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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yappi said:
"I can read minds" she says as her oversized Hoodie is for the most part the only thing covering her besides her battle gear which was to say skimpy. Seeing him completely naked mad me... Well let's say ~moist~. I ignore it for now "I'm also a deadly serial killer who killed 359 people In 3 Months"

(Sorry about that. Had to go somewhere.)

Sabertooth grinned. "Is that so? I kill because I want to. Just stomping on heads makes me happy." He would decide to lie down and would just let the tower grow.

YoungX said:
(Sorry about that. Had to go somewhere.)
Sabertooth grinned. "Is that so? I kill because I want to. Just stomping on heads makes me happy." He would decide to lie down and would just let the tower grow.


"I love gutting people and eating them...." She was getting very nervous at this point. Blushing even, sitting against the wall it gave him a well... Let's say comfortable view
Paige put on her gloves and grabbed the eggplant. "Why the hell do you have this. Is this a...." she trailed off. "Don't you have parents?" she asked while putting the eggplant back in her bag.

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359][B]Paige put on her gloves and grabbed the eggplant. "Why the hell do you have this. Is this a...." she trailed off. "Don't you have parents?" she asked while putting the eggplant back in her bag.[/B][/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31013-yappi/ said:

"Nope, I was put in a orphanage and I killed everyone except 2 people there with a spoon"
Yappi said:
"I love gutting people and eating them...." She was getting very nervous at this point. Blushing even, sitting against the wall it gave him a well... Let's say comfortable view
"Is that so? You know I could also kill you but... I won't. In fact... maybe we can relish in our troubles," he would see her and grinned. "You look like my type anyhow. Too bad you can't come over here.... I can be a real animal." He emitted a low snarl similar to an actual Sabertooth tiger.

@Yappi (The killer shipping.)
Paige frowned "May I ask why you are telling me this? So you have no one....I have a papa. Not a real papa, when I was younger me and my brother were alone. We found the circus and that's how we met papa," she said resting her head on her hand, thinking about the past.


"Romeo and Juliet was a 3 day love story about horny teenagers who caused six deaths including their own, do you really want to go that route?" Tristin was on the bed, fiddling with her bra straps.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi
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Thomas climbed the bed and went to the top bunk. "Maybe not the killing part and my own death." He said kissing her on the mouth "How was that?" He asked before glancing back at his sister and the odd girl.

@JPax42 @Yappi

Tristin immediately pushed Thomas away. "Chill with the kissing, please. I don't even know if-" Tristin sighed. "I mean, we just met...I don't know. I liked it but maybe it was just a hormone thing..." Tristin hopped down from the bed and moved to the fridge, spinning two water bottles in her hands with amazing coordination. She didn't look at her hands or even seem to focus while she talked. "There anything in particular we need to do today? Because, I was hoping we could rummage Dr. Vasiliev's office."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas hung from the bed "S-Sorry. Anyway I got nothing to do so why not. Something interesting could happen," he said falling off the bed, landing on his head. He got back up and mumbled something "You ready?" He asked grabbing his hat and leaning against the door.


"You just fell on your head and you're just asking where we're going." Tristin turned to face Thomas and expertly wrapping her belt around the base of her tank top since she didn't have any pants with a belt thing. She put two pistols in. "In case we meet any resistance." Tristin zipped out of the door and ran to Igor's office, waiting for Thomas. The door was locked, as usual, so Tristin began working on it. "Keep guard, heat vision only can take us so far."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas grabbed his gun, he ran through the halls and to Tristin. "Think a pistol will do much against these kinds of people," he said turning away from Tristin and making sure the place was clear.


Tristin held a hand up to Thomas's mouth. 'If you keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut, then we won't need 'em.' Tristin looked over the rows of files. She counted some numbers in Russian before leaping over the rows, landing softly on the other side. She looked around, then pulled out files from the 'T' section. 'Tomato Porn?! What was this man...?' Tristin eventually found a file about her. "Hey, come here. I got something."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas sighed and kept his mouth shut as he followed her in. He tilted his head when he saw the porn 'The hell?" He thought, waiting to see what Tristin found.

Akira had parked her van in front of a small candy store, and went skipping inside like a giddy child, leaving F.A.I.E to guard the van. F.A.I.E stayed sitting in the passenger seat, and looking out, she spotted the girl stealing an apple from a raccoon. F.A.I.E. watched the girl, noting the typical signs of distress, and possibly hunger the girl displayed. As Akira came out of the candy store with a lollipop in her mouth, and a bag full of other candy, F.A.I.E stepped out of the van.

"Hmmm? What's the matter F.A.I.E.?" Akira asked, stopping beside the robot. Akira's gaze drifts to the girl F.A.I.E. was looking at.

"That girl seems to not be well," F.A.I.E informed Akira, and then would approach the girl without hesitation. Akira followed, not considering that the pair of them, a tall silver robot lady, and a lady wearing a cat-eared hoodie and a bag of candy, approaching a child in an alley might look a tad bit suspicious.

"Hey there, kid. Are you alright?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Look at this...." Tristin began reading the file softly. "Tristin Winters, codenamed ****, was a research and development program for mutant humanoids. The girl remains unmodified to this day as no altering tests have been run on her however, she has crossed the world speed record, set by Usain Bolt, at age seven. Her coordination is unmatched by observed acrobats, and various tests have been run to show that. Subject also displays some sort of heat vision due to strange veins running up and down her body ending at her eyes. Little is known about this ability and us here at TEST are trying to habilitate and maybe even control the finer things that Tristin is capable of. Information of her identity will be given on a date specified by Igor Vasiliev. Attached are pictures of Tristin." Tristin shifted through the papers and found various pictures. One had her holding dual pistols at age six, shooting through three targets in a line. Another was her sprinting, the background being a blur. The last picture was her standing on one hand on a pillar above a fire with another gun in her hand, seemingly to shoot at strange black animals leaping out at her.

"They're going to turn me into a weapon." Tristin put the files back and slammed it shut, collapsing on the ground into a ball. "I can't become a weapon...never..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann got up slowly as she sniffed the air "C-Candy," she asked turning to the two. She ran up and grabbed on the bag "Food! Need food," she said as her stomach growled again. "Don't make me use this," she yelled taking her slinging shot out and shakily aiming at the one with the cat ear hoodie.

@Crystal Cali
Thomas sat down next to her and patted her back "Hey, don't break down on me. You don't have to be a weapon, it's your choice. You could easily leave this place with your skills," he said looking around to make sure no one was around. "Come on before someone spots us," he said trying to help Tristin to her feet.


Tristin simply walked out. A guard spotted her and she simply flipped him off and pointed the gun at his head. "Pick a hand would you?" She lowered the weapon and walked to her cell. "I'm not going to escape. If I do, where do I go? I can't live on the streets like I did ten years ago." Ten years ago was one of the worst experiences in her life. Also when she recognized she had heat vision in the darkest way possible. "I don't want to talk about it. Are you up for lunch or do you want to try your hand at something here?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas shrugged "I haven't eaten yet. We were going to get something but we never got to it. Are you going to be ok? We could skip lunch if you really aren't up for it," he frowned at what she said. Ten years? He never like the thought of being alone, it must have felt awful to try to survive in such a harsh world.

Akira sighs, giving the girl a sympathetic look as she held out the bag of candy. "No need for weapons, kid. I can always buy more candy if you're really that hungry. Shouldn't you eat something healthy first, though?"

F.A.I.E. turns her head to look at Akira, and states "Shouldn't you have eaten something healthy first?" she says, poking at the lollipop stick that was hanging out of Akira's mouth.

"Oh, shut up. I had eggs this morning."

"It is no longer morning."

Akira sighs, and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Fine, I guess I should eat something better too." she looks back to the girl. "What do ya say, kid? Want to join us for lunch?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann grabbed the bag and shove a handful of candy in her mouth, not caring if wrapped or not. When she heard about lunch she nodded and put her weapon away. "Food would be nice," she said in a low voice, Ann gave the candy back to the girl and spit out some with the wrappers.

@Crystal Cali
Akira grinned as she took the bag of candy back, then looked over to F.A.I.E and asked "Where is the nearest restaurant?" A chiming noise came from the robot, as F.A.I.E. recognized the command to bring up her GPS. The LCD screen on F.A.I.E.'s chest showed a map of their current area with several red dots marking nearby restaurants. Akira tapped on the screen with her left hand as she looked through the names, and found a restaurant that seemed like kids would like. Akira double-taps the red dot of the place she wanted to go, and F.A.I.E. started to give directions.

Akira looks back to the girl and nods as F.A.I.E. actually started to walk towards their destination. "Alright then, follow us," she smiles, and starts to walk after the robot, though at a slow enough pace that she could make sure the girl was still following. It wasn't like they could loose F.A.I.E. anyway, she'd just freeze once she got too far away from the tablet latched onto Akira's belt.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky was pretty bored as usual. Contracts were slow, so he didn't have much to do. Despite all that, he would be inclined to go eat out, and would go out in his suit. He headed for a local restaurant and are in his suit. They were used to it so no one batted an eye.

(Open for interaction)
Ann ran and clung to the girls leg "Too hungry to walk," she said refusing to let go. Deciding that maybe this women would help she took out a picture "Have you seen my dad!?!?" She yelled taking out a picture of a man in flannel leaning against a barn, waving at the camera with unnaturally blue eyes.

@Crystal Cali

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