Alone [Inactive]

Jack was getting angry now," I don't care if you think of me as a disgrace I don't want to put you or the orphanage in danger. I don't care about your pride I want to do what I think its right now get out of my way." he pushed past her and continued to the orphanage
"right!? nothing we do is ever right!!" she seemed to burn with the anger she had inside and it showed as the plants and trees around her started to writhe and die. "right would have been trying to protect my family! if things were so right then humans wouldnt have killed everybody in my pack and the only family i ever had! if i had pride i would have tried to save them or died with them!" she herself couldnt stop the anger but her hound felt the pain and sadness and choked back a howl. she stayed in her spot as the rotting nature around her spread.
Jack stopped and looked back at her he change back to human form," everyone has a weakness, for humans its fear, for you its regret, for me its feeling betrayed, but the difference between me and you and human is that I accepted that betrayal along time ago. So now I'm not living in the past I'm living with my new pack with you at the orphanage." he turned back into a wolf and dashed to the orphanage.
ardetha closed her eyes and let out a menacing dark howl, it seemed to kill the area around her completely and she ran off in another direction opposite jack. her tracks leaving behind

visha stood up, hoping he would go to his sister and she decided it was time to make all the kids lunch. she thought she heard something awful in the distance outside the open kitchen window, it sent a feeling of pain to heart but she didnt know why. that is until she noticed ardethas clothes on the ground outside, "oh my dear.." she held her hands to her heart, she did this frequently.
Jack made his way back to the orphanage and jumped into his room through the window, he reverted back to his human form and got dressed quickly. He then went down stairs hoping no one noticed him gone he ran into Mary and asked how's Hana is doing. But was still worrying about Ardetha being out their alone.
visha paced worriedly, how long had her dear girl been out? she had a habit of losing herself. "oooh someone has to know where shes gone" she walked up the stairs and looked around for any clue as to where she could be found. "oh dear.." she paced the hallway, she couldnt tell anyone what happened they would get angry with ardetha and that would only make it worse.
Jack noticed vista walking around looking worried, he went over to her and asked," hey are you ok vista you look worried."

(g2g be back in a second)
"oohh my dearest ardetha is missing once more..iam horrible worry jack" he took his hands in hers and looked at him, "she doesnt do well alone. poor girl is in danger of harming herself" she let his hands go and started pacing again.
Ana Kislenite & Colin Venow

Before she knew it, the other had headed away toward the source of a sound, and she found herself walking aimlessly around the building, humming a soft tune to herself. She did occasionally stumble, but that had to do with a sort of accident that took place earlier in her life. Ana took little note of her lack of stability. It occurred to her that she could go outside, or read a book, among other things, but none of that really grabbed her attention like bothering Colin did. Sure, he could be rather... Unkind, but he didn't dare lay a finger on her. Well, not yet, at least. She called his name a few times, in vain. She decided she'd sneak around to the Hall, a place she'd often found the older male - that is, when it wasn't filled with a ton of people. "Colin?" She asked, spotting him in a corner. He had headphones in to block out the bothersome things, and a book in his lap. She decided to leave him alone. So with that out of the option, what else was she supposed to do?
Mary smiled at the girl a bit nicer. "Do you wish for me to be a princess, my young majesty?" She humored the kid.
Viola and Sebastian walked around aimlessly, darting their eyes at each other occasionally. They were bored and lonely by themselves. Viola, with her sharp eyes, suddenly noticed Ana. She smiled and poked Sebastian. His face was rather plain but his eyes held annoyance. His eyes suddenly darted in Ana's direction and he smiled. It was a small smile but filled with happiness nonetheless. "Ana! Ana!" Viola cried out, waving her arms. Sebastian joined in too, quieter. "Ana, Ana, do you want to play?" He called, walking towards her with Viola. The twins ran up and gave her a hug together. They both smiled at her sweetly. "Hello, Ana," Sebastian greeted. "Hi, Ana!" Viola greeted happily.

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Ana Kislenite

A smile adorned the girl's soft and gentle features, and she hugged the two in return. "Hey, guys," she greeted, her voice silvery and soft. "Of course, I'd love to! What should we play?" The teen gave a silent prayer up to whatever god was watching her, thanking him (or her) for the twins. Without them, she would probably spend most of her days in her room, falling victim to the clutches of boredom on a daily basis. If she was to be honest, Ana really did enjoy the company of Viola and Sebastian, and is always dreading the day they'll have to leave her.
Viola smiled brightly, once again, and said, "Umm, hmm. I guess I didn't think this through. Sebastian what do you think?" Sebastian didn't respond right away. He looked up with his wide, red, expressive eyes. "I suppose we could play Hide and Seek, you like that Viola, right? Or, Ana, do you have any games in mind?" Sebastian said, in a polite voice. He knew how to be a gentleman, his mutti (mother in German) told him it was very important to be polite. Viola nodded and spoke in a very serious voice, "Oui (Yes in French), but Ana ought to decide. She always has the best ideas anyways." The little girl looked at her and probably batted her eyelashes a little. You would think that this girl would probably be doing just for the sake of it.
Ana Kislenite

She pondered the choices for a moment. On one hand, she really did like hide-and-seek, but she also liked tag quite a bit. And, as she learned from her elementary school years, there was a glorious mix of the two. "Let's play hide-and-seek-tag, okay? I'll be it first! You have until I count to... Twenty-five! Sound good?" She put her hands on her hips and looked down toward the two, her ever-present smile still accounted for.
Viola and Sebastian's eyes lit up almost immediately at the mention of the fusion between their favorite games. They both nodded their head in time to the other's. "That sounds awesome!" Viola exclaimed with true happiness. The idea was splendid and oh so clever to her. Why hadn't she thought of it? Sebastian gave a small smiled and bobbed his head again. "It sounds nice, very nice. Let's get this game started!" He said, mustering up all the excitement he could. The twins exchanged excited glances and said simultaneously, "Alright, it's decided. You can find us after 25 seconds." Viola smiled and said, "We're going to hide where you'll never find us!" Sebastian merely gave a small nod. "Kay! You start counting!" The little girl said, smiling ever so brightly, fangs sticking out.
Ana Kislenite

Turning on her heel, she used her hands to cover her eyes and the numbers started to tumble from her mouth. "One... Two... Three..." She heard the two pitter-patter away, their light bodies being carried quickly across the floor. "Six... Seven... Eight..." No longer hearing them, her counting sped up a bit. "Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!" Ana's voice grew louder. "Twenty three, twenty four, twenty five!" She removed her hands and spun back around. "Ready or not, here I come!"
Jack could see how worried vista was, so he decided to help," vista don't worry ill go find her and bring her back I promise." he put a hand on her shoulder then walked out of the orphanage to the forest, where he transformed and began searching
"w-wait you know where she is!? jack you cant go alone she-!" before she could finish he was out the door. " safe"

ardetha was in one of the farther corners of the forest, finding her wouldnt have been to hard, the brownish colors of all the dead grass and plants gave her away. her snarling and howling wouldnt help either.
Jack followed the burned plants all the way to the farthest edge of the forest and that where he saw Ardetha and said," I really thought you would be out of the forest by now. What holding you back." while still in wolf form he knelt down so he was eye level with her." you need to come back."
she growled and didnt speak to him, her muzzle was bloody and so were her paws. she pulled her lips back as she backed away from him barking a couple times as her fur fluffed up.
A tired looking Suzaku walked into the room Visha was in, his clothes needlessly bulky for the time of year as usual with a cup of coffee held in his right hand as he lifted his free one to adjust his glasses. "Is everything alright? I heard shouting," he said, his voice about as tired as he looked through still filled with concern.
she was sitting in her chair with her legs crossed and her fingers to her lips with worry all over her face. "oh dearest ardetha is in trouble once more. jack, he went looking.." she sighed and tucked her curly hair behind one ear and turned to look out her window.
Jack notice the blood and changed back to his human side." what happen your all bloody, did you get into trouble." he knew he left him self utterly defense less but he didn't care." he looked at her in a concerned way," let me look he took a step forward and felt the heat she gave off he didn't back up, but he didn't move forward either he stood there waiting to see what happens
He didn't have anything immediate to say, standing there for a few moments before he let out a sigh and grabbing a seat to drag over next to hers. He sat down, cradling his mug in both hands as he began to speak in an even, serious tone despite the tinge of exhaustion in his words. "She's not really a kid anymore, Visha. She's practically an adult. Did you every think she might just need some time alone? She's been through a lot and you know she can get frustrated. Letting her blow off steam isn't a bad idea."
thats why im so worry suzaku..shes gotten older and her power more strong. iam not what she is and cant understand how to help her. shes always alone and i feel shes become distant more so from the world. i just want to help her" she hid her face in her hands. when she looked back up her eyes filled with sorrow, "i care about all the kin here..i was not a mother before coming to america nor did i have siblings. so i love the kids here and ardetha is one of the only ones who relied on me such as a child would to a parent. i would be ready to let her grow, but she has problems still. those problems need another person to work through them with her."

ardetha snapped at him with her large teeth and walked closer to him in a feral stance, she had a few scratches on her but that was all. in the distance behind her lie the carcass of a large animal. bits of it scattered in the immediate area. she licked her chops and got so close to jack that the heat from her power surged and the blood could be smelled along her fur.
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