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Realistic or Modern All about Life

Taro Matsuda

*Beep* a sound came away from the clock, that stood on the wooden bedside table. Then even more, very quickly after each other. Taro opened up his eyes, only to see the most shocking thing ever. Bang was lying directly on his forehead. Taro gently took his friend off of his face and put Bang, who was still sleeping on the floor. "I hate my life." he muttered out, hitting the button on the clock. Taro's mother died in an accident, when he was still little. His father became an alcoholic, so his grandfather is the legal guardian.

Taro checked the plan for the day. Nothing out of order, go to school, go to work, come home, do the homework, free time, go to sleep. Of course with meals in between, let's not forget that. "Seems legit." he said, flexing his arms and trying to wake up in general. Taro made his way towards the bathroom and cleaned himself up. Then towards the kitchen, where there were already his grandfather's noodles waiting for him, with a note:


I went out shopping, just heat this up in the microwaver



The first thing that Taro noticed was the spelling mistake. 'Microwaver'? Well, his Grandfather wasn't good with technology, but was good at making noodles. Taro did according to the instruction and finished breakfast, also leaving some cat-food for Bang, in his bowl. Once Taro finished, he dressed up into the school uniform, took his bag and walked out of his house, towards the Hiroshima High-school. He put in his earbuds and started listening to music.

Upon his arrival, the only thing he could do was stand for a moment and admire the place. 'Ah, yes. The Hiroshima High-school. The only place where I can genuinely say: Everyone hates me.' He thought to himself. 'Well, besides the teachers, and the principal.' he thought soon after, too.

Taro walked into the school and opened up his locker, starting to sort everything inside and preparing for the day.


Bang was having a dream of his life, more specifically: Bang was dreaming about catnip and it's effects on a cat's brains. He knew he needed it. He just had to have some catnip. The cat felt Taro rising him up into the air, but didn't mind it. It felt being put at the floor, next to the bed, but did not care. Bang continued sleeping away.
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Yuri was at her locked, generously provided to her by the school. She put in the combination before pulling on the handle. When she got the locker open she put her bookbag down on the floor and crouched down, pulling out her cheerleader outfit and folding it nicely. She laid the outfit in her locker, along with the proper shoes, and then slammed the locker shut. Yuri messed with the lock for a second, trying to get it to close before it finally latched.

Yuri picked the bag up and slid it over her shoulder. She pulled out her phone and glanced at the time. There was about 15 minutes of down time before class started. The only thing Yuri could think to herself was
'see mom, no one needs to get up that early..'. Deciding what to do with this time could be a challenge, but Yuri just started walking up and down the halls.


(Sorry to all the men in the cafe (8))(=u=)(
;) ))

Masao continued to run to the Sugar and Spice cafe, he worked there as a bouncer. Although he doubted that anyone would even be there to kick out....The cafe was pretty tame, although last week this one guy was really drunk so Masao got to kick him out. Nevertheless, Masao felt bad for taking the job, Mariah was paying him to basically do nothing, but stand there and look pretty. He thought about this fact quite often, so often in fact that he was thinking about it during his run. He should have been thinking about the hot coffee that was just sitting in his hand. Unfortunately though it was too late to think about that, for he had already tripped on the side walk and landed right on the coffee.
"AW SHIT" He said loudly.

Masao stood up and carefully took his computer bag off and inspected it for any damage, all the while the hot coffee was burning his skin underneath the shirt.
"damn it" he muttered to himself. The Sugar and Spice cafe was still a good five minutes away. As he thought through his options, he show the broken coffee cup in the nearest trashcan. He could probably stand the burning of the coffee until he got to the cafe. Infant with all this new adrenaline, he could probably run there within a minute or two.
Mariah sat in her office finishing up her reports so she went out and told everyone she'd be back she was going to go to mail off some stuff.

Mariah hopped In her car driving off seeing Masao.

"Hey hunny aren't you supposed to be I'm class? You aren't skipping are you?"

Mariah smiled at him curious what and where he was going
Hayashida was about the reply on the male in front of him when the door swept open. A male with cream like coloured hair walked in and asked if he was perhaps bothering them. Shida shook his head and moved over to the coffee machine. "No, making coffee is my job sir. You can't bother me with that." A smiled spread over his lips as he spoke, quickly pushing the start button on the machine. "American coffee you said?"

While the coffee was busy making itself Shida looked over at the other male. "I guess my specialty has to wait a little longer."

@JAMN @BornWithoutFear

Masao slowed down when a car that looked just like mariahs came towards him. He listened to her words before replying with "They canceled class, and your damn coffee spilled all over me. Im going to the cafe though. Ive got a change of clothes in the back." He told her, Mariah could possibly be his favorite person on earth, she was the best.

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Taro Matsuda

Taro was going through the hallways, then noticed Yuri. He remembered her, but from where?... Oh, right. She was a waitress at the same Cafe as him. Well, clearly there were no chances to be friends with her, considering she was popular and he was... just average. His staring was stopped, when someone bumped into him. One of the bullies, obviously. Taro was like a big dummy, that held a 'Pick on me' sign for most bullies in the school. They usually did it after school, or even after he finished work, as he'd have money from the tips. He took out his earbuds, looking around anxiously.

Taro walked into the men's bathroom, as he needed to... take care of his urges. As soon as he walked in, he saw his biggest nemesis since High-School began.



Toilets... Damn toilets. I'm scared of toilets. Not really of toilets. More specifically, the fact that I'm a magnet for being picked on. And that might mean that one day, someone will make me face a toilet... face-to-face. Literally. He thought to himself. Taro's face was as if he saw a ghost.

After about a minute, Taro left the bathroom and bumped into Yuri. Gulping, he said "I'm s-so sorry! Really sorry. I somehow didn't notice you!" with an embarrassed voice.

@Still Crazy
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"Come on hop in. I'll take you there.. That's the least I can do for my coffee beating you up this morning"

She laughed unlocking the passenger seat for him to get in the car. Tossing her Mail and computer bag in the back seat

She raised an eyebrow at him

"How'd you spill the coffee anyways?

Yuri had seen a few kids walking in, but of course no one that she knew would be here the this time..Honestly, no one that she knew would even be here at all in the morning. Therefor, she continued to walk up and down the halls, checking her texts sometimes, other times looking at pictures of exotic jungles. Which is were she is planning to go after high school. All caught up in these thoughts of adventure had her aimlessly wondering the halls. She was knocked back into reality, quite literally, by a boy named.....Taro??? She thought about the boy, he was the one who all the teachers loved. He also worked with her at the cafe, though they didn't ever speak before today.

Anyway, he had bumped into her and was now apologizing.
"Oh don't apologize, it was my fault I'm sure!" After all she was in her imaginary world. "I'm the one who should be sorry" She gave a little giggle. "After all I was infront of the boys bathroom.." All of this was a tad embarrassing. She tilted her head to let some of her peach colored hair come over her shoulder. "Im Yuri" She said holding out her hand to him.



Masao got in the car and took off his backpack, throwing it in the back with hers. There was no doubt that she would be back at the cafe so his things would be safe with her. He chuckled a bit, thinking back on it the whole incident was quite hilarious.
"Well, I was running to your cafe missy. My mind wondered and BAM I'm on the ground, coffees all over me and then here you come, saving my like always." He tried hard to not laugh during his explanation, his shirt was still wet, but there was an extra one behind the counter at the cafe.

Taro Matsuda

Taro sighed in relief. She did not seem to be a mad at him, which was good. Actually, it was very good. The last thing that Taro needed, or wanted was to be in more trouble. "I'm Taro." he said, and shook her hand. "Taro Matsuda." he added, trying to crack up a friendly smile. "We work at the same place, right?" he asked her.

@Still Crazy
"Yes, an ameicano... iced. It reminds me of my high school years back in the United States." Leopold briefly stared at the roof reminiscing. "Plus an espresso... for my driver out front."

Leopold smiled and looked around the café.

It's a nice place, maybe I should come here more often
, Leopold thought.

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Yuri nodded her head to the boy "Yeah the sugar and Spice Cafe" She said softly. the boy had striking blue eyes that were paired with dark hair. He was quite good looking, she wondered why she hand't ever spoken to him before.


Hakase was sitting on the couch in her home, writing something in her laptop. She was chewing on a bubblegum, while her phone vibrated. "Ugh," she sighed in an angry way, as she picked it up and looked at the phone. Her eyes widened, as she put her laptop on the table and rushed outside, running towards the park.
Taro Matsuda

Taro smiled, thinking I think she's the first student in the school not to hate me. "Well, I see. And your brother works there too? And he studies here aswell? I forgot his name, though. I haven't really met you two before, I don't know much people around here." he responded. The only thing he could think of at the moment was the statistical improbability of this whole conversation. All that he expected her to do once he bumped into her was for her to push him away, keep walking and call him a loser, or a pupil of the teachers, or anything like that. It was a surprise, but a good one.

@Still Crazy
"Yeah, his name is Masao" She said, giving him a smile. Yuri then realized that their hands were still locked together from the handshake. She blushed a bit, before slowly moving her hand back. It was strange that she didn't notice till just then they their hands were still entangled together. "Um...So what do you have for your first class?" She asked him, trying to recover from the potentially awkward encounter

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"That's OK." Coaxch said, winking, as he turned back to her coffee and began drinking. To his surprise, this new customer who has just walked in wasn't terribly bad looking, either. The man winked at him as he sat, to, and smiled, "never seen you around." He began, "What's your name?"

@Hobbesisalive @JAMN

She had arrived to the park, where she found a note. She knelt down to pick it up.

I hate to say this trough a note, but I don't think our relationship can continue. I've been thinking about this a lot, and I could not bring myself to say this to your face...I loved you for this whole time. But I don't feel like I do anymore. I am sorry.

Farewell, Hakase. I hope you can find someone that is worth of you.


Her eyes filled with tears as she read the note.

(This would be a GREAT moment for someone to pass by.)
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Taro Matsuda

His face turned pale, as soon as he realized he was still holding her hand. He gawkily scratched the back of his head, with an awkward smile. As soon as he heard the question, he returned to his normal expression, and calmed down a bit. After a few seconds of thinking, he finally remembered. "B-Biology." he said with a responsive, but shy tone. He still felt a bit awkward after holding her hand like that. He could not even comprehend how he forgot to let her go.

@Still Crazy
Oishi jumped out of the bus and started running to his class. While he took a sprint to his class he noticed that there where alot of people around during class hours. Oishi slowed down and looked at his phone. Yea he was 5 minutes late, then he watched the clock that was hanging around. "You have got to be kidding me! I still have 15 minutes!? Fucking phone need to replace you."

While he was gasping for air he saw in de corner of is eye a nerd bumping into a cheerleader. "Wel this is gonna be interesting." But something diffrent happend. Instead of the girl screaming at him she started a conversation. "To bad could have been fun. NO bad Oishi bad thoughts". Oishi left the scenery and went to his class. "Maybe I can get some shut eye before it starts"
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Yuri could sense that he now felt awkward, truth is she did a little bit aswell. She waited for his answer and as soon as she heard it, her eyes light up. "Same Here!" She told him smiling widely, she tried to turn the awkwardness around. Although in the back of her mind she was still wondering how she'd gone through this school year so far without even noticing him enough to talk to him. Though maybe it was a good thing her mom got her up so early this morning, if she hadn't then chances are she may have never meet Taro.

Taro Matsuda

Taro's head rose slightly. "That's great." he answered, cracking up a friendly smile. "Want to meet after school?" he asked with a reserved, shy voice. He never asked anyone out... never. He never got the chance, because most people turn their backs as soon as he talks to them. At least all people of his age, that is. Bang always wants to hang out with Taro... or rather sleep, next to Taro.

@Still Crazy
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Yuri gave another smile "Sure, at the cafe or somewhere else? I can drive if you don't have a car" She said, not sure if this was suppose to be a friendly hangout or a date hangout. Well either way, she would find out when school ended. Although she was pretty sure they both had to work at the cafe after school, surely Mariah would let them off if they asked though.

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Taro Matsuda

Only a few seconds before the answer, Taro realized. His face turned out really nervous. Wait a minute... She's a girl, I'm a guy. She's popular, I'm not. She's a cheerleader, I'm an outcast. Oh my god, what did I do! She'll j- But then he heard her words. "WOW, REALL- I mean, y-you have a car?!?! Awesome!" he tried to save himself. He was actually knocked back, by her words of acceptance. He tried his best at returning to a normal facial expression, but was still nervous. He was not amazed by the car, but rather by the fact that she decided to actually be friends with him. He deeply sighed in relief and smiled at her, a bit nervously.

@Still Crazy
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Yuri nodded slightly "Yeah My parents bought it for me when I was 16..." Her parents have been overbearing ever since Masao came out of the closet. They bought her things that they thought she needed, but she didn't need a car. IN fact Yuri didn't need half of the things that the get for her.

Taro Matsuda

Taro responded "Well, that's nice, I suppose." cracking up a little smile. He was not sure what he himself could say. He lived with his grandfather, which clearly wasn't a 'cool' thing to say. Not that he did it because he wanted to, he had literally no other option. "You're a cheerleader, right?" he asked, trying to move the conversation forward. "Really cool." he complimented, because he wasn't an acrobat himself. He thought of Cheeleaders as a mix of acrobats, dancers and singers. All female, of course. He could do neither of those things, so he decided to show a little admiration.

@Still Crazy

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