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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Dr. Johnson
"Follow me. I'm going to show you exactly where they are. She's insane. They both are." Dr Johnson was about to walk back to the chamber where he put the two in.


"Harmony, someone's coming. Hold your breath." Laura held Harmony away from the door and took a deep breath, going under as soon as AJ walked to point out where they were.

Dr. Johnson

"They're right in there. See for yourself." Since the insanity room was very dark, neither Johnny nor AJ would see anyone in there.


"I don't see them.... I'll get a flashlight"

Harmony would be deep underwater, holding her breath tight

Johny came in with a industrial light and saw Harmony and Laura "OK you 2 can come out" Harmony doesn't surface until she is nearly drowned

Bubbles appeared on the surface from where Laura's mouth was and she got out of the water, holding Harmony and gasping. "Y-You found us...are you going to lock us up?" Laura lay back in the water and pulled Harmony out, then got out. She shook the water off of her and started doing CPR on Harmony.

Dr. Johnson

"They're insane? Nah I think they just love each other." Dr. Johnson looked at Johnny. "I own a tequila cellar. Want it?"

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JPax42 said:
Bubbles appeared on the surface from where Laura's mouth was and she got out of the water, holding Harmony and gasping. "Y-You found us...are you going to lock us up?" Laura lay back in the water and pulled Harmony out, then got out. She shook the water off of her and started doing CPR on Harmony.

Dr. Johnson

"They're insane? Nah I think they just love each other." Dr. Johnson looked at Johnny. "I own a tequila cellar. Want it?"


"Jesus Christ are you gullible are retarded I can't see the difference" he says going up to the kid "She had 6 different sex toys, 8 knives and a serial killer not to mention she can take- never mind you call her as bad as the Ringmaster which I would not disagree. Then just call it love, what they call love is just a chemical compulsion to breed" he says calling the actual executioners... They grunt and 2 hours later they walk into the facility Harmony would later cough up water and sit up trying to recover.
Akira tenses at the idea of taking Annie to TEST to run DNA testing. "Yeah, did I mention I don't trust TEST as far as I could throw them? Heck no," she says in a slightly irritated voice, then looks over at the newspaper Annie pulled out. "Wait, are one of those men your father? If not, we can hardly use that when looking for DNA matches, but assuming this newspaper is from a city near your farm, we might be able to find the general area where we could find your dad....... Oh, you know, I should've asked you before, but do you know your address?" Akira figured that, at this point, if Annie knew her address, she probably would have said it, but it didn't hurt to ask, right?

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Yappi said:
"Jesus Christ are you gullible are retarded I can't see the difference" he says going up to the kid "She had 6 different sex toys, 8 knives and a serial killer not to mention she can take- never mind you call her as bad as the Ringmaster which I would not disagree. Then just call it love, what they call love is just a chemical compulsion to breed" he says calling the actual executioners... They grunt and 2 hours later they walk into the facility Harmony would later cough up water and sit up trying to recover.

Laura pulled Harmony to a safe area and held her tight. "Harmony I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Laura held onto her and almost started to cry. She was feeling terrible for what she made her do.

JPax42 said:
Laura pulled Harmony to a safe area and held her tight. "Harmony I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Laura held onto her and almost started to cry. She was feeling terrible for what she made her do.


"Yea I'm OK" she sighs hugging her tight

(You want to do the actual executioner's?)


"Huh no response, thats what I thought"

"Good call Harmony." Laura hugged her tight and held on there while two executioners appeared behind Laura. They grabbed Laura by the neck. Laura tried to hit one of the guards in the nuts, who was knocked back by the hit, but the other one was still holding onto her neck. "H-Harmony...k-knife!"

JPax42 said:
"Good call Harmony." Laura hugged her tight and held on there while two executioners appeared behind Laura. They grabbed Laura by the neck. Laura tried to hit one of the guards in the nuts, who was knocked back by the hit, but the other one was still holding onto her neck. "H-Harmony...k-knife!"

Harmony would throw a knife smack into the man's neck, leaping on the other man with a shiv

Laura stepped away from the executioners and raised her hands. The executioners tried to stand up but couldn't, but Laura herself had collapsed on the ground. "Sick 'em and be careful!"

JPax42 said:
Laura stepped away from the executioners and raised her hands. The executioners tried to stand up but couldn't, but Laura herself had collapsed on the ground. "Sick 'em and be careful!"

Harmony had been sedated by Johny whilst 3 executioners grabbed Laura. They injected her with tranq. The man who assassinated the Ringmaster would approach Dr.Johnson
Ann tilted her head "We lived near a demolished city and my father told me and address but that was lost after the performers kept yelling orders until most old memories faded. What's TEST? I never heard of them, maybe they could help," she said with a determined look on her face.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Paige looked up as she didn't feel the pain "Why are you so scared? You got it on my clothes!!!! I liked this dress," she said somewhat agitated before calming down. "It's okay, I'm fine," she said with an soft smile.

Thomas saw his sister and beaked out from the bottom bunk "She can't feel pain. You could stab her twenty times in the stomach and she won't feel a thing. I don't know how she can but it is somewhat incredible," he said going back under.

Akira nods. "I know a thing or two about that. I'd be happy to spill all the secrets I know, just not here. Maybe once we're all done with our food, we can go back to my van. I'll run a full search on that newspaper, put the word out that we're looking for this guy, and gladly spill a few secrets." Akira smiles at Sky, then turns to look over at Annie. "If you want, you can stay with me while we get this sorted out, but I have to warn ya, I actually live in my van, so it's not like I have a lot of space."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

"Laura...down." Laura passed out on top of Harmony and was dragged away with her.

Dr. Johnson

"Good work, am I right guys? I'm a great doctor...hehehe...I LOVE KIDS." Johnson nervously backed up until he bumped into Igor. He put a hand back and immediately started feeling Igor's crotch. "Ooh...someone's got a nice solid di-WAUGH!"


Igor grabbed Johnson by the arm with his own powerful Russian grip and hurled him out through the hallway.
"That should take care of phony doctor." Igor laughed and pulled out a vodka bottle. "Drinks on me guys." Igor would then lead the executioners to his office and began pouring drinks. "JOHNNY! COME JOIN US!"



Tristin frowned. "Thomas whatever you do...do not touch that bra. Seriously, unless you want to burn yourself..." Tristin's stern look soon became slightly happier. She then scooted up to the edge of the bed, still covering her breasts with one arm. "Well, this isn't awkward at all. So, what have you guys done with your life so far?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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"We've been a circus for most of our young lives. No parents, no family. nothing. We found the circus and became a part of it, the ringmaster there is-She passed away a few months back. We keep her name but she's gone. We decided to go out and well we came here," Thomas said realizing it was probably not what she wanted to hear and stopped.

Paige sighed "Not much to our lives, if anything there quite dull compared to what we have seen you do. You could say our lives are pretty much eh," she said sitting down on the bottom bunk, looking down and staying away from Tristin's bra.


Ann smiled "It's fine, anything is better than the streets. At least in a van I won't have to fight over food," she said finishing her food and waiting for the rest to finish.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali

Tristin shrugged and looked down. "Oh, well, at least you guys are living with me now." Tristin hopped down, still covering herself with one arm. She lifted up the bra, which immediately started making a sizzling noise. "Hot hot hot hot!!" Tristin ran to the window and flung it outside. Immediately, an explosion lit up the room, followed by a loud roar. "Sorry Hugo!" Tristin was a weird girl. There is no way to react to a fifteen year old flinging her bra out the window, causing an explosion, then standing there half naked and apologizing to a twelve foot tall panda.


Hugo was munching on a bale of bamboo when suddenly a bleached white bra flew through the air. Hugo watched it and saw the sweat dripping from it. He grumbled and stepped back when some of Tristin's sweat drops created a small brush fire. The fire quickly spread to a power reserve generator and blew it up.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas got up and looked down "What don't you have here? Next you're going to tell me that you have a sperm whale," he said walking away from the window and back on the bed.

Paige heard the nose and ran to the window "You have a panda! I want to see it! We use to have a panda at the circus, we had to put it down after the lion bite it's neck off," she said frowning remembering how she had to put her down.


"I'm going to put a shirt on before anyone decides to touch m-" A large paw came through the window and wrapped around Tristin lovingly. "Oh boy..."


A twelve foot tall panda climbed up the building and squeezed through the window, growling. He was hunched over in the room since he was so huge, but he was holding Tristin. He grumbled loudly while holding her in his paws.


Tristin had completely lost all hope of covering herself. At least the panda was doing it for her.
"Hugo, don't move your left arm. Also, Hugo, these people are nice. That there is Paige, and there's Thomas. I'd like you to meet them."


Hugo mumbled something and held a giant paw out for Thomas and Paige to shake. His paw was huge enough for both of them to hold at the same time. With the other arm he was covering Tristin and holding her in his lap against his ginormous belly.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Thomas shook the giant creatures hand "Uh....hi. So TEST has a panda, anything else I should know about," he said with a nervous laugh.

Paige's eyes light up "Panda! I haven't seen one in such a long time," she said shaking the pandas hand. "You're so big and adorable," she felt his paw before finally pulling away.

Akira finishes her food, thinking for a moment about how to answer Annie's question about TEST without possibly scaring the kid. "About TEST... they're a bunch of scientists who say their good guys, but some of their experiments.... er.... hurt people. And they don't really care that they hurt people, so they're not really the good guys they claim to be." Well, that was a vague explanation, but Akira was unsure of how much she should really say to a child... or in public for that matter. Sure, when she stole some info on TEST, she'd leak it on the Internet, but that is always under an alias. No one actually knows who has been stealing information... not to mention that she hadn't managed to get anything incredibly incriminating just yet, other than the rumors of genetic experiments. "Anyways, if you two are finished, we can just go ahead and pay, then head back to my van." she says as she stands from her seat.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

"We also have the cure to twelve kinds of cancer but some idiot broke in here and ate it all. Doctor Starling or something. He just dropped in and ate ALL THE BOTTLES!" Tristin grumbled and hopped away from Hugo. She then went outside to get a new shirt from Igor. When she walked out, a whistling noise was heard. Tristin's shouts followed, and a guy flew past the door, falling on his face and scrambling away. Tristin shouted back. "Pervert!"


Hugo grumbled and opened his mouth. He actually managed to speak.
"Panda..." Hugo immediately wrapped Paige and Thomas into a hug. His gigantic belly jiggled slightly and felt like a jello pillow. However, Hugo knew that he could make himself as hard as a rock if he had to.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Paige tried to wrap her hands around the panda and nuzzle her head against Hugo's belly. "I love this! Best pillow I've ever had," she said curling up and refusing to let go of him.

Thomas was surprised but curled up around the soft creature. He yawned as he took a quick nap, a faint smile on his face as he leaned against Hugo.


Ann frowned "Oh....paying, I left my wallet and," she trailed off before tipping a glass over and running outside. "Purge rules!" She yelled sprinting before hiding behind a lamp pole outside.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
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