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Realistic or Modern All about Life

Taro Matsuda

Taro sat next to Yuri and took out his books, and a pen. He sat in a proper position, prepared for class. His hands were at the table, joined together and he himself sat straight and focused, ready for the bell.

@Alushey @Still Crazy
"Yea that was me. But it wasn't really a fight, more of a unpleasant argument." As Oishi said this he was looking round for someone he thought he would have his next lesson with. "But if we don't have class together, I've got to go. I really need to find someone that does. If I came late to his lesson again he'll kill me."

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Coyodie said:
"Yea that was me. But it wasn't really a fight, more of a unpleasant argument." As Oishi said this he was looking round for someone he thought he would have his next lesson with. "But if we don't have class together, I've got to go. I really need to find someone that does. If I came late to his lesson again he'll kill me."
"Which lesson do you have now?" Miki asked knowing she could probably help him. Even when she didn't follow his lessons, she knew where most of them where located. Just to be prepared. "Your kind of a doofus." Miki looked at him with still the same expression as before.
Eiko took her newly ordered coffee, "You have a really lovely place here! I'm so glad I dropped by!" she said to the two bartenders. The med student proceeded to head out the doors after bidding them farewell.

Back at the University, class schedule has been altered for some unknown reason, which caused Eiko to have more free time than usual. "Oohh, but this is supposed to be my first day here," she said, drooping her shoulders and pouting a bit. Seeing that there's nothing much she could do at school anyway, she decided to do one of her favorite pass time - a stroll around the park. The thought excited her as she had never gone to the city park yet. Securing her books in her locker and armed with only her satchel, Eiko practically skipped her way out the school and onto the park.

The smell of cool air greeted her upon arriving at the park. "Mmmm, lovely place!" She said aloud, lifting both arms in the air. She began her little journey around the park. Not too long, however, she noticed a figure hunched over, holding what looks like a piece of paper. Tipp toeing her way towards her, "Hey, there," she began, "Would a cup of coffee help brighten your day?" She held her coffee towards the other person.

@Hobbesisalive @Still Crazy @Gabriel97 (if you're still at the park)
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"Uhm I think I've history. Probaly" Oshi smiled without even a clue how she could help him. "Wait a sec. How are you gonna help me exactly? We don't have the same class." He looked confused. In his head he repeated what Miki said. "He I'm not doofus." Oshi didn't meant to say that out loud.

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Coyodie said:
"Uhm I think I've history. Probaly" Oshi smiled without even a clue how she could help him. "Wait a sec. How are you gonna help me exactly? We don't have the same class." He looked confused. In his head he repeated what Miki said. "He I'm not doofus." Oshi didn't meant to say that out loud.
Miki blinked at his response and pointed towards a door with her index finger. "You'll find your class there." She said. After that she grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulders. "Have fun." the girl added and headed towards her own class. Only to turn around again. "Oh and next time. Try to make a fight out of it." She smiled and continued her walk.
"Thx" Oishi wachted the girl walk away. "What just happened?" He shrugged his surprising conversation off and went to his class.

"I'm not too late right?" Oishi asked his teacher while he was looking for a place he could take a seat.

@Alushey @Still Crazy @Birdsie
ArcticViolin said:
Eiko took her newly ordered coffee, "You have a really lovely place here! I'm so glad I dropped by!" she said to the two bartenders. The med student proceeded to head out the doors after bidding them farewell.
Back at the University, class schedule has been altered for some unknown reason, which caused Eiko to have more free time than usual. "Oohh, but this is supposed to be my first day here," she said, drooping her shoulders and pouting a bit. Seeing that there's nothing much she could do at school anyway, she decided to do one of her favorite pass time - a stroll around the park. The thought excited her as she had never gone to the city park yet. Securing her books in her locker and armed with only her satchel, Eiko practically skipped her way out the school and onto the park.

The smell of cool air greeted her upon arriving at the park. "Mmmm, lovely place!" She said aloud, lifting both arms in the air. She began her little journey around the park. Not too long, however, she noticed a figure hunched over, holding what looks like a piece of paper. Tipp toeing her way towards her, "Hey, there," she began, "Would a cup of coffee help brighten your day?" She held her coffee towards the other person.

@Hobbesisal @Still Crazy @Gabriel97 (if you're still at the park)
She shook her head, as she got up and walked towards a bench, holding the note in her hands. She stared at it in shock and sadness.
Gabriel97 said:
She shook her head, as she got up and walked towards a bench, holding the note in her hands. She stared at it in shock and sadness.
After covering a considerable amount of area at the park, she saw a girl sitting on a bench. "Hmm, I wonder if she's okay," Eiko said aloud. She looked around then made her way to the girl, coffee in hand.

"Hey there," she greeted, "mind if I sit beside you? Oh, and I have this newly ordered coffee from...from that cafe." She didn't quite remember the name of the cafe but she held out her coffee and offered it to the girl who's currently wearing a sad demeanor. "Don't worry, this is magic. It shall wipe away the tears of whoever consumes it," her hand going up to the air for added effect.
Vaskar yawned as he waited in line for his cappuccino. He had just got out of bed not twenty minutes ago and now stood in this long line. His hair was a mess and he could feel people staring at him. But he didn't care. His day as a writer always started out like this. He smiled to the women behind the counter as she handed him his order. "Thank you." He spoke in a rich toned voice, making the girl almost reel back in shock. His voice did not match his age but still fit him well. He walked out of the cafe and walked to his car. Flipping his shades down and swinging his keys, he noticed a girl sitting on a bench as another girl skipped toward her. He decided it was none of his buisness as he came up to his shining black Chevelle. Hopping into his ride he buckled his seat belt and started the beast, letting the engine roar at a low volume.
ArcticViolin said:
After covering a considerable amount of area at the park, she saw a girl sitting on a bench. "Hmm, I wonder if she's okay," Eiko said aloud. She looked around then made her way to the girl, coffee in hand.
"Hey there," she greeted, "mind if I sit beside you? Oh, and I have this newly ordered coffee from...from that cafe." She didn't quite remember the name of the cafe but she held out her coffee and offered it to the girl who's currently wearing a sad demeanor. "Don't worry, this is magic. It shall wipe away the tears of whoever consumes it," her hand going up to the air for added effect.
She looked up at the woman, her eyes filled with tears. "Not even injected happiness could make me happy now..." She murmured, staring at the note which was soaked in tears.
Vaskar was about to roll away as he looked back to see the girl sitting on the bench crying. He sighed as he turned the key off. Time to help someone today. As he slowly opened the door he attempted to fix his messy hair and grab his coffee. He closed the door and locked his car, then he walked down the sidewalk to the girl that sat on the bench and the other that stood offering the coffee. He smiled and spoke in his rich tone. "Hello, may I sit with you?" He ran a hand through his hair and pulled his shades off.

@Gabriel97 @ArcticViolin
Eiko glanced at the man who just approached them, then smiled and waved her hand to acknowledge his presence. Looking back at the girl, Eiko kneeled down and gave her a handkerchief. "There, there," she said, gently patting her at the back."Perhaps this coffee will be the Cup of Sorrow for today," gripping the coffee cup.

@Gabriel97 @VaskarTheHunter
Sitting down next to the girl he sipped on his cappuccino then placed in the ground by his black leather boot. Giving a warm smile he introduced himself. "I'm Vaskar Donashta, pleased to meet you both." He bowed to them slightly. "Is there anyway I can assist you in your troubles?"
"Vaskar Donashta..." Eiko repeated. "That's an interesting name! I'm Eiko, Musume Eiko. It's a pleasure to meet you," returning his bow. "And this is..." she said, looking at the sobbing girl, "will you kindly give us a name, dear one?"

@VaskarTheHunter @Gabriel97
ArcticViolin said:
"Vaskar Donashta..." Eiko repeated. "That's an interesting name! I'm Eiko, Musume Eiko. It's a pleasure to meet you," returning his bow. "And this is..." she said, looking at the sobbing girl, "will you kindly give us a name, dear one?"
@VaskarTheHunter @Gabriel97
"Hakase..." She said, taking a deep breath and looking at the two people.
Vaskar smiled. "that's a beautiful name." He took another sip of his coffee and pulled out his phone to check it. He offered his hand along with a cloth to hakase.
Vaskar sighed and nodded to her. "Men can be very cruel and foulish. Throwing away what once mattered most to them. I feel your pain on the other side of it." He smiled slightly at that. Quite the poet he thought to himself.
VaskarTheHunter said:
Vaskar sighed and nodded to her. "Men can be very cruel and foulish. Throwing away what once mattered most to them. I feel your pain on the other side of it." He smiled slightly at that. Quite the poet he thought to himself.
"You don't..." She said, looking at her and sighed. Looking down at the note again, she shred it to pieces.
Vaskar held out his hand to her not sure what he was doing just yet. Maybe to comfort her he thought. He gently pulled her into a hug. "It's alright." He wasn't sure what he was doing. He was about to head home to work on his next book and now here he was hugging a complete stranger.
Eiko made a pouting face upon hearing what Hakase had said. "Oh," she said while looking at Vaskar first then at Hakase. "Things happen in life, and sometimes we can't control them," touching the girl's hand, assuring her she can get pass it. As Vaskar had pulled Hakase to a hug, Eiko smiled and said, "you can talk to us, if you want."

@Gabriel97 @VaskarTheHunter
"Ah hello Oishi no you're not late in fact your a few minutes early. So how about you take a seat. Oh and I need to speak to you after class so do don't forget." Al said as he started getting ready for class.

Vaskar smiled as a thought came into his head. He would skip work today. Because he was his own boss. "Hey if you both aren't doing anything, I know this great restraunt up town. The best sandwiches." He smiled hoping it would cheer Hakase up.

@Gabriel97 @ArcticViolin

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