All Alone... (RP)

Neku walks over to them, noticing the wounds.

"Tch...I'll stay here with you people and make sure nothing comes out at you while you're helping get 'rid of that wound."

Really he just doesn't wanna be alone at a time like this, even though it's just civilians
Hunter nods, having jinxed with her earlier, he hands jessi a rag to bite down on

Hunter: Sorry, it's probably going to hurt alot
Max watched the small scene, a little antsy. 'How did everything end up like this within a matter of, what, minutes?' She groaned softly to herself, looking around for any sort of item she could use as a weapon. She spots a pipe underneath a car and goes over to get it, picking it up from the ground before walking back over to the small group.
Jessi holds the young boys hand, and Jasper hands her the first aid quickly, Jessi grits her teeth tightly and cries out loudly again "F*ck!" she screams as the pain begins to spread up her spine, her tears sting her eyes and she looks to the sky, the whites of her eyes red and blood shot, she whimpers loudly. Jasper gently strokes her forehead gently "She is burning up!" he looks up at them, his heart in his throat.she bites onto the cloth, and she watches max with wide eyes, panting, she screams into the cloth and her body trembles.
Charlie rolled up her pants leg carefully but quickly so she could see the wound clearly. The gash was bleeding pretty bad. She ripped of a piece of cloth from her jacket and poured some clean water from a water bottle that she had found. "This is going to hurt," she told the girl apolageticly but she had to do it she had to clean the wound with water. She then got the needled and thread and sowed her up. Lastly she wrapped the cloth tape around her leg tightly but carefully.
Hunter grabs a towel and pours it with cold water, damping it and hands it to Jasper

Hunter: Here, put this on her forehead. (( the kit had a small bottle of hydrogen poroxide yknow?))
Jessi screams loudly and sobs, then she lays back, Jasper presses the cold cloth to her forehead, Jessi closes her eyes quickly and whimpers, "Jessi?" he says holding her head, color remained in her face and lips, and her breathing was normal "Jessica, don't you dare fall asleep!" he strokes her cheek and hair gently Jessi kept breathing and the color remained on her face, and he looks up at Max, and hold Jessica tightly.
The bleeding had stopped in her leg and now it wouldn't get infected but they still had to clean it once a day at least with water or whatever else they had.
Max looked at the two of them, her eyes filled with sadness while also being slightly apologetic. She walks over to the two and places one hand on Jasper's back, as if to comfort him, while the other soothing strokes Jessi's hair. She must be in a terrible amount of pain and Max hoped to somehow distract her from it, if only a little.
Jasper slowly picks Jessi's limp body up "She is still breathing.. thats good... right?" he says his eyes sad as he holds his little sister against him "We have to get to your place." he looks at Hunter and nods "Please, take us there.." he says gently, Jessi sleeps in his arms, the pain made her black out.
Hunter looks at jasper, he remembers there was a blanket and grabs it, he gives it to Jasper

Hunter: Here... Just so she doesn't get cold, you too

Hunter nods

Hunter: It's just around this corner then 1 block down, think you can carry her?
Jasper slowly wraps her in the blanket, Her breathing gentle and quiet "We need to go.." he says sternly "We don't know what heard her scream, and wants to come in for a little meal." he says and holds her close to him. His eyes flicker from Charlie, to Hunter, and to Max. "please.."
He nods

Hunter: Okay we need to stay quiet. Ill stay in the front and Jasper, Jessi and the kid can go in the middle Charlie and Max can go on the sides and Mr...*points to the armored man* hopefully he will cover our 6. If that's okay with you guys? I like to be a bit safe...
"From what I've seen, if we stick around to long, it won't be very productive to our lives, we need to move, and fast"

Neku had holstered his firearm and was going through his pouches, finding his military gps again, still screwed up.

Jasper nods and slowly gets into the position, holding Jessi, her body was getting cold, "Hey, Jess you gotta stay awake..." he says gently and holds her closer to him, her eyes only flicker open momentarily then they shut again.
Max nods her head as she goes to the right side, waiting for everyone to get in the position Hunter had assigned them in. "Before we go, try looking for something around here," she held up the pipe she found, "that we could use as a weapon. That is if you don't already have one."
Charlie picked up a rusty metal stick that was already sort of sharp at the end. Then Cameron came up and held her free hand but was still in the middle like the older boy said.
Hunter nods at max,he waits for everyone to have a weapon, holding his bokken and starts walking, expecting everyone to be following, he starts to go around the corner when one zombie comes out groaning and he slams it directly on the head, it falls and he slams it again while its on the ground, making sure it's dead. He notices more up ahead, he puts his finger to his mouth signaling to be quiet.
Jasper looks around quickly, but the sudden movement makes Jessica whimper "Shh." he coos gently "Im sorry." he says gently and looks around a little slower, then begins to search inside the cars, he gently sets her inside the car, and begins to go through the glove compartment, he searches the car then goes to a near by truck, it looks less beaten up, he searches it, then jumps in the back, he goes through a tool box and smirks, he takes out a sledge hammer, "Got mine.." he says then jumps out of the back, he goes back to Jessica and gently takes her hand, "Try to hold it.." he says gently and puts it in her hand, she hold it weakly, and he wraps her back in the blanket, and holds her close to his chest again bridal style, then quickly makes his way back to the group.
Max made sure her steps didn't make any noise as she touched the ground, her breathing soft and labored. She held her pipe at her side, being on full alert in case any one of those 'zombies' come near her. She bounced slightly on the balls of her feet, her body slightly stiff as she looked around the area.
Jasper holds Jessica, attempting to make no noise as they walk, Jessica stirs in his arms slightly "Shh." he says gently and keeps walking, staying in a good pace to not hurt Jessica as he walks, and to stay behind Hunter without bumping him, but not being separated, He tenses as they turn the corner and he looks around, the road was quiet and it was beginning to make Jasper weary.
Hunter keeps walking along the sidewalk, staying completely quiet, he looks back making sure everyone is grouped up, one zombie starts following them slowly from Max's side, seeming interested as it walks from a distance being followed by another
Jasper looks back and his eyes widen, he looks at Max and grits his teeth from making any noise, he looks at hunter, and down at Jessi, he very quietly whispers "Do we run? or fight them off?" he looks back at the zombies as they limp after us slowly, flesh hanging off of them.

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