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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thomas laughed as he splashed water at her face. "I squeezed your sides. Plus Tristin would probably slap me if I did that," he chuckled while splashing water at her again.

Ann looked around at the water before struggling back to the surface. She went still and floated above the water, shaking a bit. "A-Am I swimming?"


James nodded in understanding. He handed Valentina a card. "James Seroy. I'll find you if necessary and I'll tell Katherine about you as well. If you need anything just call. Now let's get you out of here." James stood up and held a hand out.



"But she's your giiirlllfrrrieeeenddduhh...she should be fine with it. Have you even trieeedd?" Laura started whining and splashing more water.


Tristin held Ann up by her back.
"You're floating. If you want to swim you gotta kick your feet like this." Tristin put her legs out and demonstrated how to flutter kick. "Or you can kick like this." Tristin kicked both her legs up and down in a wave motion. "Just do the first one cause you're learning."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Sky wasn't sure what to do at this point. He was to keep watching Akira, but how long must he stay on this ship? It didn't really matter since there wasn't much work available. Still there had to be something he could do. He would head to look around the place.

(Open for interaction)
Thomas smirked "No, but I don't want to make it weird if she isn't fine with it. I'm a gentleman after all," he said grabbing a handful of water and throwing it on her face.

Ann kicked and struggled sinking down into the water, she went stiff and floated back up. Ann tried again "I-I think I got it," she said kicking around until bumping into Laura. "Hi!"

"Great." She seemed hesitant to take his hand but did so anyway. In her mind she focused on the simplest thing she could: her breathing, and she neglected recognising any details of the external world.


"Well just go ahead and ask her right now I'm sure she'll be fine if you squeeze her b-AH ANN!" Laura held onto Ann for a second. "Cool you can swim!"


Tristin floated over to Thomas and looked at Ann.
"Well that was easy." Tristin laughed and lay back in the water. "I'm so worried about this whole lines thing. Kind of stressing me out now that Kirstin went in my everything..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


James then lead her out of the building slowly just to make sure she didn't pass out. The gloves rematerialized over his hands. "Protocol also says I need to remain in your vicinity for an hour in the event of a repeat offense. It's of course up to you, but it's still protocol."


Katherine was walking around Trinity all professional like. She couldn't have another mess up like the kitchen. Either way she was walking down the halls when Sky caught her eye.

JPax42 said:
Katherine was walking around Trinity all professional like. She couldn't have another mess up like the kitchen. Either way she was walking down the halls when Sky caught her eye.

Sky didn't have anything to do. At this point he felt that he would be better off out of the ship, but he couldn't do that for Akira requested him to. For now he would just... be bored. He decided to just look out the glass window.

Katherine passed Sky, noticing how he looked out the windows. Either way she went back to her bedroom and closed the door, shattering her jumpsuit and flopping on the bed on her front. "Hey Jonathon. Don't go in the kitchen until I fix it."

Akira looked a bit worried about Ann, but she nodded anyway. "Yeah, if that's what Ann wants, I suppose that's fine." She glances to FAIE and thinks for a moment. "I had better shut her down then. I will be in my room if you need me. Come on FAIE." Akira grabs a couple more bars to take back with her and started towards her room. On her way, she runs into Sky. "Hey," she says, walking up to him. "Sorry I ditched you. It has to be maddening up here without anything to do." @JPax42 @YoungX
Ann smiled "Ya! Tristin taught me to be a fish!" She said while leaning back in the water "I'm a raft now," she said spitting water into the air.

Thomas took a deep breath before doing something that was probably ungentlemanly. He placed a hand on Tristin's chest and pressed. "Laura was right, squish," he said ripping his hand away and turning bright red.

JPax42 said:
Katherine passed Sky, noticing how he looked out the windows. Either way she went back to her bedroom and closed the door, shattering her jumpsuit and flopping on the bed on her front. "Hey Jonathon. Don't go in the kitchen until I fix it."

Jonathon would hear Katherine and nodded as he saw her. For now he would continue meditating.

@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX
"It's fine," Sky says to her. "Though yes there is nothing to do. I wonder how long were here for?"

@Crystal Cali
Once out of the building, Valentina let his hand go. She nodded a bit absentmindedly, before looking around her, almost with a dull look of confusion on her face.

"Repeat... offence..." she murmured, looking a little disturbed.


Laura laughed and went under the water with her hands above her head. She then sharked around Ann before jumping at her. "Meow I'm a shark!"


Tristin went red and just stared at Thomas with her mouth open. Partially from the shock, and even more shock that it was Laura who mentioned...that. Tristin was all fine with it so she just smiled.
"What just happened?"


James just followed Valentina around.
"Are you alright you seem distracted? And no that wasn't protocol asking for an answer that was me."

JPax42 said:
Laura laughed and went under the water with her hands above her head. She then sharked around Ann before jumping at her. "Meow I'm a shark!"


Tristin went red and just stared at Thomas with her mouth open. Partially from the shock, and even more shock that it was Laura who mentioned...that. Tristin was all fine with it so she just smiled.
"What just happened?"


James just followed Valentina around.
"Are you alright you seem distracted? And no that wasn't protocol asking for an answer that was me."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann grabbed her by the arm "And i'm the killer whale." She flipped Laura on her back and laughed "You might want to be a little faster than that."

Thomas tilted his head "You aren't mad? I mean I did just touch your chest." He said while seeing the two other playfully fight.


"Distracted no. Detached... Yes." Valentina wasn't sure where to go now. She could go home of course, her dad was possibly looking for her, or having someone look for her, the second situation being the more probable of the two. Instead she found herself walking to a Chinese food place.


Laura frowned and swam under Ann. She then lifted her up straight from the water. "Gotta be stronger than that!" Laura then pushed Ann under the water and held her there while staring at her. She then poked her cheek.


Tristin took a minute to process what Thomas said. She then floated onto her back and put her hand at the base of her neck, and slowly pulled it over her chest and down her stomach.
"Um, well, I know you so it should be fine...right?" Tristin laughed slightly. Tristin looked down again and started feeling her skin at the top of her stomach and then the top part of her chest, glazing over the waterproof material covering whatever was the 'disco balls.' "Uh...I still don't understand why I should be mad."

@Shammy the Shamrock

James and Katherine

James just followed Valentina without question.
"You don't happen to want to talk to Katherine, do you? Because...I can have her here right now if we wa-" James walked directly into Katherine. He stepped back and gulped, and Katherine peered at James, then to Valentina. Then back to James. "Thank you for that, James." James went all excited under his mask. "D...I'm not...Robert?!" James ran up to Katherine and jumped into her arms before lightly tapping his helmet against her face. "THANK YOU!!" Katherine just stood there, weirded out and turning an embarrassed shade of red. She covered her face with her hand and pried James off before turning to Valentina. "You must be Valentina Tejera."

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Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]Thomas covered his face from the water "Everything before the age of 6 everything is blank to me." He let out a sigh before spitting water at Laura's face. [/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#8000ff]Ann put her face in the water and immediately started struggling. She jumped onto Tristin's face "I could have drowned! Water's evil!" She said digging her nails into the back of Tristin's head.[/COLOR][/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20513-jpax42/ said:

Jason smirked and took out his machete. He swung it at her with incredible speed, he wanted to see if she could block a blow. Jason knew he would stop before it hit her head so he didn't worry.

@Jillybear265 (Sorry forgot again ;- ;)
Katrina jumped back while Misty launched herself a Jason's hand, disabling him with her extreme speed and sharp claws. You could see complete fury in Misty's eyes. Katrina said something in another language and, with hesitation, Misty released her strong grip and returned to Katrina. Katrina soon took out her batons, now fully prepared for a fight.

@Shammy the Shamrock

(It's alright none of us are perfect!)
Sky was still on the carrier and wanted to know when he could leave. Then again there was that Starling character on the loose. He looked to the window and wondered when this would all be over. By that he means the city going back to normal. He knows that this will all resolve somewhere.

Meanwhile Jonathon decides to look around the ship as well.

(Open for interaction. For both.)
YoungX said:
Sky was still on the carrier and wanted to know when he could leave. Then again there was that Starling character on the loose. He looked to the window and wondered when this would all be over. By that he means the city going back to normal. He knows that this will all resolve somewhere.
Meanwhile Jonathon decides to look around the ship as well.

(Open for interaction. For both.)
(Meanwhile Katherine tried to interact with Jonathon and he just went back to meditating so she left to inspect a woman who got captured by a drug addicted ex-fairy)
Before Valentina could say anything, the aforementioned Katherine appeared, the head of GLASS herself. As James freaked out for whatever reason, she backed up instinctively.

Hearing her name come out of the woman's mouth kind of freaked her out. She knew her dad was somewhat known, but she tried to keep her name out of the mouth of others, and the press generally. Her eyes darted around.



(valentina is valentina but... also not valentina)
Katherine and James

"I'm going to have to have a word with you. It's not about the man who took you. It's about what he did. May I see you in the back of the Chinese place? In the...last stall in the ladies' room." Katherine pointed towards the back. It wasn't a good meeting place, but it would have to work. "Katherine what about m-" Katherine raised a hand. "James, you aren't a lady last time we performed an examination on you." James was so happy at this point he was wearing a helmet and that his face wasn't recognized, but Katherine didn't need to tell everybody he had something touched by this particular woman. "Okay. I'll just go." Katherine smiled warmly and signaled Valentina to follow her.

"Okay." Valentina followed after Katherine at a reasonable distance. Not that she didn't trust the woman... Okay, maybe there was a teensy bit of distrust. But considering what had just happened it made sense. Valentina started focusing on her breathing again.


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