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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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YoungX said:
Sky would just follow Akira. He mentally prepared himself for anything.
(Anything? Even Katherine in a strip club wearing nopes and things and all the other glass officers doing more nope stuff?)
"Dad. I got kidnapped today." Valentina was standing in her father's office, in front of his desk.

"I know. But you're alive, and that's all that matters," Don said, as he put out his cigar. "How'd my girl get away eh?"

"GLASS came and—"

"Oh." The disappointment weighed heavy in that one word. "You couldn't even try? Just this once? Have you no sense of self preservation?"

"I was hit with a tranquiliser... Not much I could've done against that... I just... Whatever. I'm going to my room." Her father yelled after her, "Do do not come out unless you are accompanied by me or my men!" Valentina slammed her door room shut and slid down. Same old song and dance, though she didn't care about what he was saying at all anymore.

After locking her door, she went by her window and gazed out of it, her eyes wide and blank.

Laura opened the door rubbing her eye. "Akira and that one creepy mercenary what do you two need mom said I have to be respectful and take care of you so what's the issue." Laura stared at them with a blank face before her tongue flicked out of her mouth and she licked her entire mouth area. She didn't blink once while doing this. "Yam."

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Laura opened the door rubbing her eye. "Akira and that one creepy mercenary what do you two need mom said I have to be respectful and take care of you so what's the issue." Laura stared at them with a blank face before her tongue flicked out of her mouth and she licked her entire mouth area. She didn't blink once while doing this. "Yam."

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
"Creepy? Your hardly mistaken." He would say this in a very non caring tone. For now he would Akira do the talking.

@Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Laura suddenly grabbed Sky's hand and started biting on one of his fingers. She kept nibbling on it for a few minutes until she looked up his arm with wide eyes. "You taste like dirt!"

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
Sky would let go instantly and would look at her. "And you have no table manners." He looked to Akira and wondered if she had anything to say.

@Crystal Cali
Akira sighs. "Hey now, it's rude to bite people. I was just wondering which room was yours since Ann is staying there." Akira crouches down and looks Laura in the eye. "Well, I'm glad Ann made a friend, but I'm still her caretaker, so I'll be checking up on her a lot. Is she here now?"

@YoungX @JPax42

Laura shook her head. "She's sleeping. I tucked her in and all that stuff." Laura leaned against the doorframe. "So what do you really need....something from mom?" Laura turned to Akira, her eyes narrowing in a very Katherine-like manner.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
Akira raised an eyebrow, not amused by this girl's attitude. "If I wanted something from your mom, I'd go to your mom. I just want to make sure Annie is alright," Akira speaks slightly slower. struggling to not sound totally annoyed.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Laura simply turned around and showed Ann who was curled up on the bed. "She's sleeping you're a little too loud." Laura then climbed onto the bed and slept protectively next to Ann,keeping a watchful eye on the girl. She gave Akira a look that said 'told ya it's fine.'

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
Akira sighs, straightens up, and backs out of the doorway. "Well, tell her if she needs me for anything, she can always come to me," Akira whispers before heading off to get her things out of her van.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Jason spun his machete "Don't hold anything back." He took out his revolver with the other hand and took a shot that barely missed her eyes. Taking this as an advantage he ran up and swung his machete at her arm.

Katrina dodged left then ducked, Misty launched out of her backpack. Katrina used this as a distraction as she went staright for Jasons stomach. She began hitting Jason in multiple pressure points, and then as a finishing blow she struck the baby making space. Katrina was quite obviously using her medical training as an advantage. While Misty was having trouble with Bones.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Jillybear265 said:
Katrina dodged left then ducked, Misty launched out of her backpack but instead of attacking Jason, she ran atop his head and went straight for Bones muzzle, landing right on top of Bones head, a hard to reach area. Katrina used this as a distraction as she went straight for his neck, she held one baton out and the other was pointed towards her elbow. She suddenly flipped behind Jason hitting multiple pressure points, and then as a finishing blow she struck the baby making space. Misty was having trouble with Bones but soon Misty was clawing at the dogs belly, nothing fatal, but definitely damaging. Katrina was quite obviously using her medical training as an advantage, but there was danger in her eyes, a blood lust. Soon though Misty ran with amazing speed towards Katrina, jumping on her shoulder, signaling the end of the fight. Jason seemed to be strong though it was as if all that tickled, same with Bones.
@Shammy the Shamrock

(I know I shouldn't have made ur character do stuff but I didn't want to make my characters over powers sorry!!)
(Godmodding; you can't say a hit landed. It just...breaks flow of life. I have to enforce this sorry I can't make exceptions)
Once Akira gets to her van, she tries to split the cluster of stuff in the middle into two clusters that they can both carry in one trip. Akira first took the backpack that had her computer in it, and slung it on her back, then picked up a couple of boxes stacked on top of each other and backed away. "If you can grab the other three boxes in one go, that would be great," she says. The boxes wouldn't be really heavy. For the most part, they contained clothes.

Jillybear265 said:
May I please have more information on what you mean by that?
(Well, you just ended a fight in one post. That's like, unless your character has superspeed to a high degree [which isn't allowed for player characters], impossible. Maybe you should let the fight progression take place and give the other character a chance to react because seriously, there's no way anything can work that fast. Just take it one or two moves at a time and then you'll have a less choppy fight scene.)
JPax42 said:
(Well, you just ended a fight in one post. That's like, unless your character has superspeed to a high degree [which isn't allowed for player characters], impossible. Maybe you should let the fight progression take place and give the other character a chance to react because seriously, there's no way anything can work that fast. Just take it one or two moves at a time and then you'll have a less choppy fight scene.)
Oh! Thank you for reiterating that, I'll change my post now, and I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

Tristin was sitting on top of Thomas, fiddling with her undergarments when she heard shifting outside. She quickly shattered into her subcommander jumpsuit and tied her hair neatly to at least look professional, to at least try to talk to the guests. Tristin quickly walked through the halls, no expression on her face. She then saw Sky. The Sky she hated with a burning passion. If it weren't for the fact they were guests, Tristin would've shot Sky through the forehead with the most powerful bullets GLASS had to offer. And then probably eat the contents of his head. Or not. But she figured there should be something professional kept, so she just continued walking. She waved to the two guests. "Hey, if you need help with anything. Food, bedding, anything, I'm here." Tristin looked at only Akira while talking. Tristin then looked over to the end of the hallway, then back to the guests.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Tristin was sitting on top of Thomas, fiddling with her undergarments when she heard shifting outside. She quickly shattered into her subcommander jumpsuit and tied her hair neatly to at least look professional, to at least try to talk to the guests. Tristin quickly walked through the halls, no expression on her face. She then saw Sky. The Sky she hated with a burning passion. If it weren't for the fact they were guests, Tristin would've shot Sky through the forehead with the most powerful bullets GLASS had to offer. And then probably eat the contents of his head. Or not. But she figured there should be something professional kept, so she just continued walking. She waved to the two guests. "Hey, if you need help with anything. Food, bedding, anything, I'm here." Tristin looked at only Akira while talking. Tristin then looked over to the end of the hallway, then back to the guests.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali
Sky noticed that Tristin was only staring at Akira when she spoke. He guessed that she hated him which seems apparent with each encounter. In all honesty he really didn't care. He doesn't keep grudges or hate others. It's just not him. Things like that affect ones performance in the field. For now he just waits for Akira's reply.

@Crystal Cali
Akira walks back to her room, awkwardly opening her door while balancing the boxes the had with her right arm. "Just set those boxes in the closet for now," she says before turning around to see Tristin, noticing that she was pretty much ignoring Sky. "Yeah, thanks. You all seem to be quite welcoming," Akira smiles. It takes everything in her power to not make that statement sound sarcastic, but she was trying not to seem suspicious. Akira sets the boxes she was carrying on the floor inside the door, then gives Tristin a curious look. "Though, I have to admit, I've never heard of GLASS before. What exactly does this company do?"

@YoungX @JPax42
Tristin and Katherine

"Well, it's...like a private military organization that existed for a long time. It's really long and stuff, we have a library." Tristin dismissed the history for the most part, mainly because she didn't want to go into pterodactyl physics. "Anyways I can tell you that GLASS is a-" Katherine walked in front of Tristin and dumped 4 textbooks into the girl's arms. "Homework. Tristin, you have homework. You're fifteen, and you need to study. In that stack is quantum physics, linear algebra, calculus, and Russian. I'm going to need eight of those from you every night until you finish all the books. No pressure though." Katherine gave a light smile and walked away.

Tristin just stood there, holding Quantum Physics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Russian. Her mouth was wide open, and she looked at the books. She felt like crying for a second but if she broke down in front of Sky she'd shoot either him or herself. Invisible pockets meant Sky couldn't see her gun, no matter how much tracking equipment he had.
"Well...this just became awkward."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
@YoungX[/URL] @JPax42
JPax42 said:
Tristin and Katherine
"Well, it's...like a private military organization that existed for a long time. It's really long and stuff, we have a library." Tristin dismissed the history for the most part, mainly because she didn't want to go into pterodactyl physics. "Anyways I can tell you that GLASS is a-" Katherine walked in front of Tristin and dumped 4 textbooks into the girl's arms. "Homework. Tristin, you have homework. You're fifteen, and you need to study. In that stack is quantum physics, linear algebra, calculus, and Russian. I'm going to need eight of those from you every night until you finish all the books. No pressure though." Katherine gave a light smile and walked away.

Tristin just stood there, holding Quantum Physics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, and Russian. Her mouth was wide open, and she looked at the books. She felt like crying for a second but if she broke down in front of Sky she'd shoot either him or herself. Invisible pockets meant Sky couldn't see her gun, no matter how much tracking equipment he had.
"Well...this just became awkward."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
Sky would do as she said and set the boxes in the closet. For now he waits for Akira's next move. He stayed silent during this entire scene not really caring.

@Crystal Cali

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