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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ann smirked as she struggled against Laura. She grabbed her by the arms and started spinning in the water. Ann then pinned Laura against the wall and started tickling her.

Thomas smiled "Oh! Well it's just good you aren't mad." He leaned back in the water and paddled towards her, when he got the chance he jumped up and latched onto her like a Koala. "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!"

Akira nods. "Yeah, I'm not fond of the idea of being up here either, but there's something I want to figure out," she glances around her to see if anyone else is nearby. "Umm... Come to my room, though. I'd rather not talk about that in the open. Plus I have to shut FAIE down before they refuel." @YoungX

Katherine walked into the bathroom stall and closed the door. It was probably awkward to say at the least. "So, now whatever just happened to you is GLASS's business. But first things first...what did he do? Don't worry, by the way. Are you injured?" Katherine pulled out a small bag and began opening the bag.



Laura held her breath and kicked against the wall, pushing herself and Ann straight out of the water and back into the water.
"AAAH what are you doing?"


Tristin immediately felt herself pulled under the water so she decided to play with the koala. She slid Thomas onto her chest and stomach before shifting down through the water, still doing a smooth kicking motion with both her legs while holding onto Thomas until she reached the bottom. Tristin then spun Thomas around and straddled on his stomach, bouncing up and down on his stomach while pressing her hands against his chest.
'How far down are we? 10 feet. Gotchya...'

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Ann splashed in the water "Tickling you. What else," she asked poking her in the back of the neck before continuing to float in the water.

Thomas grabbed her by the head and kissed her to take some of her air. He then pressed one hand against her stomach and pushed up to get air out of her.


Laura poked Ann. "Squish." Laura then hugged Ann completely, wrapping her legs around Ann's and her arms around Ann's back. "SQUISHY!" At this point, Laura was basically squishing Ann with her everything.


Tristin clenched her stomach and held whatever air she had in.
'Gonna have to try something new...' Tristin then got into a spread-eagle position and sandwiched Thomas between herself and the pool floor. She then began body rolling against him chest to chest.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann was basically a log at this point, she let out a sigh. "Why do you find me so squishy," she struggled against Laura's grip but couldn't do anything so she just looked at the ceiling.

Thomas wrapped his hands around her and pressed her against himself to try and stop her from moving. He wrapped his legs around hers and started trying to squish air out of her.

Valentina bowed her head a little. "I'm fine now."

"He..." Valentina started, squeezing her eyes shut. "I was hanging upside down. No clothes. He asked questions and I had to..." she started flexing her fingers. "I had to use a thumbs up or down for answers. If I didn't answer then he would... Disfigure me. Using slime that would heat up and a hot knife."

She tried to recall his questions. "Asked about my father, who he was afflitiated with—GLASS or TEST. Something about knowing someone who was also tortured was his next question, like if I knew someone who had been in the same situation. There's another but I forget..." she was mumbling by the end. Yes, her head was murky, but at the same time she didn't want to exert more effort to remember.


Laura floated around next to Ann. "Cause I never had anyone else to squish in my life until now. The only other person is Tristin's nopes and Thomas's awkwards and I'm not doing either of those."


Tristin let some air out of her mouth and shook her head. She had to do something...Tristin rolled towards Thomas and grabbed his sides and pushed her face on his chest pretty hard. She then held him down and stasted brushing her chest against Thomas's stomach, running her hands down her side.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine's expression changed slightly when she heard what happened to Valentina. "Starling. Same person did the exact same stuff to me through first time. You're in danger of a possible sequence of tortures. Do you have anybody to protect you?"

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Akira would close the door to her room after Sky came in, then looked to FAIE and pointed to the corner. "Shut down," she said, and FAIE walked to the corner, and powered down. The robot still stood upright, but her arms and head went limp, and her LCD screen went dark. Akira looks to Sky and takes a deep breath. "I would understand if you do not want to get involved in what I am about to do, but hear me out. This organization is clumsy, reckless, and unprofessional to say the least, but something is off about them. They have somehow managed to basically take over the city and replace all law enforcement with their own officers. Their first big show was the slaughter of criminals, not that I'm saying fighting against criminals is a bad thing, but we're just supposed to trust them when they say they killed the right people? With no trial by jury? No due process? Of course we are, because they knew more about me, you, and Ann than a stranger should have. They are very quickly overstepping the bounds of reasonable law enforcement in an attempt to take control of this city, and I would like to know why." Akira pauses and waits to see Sky's reaction before continuing. Without giving the details on how she plans on finding out the motives behind GLASS's actions, that little rant could have just made her look like a conspiracy theorist, but that was the intent, just in case Sky had taken a liking to these people.

Sky would look at her calmly through his helmet and would speak. "Well I have been called a conspiracy theorist by one of their members for asking questions about crime in the city. Also he said that the crime syndicate still exists in the city. They can't get rid of them all for reasons of putting people out homeless. I have suspicions... I'll join you. It may be dangerous and the two of us could end up wanted but I'll do it. Lithium is a city that I help protect as a mercenary." With that a team would be formed most likely.

@Crystal Cali
Good lord. There was a possibility of this happening again. Valentina started wringing her hands, looking anxious. Do you have anyone to protect you? The question was simple, the answer, somewhat hard to answer.

"I... kind of do."

Thomas kept his mouth shut as he looked up at Tristin. 'She keeps trying to knock me out.....You know what maybe the once,' he let out all his air and waved at Tristin before everything went fuzzy then black, he passed out.

Ann started swimming to the rim. "Why don't you show me your room. If i'm going to live there I might want to see it," she said jumping up and onto the floor.


Katherine shrugged at Valentina. "Well stay with them, alright? Look, I used to be your age at one point. Well...actually a year ago. Anyways just stay safe alright? If you're able to follow random women into bathroom stalls you should be more protected.



Tristin clamped her mouth in surprise and pulled Thomas to the surface and started CPR. 'Oops. We should stop this.' Tristin blew air into his mouth and continued chest compressions.


Laura lead Ann to Katherine's old bedroom.
"Here we are! You like?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas coughed up water and looked at Tristin "You win!" He was barely fazed by almost drowning as he rubbed his chest and stomach. "You really hit hard, sorry for scaring you."

Ann looked around "I like it! It's better than the van," she went onto the floor and rolled around "It's an actual floor! What don't you have?"


Jason spun his machete "Don't hold anything back." He took out his revolver with the other hand and took a shot that barely missed her eyes. Taking this as an advantage he ran up and swung his machete at her arm.

Valentina nodded. "I should be going now." She left the bathroom stall and took a really deep breath. Semi fresh air. She ran out of the restaurant. Much fresher air. And her breathing was a lot more normal then.

Out of nowhere, she felt her arm being grabbed. Valentina froze before stretching arm out so she could turn and look at her... Father's bodyguard. One of them anyway. He escorted her to a black car, and she got in, conscious this time round.

( @JPax42 )

Katherine pulled out a phone that wasn't hers. She called her room. "Jonathon let's just be friends sorry!" Kathrine then threw the phone out the window and an explosion was heard.

JPax42 said:
Katherine pulled out a phone that wasn't hers. She called her room. "Jonathon let's just be friends sorry!" Kathrine then threw the phone out the window and an explosion was heard.

Jonathon was highly confused, but she must've had her reasons. In any case he shall do his part as a samurai. He meditates.

Tristin smacked Thomas on the forehead. "That wasn't nice! Then again what I was doing wasn't either. Some things are just, yeah." Tristin crawled over him and lay on him chest to chest. "If Paige walks in on this."


Laura thought for a second.
"Uhm. Pants. Shirts. Shoes. I just wear a jumpsuit." Laura's swimsuit shattered into a shirt and shorts and she crawled onto the bed. "We only have one bed though and sometimes Thomas and Tristin will sleep with us."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira raised an eyebrow at this new piece of information. "Well, that only makes them look obvious. In any case, I'm glad to have you working with me. I have a starting point as far as digging up information goes," Akira says. "Katherine mentioned several types of documents I shouldn't look into when doing my robotics research. Of course, I can't start digging around in the computer until after they refuel, because electronics could be damaged. For now, I'm just going to move my stuff from my van into this room, and try to talk to people to maybe get some more information."

Thomas smirked as he scooted near the rim and let her fall back into the water before he picked her back up. "I'm going to take a nap for a bit. Maybe later we could go on a date," he said walking to his room and sinking into his bed.

Ann nodded and sat at the foot of the bed. "I'm going to go sleepy sleep for a bit." Her suit shattered into blue PJ's as she curled up and drifted to sleep.

@JPax42 (I'm going to be off this RP for a bit, i'll return later :) )
Akira nods, and heads out the door, pausing when she hears the announcement about refueling being complete. "Well, too bad F.A.I.E. takes five minutes to power up, or else she could make this faster for us," Akira shrugs. "Eh, not like I have much junk anyway. All my stuff is gathered in boxes in the middle of the van, so this shouldn't take long, so long as we don't run into anyone." Akira would walk towards the hangar where her van was, looking at all the room doors as she passed. "Wonder which one is Laura's room. Apparently Ann wanted to move in with her." Akira would examine the doors she passed to see if one had a nameplate or something.

@YoungX @JPax42

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