Alone [Inactive]

Jack came to again about thirty minutes later and noticed how his armed were bandaged. He looked around and saw Ardetha asleep on his floor not wanting to wake her he quietly slid off his bed and picked her up which hurt a bit, but he didn't care and he put her on his bed and sat with his back to the bedframe and waited until she woke up.
after a bit ardetha woke up as well but it didnt feel like the floor anymore, she looked around and saw jack sitting up and that she was on his bed. "why am i on your bed? i was on the floor not that long ago.." it was hard to talk to him as she still felt bad but knew it was better than being silent. "i was fine there..not like i havent slept on hard surfaces before"
Jack turned his head around to look at her," well you didn't look comfortable down here so I decided that he should switch spots." he smiled as if nothing had happen between them at all." oh and by the way thanks." hot up and sat on the spot of the bed had been sitting in front of . He looked at her and asked," are you alright?"
she looked at him stunned, "thanks?? jack i could have killed you! you could have DIED just now!" she was trying not to shout but she couldnt help it. she felt horrible and she couldnt believe he acted like it never happened, "you should be avoiding me and hating me.." she crossed her arms and looked down.
Jack looked at her and hugged her and said," look were all have our flaws mine being that I care to much, and why on earth should I hate you you got the poison out of me. You saved me and I want to repay you for that some day." he held her close trying to get her to understand this is her new pack
she stiffened when he hugged her and blushed, "uuhhh..i think thats dont need to repay me" she stayed still for a moment, "im probably going to try and leave here when i turn 19..a lot of the kids here already know about me or have seen me angry and dont want a lot to do with me..this isnt my home jack. if i ever can get this under control maybe ill find a mate and start up a new one..maybe then i can forget about all of this" she sighed and let her body relax more.
He let her go and smiled," lets head down stairs vista is probably getting worried a little bit." he got up and opened the door," ladies first." he grinned and motioned to the door. He was glad he was able to keep his promise to visha and glad he was able to bring ardetha back in one piece
when he let go she slumped a bit without the support but straightened back out, "shes going to scold me..i know it" she grumbled and stood up walking through the door while straightening her hair out so it wasnt as bad looking. "your sending me to my doom.." she walked down the hall mumbling something in german.
" hey don't worry about it you'll be fine." he walked right behind her trying to figure out an excuse for the bandages he didn't want to get her into anymore trouble than she was in
she could smell mint tea which was vishas favorite so it was to hard to find her, she was sitting in the kitchen with one of the other staff members, "uhm..h-hi visha.." she looked down and rubbed the back of her neck nervously awaiting the shouting and scolding to start.

visha gasped and almost dropped her cup for standing so quickly, "ah! meine madchen!!" she went over to her and hugged her tightly, "you have me so worry! and you put jack in danger to!" she looked at her eye level with a worried face. she looked over to jack and saw his bandages, "jack! are you ok??" these two kids were going to be the death of her she thought.
Jack nodded," yeah I'm find a bear just caught me off guard for a sec dont worry about it ill be find." he grinned hoping she would by it and not try to blame Ardetha for it.
visha hugged them both, "im glad your ok..both of you" she heard ardetha sigh in relief, "but you little lady..are grounded from outside for a week" she gave her a stern eye and hugged her tightly again.

ardetha groaned, "a week? shiza..i guess that makes sense though. im sorry if i worried you to much" she hugged her back and then took a step back. "i think im going to go dirty and also need a shower" she smiled gently at jack then back at visha then ran up the stairs.

visha was smiling, "thank you jack for bringing her back here in one piece.."
Jack smiled at visha ," your welcome, well i'm going to head to my room its been a long day and I'm tired." he nodded and started to walk forwards his room, wondering to himself why am I so nice all the time. He chuckled under his breath so no one would hear. When he reached his room he crashed on the bed . The truth was that he wasn't tired he just laid there thinking to himself
visha smiled and sat back down, "i guess thats taken care of for the time being.." she sipped her tea calmly.

ardetha washed all the dirt and any dried blood that might have been in her hair or on her skin, when she got out she dried off and blow dried her hair. when she got to her room she found her black dress she liked so much and put that one with fishnet and a red corset. she sat on her bed and looked around wondering what to do as she brushed her hair out.
Jack feeling really bored got up and went out of his room and grabbed a drink. On the way back he passed by Ardetha's room and decide to hang out with her. He knocked on the door and asked," hey Ardetha you in there mind if I come in for a second."
she just finished brushing her hair when she heard a knock on her door and jacks voice, "uhm..sure but its kind of a mess" she looked down and saw a bra and some panties and she quickly kicked them under her bed.
Jacked opened the door and walked in a little bit, but not far." I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out down stairs for a little bit, I'm really bored and don't really know what to do." he messed with his drink a little bit before blushing a little bit. He had never been in a girls room before and wasn't sure how he should act when he was in her room
She looked away, "I don't know if I'm ready to be around others today..but if you like we can hang out here. I have some stuff that you might enjoy" she smiled and scooted over on her bed for him.
Reluctantly jack walked over to the bed and sat down he was now turning a bright red, what was he doing he just asked if she wanted to hang out and now he's sitting on her bed. Eventually he asked her," well what do you have that I would enjoy anyway." he tried to take his mine off of everything eles but found that harder to do.
Ami walked about in the halls. She was one of the newer orphans. It was a bit better then being outside but what sucked about being in a orphanage was that you only got fed 3 times a day. Which sucked. For the 2nd time today, she finally came out of her room to interact with some people. Though, she doubt they would want to talk to a girl who was easy to piss off. Some people wouldnt like to see her angry either. "What do I have to do to talk to people around here!" she yelled in the hall as she walked through them. Surprisingly, she was fully dressed. A skirt and a buttoned up shirt.
Jack heard the yell and got up and stepped outside to see what was up. When he was out in the hall he saw the newer kid ami he grinned." you don't have to yell ha know you can just ask people to hang out." he laughed and leaned against the wall waiting for a response
Ami looked over at the boy and she stopped her walking "No one ever wants to talk to me because im 'mean' and 'rude'. Its the way I am. People just cant seem to accept that." she crossed her arms over her chest "Plus im 'scary' if you didnt notice." she said sarcasticly. She had some attitude, yes, but she was a person too and would like to talk with people.
She walked over to her closet and came back with a big bag, "three are thing I salvaged from my village before I left.." She sat down and heard the yell. She shook her head wishing she had shut her door.
Jack chuckle," you don't look so scary most vampires don't.they actually look very pretty. But I know better to judge a book by its cover names jack by the way."

He chuckled a bit then started to mess with his bandaged arms which were now sore more than any thing
Ami replied "Ami. New to the orphange. I like it, but then I hate it at the same time." she looked off to the side "So annoying having to follow rules. I hate it. We arent some 5 year olds that need stupid rules." she then noticed something and she looked at Jack "How did you know I was a vampire?" she then looked in the room where a girl sat. She then looked at Jack "Your friend is waiting for you, Jack."

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