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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin smiled. "The beach? A lake?" Tristin laughed and stepped into the elevator pod, prepared to press the button. "Seriously...I can't think of anything. A night club? What do people even do for fun..."

Laura and Katherine

Laura smiled.
"Yah!" She ran forwards through the hallway until again, she ran into her mom. Katherine lifted Laura up and looked at Ann. "Where are you kids going?" "ADVENTURE!!!!" Katherine winced slightly at Laura's screaming, but quickly set the child down, who ran back to Ann. "Just don't go on the floors you're not supposed to. Weird things happen there." Katherine didn't quite smile at the children, because of the standard of professionalism she had to maintain.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Up to you but do it and fast" Pike said handing her the power cell. He knew that someone would notice that the vault had been raided, so Pike thought it best to get out of there as soon as possible. Grabbing her hand, he walked with her at a brisk pace. "I also manged to find some diamonds and cash while I was there, half of it is yours" @JPax42

Anella quickly put the power cell into her dress, giving the appearance she was pregnant. It felt warm against her stomach. "Wait...diamonds and cash?" Anella was visibly excited, but she didn't want to come off as greedy. "You did half of it for me? You should keep three fourths of it since you did the work." Anella started blushing again with a grin. Nobody ever went this far to do anything for her before, the only exception being her father, who adopted her when she was 10. Anella leaned against Pike's shoulder and looked up at his face, still smiling. "Thaanks..."

Along the way he had to keep stopping himself from laughing Anella 'pregnancy'. He kept watch for anyone, though things did seem safe. Then again have Anella leaning on him did make him forget his troubles. Whispering to her "Please half" Pike he opened the door to the apartment. "Just put the power cell anywhere for now, not like its an high experimental piece of equipment. Fixing them both a drink, Pike sat down on the couch. "You know I don't steal for money, though it doesn't hurt" Pike explains with a smile. "Its like you said earlier, are jobs are similar, both involve thrills, sweat, heart racing, and oh so much passion" Pike says in an almost frantic voice. "Its like being with you that". @JPax42
"How about the beach. It sounds fun, plus I haven't been to one in a while." He followed her in and leaned against one of the walls, waiting for her to press the button.

Ann nodded "Lets go to the floors we aren't suppose to be.' She whispered so only Laura could hear before grabbing her hand and running in a random direction.


Anella closed her eyes and smiled delightedly as she pulled the cell out of her dress. She gently placed it on the table so that it wouldn't fall or roll off. After that, she sat down next to Pike on the couch, folding her legs on her side and leaning on Pike, running a hand up to his face. "That was very, very thrilling if you asked me. Why don't we take the rest of the day slow and go somewhere?" Anella gently kissed Pike on the cheek and smiled, keeping herself close to his face.



"Oh yeah!" Tristin pressed the button and rocketed the pod right down to the beach. It smashed into the sand and actually the thrusters turned the surrounding area into GLASS. Tristin shattered into a swimsuit and immediately stepped out, wriggling her feet in the sand. "What do you think Katherine does for fun?" Tristin didn't feel like telling Thomas about Katherine's 'alone-time' unprofessionalism.


Laura nodded.
"They have freaky stuff there!" Laura ran along with Ann, although slightly slower. Laura then lead them down two floors and into some place they weren't supposed to be. The bottom of the floor was filled with red sludge. "What does boy...en...cseee mean?!" Laura was trying to read the word buoyancy through squinty eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Pike had wondered what he done to deserve such a wonderful life. He wasn't about to question it. "Of course, in fact since I have been saying where we should go, I will leave it up to your excellent taste" Pike said putting an arm around here, with his hand gently running up and down her arm. He lowered his head and gently kissed along her neck. @JPax42
Thomas ran out and fell head first into the sand "I don't know? Probably something weird." He started building a sand castle since he never tried to make one before. "FORT THOMAS!" He yelled as the sand caste immediately crumbled.

Ann looked at the sign "It means COME ON IN!" She dragged Laura inside "We aren't telling your mom about this. Promise."


Anella smiled. "Well, I was thinking maybe...I don't know..." Anella then crawled over Pike's lap and sat down facing him with her hands on his shoulders. "We can always just...I'm really not sure what to do." Anella looked down at her arms which still had some green from the bushes. "Oh. Uh...do you have a shower or something?"



Tristin giggled at Thomas's goofiness and stepped over there.
"I've never made one before but watch this." Tristin put her foot in the sand and spun around really fast, jumping at the same time. She landed next to Thomas and there was a cone of wet sand. "Ta-da!"


Laura nodded.
"What if...whatever. Let's play with the sticky stuff!" Laura slid down the rails and picked up a handful of the goo and smelled it. "Oh god..." Laura then proceeded to put it in her mouth and ate it. "Have you ever eaten orange juice and toothpaste?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Sure over there" Pike said pointing. He smiles at her, she looked rather cute sitting there like that. He brushed some of here hair out from her eyes before saying "Maybe It will give you time to think" Pike said before grabbing his glass of wine and taking a few sips. @JPax42

Anella nodded and walked to Pike's bedroom, since she didn't know anywhere else to be. Anella took off her dress and then wrapped herself in a towel, walking down to the shower. After doing all the stuff, she turned on the water. If there was anything, Anella still couldn't get used to using other people's showers. She hoped that she'll understand how this shower works at the end of the day, and she managed to make it work. 'Awesome...'

Anella stood under the shower with her face at the head. She enjoyed the feeling of the water trickling across her face, back and chest, stomach, and then down her legs. Was Pike really what she had been waiting for all this time? A successful man who does things for the thrill rather than the reward? Or was he what she was looking for? Was that the whole purpose of her prostitute job? Probably so. Anella thought that if this is going to get serious, she's going to need a new job. Probably stealing things with Pike would seem to do. Besides, she had him now. Anella ran a hand through her hair, down to her chest, down her stomach, and then past her hip as far as she could reach her leg. That gave her an idea of what they could do. Sure, it was childish, but it may just be fun. And romantic. Besides, she only went once in her life with her father. Anella finished showering and dried herself with the towel. She then wrapped the towel around herself and brushed her hair with her hand, tucking it behind her ears and pushing it over her head and to the side.

Anella walked into the living room while straightening the towel a little bit.
"William, how do you feel about a beach trip?" Anella curled up next to him on the couch. Of course, she was going to get dressed after she found out what they were doing.

"You can do so much better than me," he frowned and continued trying to make a sand castle....it was more like a sand mound. "Yay!" He raised his hands in victory only for a crab to climb over and topple it again "Fuck!"

Ann tasted the goo "It's fine! Needs some salt but it's fine," she said eating another handful. She started trying to mold the goo into a snow man.


Tristin giggled lightly before dropping down into the sand next to the ocean, spreading her arms and legs. "Sand angel-" Tristin was interrupted by a wave washing over her face and body. Tristin spit seawater and shook the water and sand out her face. With her hands on her face, Tristin stood up and shivered slightly. "Salty!"


Laura also helped with the goo-man.
"Wanna see a cool trick?" Laura held her hand out and concentrated, holding her breath. She kicked some goo into the air and it floated slowly when it was falling down. After a few seconds, Laura let go and dropped to her knees, gasping. "Mom...does it...so much better..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas started covering her in sand, going up to her waist "Sand guardian!" He yelled packing more sand on her, trying to cover her up to neck.

Ann frowned "Don't do that if you're going to get tired. I know what to do!" She picked Laura up and put her as the head for the goo man. "Yay! Can you sing and dance. Wait!" She made a slime hat and put it on top of her head "Perfect!"

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Tristin stood there being covered in sand, not moving. Her teeth were lightly clenched. "Aah this feels a bit weird. That's okay, I'm sand guardian!" Tristin looked down and then to the ocean. "Ooh when you're done I want a hug." Tristin made a pouty face.


Laura stared awkwardly with wide eyes.
"If you want singing and dancing we need either mom or Tristin. Also why is the slime making this squishy noise! It sounds like what I want you to sound like when I poke your face!" Laura started licking the slime around her collarbone, trying to move.

@Shammy the Shamrock
As Anella took her shower, Pike mind wander over the recent events. Did he deserve this? What would happen now if Pike died? He never cared much before. What if he lead to Anella's death? Should he keep doing this? All these questions kept bubbling in Pike's mind, that was until he remembered something. That he could of died at any moment before now. Expect he hadn't so why should it happen now. Plus Anella made things more worth while, like sharing a secret as a child. Pike went back to sipping his wine as Anella walked back. He knew it was rather materialistic but he wasn't going to lie, she did look stunning. "A beach trip, sure why not, though do you think it would look took out of place to go in a suit" He asks her in a light tone. @JPax42
Shammy the Shamrock] [B]Jason growled as he blocked the hit to his special area. "I wouldn't hit you there so why would you do that to me?" He asked using the hilt of his machete to try and hit her on the head. He used his knee to try and get her in the stomach. Bones really want going to fight so she simply got on above Misty and lied down.[/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/39148-jillybear265/ said:
Katrina blocked the machete, unfortunately taking the hit to the stomach as a result. She went down, but when she recovered, she bit his left calf. You could see she was hesitating. "There are three major arteries on the left leg, I'm currently right above the anterial tibial artery, if chomped any harder you'd loose blood, fast." She said, muffled, struggling to not push down to hard. Misty at first wrestled with Bones, but soon was purring, she got out from under the dogs weight and started playing with her.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Jason put the blade at her neck "The question would be who would bleed out first." He chuckled as he put the machete away and looked down. "You can let go, just seeing how good you are in combat. Trust me, I'm better with hand to hand." Bones kept nudging the cat over, licking the top of her head as a game of tag.


Thomas wrapped his hand around Tristin the Sand Guardian. "You look amazing as a sand person," he laughed and kissed her cheek. "Ready? Here comes the enemy," the water barely touched her.

Ann threw a goo ball at Laura. "I feel like i'm in the snow," she laughed while throwing the clumps at her.


Anella looked at the suit and ran a hand along it. "It does look classy, but I guess it does look a little out of place. Got anything light like a t-shirt and shorts?" Anella smiled warmly and held Pike's hand up to hers. "I know it's a change of attire, but it's still going to be fun, right?" Anella then leaned against Pike and turned to face him, lightly caressing his face with her hands.



Tristin looked at the sand and laughed.
"I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN OF THE SAN-" A wave splashed all over her face and she shook it off, spitting water and laughing.


Laura licked the goo off her face.
"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Laura leapt out of the goo and pulled a heap of the stuff before chucking it at Ann, laughing.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Thomas wrapped his hand around Tristin the Sand Guardian. "You look amazing as a sand person," he laughed and kissed her cheek. "Ready? Here comes the enemy," the water barely touched her.

Ann threw a goo ball at Laura. "I feel like i'm in the snow," she laughed while throwing the clumps at her.

"Thank god," relief in her voice "I'm not really that good at combat I just know where veins and pressure points are, it's Misty that does most the fighting." She said standing up. Misty licked Bones back running around happily. "Hey, I have an idea, if you can teach me to use weapons, I'll teach you how to use pressure points. If you want that is."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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"Yes I think I do, be nice to have a change for once" Pike side with a smile as Anella was caressing his face with her hands. "I normally just buy suits, means I don't have to think about what I wear, plus they help for the job" Pike said before laughing lightly. "One big difference in our jobs, I wear more clothes, you wear less" Pike said as he got up to get changed. "You gonna get changed as well?" @JPax42
Thomas laughed and put a clump of sand on her head, he molded it so that only her face was showing. "You are the best sand guardian." He kissed her on the mouth "You're a lot more saltier as well."

Ann spun as she grabbed her scythe and cut the goo in half. It still hit her as she fell back into the slime. She snaked around and got behind Laura grabbing her and pulling her into the slime.


Jason looked at his leg "Good thing you didn't bite hard." He whistled for Bones who ran over and leaned against him "Knowing the pressure points is good in a fight. Can help if the enemy is too strong."


Anella laughed at Pike's comment about clothes. She then nodded and took off the towel, folding it pretty neatly and putting it on the towel rack in the bathroom. She then went to her bag and looked around inside it. "Let's see what I got in here..." Anella actually pulled a swimsuit from her bag. "It's not as weird as it looks, the waterproof fabric for both the top and bottom makes a great filter in a pinch." Anella shook her head slightly before putting it on. "I'd say take sunscreen. Even though I'm immune to sunburn it just smells good." Anella smiled and finished putting on the swimsuit. "Ready!"



Tristin laughed and stepped out of the sand guardian, shaking sand all over Thomas.
"Alright I'm salty for now but uh..." Tristin took a few seconds dumping sand out of her swimsuit before jumping on Thomas and tackling him into the sand and sitting on his stomach. She then started putting clumps of sand on his chest and stomach, patting it down with her fingers and such.


Laura managed to grab the rim of the slime pool but it was obviously slimy so she was pulled with Ann. She then stood up in the slime and threw some at Ann.
"I don't even know if we're supposed to be in the slime!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas laughed "First water, now sand," he looked up at her. "Are you trying to imprison me in sand. MY ONE WEAKNESS!" He grabbed her by the head and pulled her into another kiss.

"I'M THE BLOB!" She jumped on Laura and let the slime try and cover her. "Well why was the door unlocked then. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!" She said chewing on her hair.


Jason looked at his leg "Good thing you didn't bite hard." He whistled for Bones who ran over and leaned against him "Knowing the pressure points is good in a fight. Can help if the enemy is too strong."

"Yep yep!" She said with a thumbs up. Misty ran after Bones and decided to make the dog her loyal steed. Misty sat on the dogs back looking proud as hell. "I wonder when we will actually be able to use our skills."

@Shammy the Shamrock

(I was wondering how that works, you know getting into a fight with "thugs" or npcs.)

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