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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

@Ami the breadling


She let a warm smile spread across her face and then said, "If I didn't know any better I'd say the two of you were sisters with the way you act toward each other." With that in mind she scooted off of the bed and then walked in to her closet, emerging a bit later in her sleeping clothes which were a rather soft to match the bed she had. She slipped underneath the covers and looked over at the girl and her companion, "The two of you are welcome to stay if you wish." She pauses and then says looking over at Caroline, "I surely wouldn't object to having a cutie like you sleep over Caroline."
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"Um what is all of this exactly?" Alex questioned before picking up the bag the supplies were in and slinging it over his shoulder "Well best take them to mu dorm and hide them then find out what they are."

@Ami the breadling


"You've never spent the night in someone else's bed before," she simply said with a double blink, her then adding with a light smile and giggle, "Well neither have I so it's a first for the both of us then." Via scooted a little closer to Caroline and let her eyes close for a moment, her feeling the warmness that radiated off of Caroline. She then said with a light sigh, "This is nice." Quite frankly she had never shared a bed with anyone, not even her mother as she was growing up as a child.
[QUOTE="Mediocritys Muse]@Ami the breadling

"You've never spent the night in someone else's bed before," she simply said with a double blink, her then adding with a light smile and giggle, "Well neither have I so it's a first for the both of us then." Via scooted a little closer to Caroline and let her eyes close for a moment, her feeling the warmness that radiated off of Caroline. She then said with a light sigh, "This is nice." Quite frankly she had never shared a bed with anyone, not even her mother as she was growing up as a child.

It didn't take Caroline long to fall asleep. She cuddled up with Via as she started to calmly sleep. Fina laid above Caroline's head, stopping to glow as Caroline fell asleep and sleeping as well.
@Ami the breadling


Via slowly drifted off to sleep as well, her instinctively wrapping her arms around Caroline as she was sleeping as she did with whatever may be in the bed with her. She was one that clings to things in her sleep, whether it be a stuffed animal or apparently another person. Her sleep was peaceful and devoid of anything that would be considered negative, which would be seen by how she looked as she slept.
Meredith looks at the case of the dvd we put in, "Divergent, Inuk." Inuk sees a tiny hole in one of her wings that looks as if it is really old. The hole is at the base of the wing near her back and looks as if someone had tried to cut it off of her back. All that remains is a hole that, unless she is sitting a certain way, is completely unnoticeable. @metalcity
Nylana said:
Meredith looks at the case of the dvd we put in, "Divergent, Inuk." Inuk sees a tiny hole in one of her wings that looks as if it is really old. The hole is at the base of the wing near her back and looks as if someone had tried to cut it off of her back. All that remains is a hole that, unless she is sitting a certain way, is completely unnoticeable. @metalcity
Inuk sees the hole on her wing and looks at it in a bit of confusion. "What happened to your wing?" He asked, not really sure what could have caused it.

Meredith blushed and sighed softly, "When I was younger I was envious of my sisters and father. They have wings the colors of jewels and flowers. My wings are the color of death and sorrow. I decided that I no longer wished to have wings if my siblings and father were forever going to taunt me about my difference. Even my mother taunted me about being the darkest child of the family. They all have bright red hair and wings. My mother is the only wingless one and even she has bright red hair. I have this white hair and skin with black wings. I decided to cut my wings off. My aunt found me and stopped me..." @metalcity
Inuk got off the bed and walked over to her, he turned her around and hugged her "Don't worry, i think they are gorgeous. Just like you." he stated.

(at the moment I must decline your question in a few hours I'll get back to you but hopefully by then what I want to happen happens)
Blacknife said:
((woops sorry))
Gears smiled down at her "She just wants friends. The little fairy thing said so" He wasn't sure what to call it. But it did seem nice enough.
Lin nodded "true I wonder how many people they got to join there club? "
Gears yawned and said "Not many. Probably just those two and us now" he walked over to the window and looked up at the night sky again.

"Its getting kinda late..."
Gears watched her and decided now would be a good time to ask "Um...just for the record...why...do you like me?"
She turned to him and smiled "I think you are kind and sweet and you are vary handsome" she stood up and turned to him "why so you like me? "
Gears thought for a second "Because you seem like a good person" He smiled cheekily at her "And your very beautiful"
Mr. Ione sighed then walked up to the podium looking at the empty chairs then at the teachers he sighed agen "why must I do all the hard work" razing his hand he focused on all the students in the school and all at once he covered them in black smoke and transported them there and locking the doors. "alright everyone Liston closely because mister crabby pants" he pointed at Sir. Leo "and the love birds cant seem to be bothered with talking I have to inform you that the schools barer was put on lock down no-one in no-one out the only person able to unlock it is the head master and he along with most of the staff have dissipated " the whole time talking in a flat tone. " we request that you do not try to go through the barer you will be fried and will most likely end up dead" he smirked at the thought " now as for school you will still have classes but they will be changed" he went and snatched a paper out of Leo's hand " on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you will have Art, Gym, Health Magic and Battle and strategy" he flipped a page "on Tuesday and Thursday you will have English, Music, History, Flight and potions if you do not have these classed you will be free to do as you wish if you have any questions you may ask any of the teachers you all can leave" he started to walk off then turned back around " and because tomorrow is Friday you are free until Monday the classes are open to anyone who want to do what ever until then" he unlocked the doors then walked off.

(this is for everyone there are no exceptions :D )
Gears turned to Lin after the announcement "Well. That makes me feel safe. What do you think caused the dodgy barrier?"
Lin made sure her hood was up then turning to him she shrugged "it could be anything but it might be because of the head master and the teachers vanishing".

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