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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ann laughed "Apparently I'm squishy," she said leaning forward to Laura's reach. "You guys up here are weirdos!" She said laughing again.

Thomas smirked and went to get himself something to eat. "You sure love children," Thomas said while eating, his fork and spoon had vanished.

Ann jumped out of the grip and poked Thomas in the side, soon his utensils vanished.


James shot the chains off of Valentina and caught her in his arms. "Any injuries and or locations of bodily harm?" James spoke calmly as he placed Valentina down, checking her (not in that way, mind you) for wounds. "Uhm..." James untied Valentina's clothes and handed them to her before turning away. His mask didn't give any expression, and neither did his voice.



Anella drew her gun and spun it in her hand a little before turning to the bank. "Lead the way. I can burn through anything wooden in about five minutes so if we can do that it'll work well. Locks..er...I can try."


Tristin and Laura

Tristin let the two children run along. Laura started munching on the utensils but started feeling slightly sick.
"I'll stick to plates...ewww....hey Ann wanna plate?" Laura threw Ann a plate, which smelled like peppermint. Meanwhile, Tristin also followed Thomas and grabbed a meal bar and stuffed the entire thing down her throat. "And now I'm full. How much does Katherine put in these?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Nothing else in particular, Akira. Another thing is that you may want to shut off FAIE during refueling, unless you can get a way to contain her signals to the world. As in, turn off Wi-Fi for FAIE or something." Katherine smiled and checked her watch. Twenty minutes to refueling. "Also if you don't mind...Ann said she wants to stay with my daughter. Have you met her yet?" Katherine pointed over to Laura and Ann, who were both eating utensils and plates instead of food.

@Crystal Cali

(Sorry my posts are scattered a little bit; I'm currently doing some fixing my garage)
Ann caught the plate and stuffed it in her mouth "Yummy!" She felt a bit sick but kept eating utensils, even napkins. "Annie sick," she said curling up on the ground and shivering.

Thomas finished and looked at the three. "You guys like eating inedible stuff. Since your full what do you want to do now?" He asked keeping his hat and cane away from the girls.

Tristin and Laura

Laura curled up next to Annie. "Laura vomit..." Laura's gravity manipulation went wonky when she heaved loudly, but nothing came out. She pulled Ann into her like a magnet, awkwardly mashing her head against Ann's stomach. "Laura awkward..." Tristin lifted up the two girls and held them in each of her arms, walking towards Thomas. "I don't know, we can do something fu-" Laura loudly stuck her tongue out. "POOL! I WANNA GO TO THE POOL!" Tristin laughed and put Ann on her back like a koala and held Laura over her chest, so that Laura and Anne could talk over Tristin's shoulder. "Any ideas Thomas?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Just keep an eye on things from the inside, here take this" Pike said handing Anella an earpiece. "I'll take a back entrance try and see how this place works" Pike mutters before a kiss as he dashes of to get into his gear. Putting on his mask and gloves, The Whispers starts off by crawling through a vent. The power cell will be difficult, almost impossible. Pike can hardly wait. @JPax42
"Thank you, sir." Valentina backed off when he gave her the clothes that she had been wearing. Sluggishly, she pulled the items on, seemingly not too bothered with James being around while she got dressed.

"I think I'm fine..." She said slowly, as she let her hand travel over her stomach where that guy had punched her. Valentina expected a bruise to appear at some point.

Thomas shrugged "If they want to go to the pool then why not. Maybe later we can go out, for a date." He said tossing ideas as he made his way to the pool

Ann held onto Tristin tight "I-I want to learn how to swim. Is that guy your boyfriend?" She asked still shaking a bit, she felt cold.

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Anella stood guard, waiting around the entrance and making sure nobody got in or out and decided to mess up Pike's job.


Tristin and Laura

Tristin shook Ann and smiled "I guess he is. He's cute, hmm?" Laura was drooling all over Tristin's chest. "Habadablblaala." Tristin straightened Ann and followed Thomas to the pool, holding the children. "First, let's put Ann in a jumpsuit. Laura, go play with Thomas for now while I put Ann in something that won't weigh her down. Also Ann, I'll just hold you so you'll be fine." Tristin squeezed Laura so she would shatter into a swimsuit and put her in the pool. Laura floated around happily and waved to Ann. Meanwhile, Tristin had got a jumpsuit for Ann. "Okay Ann, go put that on. Don't worry I won't look."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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James nodded to her and looked at her stomach. "Hit?" James reached into a small utility pocket on his belt and pulled out an ointment. "Here, this may sting a little bit. It's best if you sit down for this." James kneeled on the ground and started mixing two of the chemicals together, making a light glowing liquid.

Without saying anything, Valentina sat down. She watched as James did some mixing, slightly interested. She wondered why she would need to sit down. Hopefully it wouldn't feel like she got kicked or something.

Ann put it on, slightly embarrassed. "H-How does it look," she asked twirling around in the jumpsuit. "What is the purpose of it?"

Thomas got in the water and floated next to Laura "So how do you feel after eating everything in sight?" He asked splashing water at her.


James started applying the stuff to Valentina's stomach. It would sting a bit, but would also make her feel a little bit lightheaded. It was designed to remove the bruise completely but was absorbed into the blood through the skin, making it also remove minor bruises around her body. James wasn't supposed to use two thousand dollar healing gel, but something told him that she was hurt by the chains as well. "Remember, if you feel uncomfortable just tap me and I'll put something to keep you from passing out. You'll be fine."



Tristin looked at Ann and smiled.
"Well, you look great. Also, that's what you're supposed to wear so that, you know, you don't get wet. Also, it changes per situation." Tristin's jumpsuit shattered into a swimsuit. "Simple enough." Tristin then lifted Ann and proceeded towards the pool. "Don't worry I'll hold you."


Laura spit water out of her mouth.
"Fine, I guess. Water is goood." Laura climbed onto Thomas's back and hung onto him like a koala. "Whee! Your ears are fun." Laura flicked his ears, laughing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas stopped floating and went into the water doing a spin before resurfacing. "They are aren't they," he said laughing and floating on his back.

Ann gulped as she looked at the water "Promise! Promise to not let me drown," she said placing her head against Tristin's shoulder, her shaking noticeable.

Valentina's eyes flickered to his hands, though the only thing that indicated that she had responded to the stinging was the sudden tight fist she had made. The weight of her headache started to lessen, until she began to feel light headed, like something had been taken out of her head.

"Mhm thanks... you..." she said drowsily.


James normally would start with standard witness questioning and call Katherine. However, something told him that this woman was weak from getting harassed by this madman with the hood. "Okay, now we're going to assess some pain." James held his hands away from Valentina and his glove shattered, revealing two hands with sterile white gloves. "On a scale of 1 to 10, tell me how much each of them hurt." James began running his hands up her legs, squeezing lightly at the joints. He was checking to make sure blood was flowing since she was shot with dry ice. He then moved his hands to her stomach where the bruise was and started making sure that there were no ruptures and things inside. A monitor on his hand was beeping faintly, but nothing was felt. "Standard pain procedures, if anything hurts you have to let me know so we can treat you accordingly."



Laura floated next to Thomas and smiled.
"You know before it was just mom who used the pool. She would stay here for hours on end when I said I wanted to do my stuff, and somehow she managed to run GLASS at the same time. Cool, right?"


Tristin nodded.
"You had the mask thing before and you were okay with it, but I can just teach you the normal way. First of all, you need to get comfortable in the water." Tristin held Ann sort of tightly against herself when she stepped into the water. She then floated a little bit out into the water, holding Ann above her. "How are you feeling?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I-I think i'm good," Ann said breathing heavily and shaking as she looked down at the water. "Don't drop me!" She said waving her hands frantically.

Thomas looked up at the ceiling "Ya, it's very rare to see people who are always working and yet make time for there children." He looked to see the other two and waved.

"For my joints... I'd say about a four or five. Very sore." She placed her palm against her head and closed her eyes. "And stomach... I'd only say a 3 now. I guess."


Tristin nodded. "I don't drop people. Anyways, what I need you to do is put your face in the water first." Tristin held Ann above the water and demonstrated by putting her own face in the water for five seconds before turning to Ann. "You want to try? I'll hold you."


Laura sighed.
"Well, before she used to be away for days on end. I remember when I was 5, she was still learning stuff from GLASS. It's like GLASS is the only thing I knew as a home." Laura turned to Thomas in the water slightly and splashed his face.

@Shammy the Shamrock


James nodded. He then adjusted the filter on his mask so his voice wouldn't sound so airy.
"Joints are sore from being bound. Now, I know this is probably not the thing you wanted to see but..." James pulled the bucket of slime over to where he was and looked at Valentina's elbow, knees, and shoulders. "Now I want you to breathe out as hard as you can when I put this other mixture on your joints. It's going to just reduce the time it takes for it to heal. Ready?" James mixed the red slime with a blue powder, and it turned a neutral clear color. He then started putting it on Valentina's left elbow.

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The girl grimaced, but nodded nonetheless. As he would begin to apply the mixture to her elbows, she breathed out as hard as she could. However, she kept her eyes averted all the while.

Thomas covered his face from the water "Everything before the age of 6 everything is blank to me." He let out a sigh before spitting water at Laura's face.

Ann put her face in the water and immediately started struggling. She jumped onto Tristin's face "I could have drowned! Water's evil!" She said digging her nails into the back of Tristin's head.


Jason smirked and took out his machete. He swung it at her with incredible speed, he wanted to see if she could block a blow. Jason knew he would stop before it hit her head so he didn't worry.

@Jillybear265 (Sorry forgot again ;- ;)

"All done. Wounds should heal in 2 days fully. Quicker if you're healthy. Anything you need psychologically? Torture isn't a process that only harms physically." James was still following protocol. It went this far to check on injured.



Laura covered the water with her hands.
"That's gross!" Laura tackled Thomas into the water.


Tristin comforted Ann by splashing water on her face and prying the child off.
"You didn't drown silly, just hold your breath! You can even hold your nose and mouth if you want. Want to try again?" Tristin and Ann had floated out closer to the middle of the pool.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas laughed and picked Laura up "You're so squishy." He squished her sides and smiled "Enjoying yourself?" He asked while turning her over and dropping her into the water.

Ann held her breath before going into the water, she looked around but realized how blurred her vision was. Struggling she pulled herself back up and looked at Tristin. "H-How was that?"


Laura nervously squished herself. "Why don't you go squeeze Tristin in the nope places I'm just a kid!" Laura squirmed frantically in the water.


Tristin nodded.
"That was great! Now just do the same thing but with your whole body." Tristin held Ann tight and sank into the water with her, staying only a few inches under the surface. Tristin then stuck her tongue out at Ann under the water.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I don't know if I need any psychological help... I probably do." Valentina was trying not to come off as anxious. Her distant answers were an attempt to disassociate herself from the situation. As long as she buried things down and pushed them away, she felt she would be fine. At her sides, her fingers flexed, longing to touch some technology. Something. She needed to lose herself in something.


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