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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Nylana said:
Meredith scowls a little bit at Inuk, "Dang it! I thought that would work... Look, right now I need to know if you can control your powers without freezing my wings off, my darling. Please, can we talk about what I was thinking later on." She looks pleadingly at him and he can se that she is truly embarrased by whatever thought she had. @metalcity
Inuk pulled his lips off of her forehead "Dang it! I thought that would work...Fine we will discuses it later." Copying her expression in a slight sarcastic tone, he kept a sweet smile "Your adorable when your embarrassed." He said as he pecked his lips with hers before pulling away.

Meredith giggled slightly and sat on her bed as she pressed play on the dvd player. "You still havent made that necklace," she teased lightly. "What you need to do is concentrate on changing the globe in your hand into a necklace. Focus on the shape of the necklace as well as the details. Then, see the sphere youre holding melting into the exact replica of the necklace that you designed in your mind." @metalcity
Inuk giggled "You plan on wearing that to dinner later?" He started to think of her in her dress wearing a necklace while he asked this question. Doing so the sphere melted slightly and changed shape into a beautiful necklace that would suit her well. Not even realising he did it with his eyes open as he closed them and thought he was surprised to not have a feeling of completion. He opened his eye's again and looked at his hand "How did I do that?" He asked slightly confused.

Meredith grins, "You must have pictured a necklace that would go with my outfit. Sometimes, our powers pick up on our feelings and your mind automatically makes what you wish into reality if it fits with the scope of your powers. Do you want to try something else?" She looks very happy and kind of mischievous at this time. @metalcity
Meredith smirks slightly, "I want you to think about me in some way. It can be any way. but make a statue with that image in mind with your powers. @metalcity
Inuk sighed and closed his eyes, in a matter of seconds a detailed black icy tomato appeared on the palm of his hands. However it had some details and looked like a kawaii tomato from a far away land cartoon. He opened his eyes and smiled "Talking about tomato's, why are you a tomato with that thought?" He returned to his mystery, hoping to get a answer this time. He teasingly asked.

Meredith sighed softly, "Umm well I was going to have you make a detailed statue of what you think I look like without this dress. Maybe in a swimsuit." This bursts from her lips almost to fast for him to truly comprehend what she was saying. @metalcity
Inuk giggled slightly "But I don't know what you look like with out the dre...Oh? is that why you where blushing?" He teased as he lightly poked her nose jokingly.

Inuk grinned "I'm going to start to call you Cuto, Cute tomato." He stated playfully as he closed his eyes to try to think of her in revealing clothing. He then opened his eyes "I'm not sure Cuto, never really thought about that type of stuff. I'm not a pervert, like you." He added the last bit on jokingly.

Meredith sighs softly, "Just think about if it was summer vacation and we were swimming together. If you can't do that than picture an outfit that you would think looks good on me and make a statue of me with it on using your powers." @metalcity
Inuk smiled evilly, he closed his eyes. Dark ice started to swish around his hand and started to form a figure of her on his hand. His evil grin grow bigger, the delicate ice started to be thicker around the waist, then the kawaii tomato started to from around her chest and turned into a slight skirt by her legs. He opened his eyes and looked at it "I think that suits you." He teased with a wink.

Meredith not so gently swats him in the arm with a pretty thick spell book, "Really?" She sat down and immidieatly began t mutter the words to a spell. Suddenly, Inuk feels something forming on his back. His back began to feel heavy as he attempted to move. @metalcity
As Inuk's arm was hit he realised a joking gasp and fell to the floor other the statue "My statue! How could you! You monster!" He said other his crushed statue jokingly, he changed the air around his eyes to make it look like he was crying. He then fell on the crushed statue as his back became heavy, he pouted "It was joke." he stated continuing to pout jokingly, then he started to dig into teh floor as the thing on his back grow heavier "Ok, this is becoming a problem." He stated once again.

Inuk got up and looked at her "I'll make you pay." He teased as he walked over to Meredith, looking her in the eyes the whole time. As he reached her he placed his hand gently on her chin, raising her head slightly as he moved his head down to softly kiss her.

@Nylana (again, think we are the only two role playing here, and most of it is us kissing xD I think we scared them off)
Craven entered the auditorium with a slow stride, as he entered the auditorium he gazed at the room with a rather blank expression on his face and then he performed a wicked grin. He thought to himself "I'm going to have so much fun here....".
Lin looked over at gears as he talked to the teacher seeing him look like he was in pain she got up and went to him. "sorry Mr Roland but my I barrow him" she took his wrist gently and went and sat back down with him "hey are you ok?" she had a worried look on her face.

@Maxis Leos @Blacknife (( sorry guys it took so long ))
Gears looked up at Lin and nodded.

"Yeah. Felling a bit better" The spell still had its hold on him and when he went to ask Mr Roland his head started to hurt. He was trying not to focus on Lin's features too much, just in case he does something he would regret.

"Thanks for that" He said rubbing his head.
"your welcome" she said quietly then realizing she still had his wrist she quickly let go and started to play with her hair embarrassed. "im sorry it was a bad idea to go ask him I should of knew what ever it was would be stronger next to him"

@Blacknife @ anyone around not kissing xD

(btw gears and Lin are in the Auditorium for those of you who just joined)
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Gears shrugged his shoulder "No biggie. Nothing serous happened and i am fine now so.." He had stopped holding his head with his hand and was trying tom keep the train of thought running. Lin was a very pretty girl but he didnt know her so he wll enough to flirt, besides, what would he flirt about? He very rarely talked to people as it is. So conversation was hard enough much less flirting.
"thats good...." she gave him a small smile then turned to look at the people still in the room "I wonder if its a big deal....... if the teachers are just letting students leave" she said turning to the teachers "I mean Mr.Ione fell asleep" she pointed to a passed out teacher laying in the chairs.
Gears chuckled and said "Maybe we can just bail. Most of the students have left anyways so whats two more?" He stood up and offered her his hand "Can we get outa here already?" His heart was still racing but his head had everything under control by this point.
Meredith kissed him gently than pushed him towards the bed, "I need to take a warm shower. By the way don't look at your back ok?" With that said she ran to the bathroom and locked the door. @metalcity

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