Alone [Inactive]

Jack didn't even flinch he looked in her feral eyes and he did the only thing he could think to do, he put a hand on one of her shoulders and told her," you don't have to be alone anymore, me and visha are here for you. So please come back to the orphanage." the heat she was giving off was winging his hand, but didn't let it show he looked into her eyes and smile
she snarled and shook his hand off lunging at him and pinning him to the ground, her teeth just inches from his neck and her claws digging into his skin. her claws were hot like burning metal and she sniffed all over his face and sizing him up.

(i just thought of this, isnt he naked since they were talking earlier about taking clothes off before hand? haha)
Suzaku looked over at her, his expression stony as he leaned forward in his seat. "She can't have just gone and isolated herself like this without a reason. If she wanted to talk, I think we both know she'd come running to you. She needs help, yes, but maybe not right now." His head turned away from her as he lifted his mug and took a sip from it before lowering it with a sigh. "And now Jack's out there looking for her. I hope he knows not to mess with her..."
visha leaned back in her chair thinking about making herself some tea at this point, "well thats the thing..jack doesnt know her that well. he doesnt know" she stood up and straightened her skirt out. "would you like to join me in the kitchen" she tried a smile but the worry could still be seen on her face.
Suzaku looked up, not trying to return the forced smile as he looked equally grim though it was hardly unusual for him. "Sure," he said, standings up and holding his mug carefully in one hand as he brushed his jacket and scarf off with his free hand.
Jack knew his life was in her hand he just smiled a bit," you know if your going to kill me go ahead I got nothing to lose." he was in a excoriating am out of pain right now but was determined to bring her back with him he promised vista he would bring her back and he wanted to keep that promise. He didn't believe she would kill him. He grinned and looked into her eyes," what are you trying to accomplish here anyway."
she walked down the hall and down to the kitchen. she kept her special tea in a certain cupboard and she started to heat the kettle up. she got the tea down and took a packet out, "im guessing you wouldnt like a change of coffee to tea would you?" she put the tea pack in her cup once it was out of the packaging.

ardetha sniffed at him again and huffed she didnt speak but a darker voice echoed in his head, "nothing to accomplish..only death. revenge for all of them.." her jaws opened again and her tongue slid up his cheek and she dug her claws deeper in his skin his blood boiling at the same time made her grow more hungry.
He did offer a weak smile at this, jiggling around his mug for a moment as he responded, "Afraid not. I've been missing out on sleep the last few days and it's either this or taking more painkillers at night. I'd rather stick to just staying awake now." He took a sip after he spoke his piece, lowering the mug as he watched her with a glazed over look.
she smiled kindly and sat down awaiting her water to heat up, "what is the cause of you less sleep? camomile might help at times or..hmm" she got lost in thought as ways emerged in her head that her mother and grandmother had shown her when she could not sleep, she just got lost in her own thoughts as usual and seemed to space off.
Suzaku seemed very aware that Visha had drifted off into her own main and thus remained silent, tearing his eyes off of her as he leaned his back against the counter and sipped his coffee some more.
Jack knew he may not get out of this alive but he didn't care really," revenge huh, well let me say this what if you get your revenge, then what will you do after you killed those humans that probably have families, think about all the wives and kids that will have lost family just like you. Then they would want revenge on you. You will just keep that cycle going." he looked at her with caring eye," do you really want to be part of that?"
after losing her thoughts she snapped from it as the kettle whistled, "oh my..i did it again didnt i?" she blushed and got up going to the kettle taking it off the burner and turning it off. "forgive me for that" she poured the hot water into her cup and the smell of mint drifted into the kitchen as the tea leaves mixed with the water.

her snarling seemed to stop but her grip didnt she huffed and as this part of the forest was cooler her breath could be seen and the fire from her tail just caused mist from the dampness, "who should they have the right but not us..why can humans kill our families, destroy OUR homes and not pay the price while we are banished and killed" she snapped her teeth and felt a growl in the back of her throat.
He looked up again, offering the same small smile as before. "Don't worry over it. I hardly even noticed," he lied as he watched her as she made her tea. He sips a bit more of his coffee, his thoughts not entirely clear until he spoke. "You seem like a very nostalgic person."
He chuckled," you honestly think you murdering some men is going to change anything. There's probably some other girl wanting revenge for her family. But you must remember id like to think the difference between you and her is that your strong enough to accept that your pack is dead and that can't be helped and move on. But it seems I misjudged you." he could feel the blood he lost taking it toll he was weak and could hardly stay awake but fought it not wanting to break from looking into here eyes
she arched her brow and drank her tea, "why do you say that? i dont believe thats a characteristic ive been called before" she sat back down and looked at him curiously. "if anything you seem to be the one who is nostalgic" she cracked a small smile and leaned back.

ardetha whimpered but shook it off, and looked around now seeming to be frightened of the things around her. she backed off and her tail seemed to extinguish and become smaller as it tucked between her legs and her ears tipped back. she got low on her stomach and seemed to be whimpering and growling crumpling in on herself.
Jack stood up slow trying not to pass out. He walked over to Ardetha and sat beside her." you nearly kill me you know." looking at his arms which were now dripping blood." can I talk to the other Ardetha please I would like to ask her something face to face." he grinned hoping she would listen, but he really didn't care either way
her hound form seemed to cry out and crumple, looking up at him she lie down and curl up. whimpering the fur and fire melted away and contorted more to human form. soon enough she lie naked on the ground using her arms to cover herself and tucked her legs in close, blood still covered her hands and her cheeks. her hair was a mess and for once was seen without all her makeup.
Jack put a hand on her shoulder," look I might not be the person you want to here this from, but you need to make some friends." he chuckled and smiled a bit, he then laid down next to her so that they could see eye to eye and he put his hand where the blood was on her cheek," lets head back I think you have had enough fun outside for today." he then stood up and wolfed out which gave him some more strength he scooped her up and took her back to where her clothes were.
she didnt say a word but looked up at him with tears in her eyes, then closed them as she covered herself more by getting her front half to face him and hide into his fur. "im sorry jack.." it was merely a whisper and her voice cracked but she knew it had to be said. she could see the blood that now caked his fur and it just made her feel worse, knowing she did these things.
Jack looked down at her and said," don't worry about it ill be find." when they came to where her clothes were he quickly picked them up and went around the orphanage to his wind he jumped through silently and place her on his bed and laid her clothes beside." I'll be outside under the window when you get finished dressing. He then dropped down out of the window and waited
she sat up, trying not to get blood all over his bed. she felt weird being naked in someone elses room and she put her clothes back on as quickly as she could then looked out into the hallway to see if anyone was there. when she didnt see anyone she ran to the bathroom to wash the blood off herself. she scrubbed at her skin as it started to dry and when she was done she contemplated going back to his room but felt to ashamed to face him.
Jack hearing his door open and close jumped up into the window and started to get dressed careful not to get any blood on them. He then went outside and saw Ardetha . He smiled at her, but walked passed her to the bathroom to bandaged his arms. But when he did he started to feel weird, his vision blurred and he could hardly stand. Finally he blacked out and went down with a crash.
ardetha was startled and gasped, she forgot about the properties of her powers and ran over to him, "sh*t! im sorry jack!" she tried to remember what had to be done when pack members fought and got some of the poison in them as well. they naturally had the ability to be immune but to much could be taken in and would have to be dispelled. she took the bandaging from his arms and bit her lip as his skin was red and black from the marks. then she remembered, their saliva had chemical properties and would often times lick their young or mates to help heal the wounds..but jack wasnt one of them so she allowed some of her beast come to surface and her teeth sharpened and her serpentine tongue shined with the chemicals. "sorry about this.." she bit into the area of the bites and allowed her tongue to wander over the marks.
Jack started to come when she bit him he felt the pressure of her bite but didn't feel it. He didn't say anything until Aretha was finish, as he waited he wondered to him self how he got mixed up in all this eventually he felt tired and fell asleep
it took a little out of her and she panted having to hold her beast down like that and went back to normal, she picked him up the best she could and got him to his room placing him on his bed. she was strong but he was still a grown guy and heavy. she spent the time bandaging his arm like she learned how to. when she was done she felt her own exhaustion take over and without really thinking about it she lie on his floor and fell asleep.

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