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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
"Research team yes. But I don't remember exact details since she wasn't contained with me. Harmony and Tristin were experimented seven years apart, both at very early age." Igor stood up and went to his computer. "I can find your project files if you want, but this is irrational behavior from girl trying to stab." Igor started typing things up, looking for various directories and things. "I have found files. Take look." Igor turned the computer.



Tristin shrugged. She saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the man, but still didn't flinch. If he wasn't bound up, Tristin would be a little more cautious, but she would be perfectly capable of outrunning and out maneuvering Sabertooth. Tristin looked at the meat and had the intention of cooking it with her vision, but didn't want to disrespect Sabertooth's gift. So she just started nibbling on the raw piece of meat. It actually tasted quite nice compared to the food she was used to scavenging. "Dark little secrets? Well, you look kind of big to someone my size." Tristin sat down in front of the cell, cross legged. She draped the towel over the 'necessities' and looked at Sabertooth in the eyes. "My name's Tristin, in case you forgot. We met before, sort of." Tristin smiled faintly at Sabertooth.


"Anyways I'm tired of test" he says shooting. Portal under Harmony then himself sending a TOP SECEET HEAVILY GUARDED ONE MILLION DOLLAR TEST ASSET with him

Tristin clutched slightly tighter on the towel, although unnoticeably so. "Do you want to kill me?" Tristin finished eating her small piece of gazelle and looked intently at Sabertooth. "Thanks for the gazelle. I don't have anything on me that you can eat, but I can...uh...do something else for you if you want." Tristin realized she was probably taking this far too lightly, but she was sure Sabertooth had met many people who wandered down here like she did, and they ran like hell or got eaten.



"Good riddance. Now what do you want to do? More vodka?" Igor held up a bottle of vodka and opened it, pouring a little bit in a glass. Instead of giving the glass to Johnny, Igor just gave him the bottle. "Why did you send that with her anyways?"

JPax42 said:
Tristin clutched slightly tighter on the towel, although unnoticeably so. "Do you want to kill me?" Tristin finished eating her small piece of gazelle and looked intently at Sabertooth. "Thanks for the gazelle. I don't have anything on me that you can eat, but I can...uh...do something else for you if you want." Tristin realized she was probably taking this far too lightly, but she was sure Sabertooth had met many people who wandered down here like she did, and they ran like hell or got eaten.



"Good riddance. Now what do you want to do? More vodka?" Igor held up a bottle of vodka and opened it, pouring a little bit in a glass. Instead of giving the glass to Johnny, Igor just gave him the bottle. "Why did you send that with her anyways?"

"Something else? Hah if you can get me some meat, women and a way out then thats fine. Of course... I'll probably kill everyone here which is what you people don't want," he said smirking as he would decide to chomp down on some gazelle bone drinking out the bone marrow.


"I can get you meat and a way out. As far as a woman goes..." Tristin stared wide-eyed at Sabertooth, looking him up and down. "You're on your own there." She said something to herself in Russian. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow? I'm already doing enough trespassing and considering giving you a way out, I don't need to add indecency to that list." Tristin got up and turned, looking around for something to wear. "Even just a belt is fine." Tristin began humming a tune to herself in her singing voice. Even though she wasn't thinking about it, her voice calmed down Harmony earlier. Maybe it would be the same for Sabertooth, but that was a far hope that she couldn't think of. It probably wouldn't calm Sabertooth, anyways.

JPax42 said:
"I can get you meat and a way out. As far as a woman goes..." Tristin stared wide-eyed at Sabertooth, looking him up and down. "You're on your own there." She said something to herself in Russian. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow? I'm already doing enough trespassing and considering giving you a way out, I don't need to add indecency to that list." Tristin got up and turned, looking around for something to wear. "Even just a belt is fine." Tristin began humming a tune to herself in her singing voice. Even though she wasn't thinking about it, her voice calmed down Harmony earlier. Maybe it would be the same for Sabertooth, but that was a far hope that she couldn't think of. It probably wouldn't calm Sabertooth, anyways.

"Heh clothes? I don't have any for girls except for the stuff I'm wearing right now," he said as he was hopeful that this girl could actually give him a way out. "Still... I'm surprised that someone wants to let me out. What's in it for you. Theres always a catch," he said emitting a low animal-like growl.

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"Keep your clothes on in that case. I'll find clothes later, but it's going to be a while I'm in this towel. It's not like I can paint myself in clothes, right?" Tristin laughed, then raised an eyebrow and pretended to think for a minute. "A catch you say? I can only propose a catch, but you're the one who has to say they agree to it. You don't kill anybody sapient. Is that a fair enough catch?" Tristin's mood turned more serious, knowing that if she let Sabertooth out, she could be endangering the lives of everyone. But at the same time, she saw the look in Sabertooth's eyes. They weren't only saying murderous intent, they were saying that he was lonely and deprived.

@YoungX (Ringmaster reference ^)
YoungX said:
(I slept for a long time. I'm back now.)
Sky would leave the facility and would expect some form of compensation. Not much was learned so he didn't expect to be paid a lit. As he left he would ask Sora, "Well... you have thoughts on TEST?"

"Proof.I just need proof...Human experimentation,this is just disgusting..." Sora says,is face worried about the actual situation.

There wasn't much he could do for now,and he didn't expect at all to see that at TEST basement.From now on he would still inspect more the drawing and note he done before talking back at Sky...

"I can't have a definitely though on them from now.But something in my mind say that we will ear a commotion coming from them soon..."

JPax42 said:
"Keep your clothes on in that case. I'll find clothes later, but it's going to be a while I'm in this towel. It's not like I can paint myself in clothes, right?" Tristin laughed, then raised an eyebrow and pretended to think for a minute. "A catch you say? I can only propose a catch, but you're the one who has to say they agree to it. You don't kill anybody sapient. Is that a fair enough catch?" Tristin's mood turned more serious, knowing that if she let Sabertooth out, she could be endangering the lives of everyone. But at the same time, she saw the look in Sabertooth's eyes. They weren't only saying murderous intent, they were saying that he was lonely and deprived.

@YoungX (Ringmaster reference ^)
"Killing non humans... a hard pill to swallow," he said as he would think about it for a moment. "...Heh fine. Whatever," he said with a growl as he realized that he would have to if he wanted out. However... the moment he gets out... he would go on a killing spree.

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NickTonCutter said:
"Proof.I just need proof...Human experimentation,this is just disgusting..." Sora says,is face worried about the actual situation.

There wasn't much he could do for now,and he didn't expect at all to see that at TEST basement.From now on he would still inspect more the drawing and note he done before talking back at Sky...

"I can't have a definitely though on them from now.But something in my mind say that we will ear a commotion coming from them soon..."
"You think so? Anyways I'm heading back to my hideout. Contact me if you need anything," and with that Sky left the area.

"Wait a minute. I'm going to go get your files from Doctor Vasiliev. I can't let you out just yet." Tristin knew exactly what Sabertooth was planning. Tristin was probably a little...well...driven by emotion but by no means was she stupid. She figured she would use this as a chance to learn some more about one of the darker experiments. Igor said she would be moved downstairs if she didn't behave. Tristin herself used to be scared of the downstairs until she was five, until Igor actually put here there.

Tristin ran upstairs and went to the files room, grabbed Sabertooth's file. She then ran to her room, grabbing her blood stained tank top and shorts and putting them on as she ran downstairs. She was back in two minutes and she looked at Sabertooth, holding the file in front of him. "Back. With clothes...even though they're stained with blood. Also, file."

JPax42 said:
"Wait a minute. I'm going to go get your files from Doctor Vasiliev. I can't let you out just yet." Tristin knew exactly what Sabertooth was planning. Tristin was probably a little...well...driven by emotion but by no means was she stupid. She figured she would use this as a chance to learn some more about one of the darker experiments. Igor said she would be moved downstairs if she didn't behave. Tristin herself used to be scared of the downstairs until she was five, until Igor actually put here there.

Tristin ran upstairs and went to the files room, grabbed Sabertooth's file. She then ran to her room, grabbing her blood stained tank top and shorts and putting them on as she ran downstairs. She was back in two minutes and she looked at Sabertooth, holding the file in front of him. "Back. With clothes...even though they're stained with blood. Also, file."

He would look at the file with a non-caring look. "Great... I don't care about no file. It doesn't matter," he says to Tristin as he knew that Tristin was most definitely suspicious of him. Who could blame her? She was interacting with a very dangerous individual after all. "You know... I'm surprised no one hasn't come down yet. There's supposed to be security cameras down here by the way. They don't trust me you see which is obvious enough," he says as he looks to one of the cameras in a corner. He gave a bloodthirsty smile at it.


"Camera?!" Tristin looked at the camera and stumbled back in surprise, her eyes immediately hazing the air and going through the camera. The inside of the camera began to burn and the plastic began to melt. The metal bearings even began to expand and fall apart. The glow from her eyes went down and she pushed on them gently with her hands before turning to Sabertooth, the glowing dying out. "Oh my god...I am so sorry...did you need that?"

JPax42 said:
"Camera?!" Tristin looked at the camera and stumbled back in surprise, her eyes immediately hazing the air and going through the camera. The inside of the camera began to burn and the plastic began to melt. The metal bearings even began to expand and fall apart. The glow from her eyes went down and she pushed on them gently with her hands before turning to Sabertooth, the glowing dying out. "Oh my god...I am so sorry...did you need that?"

"What the camera? Hah the only one who needed that camera was TEST girl. You should probably get out of here before... well before that Igor shows up. He won't like what he saw through that camera you know," he said as he would continue to chew on some gazelle leftovers. At this point Sabertooth was still safe regardless because he was still in his chamber, so the only one at risk right now was Tristin. While he couldn't give a crap about Tristin, he would decide that she should at least get out since she was kind enough to actually get him out.


"Well, I certainly hope that-" Tristin heard footsteps. She found an empty cell, a door with no locks and ran into the cell, leaping and rolling out of sight as soon as...


"TRISTIIIIIIIN!!!!!" Igor stormed into the downstairs room, the veins in his arms pulsing like crazy while he wiped vodka from his shirt. "Wait what? Where is girl?" Igor pointed around and then looked at Sabertooth. He thought for a second maybe...no. Tristin was too fast for him to eat. But there was the possibility. Igor was still mad. "Tristin come around here? If you answer I give you full pig."

JPax42 said:
"Well, I certainly hope that-" Tristin heard footsteps. She found an empty cell, a door with no locks and ran into the cell, leaping and rolling out of sight as soon as...


"TRISTIIIIIIIN!!!!!" Igor stormed into the downstairs room, the veins in his arms pulsing like crazy while he wiped vodka from his shirt. "Wait what? Where is girl?" Igor pointed around and then looked at Sabertooth. He thought for a second maybe...no. Tristin was too fast for him to eat. But there was the possibility. Igor was still mad. "Tristin come around here? If you answer I give you full pig."

"Oh why if it isn't Igor. If your looking for the girl then well good luck," he said as he would continue to mow down on the leftover Gazelle organs. Sabertooth couldn't possibly give a crap about the situation right now. His very existence could be compromised if Tristin leaks it out, but he knows that Igor would do anything to prevent it. After all... he was a subject for one of TEST's human enhancement projects. Perhaps one of the few that actually lived through it.

JPax42 said:
Tristin clutched slightly tighter on the towel, although unnoticeably so. "Do you want to kill me?" Tristin finished eating her small piece of gazelle and looked intently at Sabertooth. "Thanks for the gazelle. I don't have anything on me that you can eat, but I can...uh...do something else for you if you want." Tristin realized she was probably taking this far too lightly, but she was sure Sabertooth had met many people who wandered down here like she did, and they ran like hell or got eaten.



"Good riddance. Now what do you want to do? More vodka?" Igor held up a bottle of vodka and opened it, pouring a little bit in a glass. Instead of giving the glass to Johnny, Igor just gave him the bottle. "Why did you send that with her anyways?"

(Johny went with her)

Igor grumbled and pulled out a large gun, aiming it straight at Sabertooth's head. "I know she is here. This gun probably won't scare you, but I know her. I wouldn't waste boolet on you." Igor smiled. If subjects expected respect, they would have to earn it from him. Other than that, Igor wouldn't hesitate to eliminate a TEST project if they caused harm to closer members.

JPax42 said:
Igor grumbled and pulled out a large gun, aiming it straight at Sabertooth's head. "I know she is here. This gun probably won't scare you, but I know her. I wouldn't waste boolet on you." Igor smiled. If subjects expected respect, they would have to earn it from him. Other than that, Igor wouldn't hesitate to eliminate a TEST project if they caused harm to closer members.

"Well glad to hear it. It's time for my nap now," he said as he would head back to the corner and took a nap. There wasn't much for him to do, so he would just sleep. At this point Tristin was on her own.

Harmony would be teleported into the room with Tristan and the other guy. She would be drunk from going through the hole that has Johnys genetic code in it.

@YoungX @JPax42

Tristin was holding the release hatches. "Dr. Vasiliev, drop the gun." Tristin's hands were shaking. However, her vision was steadily trailed on Igor.


Igor was done. He dropped the gun and walked over to Tristin, lifting her off the ground.
"Ever since you arrive to facility, you have been bitchy nuisance." Igor put her down and punched her in the stomach with incredible strength, sending her against the facility wall. He then turned back to Sabertooth. "Found her."


Tristin groaned and rolled off the wall she broke. She was trying not to throw up blood, but Igor had hit her with enough force to crack her ribs. Of course, her ribs weren't cracked.
"H...Harmony...p...pull the levers. R-Release...Sabertooth...get out of the way..." Tristin managed to choke out a few words before coughing up blood. Her vision was dazed from the hit.

@YoungX @Yappi
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JPax42 said:
Tristin was holding the release hatches. "Dr. Vasiliev, drop the gun." Tristin's hands were shaking. However, her vision was steadily trailed on Igor.


Igor was done. He dropped the gun and walked over to Tristin, lifting her off the ground.
"Ever since you arrive to facility, you have been bitchy nuisance." Igor put her down and punched her in the stomach with incredible strength, sending her against the facility wall. He then turned back to Sabertooth. "Found her."


Tristin groaned and rolled off the wall she broke. She was trying not to throw up blood, but Igor had hit her with enough force to crack her ribs. Of course, her ribs weren't cracked.
"H...Harmony...p...pull the levers. R-Release...Sabertooth...get out of the way..." Tristin managed to choke out a few words before coughing up blood. Her vision was dazed from the hit.

@YoungX @Yappi

I leap into a guard stabbing his throat and taking his pistol. I pull the lever releasing the man

@YoungX @JPax42
Thomas sat against a wall, crushing Paige who squirmed away. "I'm going to take a quick nap, wake me up if something crazy happens," he said tipping his hat and dozing off.

Paige sighed and picked him up, she started walking around "Wait....the girl didn't ask us the question! Eh, maybe later, in the mean time I have to keep looking," Paige said dragging Thomas as she looked for a way out.

(Open to anyone at TEST)

Igor stepped into the cage, prepared to fight Sabertooth. Igor's muscles condensed and his huge body appeared somewhat bigger as it happened. He was ready to fight, but he kicked his gun away. "Now there are two bitches in facility. I should just point gun and kill myself."

@YoungX (For when you return)


"Nghh...good call Harmony..." Tristin stood up and scooped Harmony onto her back and ran upstairs, still clutching her stomach. Tristin walked into the room, gently putting Harmony on the bed and collapsing on the floor groaning. "Hhh...." Tristin's eyes were tightly shut and there was a bloody bruise under her shirt. The only thing that was seen is the blood from Igor's punch, but Tristin was still holding onto the area, groaning. "Th-Thanks...H-Harmon..." Tristin turned and still held onto the area.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock
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Paige heard something as she followed the sound "Hello?" She asked before going to a familiar door and knocking, opening it Paige saw Harmony and Tristin. "Oh.....what the hell happened?" She asked peeking through the door.

@JPax42 @Yappi
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JPax42 said:
Igor stepped into the cage, prepared to fight Sabertooth. Igor's muscles condensed and his huge body appeared somewhat bigger as it happened. He was ready to fight, but he kicked his gun away. "Now there are two bitches in facility. I should just point gun and kill myself."

@YoungX (For when you return)


"Nghh...good call Harmony..." Tristin stood up and scooped Harmony onto her back and ran upstairs, still clutching her stomach. Tristin walked into the room, gently putting Harmony on the bed and collapsing on the floor groaning. "Hhh...." Tristin's eyes were tightly shut and there was a bloody bruise under her shirt. The only thing that was seen is the blood from Igor's punch, but Tristin was still holding onto the area, groaning. "Th-Thanks...H-Harmon..." Tristin turned and still held onto the area.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

I go into Trinstins backpack and shoot at Igor, "Tristin let's go" she says as she tries to out Adeline the pain from the gunshots

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