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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Dr. Sokolov (NPC)
"Khyello Harmyony! I am Doctor Sokolov. What seems to be the issues?" Sokolov walked in and was holding a clip board. "You need medicine for psychosis, PTSD, and you need therapy."



Tristin closely followed Thomas and ended up finishing two seconds after him. She was breathing heavily and as she wiped sweat from her forehead.
"Three minutes...two seconds...fuck my life."


"Good job Thomas. Tristin...two seconds over three minutes. That means two punches. Anyways, proceed to next room. I will have to examine you both."

Igor walked to the next room and opened the door, beckoning the two to come inside. Various needles and devices and scanners lay on the table.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"I was forced into here... WHERES MY BAG" the bag was provided to the doc to assist in his study. The room was meant to bring out insanity. So he could study it and figure out have to treat but that was optional. He could figure it would by talking to a manipulative 8 year old and looking into her bag.
Dr. Sokolov

Sokolov opened the bag and stared. "Why do you keep these stuff in your bag?" Sokolov threw the knives aside like it was nothing, but finally pulled out a questionable purple object. "What's this for? You're insane."

Yappi said:
"Your only saying that because I taste better" she giggled, munching into the deep warn taste of the man of the arm. It tasted so good I could never stop... Not since I was 9.
"Maybe... let me see," he then licks Chaos's neck and likes what he tastes. "Yeah you definitely taste better." He then just rests up as he takes off his pants.

Thomas nodded as slowly went over, his eyes showed fear as he saw the needles. "S-So what are you going to do?" he said as his face went pale. He hated the sight of needles and felt like passing out.


(Need to go for a few minutes :) )
JPax42 said:
Dr. Sokolov
Sokolov opened the bag and stared. "Why do you keep these stuff in your bag?" Sokolov threw the knives aside like it was nothing, but finally pulled out a questionable purple object. "What's this for? You're insane."


"Well they feel nice" she says blushing hard.

YoungX said:
"Maybe... let me see," he then licks Chaos's neck and likes what he tastes. "Yeah you definitely taste better." He then just rests up as he takes off his pants.
Chaos giggles and slowly starts to rest
Yappi said:
"Well they feel nice" she says blushing hard.

Chaos giggles and slowly starts to rest
Sabertooth decides to use a computer located on his suit to see how the city is doing. Plenty of interesting individuals as well as the mention of TEST. "Heh. Idiots... they don't know the real TEST. The TEST I know...," he then rests up and thinks about the Human Genetic Enhancement Project.

"First you two get some basic tests." Igor ran some tests on both of them. "Thomas, you're all good to go. Tristin, private room."


Tristin pushed the camera away. "You guys don't want to see this." Tristin closed her eyes and two flesh impact noises were heard, followed by Tristin screaming and flying through the door, landing in front of Thomas. Tristin groaned turned, clutching her stomach. There was blood and a bruise in the area. Igor stepped out and walked away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Dr. Sokolov

"Well then I will confiscate it." Sokolov put it between his legs and hovered over it. He then did a swift thrusting motion while sitting, and a rip of pants was heard. Sokolov shouted slightly, then slightly moaned. "You won't be getting it back. You're free to go anyways." Sokolov handed Harmony medication for PTSD and psychosis and showed her out the door.

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Akira would watch Sky for his response to Annie's picture. Based on what Annie told her earlier, she thought that it was likely that you wouldn't be able to find him in this city, since Annie was the one who technically went missing. "I can have F.A.I.E. scan the picture once you are done, and we can post it online. That should get the word out quick. Oh, and we'll need to take a picture of you too, Annie, in case your dad sees it. Hmm. Maybe we should get you cleaned up first though."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"First you two get some basic tests." Igor ran some tests on both of them. "Thomas, you're all good to go. Tristin, private room."


Tristin pushed the camera away. "You guys don't want to see this." Tristin closed her eyes and two flesh impact noises were heard, followed by Tristin screaming and flying through the door, landing in front of Thomas. Tristin groaned turned, clutching her stomach. There was blood and a bruise in the area. Igor stepped out and walked away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Dr. Sokolov

"Well then I will confiscate it." Sokolov put it between his legs and hovered over it. He then did a swift thrusting motion while sitting, and a rip of pants was heard. Sokolov shouted slightly, then slightly moaned. "You won't be getting it back. You're free to go anyways." Sokolov handed Harmony medication for PTSD and psychosis and showed her out the door.

Sokolov would be fired for confiscating prison items and using them himself and directly disobeying orders of therapy and would be replaced with a doctor that had the name of 'A'nthony 'J'ordan. Harmony looks at him tilting her head.
"Well... I'm not familiar with the guy. Sorry about that," he said as he continues to eat. Then he decides to strike up a conversation. "So if you two ever need a guy just call me up. We can discuss compensation later " he says as he continues eating. "Oh and if your wondering the suit I'm wearing is myour mercenary suit."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock

"What do you mean I have to go to therapy?!" Laura pouted as she was handcuffed and transferred to the therapy room with Harmony. The handcuffs were removed and she ignored Harmony, turning directly to the therapist. "Angry guard man sent me here. I don't need therapy." Laura twirled a knife between her fingers and put her feet on the desk.

Dr. Johnson

"Hiya. Welcome to therapy. Both of you." This doctor was straightforward and put the charts down.

@Yappi (Assuming you wanted me to do him)
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JPax42 said:
"What do you mean I have to go to therapy?!" Laura pouted as she was handcuffed and transferred to the therapy room with Harmony. The handcuffs were removed and she ignored Harmony, turning directly to the therapist. "Angry guard man sent me here. I don't need therapy." Laura twirled a knife between her fingers and put her feet on the desk.

Dr. Johnson

"Hiya. Welcome to therapy. Both of you." This doctor was straightforward and put the charts down.

@Yappi (Assuming you wanted me to do him)

I sit next to Laura, taking a knife out of my boot "I know.... But I was sent here by a man names Johny"
Thomas jumped at the sound and picked Tristin up, helping her to her feet. "What happened!?!? That didn't sound pleasant," he said with a nervous look on his face, he looked up at the door she came from.


Annie thought about it "The internet! Daddy had a computer that knew everything, maybe we can find something and if I search his name we could find something about him," she said looking around for anything that had the internet.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Tristin stood up, groaning. She pulled away from Thomas. "It's alright. Sorry Dr. Vasiliev!" Tristin turned and began to walk out, the sterile of the lab environment immediately patching up her wounds. However, the pain didn't go. "It's...normal stuff. It's when I underperform." Tristin stepped out and walked into the main floor, still wearing sterile underwear. "Let's go check on Paige." Tristin opened her cell door and went inside, waiting for Thomas. "Hi Paige."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Cool, I was sent here...by..." Laura checked her referral list. "Doctor Vasiliev, Doctor Sokolov...and...Tristin?!" Laura grumbled and sat back in the chair.

Dr. Johnson

"Okay, clearly one of you is going to take a really long time. Harmony, you first. So it says here you killed like, forty people. Are you alright in the head? Like, you're insane." Johnson pulled out a clipboard and began taking notes. "For that, we're going to run some tests on both of you kids."

JPax42 said:
Tristin stood up, groaning. She pulled away from Thomas. "It's alright. Sorry Dr. Vasiliev!" Tristin turned and began to walk out, the sterile of the lab environment immediately patching up her wounds. However, the pain didn't go. "It's...normal stuff. It's when I underperform." Tristin stepped out and walked into the main floor, still wearing sterile underwear. "Let's go check on Paige." Tristin opened her cell door and went inside, waiting for Thomas. "Hi Paige."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Cool, I was sent here...by..." Laura checked her referral list. "Doctor Vasiliev, Doctor Sokolov...and...Tristin?!" Laura grumbled and sat back in the chair.

Dr. Johnson

"Okay, clearly one of you is going to take a really long time. Harmony, you first. So it says here you killed like, forty people. Are you alright in the head? Like, you're insane." Johnson pulled out a clipboard and began taking notes. "For that, we're going to run some tests on both of you kids."


"I don't... That's what what everyone says" she says holding her knife and she cuts her finger but doesn't even flinch.

Annie thought about it "The internet! Daddy had a computer that knew everything, maybe we can find something and if I search his name we could find something about him," she said looking around for anything that had the internet.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
"Well then Internet is a safe bet. Do you know what your Dad or anything? Simple stuff can help you out. It always has during my investigations as a mercenary."
Dr. Johnson

Johnson yawned. "We get like...a million cases like this a year. You're just denying that you're insane. What can I do to prove that you're not insane?" Johnson began writing stuff down.


Laura lazily lifted a hand.
"Maybe we just prove that by locking her in a room with me for two hours. If she's dead, then I killed her because she's insane. If she's alive, then she's not insane. Simple as that." Laura spun the knife and smiled, putting it back. Laura was the one patient who managed to drive every single doctor she met insane, save for Vasiliev. She was the one tested, yet the doctors needed therapy.

Dr. Johnson

"Uhm...Harmony? Any input you have on that brilliant suggestion?" Johnson hissed at Laura before turning to Harmony calmly.

Paige was in the bed, wrapped in the covers, her knife in her mouth as she read through a book. "Augh! I'm not decent!" She yelled hiding before movement was seen and she peaked her head out. "Ok, i'm good," Paige said still in the bed.

Thomas stood outside the door as he heard Paige scream "Easy, you're sharing a room now." He went over and climbed onto the top bunk hanging from the side. "I passed!" He said in excitement to Paige who high fived him then went back to reading.

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JPax42 said:
Dr. Johnson
Johnson yawned. "We get like...a million cases like this a year. You're just denying that you're insane. What can I do to prove that you're not insane?" Johnson began writing stuff down.


Laura lazily lifted a hand.
"Maybe we just prove that by locking her in a room with me for two hours. If she's dead, then I killed her because she's insane. If she's alive, then she's not insane. Simple as that." Laura spun the knife and smiled, putting it back. Laura was the one patient who managed to drive every single doctor she met insane, save for Vasiliev. She was the one tested, yet the doctors needed therapy.

Dr. Johnson

"Uhm...Harmony? Any input you have on that brilliant suggestion?" Johnson hissed at Laura before turning to Harmony calmly.


"Sure, that will prove I'm not insane" she says standing up
Akira looks a bit perplexed at the conversation topic coming from Sky. "I'll keep that in mind, though I usually do most of my work myself." she tells him, then looks to Annie, and smiles as she gets excited. "Yeah, possibly. Hey maybe we can use F.A.I.E. to find his information on a white pages website or something." Akira takes out her tablet, and starts pressing buttons with her left hand. The LCD screen on F.A.I.E.'s chest changed from a dull green screen with a heart icon, to a search page with a white background, and a "White pages" logo above it. Akira slides the tablet over to Annie, the cursor already inside the search bar, and the keyboard up. "Just type his name in there, and F.A.I.E. will bring up the results."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Akira looks over to Sky, noticing that he was watching. She smiles. "If you're curious, I could tell you a little bit more about F.A.I.E. though at this point, she's little more than an over-glorified search engine. Still a work in progress, but I've got big plans."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin half-smiled. "Everyone passes. It's just the, -hh- underperformance part." Tristin rubbed her gut and hopped onto the top bunk, wincing slightly as she sat on the bed. "I hate sterile underwear. For some reason Dr. Vasiliev-hh- doesn't like giving me clothes. At all. Also he made me pay for the cell." Tristin sighed and fell back against the bed, looking up at the ceiling and groaning where Igor hit her. "I'm...talking to two people who lived in the circus. I guess I'm still fortunate to the public." Tristin was still grimacing when pain happened. Igor had hit her hard enough to send her through an iron door.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Dr. Johnson

"No knives. Laura, for the love of god, please don't actually kill Harmony. Treat her like she's an 8 year old girl, not a 7'2 Russian brawler. Just...tell me if she's insane. And if you two want to fight, Laura, go easy on her." Johnson finished wrapping up files and lead the two into a room. The room was dimly lit, and it had three of water, enough for them to stand in. "You know, the water's anti bleeding solution, in case you two actually decide to fight. Until then just have fun swimming around for two hours or so." Johnson ran a metal detector along Harmony and Laura. He then removed all of their knives and weapons and shoved them into the room, closing the heavy metal door.


"Warm..." Laura lifted a handful of water and put it down. She looked around the room and saw Harmony. "They all think you're insane, huh?" Laura swam towards Harmony and sighed. "I know that feeling too. Do you want to talk or something?"

@Yappi (I'm great at making terrible situations you can thank me later)
Annie nodded as she typed in his name "Threat Muenir," she said out loud as she typed his name in. "Alright let's see what we ge-" she was stopped since it showed nothing about her father. No man had his name and when she found a picture, they looked nothing like him.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
"Wake up." A familiar, feminine voice.

"Wake the FUCK up," it repeated. She didn't obey, but could feel goosebumps rise on her skin. What was going to happen this time?

Valentina sat up abruptly, expecting to be drenched in water, or something. She wasn't, but she was kind of sweaty. In her drowsy state, she looked around, not seeing many people—including the guy she came in with. Had that encounter even happen? She slowly zipped open her bag and saw the gun. So it did happen.

"Wonder how long I've been out," she mumbled to herself.

(open for interaction)
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