can't have more scorch marks on the floor." Tristin's sweat didn't really smell terrible, but the only problem was that it was hot. Like, almost boiling water hot. That was going to hurt...if Paige felt pain.

@Shammy the Shamrock (Fun fact me irl found out what a penis was when I was 4. I didn't understand until I was 6 though)
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JPax42 said:
Laura was a bit taken aback by the hug, but she felt something else. "I..I want to try something." Laura swam in front of Harmony and looked at her face, putting a hand on it. "Are you alright with it?"


Dr. Johnson

"It's NINE INCHES!" Johnson stood up and put a hand on his head. "Oh my god...this is Ringmaster Tristin Winters all over again...oh god...oh my f---ing God...this girl's insane..." Johnson spun the phone dial, calling the prison that executed Ringmaster.


"I mean, sex is pretty easy to understand. I did find out what a penis is when I was five." Tristin smiled, before realizing she didn't explain the story. "Anyways, you look like you need something to bleach your eyes with." Tristin nonchalantly pulled off the bleached white top and threw it at Paige. She quickly realized what she did. She yelped and froze for a second before covering herself, curling up against the wall behind the bed. "Please don't wear that. Or...wring my sweat out. I can't have more scorch marks on the floor." Tristin's sweat didn't really smell terrible, but the only problem was that it was hot. Like, almost boiling water hot. That was going to hurt...if Paige felt pain.

@Shammy the Shamrock (Fun fact me irl found out what a penis was when I was 4. I didn't understand until I was 6 though)
(Pansy, I figured out what anal beads were at 3.... I never walked through a unlocked door again)


"What is it" she says stroking her face

Laura went up to her and pulled Harmony under water with her, quickly kissing her on the mouth and staying under the water, smiling at her. She didn't say anything as she kissed her again.

@Yappi (When kinky murderer children are shipped. Also...I don't want to know that story. Hey wanna hear a really interesting story about my fir-NO BAD! YOU DON'T TELL EVERYONE THAT STORY!)
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JPax42 said:
Laura went up to her and pulled Harmony under water with her, quickly kissing her on the mouth and staying under the water, smiling at her. She didn't say anything as she kissed her again.

@Yappi (When kinky murderer children are shipped. Also...I don't want to know that story. Hey wanna hear a really interesting story about my fir-NO BAD! YOU DON'T TELL EVERYONE THAT STORY!)
Harmony follows along, the water not quite filling her lungs. She has been in a lot of pleasure but love is not one. A burning sensation is in her chest as she feels a unusual feeling. She gets more fierce as time goes on. All of this visible to the doctor as he calls the prison

(Can you do the executioners prison xD

Laura feels the burning as well, and she quickly recognizes it as pain from asphyxiation. She continued kissing Harmony before surfacing, breathing hard and looked at her eyes. "How did you feel?"

Dr. Johnson

"What the hell...they just made out underwater...the fuck...they're KIDS...oh my god...Ringmaster..." Johnson finished talking. "Hello, executioners talking. What...OH MY GOD...THEY'RE DOING IT LIKE THE RINGMASTER? OH HELL NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO EXECUTE THEM!" The executioners screamed and a voice was heard in the back of the phone. "Light up the station, we're going out of business."

Throughout Lithium, an explosion was heard. The police station was completely detonated at the mention of Tristin Winters.


"What was that?" Laura took a break from her, still stroking Harmony's hair though. "That was loud."

@Yappi (How did I do for the executioners xD )
JPax42 said:
Laura feels the burning as well, and she quickly recognizes it as pain from asphyxiation. She continued kissing Harmony before surfacing, breathing hard and looked at her eyes. "How did you feel?"

Dr. Johnson

"What the hell...they just made out underwater...the fuck...they're KIDS...oh my god...Ringmaster..." Johnson finished talking. "Hello, executioners talking. What...OH MY GOD...THEY'RE DOING IT LIKE THE RINGMASTER? OH HELL NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO EXECUTE THEM!" The executioners screamed and a voice was heard in the back of the phone. "Light up the station, we're going out of business."

Throughout Lithium, an explosion was heard. The police station was completely detonated at the mention of Tristin Winters.


"What was that?" Laura took a break from her, still stroking Harmony's hair though. "That was loud."

@Yappi (How did I do for the executioners xD )

She takes a deep breath, hearing the explosion she turns "a explosion" she says turning back "Who cares" she says as Johny goes Into the doctors office

Johny sees the sexual items "JESUS DOC AJ WTF... Oh OK there not yours. OK well what's the deal with Harmony?"
Dr. Johnson

"Follow me. I'm going to show you exactly where they are. She's insane. They both are." Dr Johnson was about to walk back to the chamber where he put the two in.


"Harmony, someone's coming. Hold your breath." Laura held Harmony away from the door and took a deep breath, going under as soon as AJ walked to point out where they were.

Dr. Johnson

"They're right in there. See for yourself." Since the insanity room was very dark, neither Johnny nor AJ would see anyone in there.


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