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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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YoungX said:
He would take the clothes and would begin to change in secret. Once he did he would come out with a disguised face so that no one can tell it was his real face. "Well... your going to have to get an interview on TEST's plan for the future. They are an organization about heroes, and what better way to be interviewed than to talk about their plans?"
Sora snap his fingers "Gotcha." after his research,he find out a public TEST members,nod at Sky and call the number with his detective voice "Hello?"


Tristin's face flushed with embarrassment. "Oh, but you're talking more...anyways." Tristin turned and lifted her shirt to look at the bullet wound. Somehow it had glazed over. TEST technology was pretty good. "Nice to meet you...Paige..." Tristin raised an eyebrow. "Why are you back here so soon anyways?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Step through metal detector. We cannot have interfering electronics. Please shut off all electronics when walking around the facility for your own safety. I mean ALL electronics, or you will be of electrocuted." Igor smiled. "Ding-dong the doorbell when you get here."

@YoungX @NickTonCutter
Sora close the phone "Not good at all...Any devices can electrocute you if you bring it in there...Keep the chloroform and your mask anyways.We are gonna go on their basement door." Sora walk at TEST basement using the Ding-dong bell waiting for Sky to come.

@JPax42 @YoungX
NickTonCutter said:
Sora close the phone "Not good at all...Any devices can electrocute you if you bring it in there...Keep the chloroform and your mask anyways.We are gonna go on their basement door." Sora walk at TEST basement using the Ding-dong bell waiting for Sky to come.
@JPax42 @YoungX
Sky would nod and would only bring the chloroform and had the mask on. He would follow Sora and would wait for the door to open. If anything he was wondering if this whole contact was worth the trouble, but still one can never know. This could actually be a benefit to him.

@NickTonCutter @JPax42
Thomas looked down at Tristin "Well, my sister hasn't seen the place so we decided to come back here. For some reason that guy won't leave me alone for 34 hours. Kept giving me winks and weird grins for some reason," he said before helping his sister back up.

Paige stretched until she could touch the back of her feet, a cracking sound came from her back. "Much better, like he said I've never been here and this place seemed fancy so we came by," Paige said going back up and continuing to stretch and make the cracking sounds.


"So, I get shot and I meet you two all within ten minutes. What's with people calling TEST fancy? Like, it is fancy but it's mostly scientific. Do you guys want something to eat?" Tristin smiled warmly at the two, now in a more inviting manner. "I'll see what I can scavenge. Probably not much but it should be food."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Welcome to TEST. Step through metal detector and remove all detachable items from your pockets including rags, phones, and watches. No electrical devices allowed and...mask off." Igor's face was dull with expression when he looked at Sky. He smiled as he washed his hands in hydrochloric acid.

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Thomas tipped his hat "Food would be nice! Well, we call it fancy because we've live in a tent for most of our lives. You either have to practice or you have a show to do. This leaves little time to go out," he said with a sigh and sad expression but snapped out of it soon after.

Paige stopped snapping "I mean yah, been that since we were young. I loved the circus all my life, the lights the cheers but.....you know what never mind. I'm starving!" She said going back to the smile, twirling her knife, throwing it up and catching it by the blade.

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JPax42 said:
"So, I get shot and I meet you two all within ten minutes. What's with people calling TEST fancy? Like, it is fancy but it's mostly scientific. Do you guys want something to eat?" Tristin smiled warmly at the two, now in a more inviting manner. "I'll see what I can scavenge. Probably not much but it should be food."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Welcome to TEST. Step through metal detector and remove all detachable items from your pockets including rags, phones, and watches. No electrical devices allowed and...mask off." Igor's face was dull with expression when he looked at Sky. He smiled as he washed his hands in hydrochloric acid.

Sky would didn't even think he would see through the whole mask thing, but... heh know one has seen his face anyhow. 'This guy is pretty sharp... If anything he would end up being one of the more dangerous guys around here. I better watch myself around him more than ever,' was the thought on his mind. Good thing he left the camera at home, but looks like the chloroform was out of the picture.

Thankfully he didn't need the chloroform as he could just knock people unconscious easily. He didn't have anything with him but the disguise on his back, so he would empty out his pockets to see that he didn't have anything. As for the mask... well... he would have to improvise with that one. It was a good thing he had someone who could modify his face for him. So the mask would come off and would look to see a man who would have a very burned looking face. His voice acting came in handy as he would sound much different so that not even Igor can recognize him. "I apologize for the mask, but my face would attract unwanted attention."

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Tristin nodded, uncomfortable from all the circus talk. She had her reasons and they were all too valid. It involved her stripper criminal mother and a handsome Japanese dad who never spoke to Tristin after her mom's death. Either way, Tristin lead them to her room. "I'll see what I can make for you guys. For now, you guys get settled in on the floor, I guess. It's a nice floor." Tristin was going to walk out but she quickly saw a blood stain on her shirt. "Damn, third time this week. You two turn away for a second please." Tristin looked around for a certain bottle.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I am so sorry to hear that. In TEST, we respect for personality, not appearance. If you must you can put mask back on. Now, TEST isn't a museum for fanny goo-goos. It is a rigorous facility. As your tour guide today, you are to do exactly as I say and never leave 2 feet of me." Igor's expression turned dead serious as he flexed his powerful Russian hands. He stood seven feet tall and basically looked down at everyone. Even though he was tall, he was huge as well, and his condensed muscles were incredibly crazy. He's a person one wouldn't pick a fight with. But, he looked gentle in a way in his lab coat. Igor furrowed his bushy brows and grinned. "Follow! Also, I must get a name from both of you."

@YoungX @NickTonCutter
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"My name is Sora.It's a pleasure to meet you..." "Gosh,he is giant....TEST only own specials guys it seems..." Sora wait for more orders standing at Sky side.

@YoungX @JPax42
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JPax42 said:
Tristin nodded, uncomfortable from all the circus talk. She had her reasons and they were all too valid. It involved her stripper criminal mother and a handsome Japanese dad who never spoke to Tristin after her mom's death. Either way, Tristin lead them to her room. "I'll see what I can make for you guys. For now, you guys get settled in on the floor, I guess. It's a nice floor." Tristin was going to walk out but she quickly saw a blood stain on her shirt. "Damn, third time this week. You two turn away for a second please." Tristin looked around for a certain bottle.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I am so sorry to hear that. In TEST, we respect for personality, not appearance. If you must you can put mask back on. Now, TEST isn't a museum for fanny goo-goos. It is a rigorous facility. As your tour guide today, you are to do exactly as I say." Igor's expression turned dead serious as he flexed his powerful Russian hands. He stood seven feet tall and basically looked down at everyone. Even though he was tall, he was huge as well, and his condensed muscles were incredibly crazy. He's a person one wouldn't pick a fight with. But, he looked gentle in a way in his lab coat. Igor furrowed his bushy brows and grinned. "Follow! Also, I must get a name from both of you."

@YoungX @NickTonCutter
'Thank God it worked...,' Sky thought to himself as Igor seemed to have fallen for the disguise. He would put on the mask and would tell Igor a name. This wouldn't be some random name because... TEST wasn't that stupid as they were sure to look up such a name in the database. "Clark Manson," he told him one of many names registered for use. These names all had official identification alongside official photographs so he was safe on that department. Clark Manson would be a registered name as well as the picture of his burning face. Thank goodness for his mercenary connections.

@NickTonCutter @JPax42
Thomas sat on the floor, he heard what she had said and quickly turned around. Thomas tipped his hat over his eyes. He looked down to see his sister face down on the floor.

Paige kept face down, refusing to look up for any reason. It was a nice floor as she quickly took a nap, her snoring audible to everyone in the room.

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"Clark Manson and Sora. Welcome to TEST. Now, here is word of caution. You cannot go to upper floors since that is for subjects and employees only. Bad things happen. Now, stay with me and we are going to do a tour." Igor smashed his large hands together and rubbed them. "Now, which field of study are you interested in, Clark?"

@YoungX @NickTonCutter


Tristin took off her shirt and bra while turned away from the others. She put another bra on, then she put her shirt on, although halfway, and looked at the blood stain. She went and sat in front of the two while looking at the blood stain.
"Sorry. Bloodstains are pesky, annoying. I wish I had a better way to deal with them but TEST just gave me blood cleaner." Tristin began applying it to the shirt and rinsing it out, the liquid evaporating almost instantly. "Alright. I think we can go. I'm not allowed to track mud or blood anyways, so that was a good call." Tristin tilted her head and smiled at the two and simply pulled her shirt down, pointing to the door. "Harmony should be fine in here. We good to go?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"Clark Manson and Sora. Welcome to TEST. Now, here is word of caution. You cannot go to upper floors since that is for subjects and employees only. Bad things happen. Now, stay with me and we are going to do a tour." Igor smashed his large hands together and rubbed them. "Now, which field of study are you interested in, Clark?"

@YoungX @NickTonCutter


Tristin took off her shirt and bra while turned away from the others. She put another bra on, then she put her shirt on, although halfway, and looked at the blood stain. She went and sat in front of the two while looking at the blood stain.
"Sorry. Bloodstains are pesky, annoying. I wish I had a better way to deal with them but TEST just gave me blood cleaner." Tristin began applying it to the shirt and rinsing it out, the liquid evaporating almost instantly. "Alright. I think we can go. I'm not allowed to track mud or blood anyways, so that was a good call." Tristin tilted her head and smiled at the two and simply pulled her shirt down, pointing to the door. "Harmony should be fine in here. We good to go?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Biology," Sky said as Clark Manson as he would look around the place. If anything can be said from this experience it was that he often used the Clark Manson card whenever his contracts had him involved with science. He then wondered if Igor was hiding something because... he definitely seemed suspicious of Sky. As a result... Sky had to obviously play it safe.

@JPax42 @NickTonCutter
Paige got up "HAIL! Huh, sorry about that, weird dream. I'm ready," she said running towards the door and jumping out, she rolled around the place before landing with a hand stand. "Ta da! Do I amaze you," she said laughing before falling and landing on her head.

Thomas shook his head as he walked out "I think were ready. Let's go!" He said walking out the door, he helped Paige to her feet before continuing his walk. "Always here to impress," Thomas said with a chuckle as he waited for Tristin.


"More specific. Medicine, animals, gene sequencing, anything in the field. And I mean anything, even quantum microbiology if you want." Igor laughed, but he wasn't kidding about the field existing. He started leading Sora and Clark into the left wing to the biology labs.

@YoungX @NickTonCutter


Tristin simply nodded. It wasn't impressive at all, and she herself was skilled in acrobatics. However, she would at least acknowledge that it happened.
"Alright, try to keep up. It's a long place so it's going to be a nice and easy jog to where we can grab some food...scraps. Actually, food maybe." With that, Tristin took off jogging at about sixteen miles an hour down the hall. The halls were huge, and she was making unexpected twists and turns.

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"More specific. Medicine, animals, gene sequencing, anything in the field. And I mean anything, even quantum microbiology if you want." Igor laughed, but he wasn't kidding about the field existing. He started leading Sora and Clark into the left wing to the biology labs.

@YoungX @NickTonCutter


Tristin simply nodded. It wasn't impressive at all, and she herself was skilled in acrobatics. However, she would at least acknowledge that it happened.
"Alright, try to keep up. It's a long place so it's going to be a nice and easy jog to where we can grab some food...scraps. Actually, food maybe." With that, Tristin took off jogging at about sixteen miles an hour down the hall. The halls were huge, and she was making unexpected twists and turns.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I'm studying to get into human anatomy," he said as he followed Igor. Still this was a chance to get into the biology labs, and he would wonder what he would learn from this. If anything... he was still getting paid so this was alright since he wasn't risking much right now.

@JPax42 @NickTonCutter
Thomas sighed as he looked back at his sister "Keep up!" He said with a devious grin before running at a slightly slower speed than Tristin so he wouldn't go the wrong way. He looked around at the giant facility, hoping he wouldn't get lost.

Paige groaned before following them as fast as she could, she saw her brothers blur which helped her not get lost. 'Great the fastest people in the world decide to run around a giant facility while I'm here to eat there dust,' she thought to herself as she followed them.


"Well, I have someone who is going to show you something amazing related to anatomy." Igor walked into a room with 6 chairs, a platform with a table and projectile launchers centered at the table. "It is a subject. Interesting girl that can do things you might want to see." Igor laughed and signaled them to seats. He then saw Tristin, Thomas, and Paige outside. "Thomas, Paige, take a seat! Subject, platform, now!" Igor purposefully refrained from using Tristin's name, and he wanted Thomas and Paige not to either.


Tristin stopped in her tracks at Igor's voice. She turned to Thomas and Paige and harshly whispered.
"Don't tell them my name. Go sit with them, we'll get food later. For now, I need to demonstrate something to the guests." Tristin pointed them to the chairs and she herself ran around onto the platform.

The audience would see a fifteen year old girl, about 5'6 in height, looking like a cross between a sprinter and an acrobat, walk onto the platform with no expression. An odd combination of a TEST jumpsuit would make her obviously a 'subject.' The only thing visibly off about the girl was her amber-yellow eyes, which glowed slightly.

@YoungX @NickTonCutter @Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
"Well, I have someone who is going to show you something amazing related to anatomy." Igor walked into a room with 6 chairs, a platform with a table and projectile launchers centered at the table. "It is a subject. Interesting girl that can do things you might want to see." Igor laughed and signaled them to seats. He then saw Tristin, Thomas, and Paige outside. "Thomas, Paige, take a seat! Subject, platform, now!" Igor purposefully refrained from using Tristin's name, and he wanted Thomas and Paige not to either.


Tristin stopped in her tracks at Igor's voice. She turned to Thomas and Paige and harshly whispered.
"Don't tell them my name. Go sit with them, we'll get food later. For now, I need to demonstrate something to the guests." Tristin pointed them to the chairs and she herself ran around onto the platform.

The audience would see a fifteen year old girl, about 5'6 in height, looking like a cross between a sprinter and an acrobat, walk onto the platform with no expression. The only thing visibly off about the girl was her amber-yellow eyes, which glowed slightly.

@YoungX @NickTonCutter @Shammy the Shamrock
Sky would sit down and would see what would happen. As Clark Manson, he would look intrigued with what would occur, and wondered what was going to happen. In any case, he wondered what was going to happen at this point. For now Sky would pay attention to what would happen.
Sora took a sit,looking at the scene.It was maybe a subject?Human subject?Sora start to be really worried about the situation and hope she is only a medecin.Otherwise Sora would try to act at the place.

@YoungX @JPax42
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Thomas took his seat and sighed "Welp guess we should enjoy the show. Prepared to be amazed," he said twirling his finger weakly and leaning forward on his cane.

Paige sat in her seat and smiled, hitting her brother in the back of the head. "Be nice! This is my future sister in law so please be nice," she whispered the last part teasingly as her foot was stabbed by his cane sword. "Good thing I can't feel that," she said sticking out her tongue.

@JPax42 @YoungX @NickTonCutter

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