Alone [Inactive]

She guessed one of the vampire girls caught his attention..mainly because there wasn't a lot of older girls here. She sighed and put the bag down, one thing she was used to was finding a guy and having one of the pretty creatures walk by. Then puff she was by herself again, though she didn't understand why she was getting worked up this time.She growled when she saw the girl being very dominate of her space.
Jack grinned and turned around his back to ami," yeah she wanted me to show me something and your eyes gave it away." he walked back to the bed and sat down beside the bag. He looked back to where ami was," it was nice to meet you Ami." and then he s looked at the bag curiously
Ami nodded and walked off, making herself familiar with everything in the building. Just so she wouldnt get fustrated if she got lost
Jack looked back at Ardetha," sorry about that now what were you saying about this stuff you salvaged from your tribe." he could tell that she was a bit annoyed at him and he tried to get back to what they were talking about
Suzakua tried to smile at this analysis though the expression was a hollow, empty thing, a mask trying to hold something altogether different back. "I suppose you're right," he said, his voice quiet and a bit displaced as his fingered gripped around the mug. "And in that case... I guess that also means that it's not an inherently good thing."
Jack could hear the growl and a devilish grin appeared on his face," your jealous aren't you." he knew he was treading on thin ice but he couldn't help himself he just had to do this." you know I didn't think of you as the jealous type I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover." he laughed and had that dovish grin on his face again
she blushed deeply and punched his bicep so she wouldnt hurt his arm, "i-iam not jealous..ive never been jealous and iam not now" she dug through her bag to distract herself. she stopped growling and the fact that she was as pale as she was it was hard to hide the pink in her cheeks.
Jack chuckled he looked at her and grin," well if your not jealous then why are you so pink and if your not then you won't mind me find Ami later to hang out with here." he knew he had found a soft spot and wanted to see how far he could go with this. He wore that devilish grin as he tried to come up with ways of messing with her
she got a deeper red and the low growl came back, why was she bothered by this!? she never had problems with guys before nor the people they hung out with. its not like she needed a mate. "i-i.." she hugged her bag closer to her and pulled out a book thrusting it at him. "read might like it.." it was a history of hell hounds and other canine creatures, even werewolves.
" ok I always wanted to learn more about my other half." he knew when to take a hint he got up and walked to the door and walked out into the hall closing the door behind him. He made his way down to the study without encountering anyone else. When he got there he found his favorite chair and started reading
visha took the last few of her sips of her tea and smiled, "your a very interesting man i hope you know that" she could finally relax now that the kids were home. 
ardetha didnt mean for him to leave but if he wanted to do so to read she understood. with a sigh she looked through the bag at all the things that reminded her of home. some toys and things she made, as well as old trinkets and books. "why am i getting so worked up over him...his just..another guy" she huffed and lie in her bed.
Suzaku seemed very lax about the return of the orphans, much more so than he usually was when there was conflict like this though it would have been easy to believe he was having an off day or at least just be happy that things turned out for the best. "Interesting. I'll try to take that as a compliment," he said, looking up and smiling meekly at her words.
"good..its nice to see you smile" she laughed a bit and got up to get more tea, "soon i will be like you and carry tea with me every where i go" she hoped to get him to laugh but wasnt going to push him to. happy people are happy he just doesnt show his emotions as brightly as she did.
He only offered her the same smile as before though the longer the held it the more he seemed to be forcing it. Eventually it straightened out into the flat, hard line he'd worn a lot as of late as his gaze fell to the ground. "Guess I really am that transparent, huh?" he asked as he placed the mug on the counter without looking.
she came back to her chair and looked at him sadly, "you are who you are..and thats good. im pretty sure i like you as you be now then have you change for any reason." her mother always told her to love people for who they were because there was always a reason behind it.
Ami had done it. She gotten herself lost and she sighed "I knew I should have stayed in my stupid room!" She wondered around even more. Only getting herself more lost and she sighed, sitting on the steps "I give up."
Jack decided it was about time to head to his room. When he left the study he saw Ami at the other end of the hall at the steps and said," hi you lost again." he grinned and chuckled
"then that person i shall accept to" she nodded and crossed her legs, "as long as you are who you are i will accept you for that, you are good person and you care about the kids" she smiled and rank her tea

ardetha placed the books under her bed and had some old bones in her bag as well that she put on her small dresser, "this is going to be a long week..." she sighed and looked around her room. she was happy that visha let her decorate her room as she pleased, it made her feel more at home. she had painted trees under a black sky with a red sunset on all sides of the wall. just like in her village.
Ami looked over at Jack "Yeah. Im always getting lost in this stupid building." she stood back up and brang her eyes to his. She was more of a eye to eye contact with people "Can you show me around? If not, help me back to my room?" she looked off to the side as her arms crossed over her chest "I dont want to get lost again today."
While his expression was still a sad one his smile did manage to return at her words. "Thank you, Visha. Good to know someone out here has my back."
Jack nodded and walked over to Ami," well for starters the room I just came from is the study. Lets head back to your room it was next to my friend so I remember were it was. Lets head on." he held out a hand to help Ami up
she smiled happily, "everyone needs somebody.." she stretched and thought it was about time to make food for all the kids, "care to help me make food for everyone?" she set her cup down and stood up

ardetha found an old peice of paper and tried to make out what it read but couldnt quite tell, "was this mine?" she shrugged and put it done as she dug through more of her bag. everything in here meant something to her.
Ami grabbed his hand and got up and then instantly let go of his hand. Letting him lead the way "Thanks." was all she said, following him like a baby chick. "At least you try to make friends with me."

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