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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Akira stumbles a bit as the girl clings onto her leg, and stops for a moment. F.A.I.E. kept walking until she was at the window of the restaurant that they were headed, and was then out of range, so she stopped, and started emitting a low dinging noise that sounded like a car when you open the driver's side door with the keys still in the ignition. Akira reaches down, trying to pick up the girl with her robotic arm, which was gloved and covered with her sleeve. As she does, she looks at the picture. "No, I haven't, but I can help you look. We can have F.A.I.E. scan that picture and show it off to more people."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Ann sighed "We were in the country then-....I was taken away by bad men. I don't know how long it's been since I saw him," she said before her brown eyes turned to bright blue to match the picture. She went limp in the girls arm, looking at her black tattered dress.

@Crystal Cali
Akira sighs, watching the girl out of the corner of her eye as she would continue to walk down the street, seeing where F.A.I.E. had stopped. Once Akira was within range again, the robot's beeping stopped. It had gotten a few stares of people passing by, but not much other than that. "I see, that must be scary. You don't have to worry anymore, though. I'll do my best to get you back to your dad, and you can stay with me and F.A.I.E. until we find him, kay?" she says as she walks into the restaurant. She turns the corner as the waitress was going to show them to their seats, and notices the guy in the suit. Akira stops, staring at him for a moment. "And, I suddenly feel under dressed," she comments, glancing to the other people in the restaurant, and noticing that literally everyone else was dressed normally. "Or, that guy's overdressed," Akira shrugs. "Whatever."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
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"I haven't had been with people in a while, sure!" She said before hearing the comment about dressing "I'm wearing rags right now, I'm under dressed. This one time me and dad went to a fancy restaurant and," she kept talking about her story, she was talking so only a few words could be made out "Cow""Mary""Drunks""Ninja's" were a few. Ann jumped off Akira and went to her seat, waiting for the two

@Crystal Cali

"I guess we can check out for a while." Tristin walked out and out into Lithium. "Lithium's a huge city. I hope we don't get lost so I'm going to remember this spot. Besides, TEST is really big." Tristin smiled and began walking, hands in her pockets. She no way of concealing her guns except for two options. She could've always walked unarmed. Nope.

@Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
"Is that so? You know I could also kill you but... I won't. In fact... maybe we can relish in our troubles," he would see her and grinned. "You look like my type anyhow. Too bad you can't come over here.... I can be a real animal." He emitted a low snarl similar to an actual Sabertooth tiger.
@Yappi (The killer shipping.)

"Well I could try" she says standing up going to the door pill out a small explosive device

Harmony would have just woke up
A sleek black car with blank tinted windows rolled through the streets, on it's way to the more affluent sections of the city. Inside sat a father and his daughter, with a large space between them, as if they were acquaintances or perhaps mere business associates. Father counted the fat stack of money in his hands. Daughter stared at the window she couldn't actually see out of. She slowly started to reach for the button to roll down the window.

"Don't you dare, missy," came her father's stern voice. Her hand hovered in the air before settling back on her lap.

"Whatever," she mumbled, wishing she had the strength to fling the old man right out the car.

"You should get out."

"Huh?" The girl sounded alarmed.

"Hah, you heard me. Get out. I'll send a chauffeur round to come get you later. Now get outta my car, girl." As those words left his mouth, the car came to a stop. The man grabbed an umbrella from under the seats and opened it around himself. A minute later, and the girl stood on the sidewalk, watching her father's vehicle drive away.

(open for interaction)

A large man was standing across the street. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand, which was half finished. "It looks of you never been to this part of Lithium. Do you speak English or are you foreign like me?" Igor's 'Russianness' was even more apparent since he was intoxicated, but a 7 foot tall man like him need not worry about too much alcohol. He walked across the street. "Young women like you shouldn't be walking around on their own." Igor crossed his large arms and stood there, drinking.

JPax42 said:
A large man was standing across the street. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand, which was half finished. "It looks of you never been to this part of Lithium. Do you speak English or are you foreign like me?" Igor's 'Russianness' was even more apparent since he was intoxicated, but a 7 foot tall man like him need not worry about too much alcohol. He walked across the street. "Young women like you shouldn't be walking around on their own." Igor crossed his large arms and stood there, drinking.

TEST would have still fired Igor but they would hire him back. Apparently it was a legal dispute but and they needed money. They would now have the funds.

Johny would find Chaos and go up to the glass at the door "So, what are you trying to do here? Blow it up?" He chuckles as she sets up the bomb "oh shit" the door would blast open and I'm planted into the wall. I am out cold as Chaos goes for the guards. There would be screams and brutal noises of disbowling and stabbing going on.


"Right when I try to have fun! Fucking hell I need to do this." Catch up with you later...Thomas. Tristin shrugged and opened the door.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin sprinted back into the building, sliding down multiple railings and dropping floors before reaching...a girl. Chaos. Jesus christ.
"The hell you doing?" Tristin stopped to see a tall girl about three years older than herself. She pulled out two pistols and pointed one towards Chaos. "Freeze!"

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Valentina's gaze slowly crawled up his body, her eyebrow raised. He looked pretty intimidating, but of course she kept a blank, almost disinterested look on her face. As long as he kept his distance, there would be nothing to worry about.

"I speak English, and I'm pretty fine on my own," she said breezily, glancing around the area.


Igor grunted and threw her a gun. "The city is not free of crime. Hold on, can you help me with something very quickly?" Igor walked over to a large car. Judging by its look it weighed only about a little over a ton. "Some eegit drove it up the sidewalk and I can't get it off." Igor walked to the front half of the car and lifted it up a smidgen off the ground. "Other side...not as heavy."

Akira reaches out her gloved, robotic hand towards Sky for a handshake. "Akira Chino. Would-be professional robotics researcher if TEST didn't suck," she says bluntly, then nods to the robot behind her. "This here is F.A.I.E., my first humanoid, A.I. prototype. I'd introduce the kid, but she hasn't given me her name yet." Akira glances behind her, seeing that a waitress was approaching the table where Ann was sitting, which wasn't far from where she was standing. "I'll have a coke to drink to start, and just let the girl order whatever she likes," she tells the waitress, then smiles at Ann. Once the waitress had turned her attention to Ann, Akira looked back at Sky. "So, mercenary, eh? Is that a busy job around here?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
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JPax42 said:
"Right when I try to have fun! Fucking hell I need to do this." Catch up with you later...Thomas. Tristin shrugged and opened the door.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin sprinted back into the building, sliding down multiple railings and dropping floors before reaching...a girl. Chaos. Jesus christ.
"The hell you doing?" Tristin stopped to see a tall girl about three years older than herself. She pulled out two pistols and pointed one towards Chaos. "Freeze!"


I go into her brain seeing a simple mind. I am not even in my combat gear. I a knife into her foot, slick and as quick as a snake I slam her against the wall grabbing her pistols trying to wrestle them from her grasp
At her side, her left hand twitched, but her body stayed put as she stared at the weapon. She really had no intention of picking up something some stranger threw at her, even though Valentina really wanted to know what a gun felt like in her hands. Ah well.

The strange man was now beckoning her over to help him. The girl wasn't one for random acts of kindness but whatever. It was something she could do, so Valentina went over to the other side and lifted the vehicle. It was quite heavy and her arms seemed to ache almost immediately, but she had it.

"Why did you ask me to help you? A young woman, like myself." A twist on what he had said earlier.


"Well you're doing it aren't you?" Igor guided the heavy ass car onto the street and dropped it down. "Thank you very much. I only asked because a lot of people here strong. Do you want to go get coffee?"



Tristin was well of Chaos's speed, so she simply scrambled from the wall, leapt up and did a handstand on Chaos's head, aiming the other pistol to the side of her face.
"Night Charlie." Tristin dropped down and shot Chaos in each foot with both pistols.

JPax42 said:
"Well you're doing it aren't you?" Igor guided the heavy ass car onto the street and dropped it down. "Thank you very much. I only asked because a lot of people here strong. Do you want to go get coffee?"



Tristin was well of Chaos's speed, so she simply scrambled from the wall, leapt up and did a handstand on Chaos's head, aiming the other pistol to the side of her face.
"Night Charlie." Tristin dropped down and shot Chaos in each foot with both pistols.

Chaos grabbed her doing a full suplex
"Coffee is disgusting, but sure." Valentina said, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. She looked back on the sidewalk where the weapon remained. Well, if she didn't take it, it could fall into the wrong hands—like the hands of a child, or maybe someone looking to make a quick impulsive kill. Valentina went over to the gun and lowered her computer bag, open, flat against the ground. Gently, she pushed the gun into her bag. "That should do it," she mumbled.

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Tristin's coordination and speed allowed her to reverse the suplex, land on her hands, and kick Chaos against the wall. Tristin then ran towards Chaos. However, at the last minute, Tristin spun around Chaos and thrust kicked her in the back. While Tristin wasn't the strongest person, she was fast and her coordination was amazing, so this kick was timed for a reason.



"Good call to take gun. Weapon is...er...powerful recoil but strong girl like you should be able to handle." Igor walked to the coffee shop and took a seat after taking some coffee. "Have you heard of TEST?"

JPax42 said:
Tristin's coordination and speed allowed her to reverse the suplex, land on her hands, and kick Chaos against the wall. Tristin then ran towards Chaos. However, at the last minute, Tristin spun around Chaos and thrust kicked her in the back. While Tristin wasn't the strongest person, she was fast and her coordination was amazing, so this kick was timed for a reason.



"Good call to take gun. Weapon is...er...powerful recoil but strong girl like you should be able to handle." Igor walked to the coffee shop and took a seat after taking some coffee. "Have you heard of TEST?"

Chaos grabs her leg flipping behind her dislocating her leg and then punching her in the neck. Dazed but no less quick or coordinated. It will hurt later though

Since Tristin was fit, it was impossible to dislocate her leg without super strength. It still hurts a fair bit, however. However, the punch to the neck hurt a lot. Tristin's vision blurred slightly but it came back as she stood on Chaos's head, doing a backflip. When Tristin almost landed, she aimed and shot Chaos at the chest.

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JPax42 said:
Since Tristin was fit, it was impossible to dislocate her leg. It still hurts a fair bit, however. However, the punch to the neck hurt a lot. Tristin's vision blurred slightly but it came back as she stood on Chaos's head, doing a backflip. When Tristin almost landed, she aimed and shot Chaos at the chest.

Chao's Hoodie takes the shot having Kevlar in it. She is knocked forward a foot. She grabs a machine gun from a dead guard and unloads in Trinstins general direction
Valentina followed the large man to the coffee shop, and decided to get straight black coffee. She took a seat across from him.

"TEST," Valentina repeated, sounded thoughtful. Indeed she had heard of the place, once upon a time she had actually dreamed of working there, or at the least getting an internship, but that hadn't panned out. "Yes, I have." She took a sip of her coffee, and an exaggerated frown appeared on her face.


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